All Chapters of The Great Trump Card: Chapter 181 - Chapter 190
668 Chapters
Chapter 181 Breaking His Arms!
“What do you mean by that?” Scarface asked with a low voice.Then, a skinny guy with tattoos all over his arms stood up. While fiddling with a switchblade, he coldly gazed at Lin Huai and said, “Are you really going to lead us in seeking revenge on Wang Hui?”“Yes, after forming a meticulous plan.” Lin Huai added in a serious manner, “Obey me and I’ll avenge you all in a month’s time. If I fail to do so, I’ll give all the streets back to Big Boss Lei.”“Alright.” Scarface said, “If you can avenge us, we promise to be your loyal followers.”“Then, I guess we have a deal. From now on, I’m your big boss for the month. Therefore I don’t care who you are, because whoever disobeys me will be punished by rules,” Lin Huai replied. Soon, everyone looked at each other and stood up in response, finally behaving themselves.While looking at Scarface and the skinny guy, Lin Huai asked, “I suppose the both of you are their leaders,
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Chapter 182 Better to Have Loved and Lost Than Never to Have Loved at All
Upon instilling the values of unity into their minds, Lin Huai gave Li Zhi and Wang Zhengyang a mission. He told them to bring all of their men to the nightclub, including Zhang Long’s underlings because he wanted all of them to recognize their new leader. Although these people were loyal followers to Li Zhi and Wang Zhengyang, who in turn took orders from Lin Huai, the latter saw beyond controlling the middle management, which he reckoned it was necessary to get in touch with those people at the bottom of the hierarchy.After Li Zhi and Wang Zhengyang left the office, Chu Wenxing excitedly said, “Brother Huai, you just nailed it! I’ve heard about Zhang Long before, knowing him as a cruel man, yet you managed to maim him without too much trouble.”“How did you feel just now?” Lin Huai smiled and asked. “Just now?” Chu Wenxing hesitated for a while and said, “I was scared, even though I’ve always been on your side. What happened back there was traumatic enou
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Chapter 183 Dining with Wang Jiarui
The next morning, Lin Huai received an unexpected phone call from the pop star, Wang Jiarui. In fact, he knew this was coming since he saved Wang Jiarui’s life, reckoning she would surely show her gratitude. Once the call connected, Wang Jiarui thanked Lin Huai, whereupon the latter replied, “Don’t mention it. Have the police found anything new? Who sent the assassin after you?”“Nope, nothing new,” Wang Jiarui said, “but the assassin is probably still in the midst of interrogation. I heard from the police that he is tight-lipped, refusing to reveal anything, but they’ll let me know once they discover something new.”“I see. He is a professional hitman after all. Back there, he went so far as to even try committing suicide. Therefore, I doubt it’ll be easy to make a ‘famous’ hitman like him talk. Anyway, I guess we should put our faith in the police and wait for their news.”“Exactly my thoughts. It has only been two days anyhow, which seems to
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Chapter 184 Trouble on Lin Huai’s Turf
“So, is that a ‘yes’ or ‘no’?” Wang Jiarui asked in a coquettish manner.While feeling his heart beating like a jackhammer, Lin Huai cursed himself deep down. What the heck is going on? You used to look down upon those silly fans, yet you’ve become one of them now. However, Lin Huai soon regained his composure and shook his head, saying, “Well, I don’t think I’m available for a new job at the moment because I still have some unfinished business to deal with.”“Alright then, I can wait anyway. You have my contact, don’t you? So, we’ll keep in touch. If the culprit has yet to be found by the time you’re done with your business, come and be my bodyguard. I’ll double your pay.”“Come on. You’re my idol. I could make an exception,” Lin Huai said with a smile.“No way. If that was the case, I wouldn’t have to pay a single cent if I dined at a restaurant owned by my fan or bought a purse from my fan’s shop.” Wang Jiarui smiled and said, “
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Chapter 185 Taking Down Jiang Ba
As it was getting darker, Li Zhi finally came into the office with two goons who stirred up trouble on Lin Huai’s turf. Although one of them towered over the other, they both showed a similar stuck-up expression, as if they had nothing to fear. While the taller guy had a hideous appearance, the shorty had a cut on his forehead with blood trickling down his face. Nonetheless, his eyes were filled with violence and savagery.On the other hand, Lin Huai was initially going through some journals, but when he saw Li Zhi with the two goons, he immediately laid down his journals and smiled at them. “Release them because I’m sure we don’t want to frighten our ‘guests’. Even a prisoner on death row gets to have his last meal.” Li Zhi was stunned by Lin Huai’s reply, but still he did as he was told and instructed his men to release the two goons. Needless to say, the two of them didn’t even try to escape even though they were now free from restraint. After all, they were on Lin H
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Chapter 186 Wu Shanhe’s Alignment
Jiang Ba’s eyes were now filled with nothing else but murderous intent. He wouldn’t hold back against anyone who stood in his way, including Lin Huai, even if it had to cost his life. As he saw Lin Huai coming his way, Jiang Ba eerily smiled and said, “I’ll take you down now. If the worst comes to the worst, I’ll just leave Chengbei District forever!”When he finished his words, he sprang forward and swung his dual blades at Lin Huai. While witnessing his superb speed and strength, everyone was amazed at this man’s skills, especially now that they had already seen what Jiang Ba was capable of with his dual blades. Perhaps even Gong Zhenglong wouldn’t have dared to take Jiang Ba head on.On the other hand, Wang Zhengyang was planning to advise Lin Huai to take cover while seeking the right opportunity to strike together. Nonetheless, Lin Huai didn’t flinch as he thought, but instead rushed to battle Jiang Ba, which was much to his surprise. The next moment t
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Chapter 187 A Date with Wang Jiarui
Wu Shanhe nodded and said in a serious manner, “Yes, I want to serve you.” In response, Lin Huai asked with a smile, “Why?”“That’s because I no longer have a place in Yulan College.” Wu Shanhe let out a sigh and continued to say, “You’re now the boss in Yulan College. I also heard you’ve made quite a name for yourself around our school. Because of that, I can no longer grow an influence of my own. So, I don’t know what else I can do besides serving you.”“Haven’t you thought about attending school and finding a job when you graduate?” Lin Huai asked.Wu Shanhe shook his head, saying, “I could go down that path, but there is something else I want even more badly. Every time I think about fighting, I can sense a burning desire taking over my body.”Upon hearing his reply, Lin Huai only responded with a sigh. In fact, he didn’t want to involve too many of those around him into his underground affairs. After all, he wasn’t planning to
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Chapter 188 An Ambiguous Moment in the Fitting Room
Wang Jiarui turned around in place and unknowingly drew a lot of attention. Then, she quickly rushed to Lin Huai and ran along with him, leaving the latter in confusion. “Why are we running?”Wang Jiarui chuckled and said, “I’m worried that the people would recognize me. Haha! This is interesting.” In response, Lin Huai speechlessly shook his head. I can’t believe a big star would get so happy over something so trivial. Her life is far different from what I expected. Now that I recall about the stories Wang Jiarui told me during the meal, it really pains me to see her go through the struggle every now and then.Wang Jiarui asked in a coquettish manner, “What’s on your mind?” Lin Huai smiled and said in response, “Nothing much. I’m just thinking about hanging out with you these two days.”“Haha. That’s my man. I’m going to get you two set of clothes, which I’ll personally pick for you to reward your service. So, you need to trust my taste, and I
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Chapter 189 The Father of Li Muhua
Lin Huai accidentally leaned forward and fell toward Wang Jiarui, causing the latter to fall backward. However, the man quickly reacted and got hold of her, catching her tightly in his arms with their lips just inches away from each other.Oh dear! I really didn’t mean it! Lin Huai’s heart was beating like crazy as he had some other thoughts to himself deep down. If I had really done this on purpose, I would have made sure not to miss her lips. But darn it! How come I couldn’t reach her lips? It’s just so close, yet so far!With the lady in his arm, they found their faces nearly touching each other. Soon, Wang Jiarui’s cheeks blushed in shyness, while her eyes were filled with bashful sentiment. As their eyes met, their hearts pounded even faster than before. After that, Lin Huai swallowed his saliva and thought to himself. I’m so close to her lips. Should I pretend to fall and kiss her? No way! I can’t do that because I’m a decent man. More importantly, th
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Chapter 190 A Secret Admiration
Lin Huai smiled and said, “Uncle Li, is this your wife?” However, Li Tongchuan was annoyed hearing that. Putting on an unhappy face, he said, “Hold it right there. You’re not qualified to call me uncle yet.”Lin Huai responded with a smile and said, “Oh, but I know your son, Li Muhua, which is why I called you uncle. If you don’t think that’s how I should address you, I could do as you wish.” Lin Huai’s reply took Li Tongchuan aback, as the latter asked, “You know Muhua?”The woman beside Li Tongchuan appeared to be surprised as well. Upon observing their expressions, Lin Huai was able to see through their uneasiness and guess the reason behind it. He then smiled and said, “If Uncle Li insists on buying this dress, I could give it up, but I’ll have to call Li Muhua and tell him about that. I could do him the favor, but he has to know about it.”“Never mind.” Li Tongchuan’s expression darkened, as he coldly replied, “I guess I’m too old to keep
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