All Chapters of The Great Trump Card: Chapter 481 - Chapter 490
664 Chapters
Chapter 481 The Might of Eight Trigrams Palm
Zhang Chilong did not expect Lin Huai to take the initiative to challenge him. In terms of strength, he knew Lin Huai was about the same as him. Hence, the chance of winning for the two should be similar. Moreover, there were so many people watching. If he refused, it would affect his side's morale, which was probably not a good thing.Zhang Chilong walked out of the crowd and did some warm-up. His eyes became sharp, and he waved his hand. "Come on. Show me how capable the Gang Leader of Tongcheng, who killed Mr. Hou, is."Lin Huai also walked over. The vitality qi in his body began to flow. His eyes were full of excitement. This was his first opponent after learning ancient martial arts. Lin Huai remembered what Big Master had said. Eighteen Dragon Slaying Moves could not be used casually. Hence, Big Master also taught him the ancient Eight Trigrams Palm.Eight Trigrams Palm had different names. It was a traditional martial art involvin
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Chapter 482 The Death of Liu Haoran
According to the plan, almost everyone was now focused on attacking Zhang Chilong's people.At this moment, the people brought by Zhang Chilong had gradually fallen. Then, someone in the crowd shouted, "Brother Long is dead because of Liu Haoran. Why should we die for Liu Haoran now?""That's right. The people from Dragon Faction are attacking us, so why should we risk our lives for Liu Haoran?""Let's retreat!"When Liu Haoran saw the people retreating, he got anxious and shouted, "No, don't go!"However, Liu Haoran had no influence on those people. Previously, it was only because he had a good relationship with Zhang Chilong that Zhang Chilong brought his people to help him. Now that Zhang Chilong was dead, how could Liu Haoran control Zhang Chilong's subordinates?The few red canes under Zhang Chilong did not want to continue fighting anymore. They actually thought of returning to Qihe City to co
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Chapter 483 The Fifth Warrior?
Geng Zhiming was a little excited and grateful. At the same time, he asked with some gratitude, "Brother Huai, do you really think I can continue doing well as Branch Master?""Yes, I always thought that you could do well," Lin Huai smiled and said. "Did you think that the reason I let you have this position is because of our good relationship? Well, it's not all about it. One of the major reasons is that I believe you are suitable for this position. Even though you are not the strongest in Dragon Faction and may not be the most powerful even in Habei District, you are the most loyal person. Do you remember I came to Habei when I was having difficulties at Tongcheng? You took care of me back then.""At that moment, I thought you were a rare person who valued others. This attribute was enough for me to believe you will prove to be a good Branch Master."Geng Zhiming said, "Since you trust me, I will be Branch Master.""Why ar
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Chapter 484 A Life-Saving Blade
Lin Huai said, "I think so too. If The General wants me to be his Fifth Warrior, I will likely have to hand over Tongcheng City and stay at Ha City. By giving me an honorable position, he takes away my territory and people. This should be his strategy."Piao Chengji sighed. "We managed to kill Liu Haoran and Zhang Chilong. While we have obtained Habei District, The General is the one who benefited the most. Zhang Chilong was the same as us. He was one of the top forces in Hei Province. Although he swore allegiance to The General, he was a local tyrant and posed a threat to The General. Now that Zhang Chilong is dead, and if I predict it correctly, The General will not easily allow Qihe City to be united. Instead, he will divide it into two to three forces, and his people will manage each force."Lin Huai said, "The General's methods are indeed brilliant."Piao Chengji looked at Lin Huai and asked with a serious face, "Brother Huai, have
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Chapter 485 Feng Baihui Got Shot
The person holding the blade was a young man who looked to be in his twenties. He was a few years older than Lin Huai. Further, he had a smile and gave off a sense of being unruly.Lin Huai and the others walked over. Lin Huai cupped his hands and said, "Thank you. If not for you just now, I'm afraid there would have been casualties among us.""It's nothing. I just happened to see it." The young man smiled. "My name is Zhao Hu.""My name is Lin Huai."The two of them shook hands. Zhao Hu threw the blade in his hand to the ground and said, "I usually don't use a blade. This is what I picked up on the roadside just now."Lin Huai said, "Oh, there are many weapons here because there was a fight yesterday. I didn't expect it to save our lives. Zhao Hu, you look strong. Moreover, your moves earlier were decisive and ruthless. Are you also in the underworld?"Zhao Hu smiled and replied, "I was once in the
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Chapter 486 Who Are You, Zhao Hu?
Lin Huai sat on the ground with Feng Baihui in his arms. He shouted angrily, "Zhang Dahai, Zhang Dalong!"Zhang Dalong, Zhang Dahai, Zhao Hu, and Piao Chengji came out of the car. Lin Huai pointed at a figure about to disappear in the distance and shouted angrily, "Kill him! Kill him!!"Zhao Hu, Zhang Dahai, and Zhang Dalong immediately chased after the attacker. Piao Chengji had wanted to catch up, but he knew it would be impossible for him to do so, so he walked over to Lin Huai.Lin Huai was sensitive to killing intent. He already sensed the killing intent before the attacker was about to shoot. However, he did not expect Feng Baihui would push him away. Otherwise, Lin Huai could have held Feng Baihui to avoid the shot. She ended up taking the shot for him.Lin Huai felt extremely devastated. He was furious and blamed himself at the same time.It was obvious that the attacker had come for him earlier. However
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Chapter 487 Provoking Lin Huai
Lin Huai said, "Let's not talk about who's sending people to assassinate me. Zhao Hu, I want to know who you are.""You don't have to be in a hurry. One day, you will know who I am." Zhao Hu grinned. He glanced at Lin Huai and said, "It's a pity I can't attack you. Otherwise, if I were to kill you now, I wonder if your master would come out."Lin Huai asked, "Why do you want to see my master?"Zhao Hu's eyes lit up. He smiled and said, "I am interested in strong people."Lin Huai smiled. "Do you want to challenge my master?""That's right," Zhao Hu grinned and said. "He easily defeated Ximen Wuming. I want to see him."Lin Huai suddenly asked, "Was it you who instigated Ximen Wuming to kill me previously?"Zhao Hu looked at Lin Huai with some surprise. He suddenly laughed and said, "You are smart, but your guess is not entirely correct. I have never instigated Ximen Wuming. Instead, I f
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Chapter 488 Investigation Results
When Feng Baihui fell asleep, Lin Huai quietly walked out of the ward and called The General when there was no one.The General picked up the phone and asked calmly, "Are you back in Tongcheng now?""I'm in the hospital." Lin Huai briefly explained what had happened these past two days and asked, "General, do you know who wants to kill me?""I don't know." The General hesitated for a moment before asking, "Are you suspecting me?""Of course not." Lin Huai immediately said, "I absolutely trust you. Moreover, if you really want me to die, you can just give the word. I am loyal to you, so why would you want my life? However, it is very likely that the other party has already reached the Unobservable Energy Stage. There are probably only a few unobservable energy experts in the entire Hei Province, aside from the unobservable energy experts under you. The other unobservable energy experts are probably powerful gang leaders. Can
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Chapter 489 Face to Face with the Killer
Lin Huai asked, "Who is the other party?""He came from the south." The General said coldly, "There is an expert at the peak of the Unobservable Energy Stage from Jingnan City. The person who assassinated you yesterday was that person.""Jingnan?" Lin Huai was surprised. "General, when did I offend the people from Jingnan City? Is it really like you said? Are they trying to sow discord?" Lin Huai asked.The General said calmly, "Everyone knows that I have always been thinking about taking over Tongcheng City, and now you are Tongcheng City's Big Boss. If someone tries to assassinate you at this time, who will you suspect?""Liu Haoran and Zhang Chilong."The General said, "But if the person who assassinates you is very powerful, or even above the Observable Energy Stage, who will you think is the mastermind that sends the person to kill you?""You.""Haha, good, I like to be honest. The
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Chapter 490 Filling the World with Darkness!
Lin Huai couldn't help but laugh. "Are you coming on a blind date with me?"Surprisingly, Guan Ping sat down casually on the stone block, to which Lin Huai frowned and thought, "What is wrong with people these days? Are they all this arrogant?"As if he had seen through what Lin Huai was thinking, Guan Ping calmly explained, "A powerhouse like you would not make a sneak attack on me at times like this. Besides, this is your territory. I doubt that you would do such a shameful thing.""Alright, you won. You can make the first move. Now, what do you want to say? Say it now. This is my respect for a powerhouse before he dies."Guan Ping smiled. "Life and death are small matters. The important thing is, what kind of world are we living in now?"Curiously, Lin Huai responded, "What kind of world? Well, we're living in a society ruled by the law.""A society ruled by the law, huh? Do you think it protects
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