All Chapters of The Great Trump Card: Chapter 491 - Chapter 500
664 Chapters
Chapter 491 Crazy Guan Ping!
Lin Huai let out a breath and looked at the person in front of him with pity. He said, "Now I suddenly understand. I understand you a little.""Is that so?" Guan Ping said excitedly, "Are you willing to join us? Are you willing to follow Satan's footsteps?""I understand you, because you are a madman." The look in Lin Huai's eyes became more and more sympathetic.Guan Ping's eyes began to turn cold. He slowly stood up and moved his body. His body made a crackling sound and released an extremely cold aura."Are you really not willing to follow Satan?" Guan Ping asked coldly. "Then you will go to hell."Lin Huai also stood up and smiled. "But you are going to hell because you follow Satan, right?"Guan Ping took a deep breath and said word by word, "Today, I will punish you on behalf of Satan!"Lin Huai became cautious and assumed the starting posture of the Eight Trigrams Fist. Although
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Chapter 492 Who Is Satan?
"Dragon Slaying Fist!""Boom!"As their fists met, a terrifying shockwave rippled to the sides. Both of them remained still. Then, Guan Ping suddenly widened his eyes in disbelief and spat out a mouthful of blood before falling to the ground with a thud.His internal organs were all ruptured after the attack. When he dropped to the ground, completely lifeless.On the other hand, Lin Huai exhaled and sat on the ground with a thud. As he gasped for breath, his wrist was hanging freely. He had killed Guan Ping with his fist just now, but his wrist was dislocated as a result.Seeing that, Geng Zhiming and the others came over hurriedly. Gasping, Lin Huai ordered, "Tomorrow, announce to the underworld in Hei Province that I killed the man who hurt Feng Baihui. The man was from Jingnan City. His name was Guan Ping, and his strength had reached the Great Consummation of the peak of the Unobservable Energy Stage!"
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Chapter 493 About to Be Discharged
Lin Huai insisted, "Who is Satan?"The General asked, "Why are you so concerned about Satan?""Because I can feel that his existence is a great threat to this world."The General responded with a smile, "Do you think you are a savior?""I..." After a slight hesitation, Lin Huai answered firmly, "I am not a savior. In fact, I am not even a good man now. But, I absolutely cannot allow a man like him to exist because he takes advantage of the sufferings that people like me have gone through and turns us into the men he wants.""Well, Satan is one of the most mysterious figures. He comes from the currently largest evil force in Uplana Continent, the Dark World. He is the master of the said organization, and people call him Satan.""Uplana Continent? If he is the leader of the evil forces there, why is he here in our country?" Lin Huai asked in puzzlement."Well, everyone knows that if you w
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Chapter 494 Going on a Killing Spree with The General
Feng Baihui remarked, "Now, many must have regarded you as the most powerful man below Neutralizing Energy.""Exactly." With his lips curved, Lin Huai elaborated. "In martial arts, Observable Energy is considered quite advanced, whereas Neutralizing Energy is known as the ultimate stage of martial arts. Everyone must believe that I'm close to the ultimate stage."Just then, Lin Huai's phone rang again. Lin Huai glanced at his phone and said with a smile, "It's The General. Hopefully, he's not asking me to be his Fifth Warrior again."Thinking about the matter of the Fifth Warrior, Lin Huai felt a headache.As soon as the call was connected, The General announced in a serious tone, "Leave with me."Lin Huai was surprised for a moment and then asked curiously, "General, what do you mean?"He was quite puzzled, completely not understanding what The General meant.Coldly, The General explai
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Chapter 495 Aggressive General
Lin Huai was speechless.He discovered one of Li Mu's characteristics, which was honesty. However, did Li Mu have to be so honest?Thinking of that, Lin Huai turned to look at The General, who surprisingly nodded in approval. Then, The General said seriously, "Yeah, we should be frank that we're here to kill them. Why should we hide it?"Lin Huai had nothing to comment on.He couldn't understand their minds. Did all people with great strength act like this and have such personalities that when they were going to kill their opponents, they would inform their opponents about that?Sure enough, the gatekeeper was offended, and his face turned dark. But what surprised Lin Huai was that the gatekeeper didn't show any fear. It was just that his face darkened, and his eyes had a fierce glint. Obviously, the gatekeeper was not a kind person."This isn't somewhere you can come and kill as you please." Saying
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Chapter 496 Invincible General
Lin Huai glanced at The General, who asked, "Are you afraid?""I'm not afraid, but I feel that we are pretty dumb*ss." Indeed, it was quite crazy for three people to fight one faction. Although Lin Huai thought that he wasn't weak and was very confident, the opponent had a total of four experts in the Unobservable Energy Stage.Even if The General was the strongest on both sides, there were more than four hundred people on the other side..."It seems a bit exaggerated. It is a bit unbelievable to fight against more than four hundred people alone, right?"Lin Huai was stunned for a moment and asked, "What?""Do you want to help?" Li Mu aside beamed. "The General only called you over to enrich your experience this time. Let's back off a little further. Be careful not to get the enemies' blood on your body."After saying that, Li Mu actually retreated.Hey, hey, hey, did you forget your jo
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Chapter 497 Killing an Unobservable Energy Expert with One Strike
"You're Hei Province's General?" Those men jumped down from the high ground and walked toward The General. Their auras were not weak. In fact, their strength was above Observable Energy and had reached the Unobservable Energy Stage. One of the swordsmen was so strong that Lin Huai could not even see through him at all. The swordsman's strength had probably reached Neutralizing Energy Stage.Lin Huai's pupils contracted. What a terrifying Satan and Dark World. How did Satan have so many powerful men under his command?Only when the other party approached did Lin Huai clearly see that there were altogether eight people. In other words, there were seven experts in Unobservable Energy Stage and one expert in Neutralizing Energy Stage.Out of Yang Tang's four hundred elites, only a hundred or so were able to stand up at this time. More than half of them were either dead or injured. The General had killed or wounded two to three hundred of the
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Chapter 498 Killing Like a Chicken
The African man looked like a crazy boxer, each of his punches carried extremely terrifying power, and his body was sturdy and powerful, his whole body was like an agile leopard.  The General's first hunting target was this African, because the African's strength had reached the peak of Dark Power, and even more so because of the African's phrase African Monkey just now.  It was as if Lin bad knew the general for the first time, he realized for the first time that the general possessed such a deep national complex, as if he had killed the big man with the beard before just because the other party was a traitor to the country of Huaxia, and killing this African must have been because of that one sentence about African monkeys.  However, the general wanted to kill these people this time but not so easy, these people at this time have been prepared, and one by one, as if the body inside the body burned up a horrible evil power, incomparably crazy evil power in the
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Chapter 499 You'll be the successor
Lin bad and the general did not return to the city of Ha that night, if he drove directly back to the city of Ha, it is estimated to wait until two or three o'clock in the second half of the night, the general and Lin bad is not much, but it feels a little bit too tiring for Li Mu, so it is directly in the provincial capital to stay down.  After staying in the hotel, Lin bad moved a stool, sitting alone in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, looking at the lights outside, thinking about the general at the time of the departure of the general that let all the people bowed down a look, the most frightening naturally is not the general's eyes, but the general's strength that a body to let a person submissive to the peak of the ultimate.  Ever since he was a child, Lin Bad had aspired to be stronger, ever since the day he suffered from the ridicule and teasing of the gangsters with his mother, Lin Bad had always looked forward to being able to constantly become stronger,
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Chapter 500 The Training Course Organized by Lin Bad
Lin bad also do not know whether the general said from the heart, or that the general is just to pull himself, but looking at the general's attitude and that kind of chest, Lin bad and feel that he so suspicious of the general, it is really a bit of a small man's heart to the gentleman's heart.  Lin Bad asked curiously, "General, do you really think that highly of me?"  The general said, "I can't be wrong in looking at people, you are a person who can inherit my mantle, of course, if I have always been good at being the Lord of the Underworld of this Black Province, and nothing has ever happened to me, I may have to wait until the day that I am old to be able to take your turn, and it may even be possible that you will never be able to take your turn, but if there is a day that something has happened to me, and in the case of having to have a successor, I think you are the best one to choose."  "I mean what I say." The general continued, "That's why I chose to b
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