All Chapters of The Great Trump Card: Chapter 461 - Chapter 470
666 Chapters
Chapter 461 Lin Huai's Faith
Lin Huai said, "Okay! A month it is. I agree!"Liu Haoran had some chagrin at first, but he felt relieved after hearing The General giving them a month's time. Lin Huai didn't have much influence in the provincial capital, so it would be quite difficult for Lin Huai to bring him down within a month.Of course, Liu Haoran would be a little worried if he had to go up against Lin Huai alone. But he had the support of Zhang Chilong. Their combined forces would definitely be stronger than that of Lin Huai. He had nothing to worry about.Liu Haoran laughed. "Well, General, there is no problem on my side, of course. I'll obey your order diligently. I'm just worried that someone won't keep his promise."Lin Huai sneered. "Don't worry. I'll let you off the hook if I can't bring you down in a month's time.""Do you think I'm afraid of you?" Liu Haoran laughed. "I'm doing this out of respect for The General. Actually, I do
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Chapter 462 Arriving at Qihe City
Back at his place, Lin Huai stretched out his hand, and power brewed in his palm.Conspiracy? Scheme? Absolute power could completely crush everything.Lin Huai had never been so eager to become stronger and more powerful until tonight when he witnessed the big bosses, high-rank officials, and big shots in Hei Province looking up in unison to the General.Generally speaking, it seemed to be only a step away from the peak of the Unobservable Energy to the Neutralizing Energy. In fact, Lin Huai had just reached the peak of the Unobservable Energy, and there was a huge gap to get to the Great Consummation of the peak of the Unobservable Energy, although it was not very challenging to do so. However, to get from Unobservable Energy to Neutralizing Energy, even a genius had to spend years to accomplish it.Lin Huai had already made up his mind. Next, he needed to invest most of his energy and time to improve his strength. Of cour
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Chapter 463 Do You Want to Do Something to Me?
Dongyun Yayi uttered coldly, "I was poisoned by my own master.""Your own master?" Lin Huai was startled. He had thought of many kinds of situations, but this had never crossed his mind.Dongyun Yayi sneered. "How could I have been easily poisoned if it had not been my own master who poisoned me? Ninjas' main skill was to kill. We're the best at poisoning, so we must beware of being poisoned too.""Oh, I see." Lin Huai mouthed, "But why did your master poison you? Did you do something horribly wrong? Wait, that's impossible. Your master should be more powerful than you. If you really had committed a big mistake, he could have killed you right there and then.""In our country, most ninjas were orphans handpicked from the orphanages and were trained from a young age. The vast majority of us have no memory of our parents at all, but I'm different. My parents died when I was five. After that, I was sent to an orphanage, and my m
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Chapter 464 Killing Spree
Lin Huai ordered some beer. After the waiter went out with a strange look, Lin Huai helplessly grunted, "Hey, don't describe me as a big bad guy, okay? He must have thought that I'm some kind of a jerk!"Dongyun Yayi uttered, "I was sold to you. I know that I'm quite beautiful and hot, and I'm a virgin. I don't think anyone can control themselves when they're with me. If you want to do the deed, I can satisfy your need. This is the relationship between the master and slave, isn't it? Even if you want to sleep with me, I have to obey your order.""D*mn! It's so nasty, but it sounds so exciting." Lin Huai teased, "What about we make out here?"Lin Huai was only teasing Dongyun Yayi because she embarrassed him in front of the waiter. To his bewilderment, Dongyun Yayi hesitated for a bit, stood up, and walked toward him.Lin Huai froze. "W-What are you doing?"Dongyun Yayi looked at Lin Huai with a contemptuous gaze
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Chapter 465 You Are Not a Cold-Blooded Animal
That was right. What difference did treating the enemy with mercy have with being a noble idiot? One wouldn't need to be that nice with the enemy. All one needed was to treat one's family and friends with kindness. If one let the enemy escape, it would be offering the enemy a chance to kill one's friends and family. Such a person was nothing but a fool.In that regard, Dongyun Yayi was very open-minded. Her childhood training made her not have the concept of being merciful.The two had just left the nightclub when they heard someone across the street pointing at them and shouting, "Here, here. They are the ones who killed our men."Those people still didn't know that their Big Boss had died in Lin Huai's hands. Lin Huai raised his head to look over and saw more than ten people rushing at them.Dongyun Yayi coldly said, "I think we're going to start a killing spree, aren't we?""Don't kill. Just injure them. Give
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Chapter 466 Dongyun Yayi's Real Strength
When they arrived at the villa where Lin Huai lived, the people inside did not expect Lin Huai to come back at such a late hour, but they all came out to greet him immediately. Lin Huai told them to go back to rest and asked a servant to arrange a place for Dongyun Yayi to stay. After that, he went back to his room and fell asleep.The next morning, Lin Huai got up very early. The previous trip to Ha City had stimulated him, and he decided to wake up earlier every day to train and strive to break through to the early phase of Neutralizing Energy Stage as soon as possible.Of course, everything could not be rushed, so he still had to slowly accumulate power to get to the Great Consummation of the peak of the Unobservable Energy. Only then could he start thinking about breaking through to Neutralizing Energy Stage.Lin Huai was not expecting that when he walked to the courtyard, Dongyun Yayi was already there. She was dodging and moving ar
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Chapter 467 Going Home
Lin Huai went back into the living room and rested on the sofa for a little while. Then, Piao Chengji and the others entered the living room laughing excitedly.Meanwhile, Geng Zhiming was even more excited. "Brother Huai, you've caused such a big stir this time. It's not a loss for us in the end.""Yeah." Wu Mengjie also said, "They lost a red cane. We might have lost our territory, but at least Branch Master Geng is safe.""That's not enough." Lin Huai shook his head and said, "This round serves as a lesson for Zhang Chilong, but though we made Zhang Chilong lose a lot, Liu Haoran didn't lose anything. It's Liu Haoran who occupied our territory, so we can't let Liu Haoran go that easily.""Right." Geng Zhiming was filled with hatred. "No matter what, we can't let Liu Haoran go that easily. When the fight with Liu Haoran starts, I'll be the first one to attack."Lin Huai hummed a reply and said, "Piao Chengji,
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Chapter 468 Third Master, Elder Ye
This time, Lin Huai brought Dao Zi home. In the past, Lin Huai never let anyone know where his home was. However, Dao Zi was now someone that Lin Huai absolutely trusted. As for his bringing Dongyun Yayi, it was because he wanted Second Master to help check if there was any way to cure the poison in Dongyun Yayi's body.Lin Huai took a deep breath and said emotionally, "Finally, I've returned to my hometown."Dao Zi asked, "Have you been away for a long time?""Yes, I have been on a mission for the past two years, so I haven't been back for two years. I just occasionally gave my mother a call."Dao Zi said, "How about you stay for a few more days?""We can't stay too long. Otherwise, we will be suspected," Lin Huai said. "But we have to stay for two days no matter what. My mother is very easy to get along with. Let's go. I will take you to get to know each other. She will definitely be very happy to know that I
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Chapter 469 Silverleaf Old Man's Light Palm Attack
"You want me to teach them kung fu?" Silverleaf Old Man glanced at Lin Huai. There was no fluctuation in his eyes. It was difficult to determine whether he agreed or not.Elder Ye looked at what was happening with a smile."That's right." Lin Huai said, "Big Master, you know that the opponents I encounter now are very strong, for example, that Ximen Wuming from last time. There are many more opponents who are stronger than Ximen Wuming. What if your good disciple dies accidentally? I mean, of course, it is better to have more powerful people around me."Silverleaf Old Man laughed and said, "Sounds about right."Lin Huai was surprised. "So, Big Master, you agreed?"Silverleaf Old Man said indifferently, "I can give some pointers to that Dao Zi. This kid has a very strong root in martial arts. If I hadn't already decided to take you as my last disciple, it wouldn't have mattered even if I took him as my disciple."
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Chapter 470 Elder Yao
In the evening, Lin Huai's mother prepared a large table of dishes and two bottles of liquor.The dining table was placed in the courtyard, and as everyone sat together, Lin Huai's mother, Li Youmei, smiled and said, "Lin Huai, you ought to make a toast to your masters today. While you were away from home for the past two years, it was your masters who took care of me."Elder Ye, the Third Master, shook his head and said, "Please don't say that. You've been making dishes for us for the past few years. Moreover, you've shown us kindness enough as the rent here is not expensive."Li Youmei smiled and replied, "I'll have to make dishes even if I am alone. There is no trouble making some extra dishes for you.""I got it." Lin Huai continued his mother's words. "Mom, you mean to say you will take care of the sheep anyways, regardless of numbers, right?"Everyone laughed when Lin Huai said this. Li Youmei shook her he
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