All Chapters of The Great Trump Card: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
661 Chapters
Chapter 131 Guidance towards Dao Zi
Lin Huai brought Dao Zi over to the mini jungle where they stood facing each other. Lin Huai placed his arms behind his back as he circled around Dao Zi. With a smile on his face, he nodded and said, “Do you know why I think so highly of you?” Dao Zi asked, “No, why?” “Technically speaking, I defeated you before so you shouldn’t have caught my attention. Although you had better fighting prowess compared to Chu Wenxing, it's only by a small margin. Thus, the only reason I think highly of you is because you have a lot more potential in the martial arts world compared to him.” Dao Zi asked, “Is that because of my talent?” “Yes, you are right.” With a serious look on his face, Lin Huai said, “Most people don't think that talent plays a huge role. Although it is possible to make it up with hard work, at the end of the day, the most important thing would still be your talent. Anyone that watches the NBA would be able to unde
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Chapter 132 Barging into the Bar
Halfway through class, Wei Qimian whispered and asked, “Lin Huai, are you really leaving college for good?”Lin Huai softly replied, “Aren't I back now? My wife is here so how could I not return? Its just that I won’t be here every day to attend classes but I would still come back occasionally.”Wei Qimian said, “Alright then. There is nothing much I can say after all…”Lin Huai replied, “Yeah. Anyway, how’s college so far?”Wei Qimian said, “Ever since you took charge of the college, the discipline of all the students have improved. The situation here has completely transformed. Because of that, I would like to thank you on behalf of my mother.” Lin Huai smiled and said, “Aunty is the one that deserves the praise. My efforts are miniscule compared to hers.”“That’s not the case. I witnessed with my own eyes the amount of effort you put in to transform everything in the college. Although you seemed like a
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Chapter 133 Reclaiming the Protection F*e
There were about six to seven people in the room and most of them were smoking. As such, the entire room was clouded with smoke. Gong Zhenglong held some poker cards in his hand and he was shirtless. Upon seeing Lin Huai, he snapped. “All of you shut up and sit down!” The thugs who had planned to make a move had no choice but to sit back down. Gong Zhenglong then stared at Lin Huai sternly and coldly said, “Lin Huai, isn’t it rude of you to barge into my bar? I hope there’s a good reason for this.” “I’m going overboard?” Lin Huai laughed and strolled over. He kicked out at one of the thugs who was seated down. He was sent flying and Lin Huai took his seat.The thug that was sent flying fell and knocked his head on the ground. As such, blood flowed down his forehead. He stood up and glared at Lin Huai angrily. However, at the end of the day he was forced to keep his anger in and let things go.Lin Huai looked at Gong Zhenglong a
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Chapter 134 Still Faced with a Lack of Funds
Lin Huai asked, “You have any ideas?”Captain Wang smiled and said, “No, but I can work with you. I have my men mixed within Gong Zhenglong’s henchmen as spies. Gong Zhenglong is the most recent Red Cane out of the four. He is also someone with a fiery temper and offended many people including his own henchmen. Thus through certain means, I managed to slip in a few spies to his group of henchmen. I felt that getting close to Thunder God is a huge challenge but we could start from Gong Zhenglong.”Lin Huai finally understood why Captain Wang offered help. Turns out he wants accomplishment and be rewarded for it.Lin Huai smiled as he was satisfied with how things were going as well and said, “Sure!”Captain Wang said, “I will arrange the information regarding Gong Zhenglong tomorrow. Then I will email it to you. What’s your email address?”Lin Huai informed Captain Wang his e-mail address and shortly after, they hung up
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Chapter 135 Confession from Someone Living under the Same Roof
“Here, let me help you out.”“Brother Huai, it’s alright, continue resting in the living room. You have always made food for me so you are not allowed to cook today. Let me handle this.”Usually Li Liner would be at work so Lin Huai would be the one to make dinner. Breakfast on the other hand was usually made by Li Liner who would wake up earlier to do so.Lin Huai continued to relax in the living room and switched between the television channels. Then, he saw one of the channels broadcasting Wang Jiarui’s concert so he chucked the remote control to one side and enjoyed her performance. Wang Jiarui had a slender figure and sharp jawline. Her hair was dyed blonde and she had a sweet smile. The song she was performing on stage was a rather catchy one. Throughout her performance, she exuded an endless charisma which tempted Lin Huai to swing along to the beat of the song.Shortly after, Wang Jiarui sang the
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Chapter 136 Preparation Work
Lin Huai knew Li Liner caught feelings for him as it was obvious through their interactions in their daily life. However, he thought Li Liner was merely appreciative towards him and he had no idea she had fallen so deeply in love with him. Lin Huai gently replied, “Liner, you are an adorable and beautiful girl so there would be few guys who wouldn't fall for you. Thus, don't think too much and have a good night's rest alright?” “You don't like me, you just don't like me…” Li Liner opened her eyes but it was clear she was drunk. “Brother Lin Huai, I can tell that you pity and sympathize with me. You are a great person and I am appreciative of your help. However, I don't want your pity and sympathy… Actually I dare not think about having a relationship with you because there is no future for the two of us; I am not worthy of your love.” Lin Huai’s heart ached. “You foolish girl. Why would you say something like that? Who said you are not worth
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Chapter 137 You Said No but Your Body Language Says Otherwise
Lin Huai delegated the missions and asked Chu Wenxing to bring his men to the music college whereas he remained in Yulan College for classes. That way he could also come up with a name for the bar so that he could get the signage made as soon as possible.Lin Huai returned back to college and Teacher Pu Yingxue was in the midst of her lesson. When she saw that Lin Huai was back, she was delighted. There were fewer music classes compared to other subjects and as Lin Huai was not around in college most of the time, this was the first music lesson that Lin Huai attended in a while.“Class has already begun and you are ten minutes late. Hurry up and take a seat. Make sure you don’t come in late next time.” Although Pu Yingxue was reprimanding Lin Huai, her voice was still gentle and pleasant.Lin Huai felt a tug at his heartstrings and he felt overjoyed. Being scolded by Pu Yingxue was still an enjoyable process. He quickly agreed with her and retu
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Chapter 138 Li Liner’s Seduction
Lin Huai spent the entire morning flirting with Wei Qimian and he only left at two pm in the afternoon. On the way back, he stopped by at the supermarket and bought some vegetables. When he reached home, he gave Thunder God a call. He informed Thunder God that he would be officially opening the bar ten days later and that he had also come up with a name for the bar. After all, Thunder God had shares in the bar as well so Lin Huai had to inform and discuss these issues with him.Upon listening to what Lin Huai said, Thunder God sounded like he was very satisfied. He chuckled and said, “Lin Huai, you are a very capable person. You are able to get everything done in such a short period of time. To be honest, I didn’t expect you to be able to do it. Go ahead and do as you deem fit. If you need any help just let me know. Although I might not be able to help in other aspects of the business, I would make sure a lot of people attend your opening ceremony.”
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Chapter 139 Extreme Temptation
Lin Huai turned on the lights in his room and Li Liner pushed the door open. She glanced inside the room and carefully asked, “May I come in?”Lin Huai replied, “Sure.”Upon seeing Li Liner still dressed in the same pyjamas, Lin Huai broke down. Why is this happening to me? Does she really think that I am someone that can control my sexual feelings? I am a perfectly normal man!Sigh. How could it be possible for a normal man to not feel horny or have any reaction under such circumstances?Lin Huai cleared his throat and said, “Is something wrong?”If the zipper was spoilt again, I would be able to resolve it within a minute. For the sake of her comfort, I shall hang in there.Li Liner shyly said, “Nope but are you free to come over to my room? I have been learning English over the past few days… But my foundation is really horrible and since you are a college student, could you help me out and teach me?”
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Chapter 140 So Disappointing
Eventually Li Liner was hoodwinked by Lin Huai to go and wash up. Lin Huai immediately stood up and dashed out of her room. He fled back to his room before heaving a sigh of relief.The next day, Lin Huai woke up and got ready to have breakfast. When he saw Li Liner, the image of her being in the pyjamas that she wore last night surfaced. Upon that, the temperature of his body rose. Li Liner was also a little nervous. After all, she was an innocent girl and had never worn such sexy pyjamas. In fact when she went to the mall to purchase the pyjamas yesterday, she was blushing the entire time. She could not believe that she wore such pyjamas last night. Moreover, it was to seduce Lin Huai. Her heart raced upon the thought of that. After breakfast, they each went their separate ways.Lin Huai waited at home for Thunder God’s henchmen to deliver him the car. The car was given by Thunder God and Thunder God had asked his henchmen to
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