All Chapters of The Great Trump Card: Chapter 161 - Chapter 170
665 Chapters
Chapter 161 The Arrogant Hua Shiting
The girl was a little embarrassed, although she managed to hide it. In fact, she only said, “Sorry, I didn’t know the both of you are a couple. I just want to have a few words with your boyfriend, but if you’re worried, you could always come along to keep an eye on your boyfriend.”Wei Qimian heard the girl but merely smiled. “What’s there for me to be worried about? Go ahead.”Upon hearing Wei Qimian’s words, the girl looked at her in surprise before she shifted her eyes to Lin Huai and said, “Come with me then.”As Lin Huai looked at Wei Qimian, the latter smiled and said, “Do I look like I’m worried that I’d be cheated on? Go ahead. I’ll be in the canteen.” “Alright.” Lin Huai was gleeful deep down. It seemed to him that Wei Qimian was actually piqued, especially when the girl told her that she could tag along if she was worried. Furthermore, Lin Huai reckoned the girl’s remark carried an undertone of sarcasm toward Wei Qimian’
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Chapter 162 Avenging Li Liner!
Hua Shiting paused as her face began to darkened. She then frowned and stared at Lin Huai in disgust while questioning, “Don’t you already have a girlfriend? So, you’re going to dump her and make me your girlfriend instead?”Lin Huai stared at the bewildered Hua Shiting and said, “Oh dear, what’re you thinking? My girlfriend is a beauty. So, why would I dump her for you? Money doesn't grow on trees.”Despite Hua Shiting’s indifferent nature, she couldn’t help but widen her eyes and stare at Lin Huai. The latter then explained, “When I say I want you to be my girlfriend for three days, I mean you have to do whatever I tell you to in these three days. If you agree, then we will have a deal; if you don’t, then I guess I’m sorry, because it won’t change my mind no matter how much you’re willing to pay.”Hua Shiting appeared hesitant when she heard that.“Everything has a price to pay. You can’t just get anyone to do you a favor without
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Chapter 163 The Street Race
With their jaws broken, the Big Guy and Zhang Zai couldn’t utter a single word, but only pitifully looked at Lin Huai. Although Blondie was severely beaten, he was the only one of the three who was able to talk. Therefore, he quickly kneeled down and miserably begged for mercy. “Please! I’m sorry. We’ve learned from our mistakes, and we’ll put a stop to what we’ve been doing. Please let us go!”Lin Huai slowly approached them and lightly let out a sigh. “For all the bad deeds you’ve done, do you really think you can get away with it by simply just begging for mercy? You should have known the consequence of your doing earlier. Furthermore, you don’t have to commit a crime twice to be proven guilty, because once was enough for you to face the consequence!”Blondie suddenly stood up and jumped on Lin Huai, probably knowing Lin Huai wasn’t going to let him off anyway. Therefore, he might as well go all out and fight Lin Huai.Lin Huai lightly sighe
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Chapter 164 The Race!
“Look! She is here!” A toff standing behind Xing Long suddenly exclaimed.As everyone turned their heads to look in the direction, they saw a bike moving at lightning speed and pulling up in front of them. A slim and pretty young girl then got off her bike and took off her helmet, revealing her stunningly beautiful face. It was none other than—Hua Shiting.Despite Hua Shiting’s nonchalant appearance, her entrance was greeted with a roaring cheer from the crowd.“Hua Shiting! Hua Shiting! Hua Shiting! Hua Shiting!”With such high popularity, she seemed as if she was a professional racer who just arrived. However, many who were present didn’t actually come for the race, but instead for this breathtaking beauty.Hua Shiting was surrounded by a few other young girls, despite her indifferent behavior. “Shi Ting, how confident are you?” After gathering around, they started gossiping.“That’s right. Because if yo
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Chapter 165 Drift King!
Lin Huai sped up so fast that the bystanders instantly lost sight of him, along with the other motorcyclists, who were taken aback and amazed by his speed and skill.Every other motorcyclist in this race underestimated Lin Huai and thought lightly of his riding skills. Nevertheless, they were about to eat their words seeing Lin Huai speedily drift at the turning, where most motorcyclists would have slowed down. Despite the steep landscape, Lin Huai didn’t slow down but instead picked up his pace to overtake his opponents one by one, leading in second place. In a blink of an eye, Lin Huai was already close behind the Fox Hunter.Lin Huai kept accelerating until he caught up with the Fox Hunter. The latter was shocked and distracted when Lin Huai came abreast of his motorcycle, causing him to nearly crash into the cliff on the side. Although he managed to keep calm and redirect his focus on the road, Lin Huai was already ahead of him.Damn it! Ho
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Chapter 166 Assassinating Lin Huai
Hua Shiting was speechless.She initially thought Lin Huai was trying to strike up a conversation with her, but she couldn’t believe he was instead asking for the money she owed her. Therefore, she sulked and complained to herself deep down. You didn’t look that eager to have me as your three-day girlfriend. Why must I wait until you have a bad day? Am I not worth a hundred grand?Piqued, Hua Shiting reached out for her phone and said coldly, “Give me your account number.”Lin Huai quickly told her his account number, shortly before receiving a text message notifying him about the transaction. After that, Lin Huai flashed his cell phone at Hua Shiting and said, “Alright, that’s all. You better go back home now.”Hua Shiting was rendered speechless. She pulled a poker face and got on her motorcycle before she quickly rode off.“Well, her motorcycling skills are actually not half bad,” Lin Huai touched his nose and said.
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Chapter 167 The Calm Before the Storm
Lin Huai lay down on his bed, pondering all these years that he had been serving Thunder God. Although he quickly rose through the ranks and became one of the five red canes, he was still hardly involved in any affairs of the Thunder Gang. Therefore, wouldn’t it be an opportunity for him to have a try now? Furthermore, Gong Zhenglong had always borne a strong grudge against Lin Huai, which would cause trouble to the latter sooner or later.Upon contemplating briefly, Lin Huai made a call. After the call connected, he decisively said, “Chu Wenxing, I told you to send someone to watch Gong Zhenglong earlier on. So, where is he now?”“Big boss, I’ll call my men and tell you later.”“Alright!”After the two of them hung up, Chu Wenxing called back a minute later. “Brother Huai, Gong Zhenglong just left the KTV and is now at Tianshui Massage Parlor.”“I see,” Lin Huai knitted his eyebrow slightly and said. Tianshui Massage
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Chapter 168 Just Like Our First Love
After breakfast, Lin Huai came to Yulan College to attend class. Although attending school was no longer important to Lin Huai, he still went to school for the sake of Wei Qimian. After all, it would make their situation no different than a long-distance relationship if they didn’t see each other every day.“How was the race yesterday?” Wei Qimian softly asked once Lin Huai sat down.“Oh, I won the race,” Lin Huai said while he downplayed his victory.“I didn’t know that you were good at racing,” Wei Qimian said in surprise.“Of course, your husband is an exceptional man.” Lin Huai smirked. Then, he continued to say, “Anyway, they’re all just amateur racers, who’re not that skilled. So, I have to admit that I was lucky too.”Wei Qimian wasn’t really into auto racing, so she took Lin Huai’s words rather seriously. As a matter of fact, the second runner-up in the Amateur Auto Race Tournament, Fox Hunter, was skilled enou
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Chapter 169 Gong Zhenglong’s Death!
Gong Zhenglong was a person with a short fuse. Previously, he got into a fight with Wang Hui, the red cane of True Martial Gate, over some women. As a result, he was stabbed by Wang Hui with a knife. So, there was no way he’d just sit by and do nothing about it.Not long after, Gong Zhenglong brought some men to mess around with Wang Hui on his turf. While the two forces traded blows, both parties had sustained injuries with neither of them coming out on top. The two gang leaders now wanted each other dead. Therefore, if Gong Zhenglong was killed during this period of time, who would think it was Lin Huai’s doing?On the night before Wang Jiarui’s concert, Lin Huai headed to the lounge on the second floor after arriving at the bar with Li Liner. However, he didn’t go there to rest. Instead, he surreptitiously snuck out of the window and slowly disappeared from the back alley.Soon, Lin Huai arrived at a remote apartment, where Gong Zhenglong’s
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Chapter 170 An Intimate Moment with Li Liner
After Lin Huai hung up the call, Li Liner noticed the smug grin on his face and curiously asked, “Brother Huai, what’s going on?”“I killed Gong Zhenglong earlier today.”“What?”“You heard me. He was one of Thunder God’s four red canes back then. There have been five of us since I joined.”“But Thunder God isn’t going to let you off so easily. After all, you just joined him not long ago,” Li Liner stated with her eyes wide open.“You’re technically right,” Lin Huai said with a smile, “But I pinned the blame on True Martial Gate which had been in a conflict with Gong Zhenglong.”“And Thunder God bought your story?”“Does he seem like he has a choice? Furthermore, he decides to believe it.”“Why is it so?”“He has been looking for a chance to wage war on the other triad forces in the first place. This is because he can unite the entire underground world of Chengbei Dis
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