All Chapters of The Great Trump Card: Chapter 171 - Chapter 180
665 Chapters
Chapter 171 Victory in the Bag
The next day, Lin Huai thoughtfully made Li Liner some delicious breakfast. However, their breakfast was also their brunch because they usually woke up late. Considering the ‘exhausting business’ they had last night, Lin Huai prepared a hearty breakfast for Li Liner to help get her strength back up. Then, he picked at the food, shortly before he set off for the rendezvous.Now that they knew Lin Huai’s identity, everyone in the restaurant who saw him addressed him as ‘Brother Huai’. Lin Huai made his way to the room, where it was already full of people. He then embarrassedly said, “I’m sorry for being late.”Thunder God waved at him in response. “Sit down. You’re not late. It’s just us who came earlier.” Lin Huai did as told and sat furthest away from the center. After all, he was still the novice among the five red canes, despite having moved up the rank following Gong Zhenglong’s death. Besides Thunder God himself, there were a few veterans present in the
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Chapter 172 A Confrontation Between Rivals in Love
Thunder God turned his attention to everyone else with a stern look on his face. “I hope all of you heard that. Lin Huai’s territory is now the smallest. He also has the least manpower, which doesn’t fit his status at all. Lin Huai was supposed to take over the turf, but we held him back because of our worries. Nonetheless, now that Lin Huai has promised that he’ll get along with Gong Zhenglong’s men, I shall put him in charge of the turf. So, I hope there will be no hard feeling among you all.”“Big Boss Lei, it seems like you’ve worried too much. We knew Lin Huai should be next in line to be the new leader on Gong Zhenglong’s turf, even though we’re afraid that he may have trouble with the takeover. Anyway, since Lin Huai is so confident, we have no objection to the decision,” Kang Peng responded with a smile.Lin Huai shot another gaze at Kang Peng, impressed by the latter’s generosity and kindness. Therefore, he reckoned Kang Peng looked more like a com
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Chapter 173 Li Muhua
“Err…” Lin Huai said with an awkward smile, “You’re jealous, aren’t you?”“Oh come on, I already knew what’s going on when I first saw her.” Wei Qimian snorted and continued to add in a complacent manner, “Anyway, I don’t blame you. After all, she owes you her life, and for that, I bet she wants to repay her debt by committing herself to you. Am I right?” Lin Huai was rendered speechless by Wei Qimian’s accurate guess, and his guilty conscience started to haunt him.“Well, I’m not surprised if she thinks that way. Furthermore, I can’t blame her because you two are living under the same roof. You might not have had a thing for her at first, but as time went by, it’s hard to say whether you can still hold yourself against the temptation. I understand men have ‘needs’. After all, I’ve seen a lot of playboys among those whom I hang around with. Compared to them, you’re a lot better.”“Mianmian, you’re my only girlfriend,” Lin Huai guiltily said.
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Chapter 174 Wang Jiarui, the Charming Star
While everyone held their breath, a woman wearing black upper tights and a pair of long white pants soon ascended from the bottom of the stage. The whole crowd was hyped when this woman appeared on all the large screens. Lin Huai opened his eyes wide open when he saw Wang Jiarui, who seemed just like a goddess descending to the earth. Besides Wei Qimian, she was the second woman who took Lin Huai’s breath away. She then put her hands up in the air and waved at the crowd, while shouting to her mic, “Do you guys miss me?”“Yes, we do!” While the crowd’s voices echoed through every single corner of the stadium, Lin Huai realized Wei Qimian’s loud reply was also among the unanimous responses. Meanwhile, Song Tingting, Zhou Yuanyuan, Pu Yingxue and Li Liner were shouting too. Their faces flushed with excitement while their eyes brightened up.“I miss you guys too. Do you all love me?” Wang Jiarui waved her hand while showing an angelic smile on her face.
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Chapter 175 Dancing Before Thousands of People
Amidst the loud cheers of excitement, many hands were seen raised up in the air. Some were even bouncing up and down, while shouting ‘me’. Wei Qimian turned to look at Lin Huai, and raised his hand up. Lin Huai was tempted to give a shot, but he didn’t put up his hand due to his concern for Wei Qimian’s feelings. Therefore, seeing what his girlfriend just did, he curiously asked, “What’re you doing?”“I’m a lady, and you don’t expect me to go up onstage and perform, do you? So, raise up your hand, gentleman!” Wei Qimian said with a smile.“Err…”“Relax, I won’t get jealous. She is a big star, not like those random girls whom you hit on. So, get yourself up there, and don’t forget to get me her autograph.”“Okay, but there are so many people here. So, I can’t guarantee I’m going to stand a chance.” Lin Huai did as Wei Qimian told him and raised his hand. Although he felt like there was only a slim chance he would get chosen, he was
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Chapter 176 The Lurking Danger at the Concert
When Lin Huai started singing, he shocked the audience with his magnetic masculine voice. It sounded so sentimental that it brought a lump to their throats, while they felt tears rolling in their eyes. Although Lin Huai was not a pop star, his vocal skills were perhaps even on par with those of Wang Jiarui.Wang Jiarui looked at Lin Huai in surprise, while her heart fluttered. She was supposed to perform this duet with another male singer, who didn’t really measure up as his voice would lower the tone of this song, although it would have still become a classical song in the years to come. Yet, what surprised her the most was the fact that her fan’s skills were even better than the male singer, if not as close as the best singer in the musical industry. At this moment, she wouldn’t mind even if his skills were a notch below hers.This is amazing! It’s unbelievably amazing! At this time, Wang Jiarui began to look closer at Lin Huai’s appearance, noticing his
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Chapter 177 An Assassin in Disguise
Knowing Lin Huai, Wei Qimian was certain that her boyfriend didn’t mean flirting with the singer. However, the serious look on Lin Huai’s face worried her. She felt an urge to ask him more questions, but was soon held back by the fear of wasting Lin Huai’s time. Therefore, she nodded and said, “Alright, we’ll get back to your apartment. Tell us what is happening when you get back.”“Alright,” Lin Huai replied in agreement and raced in the direction of the stage. He then saw Wang Jiarui’s agent along the way, whom he knew could take him backstage. However, Lin Huai had to first make it through the crowd that was packed like sardines. Fortunately, he managed to squeeze through and made his way to the lady whom he worriedly asked, “Miss Zhou, please take me to Wang Jiarui.”“Oh,” Zhou Ranran was a little surprised to see Lin Huai. She soon asked with a smile, “Did you just change your mind to join our company?”“No,” Lin Huai anxiously answered, “
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Chapter 178 The Cross-dresser
Lin Huai responded with a cold smile. “It’s not that I was fast, but it’s you who were slow. I guess you’re still new, aren’t you? Anyway, you’re considered pretty good for a novice, especially your impressive disguise. So, I believe you’d have succeeded today if it hadn’t been me. By the way, I’ve heard about a young and ‘potential’ assassin lately, whose nickname is ‘Cross-dresser’, skilled at disguising as any kind of woman. You are the assassin, aren’t you?”Covering his chest with his hand, the assassin stood up, while enduring the overwhelming pain of the injury. He looked at Lin Huai in terror and asked, “Who are you?”Lin Huai said and smiled, “It seems like my guess is right. Winners make the call, so you don’t get to be the one asking questions. Instead, you have to explain to the police why you wanted Wang Jiarui dead.”“The police?” The Cross-dresser then grinned from ear to ear. “Do you think people like me will end up getting arre
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Chapter 179 Wei Sihai’s Dead Giveaway
Lin Huai proceeded to tell the ladies what he had just dealt with in a serious tone, “If I hadn’t been there any sooner, you ladies wouldn’t have been able to see Wang Jiarui ever again. The assassin’s needle was poisonous, and only bleeding could save one from dying. However, I doubt anyone else on the spot was capable of doing that.”The ladies shuddered at Lin Huai’s story. Soon, Song Tingting, who was shocked by the assassination attempt, asked, “How did you know there was an assassin?”“Would you believe me if I said it was a hunch?” Lin Huai smiled and replied, which Song Tingting didn’t seem to buy.“Actually, this is also my gift. If I hadn’t been so alert, I wouldn’t have been able to be the big boss in Yulan College. Instead, my enemies would have succeeded and done me in. At that moment, I just had a hunch that Wang Jiarui would be in danger, yet I couldn’t tell where the danger was coming from. So, I decided to rush to the back of t
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Chapter 180 Claiming His Territory!
Later that night, Lin Huai chatted with Wei Qimian on WeChat for a short while after he got back. However, something appeared to be bothering him. If there is a conflict between Wei Sihai and me, would Mianmian be dragged into our conflict? Most importantly, what would Mianmian do if Wei Sihai was caught for doing something illegal?Lin Huai felt an indescribable struggle deep down. After pondering for a long while, Lin Huai decided to sleep on his worry. Then, he heard a notification alert from his phone at this time, only to realize it was a friend request with a profile picture of a pretty lady, who was none other than Hua Shiting.Has this girl really fallen for my handsome look? I can’t believe she’s even gotten this far to add me on WeChat. Well, in that case, I suppose I should be a gentleman and accept her friend request. Then, Lin Huai began thinking how he could start a conversation with Hua Shiting. However, upon accepting her friend request, he
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