All Chapters of The Great Trump Card: Chapter 451 - Chapter 460
669 Chapters
Chapter 451 Resisting the Temptation
The dishes were served one by one, followed by the wine.In Lin Huai's opinion, those dishes here tasted mediocre. Perhaps everyone had different tastes, and Lin Huai was a relatively vulgar person who liked home-cooked food more than fine delicacies. This was also the difference between men and women.Lin Huai thought these traits might make him seem like a loser in the eyes of many, but he couldn't help being so straightforward. What's the use of putting on airs?The two began to eat, drink, and talk. Feng Baihui talked about how she felt after becoming the leader of the Rat Gang, while Lin Huai listened and felt quite empathetic toward her. When it came to this topic, the two had quite a lot to talk about. They were both leaders of a gang, and both were new to the position.While they chatted happily, they drank a lot and finished a bottle of red wine in no time. Then, they even opened another bottle, but Lin Huai didn't
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Chapter 452 Lin Huai's Oath
Lin Huai said, "There's bound to be another battle tomorrow, but it's not that easy for them to do real harm to us, so don't worry. They won't dare to cause much of a commotion, so there won't be a big problem."The reason Lin Huai was so confident while saying that was that since he had reached the peak of the Unobservable Energy Stage, he knew that there were only a few in the provincial capital that could defeat him.Piao Chengji said, "But one person doesn't stand a chance against many. If it were a one-on-one fight, of course, Brother Huai wouldn't need to be worried about anything. But the other side has Zhang Chilong, who is not much weaker than Brother Huai. Along with his large group of men…""Yes." After listening to Piao Chengji's words, Lin Huai did not get angry. Instead, he thought the same and nodded. "It's indeed difficult to get out of a siege with only the few of us. Even if we could get out, I'm afraid there would be a
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Chapter 453 A Coordinated Combat
Lin Huai's passionate speech plus that punch rekindled the fighting spirit of the many buddies who had lost hope. It was as if there was a bright future waiting for them in front of their eyes. That was the advantage young people had, which was that no matter what kind of setbacks they were facing, as long as there was still light in front of them, they would charge ahead regardless of everything. That was why people said that the younger generation would create the future!After waiting for the whole morning, Lin Huai and the others saw vans suddenly appearing from a distance. When those vans stopped, Dao Zi was the first to jump down from the van. Looking at Dao Zi, whose aura had become sharper, Lin Huai felt excited. "Did you break through to the peak of the Observable Energy Stage?"Previously, Dao Zi was in the middle phase of the Observable Energy stage. If he were to have a breakthrough, it was impossible to directly break through to the Unob
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Chapter 454 Ambush
The auction house was located in the city's largest entertainment and commercial street. That street had always been busy, and it was also under the control of The General. When he was in the car, Lin Huai knew that the other party would definitely not make a move there, and since they would not be ambushing them on that street, they would make a move before they got to that street.Before they left, Piao Chengji had analyzed the route. From where they were to the auction house, they would have to pass through the territories of Can Lang and another two Big Bosses of the underworld. Then, they would need to pass through no man's land, which was relatively remote but had many foot massage parlors and hooligans. Also, there was no unified Big Boss in that area, so Piao Chengji estimated that there was an 80% chance the enemies would launch their attacks there, so everyone had to be on alert.The vans drove in line like a long dragon toward the destinat
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Chapter 455 Dongyun Yayi's Killing Intent
Lin Huai encountered several interceptions on the road, but he quickly broke away from these people and finally arrived safely at the entrance of the nightclub.This nightclub temporarily hosted the auction that night. It was also the largest nightclub in Ha City. After Lin Huai got out of the car, he and Piao Chengji walked together to the nightclub's entrance. The security guards at the entrance recognized Lin Huai. It was difficult to not remember the man who won the bidding for the most precious item at the previous auction.One of the security guards brought Lin Huai and Piao Chengji in and went straight to the office on the second floor. In the office, Lin Huai saw the host from the previous auction.The host smiled and said, "Hello, Mr. Lin. You are really punctual. You came on time to pay the rest of the money."Lin Huai said with a smile, "Hello. My deposit will be burned if I don't settle the payment, right? That's
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Chapter 456 Lin Huai's Tactics
A duel of life and death was about to take place in the small space of the cabin, but Lin Huai remained indifferent and composed from the beginning. With a faint smile, he asked, "Dongyun Yayi, how old are you? You seem quite young.""Twenty-five."Lin Huai said, "You speak our language pretty fluently.""I learned it since childhood." Dongyun Yayi said, "Ninjas in our country probably know more about your country's history and language than you think.""Oh." Lin Huai chuckled and shrugged indifferently. This was just to show that Walt Country's civilization was the most advanced and that R country had always been Walt Country's student. However, Lin Huai had always been somewhat disdainful of the character of R country. Many people said that people in R country were polite, but it was a different concept from the perspective of morality.Dongyun Yayi's murderous aura grew stronger and stronger. It was as if she
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Chapter 457 The General's Mansion
Every Dragon Faction member settled down in the dormitory. They had not left yet because the next day was The General's birthday.The trip to Ha City this time was rather fruitful because Lin Huai obtained an Unobservable Energy State expert, but he made himself in such a mess, and it was all because of The General's birthday. Therefore, he wouldn't leave in any case before he had attended The General's birthday.But before that, he had to solve Dongyun Yayi's problem, or he would not be able to get her allegiance.In the evening, Lin Huai came to Dongyun Yayi's room. He had first asked his men to buy some silver needles for acupuncture. Then, he sat on her bed with the needles and asked her to lie down on the bed."Don't worry, it won't hurt, but you need to take your clothes off... I'm not up to the level of administering acupuncture through clothes yet."Dongyun Yayi was surprisingly casual. She took off her
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Chapter 458 Can Lang's Reprimand
Lin Huai laughed. "Haha! Dongyun Yayi is too weak to fight against you. The so-called ninjutsu is nothing more than child's play to you."Lin Huai did not want Dongyun Yayi to fight with Kuang Bao. Firstly, he was worried that Kuang Bao would hurt her without mercy. Secondly, he didn't want Kuang Bao to have too much knowledge of ninjutsu. After all, it was uncertain whether they would be friends or enemies in the future. It was better to keep some secrets to themselves.Kuang Bao was arrogant and proud. He didn't think so much about it. Therefore, Lin Huai's words worked with him. He laughed out loud. "Yes, you're right. That is just some inferior skill in R country. It pales in comparison to our kung fu."With a smile, Lin Huai secretly glanced at Dongyun Yayi, yet she looked indifferent and expressionless all along. There was not even the slightest change in her expression. Lin Huai nodded slightly. Indeed, Dongyun Yayi had a firm and
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Chapter 459 Lin Huai in the Limelight
Kuang Bao laughed. "Feng Hu is a crackpot. It's good that he doesn't show up. But I'm curious. I heard that Feng Hu values you the most, and you guys are the closest. I wonder how you two became best buddies since you're so dull and quiet."The Top Four Warriors were high and mighty, so it was hard for them to have a particularly close friend. However, Feng Hu was one-of-a-kind. He was not arrogant, but he was maniacal, and he often did things at will without any regard for the consequences. Moreover, he had a lot of buddies with whom he often hung out and enjoyed life. None of the other three warriors had such a friend, but Zhao Hu—Feng Hu's real name—did. Mu Tou was one of his buddies.Mu Tou replied coldly, "I do not know.""What do you know?" Asked Kuang Bao."I know that I'll smash the head of whoever wants to harm Brother Hu," Mu Tou said word by word.Kuang Bao laughed. "Okay, okay. It's quite good that F
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Chapter 460 Lin Huai Ridiculed the Whole Audience
After everyone sat down, the General smiled and said, "It's not easy for everyone to be together. I told the chef to prepare the exclusive dinner tonight, which consists of courses from the eight most famous cuisines. I hope you enjoy the food. Also, I have specially asked my men to purchase fine-quality liquor. Enjoy!"Xue Long laughed. "Wow! We'll have a great feast tonight!"Kuang Bao stood up, raised the wine glass, and said, "Come, let's give a toast to The General!"Everyone stood up with glasses filled with liquor in their hands and cheered, "General, happy birthday!"The General also stood up with a cheerful smile, raised the glass in his hand, and said, "Thank you all."One by one, everyone raised their glasses and took a sip. It was hard to finish it in one gulp since it was strong and powerful liquor.When everyone sat down, The General said, "Normally, I don't want to hold such a big ban
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