All Chapters of The Great Trump Card: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
663 Chapters
Chapter 151 Li Liner’s Proposal
Lin Huai smiled as he said, “Introduce yourselves to the new manager. She will be in charge of the business affairs of this store so she will be your boss. Chat among yourself, I will be resting upstairs so I won’t be disturbing you guys.”Lin Huai especially gave some time for Li Liner and the employees. Li Liner might be a little bit flustered, but she would need to experience this one way or another. Only by letting her face them and communicating with them alone and give them instructions, then they would truly respect her; otherwise they would only care about Lin Huai and not Li Liner.Lin Huai went to the room upstairs and laid on the bed. He suddenly thought about what had happened a few days back with Liu Meiqi; it was as if the bed still had Liu Meiqi’s body warmth.Sigh, am I a scum? I’ve already done that with Liu Meiqi so it should be obvious that they would be official. But then what about Wei Qimian?Lin Huai felt con
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Chapter 152 Apologize
Li Liner instinctively wanted to hide away, but she remembered that she was the store manager now and everybody had their eyes on her for everything she did. This was the first day of her working, how could she hide away when customers visit?Li Liner bit her lips and took a deep breath as she stood her ground and looked straight at those people. She wanted to see if they just happened to come over to hang out or anything else.Boss Wang and the others could be seen looking around the bar, they then locked their eyes on Li Liner who was standing at the bar and instantly walked toward her.“So they were really looking for me? They came over to cause trouble to me again?” Li Liner gasped and was nervous. She then remembered that she was on Lin Huai’s turf; she wasn't even afraid of them this afternoon, so why would she be afraid of them now?Li Liner mustered up all her might and faced all of them with determination in her eyes. Lin
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Chapter 153 Li Liner Needs a Bath
Lin Huai smiled as he asked, “What did they give you?”“Necklace, ring, perfume, expensive cosmetics and masks…”“Oh, these bosses are also quite the player, they know what girls like the most. Come over here and we can try putting on the ring and necklace first.”Li Liner was quite bashful, “Do I…put them on now?”“What's wrong with that?” Lin Huai said naturally, “They gave you these presents so they all belong to you, so of course you can put them on now.”“Then you help me put them on.” Li Liner said shyly with joy and expectation.Lin Huai walked up to her and smiled, “Does this count as me offering gifts at the expense of others?”Lin Huai first put on the ring for her. When he was putting on the necklace on her, the two of their bodies stuck close to each other to the point where they could hear each other’s heartbeats and the breaths they were letting out on each other’s bodies.
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Chapter 154 Li Qianqian’s Resort
Next day afternoon, Lin Huai endured a tremendous torture and came to Li Liner’s room to teach her some English lessons. Lin Huai had never thought that it would be such a delightful torture for him to teach someone as talented and smart as her. If it was another man, they wouldn't be able to control themselves.They finally had their ‘breakfast’ around noon. As they were having their meal together, Lin Huai blamingly said to himself, “This is all my fault, your time is all over the place.”Li Liner smiled sweetly and said, “Why, did you regret having me as your lady owner…I mean manager for your store?”Lin Huai snickered and looked at Li Liner, “Lady owner? Oh my, I bet you really wanted to be one?”“Not at all.” Li Liner’s heart was racing fast as she thought to herself, Even if I did think to myself, I still can't say it out loud. You didn't even give me any name or status.The atmosphere turned romantic and the tw
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Chapter 155 Bad Word
It was quite difficult to call the relationship between Lin Huai and Li Qianqian as a couple. Even though the time they spent together was the most compared to anyone, they were clear about the relationship between them. Li Qianqian made it clear that she would never treat Lin Huai as her boyfriend since she did not want someone who was so much younger than her. It would be too insecure. Because of this, Lin Huai had always been free and easy around her.After Lin Huai and Li Liner ate some hotpot at the hotpot restaurant, they went home together. After Li Liner changed into her new bought clothes and came out from the room, Lin Huai immediately jumped up from the sofa as his eyes lit up. He said excitedly, “So beautiful, smile a bit Li Liner.”Li Liner’s pretty face blushed and she broke out a smile.Lin Huai exclaimed, “I finally understand what it means for being a beautiful lady to be able to overthrow a kingdom.”Li Liner pout
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Chapter 156 Lin Huai Ripping Off Customers!
The confusion in Li Qianqian’s eyes were getting more obvious. She knew this bar belonged to Lin Huai, he told her about this before, but why did the owner turn to another girl and not Lin Huai?And the most important thing was, even though Lin Huai wasn’t the owner, he still wouldn’t be a server. She thought in a matter of fact that maybe this was a trick Lin Huai had thought of. She didn’t know what he was plotting, so she did not reveal anything and waited to see what good things that would happen that night.Li Qianqian actually thought too much. Lin Huai mainly just wanted to let everyone know Li Liner was in charge of the store; since he already let Li Liner take care of the store and everything needed to go through her, only then everyone will definitely respect her.The young man replied and said arrogantly, “Let’s go and see what kind of drinks your place has. Qianqian, honestly speaking I don’t want to treat you for a drink at a small
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Chapter 157 These Were All Just A Scheme
At that moment, a few of the singers had arrived. Lin Huai’s eyes rolled and he waved his hand to call Zhang Jiajia over. He silently gave her some instructions.Zhang Jiajia was listening to Lin Huai as she looked over at Manager Zhou. She nodded and started to walk up the stage to perform with the other singers.Manager Zhou saw Zhang Jiajia on stage and his eyes lit up. He then saw Zhang Jiajia sending winks at him and felt delighted inside. Someone as beautiful and as her immediately sent signals toward him as soon as she saw him, was she enamoured by his temperament and handsomeness? Women these days really have good taste. Sigh, if only he didn’t have to handle this fine piece in front of him, he wouldn’t have let the one on the stage go.Manager Zhou reluctantly averted his eyes and smiled, “Qianqian, the singers in this bar is quite acceptable.”“Yeah.” Li Qianqian was listening to the fine melody as she admired Lin Huai’s
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Chapter 158 The Wrath of Li Liner
Since she now knew that it was all a setup from Lin Huai, Li Qianqian would have to spare some time for him. Therefore, she stood up and told Zhou Yong, “I need to use the washroom and I’ll be right back.”“Sure, go ahead.” With Zhang Jiajia around, Zhou Yong was too distracted to bother Li Qianqian. Although he was tempted by Li Qianqian’s beauty, he was forced to restrain himself with her sitting here. Therefore, it was perhaps better for Li Qianqian to be gone for a few minutes.As Li Qianqian left, she was dragged by Lin Huai to a room on the second floor. With just the both of them in the room, Li Qianqian seductively looked at Lin Huai and said, “Tell me, was it you who planned for Zhang Jiajia to show up there?”“Who else could it be if it wasn’t me? Do you really think she was there because of Zhou Yong’s good looks?”After Lin Huai finished his words, Li Qianqian suddenly wrapped her arms around him and began kissing him.
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Chapter 159 The Bikers
After the incident, Lin Huai had a few words with Li Liner and gave Li Qianqian a ride home.Li Qianqian, who sat on the passenger next to him, suddenly wrapped her arms around Lin Huai’s neck before they began making out. Li Qianqian kissed Lin Huai’s lips so passionately that he could hardly catch his breath.The two of them only released each other after a few seconds. Then, Li Qianqian mischievously gazed at Lin Huai and said, “I can tell that you’ve fallen under Li Liner’s spell.”Lin Huai said with a bitter smile, “Didn’t I already tell you about her? She is just a miserable girl. Things between both of us are surely not like what you think.”“Yes, you did, but you never know a girl. Since she is into you, she would even make out with you if you asked her, do you believe me?”Lin Huai thought to himself. I may not know much about girls, but I’m not aware of Li Liner’s feelings toward me.Lin Huai bit
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Chapter 160 Taking Away Wei Qimian’s Man
Lin Huai would usually not be bothered by these young kids. He wasn’t very much older than they were, but he was a lot more mature, which made them seem like brats to him.Nonetheless, Lin Huai was impulsive and belligerent, just like any other young man. He wouldn’t always react to such a provocation, but there were still times he would act recklessly.Although the bikers were leading, Lin Huai slowly gained on them. Soon, the bikers drifted at the turning not far ahead one by one, implying that they were somehow skilled in street racing.As they looked back to stick out their middle finger again, they suddenly caught a glimpse of something moving past them at a lightning speed. It was Lin Huai’s car, an ordinary sedan that drifted past them right before their eyes.“Wow! What did I just see?”“This looks awesome! I’ve never seen such a perfect drift.”“This dude is definitely a professional racer. He dri
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