All Chapters of The Magnetic Alpha: Chapter 241 - Chapter 250
287 Chapters
241 Regrets
Becca.After a long silence, I knew I had to say something.“Aha, can we not talk about this now, guys? I promise to try to explain maybe sometime in the future, but please, I don’t want to have this discussion now.” I lamented almost in a growl and they sent me a swift look.“But Mum, you said he is going to be our new family?” My daughter pointed out and I really wished I could bite at something.“Yes, I remember all that I said but I think where Christos Fernandez is concerned presently, we will be having some needed breaks.” I tried to put them off but I really couldn’t say if it’s working.“Breaks? But why?” My son almost wailed and I found myself almost snapping at them.“Nothing. Just an adult decision and no please, Erica, you will not ask any more questions. I am having an intense headache right now.” I warned with a soft palm to my forehead and they sent me identical worried glances.Just when Erica opened her mouth to say something, I saw her twin brother give her a gentle
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242 Unwanted Visitors
Christos. I was in my private office at the pack house, trying not to listen to my wolf’s grumbles nor think about the fact that I have not had any access to my mate and pups ever since they left. That abrupt disconnection from their Mum the last time I called and Erica picked up was nothing but cruelty. Hearing Erica’s voice so briefly on the phone having just realised she’s of my blood had stoked my hunger. But the abrupt manner in which the Mum had screamed over the wire and then shut the call showed her volatile emotions have not in any way lessened. And well, I was trying not to think of it or any other thing for that matter when something alerted me that I was no longer alone as I thought. It has been almost twenty four hours since my Luna left the pack house in the strangest rush and even though I tried to stay out of the way, I could feel the tension in the air as everyone walked around me on tiptoes. Even my men had all come up with an excuse or the other to be out of my
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243 Resolution
ChristosI have been set up. Of course my mother knew nothing of such happened, she was just trying to make me accept the fact that my mate left me.‘Crafty old woman.’As if she could hear my thoughts, she smiled tightly before waving me to my seat.“Stop standing over my head, boy, I did not come all this way to be deterred by your dark looks. You don’t scare me.” She announced shortly and even though I knew it, that still came as a surprise.Is there really nothing I can use to threaten this woman into obedience?“Nothing! I’m your mother and also the old Luna and I still have one or two tricks off my sleeve should you and your wolf act funny.” She warned softly and Lightning raised his head from where he was dozing in surprise.‘Wow! How did I get into this?’ He wailed piteously but I ignored him. When my mother is in the mood to show herself, stray bullets usually touch everyone. He should not be surprised.“Mmmmm, we will leave Lightning out of this if you don’t mind, Mum.” I in
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244 Outrageous Claims
Christos.At this rate, the old Luna might never get to meet her grandkids if at the mention of them she can only freeze with happiness and unbelievable surprise.“Snap out of it, Mum. You and Aviana don’t like going to the hospital, remember? But if you keep acting this way every time they mention your grandkids, then that’s where I will take you.” I warned softly, hoping that would get her serious and she turned her head to glare at me.“I am sure we both know this would not be happening if only you had decided to give birth the normal way and not just spring the news on me.” Just when I was feeling guilty because what she said was true, she continued and I could not believe my ears.“I never even knew you were sleeping with anyone.” She muttered almost with a wail and even my uncle gave her an askance look.Probably wondering how he never knew the old Luna is a dramatic woman. If only he knows, Hmm!“You never knew I was sleeping with anyone? Let’s not even talk about the night wit
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245 The Plan
Eric.“Hi Erica, care for a game of Ludo?” I started conversationally as I opened the doors into the other room.Raising her head slightly from the bed, she gave me a hard frown from between her reddish eyes.“What are you doing here?” I could see the stubborn way in which she set her chin and I hoped she was not about to be difficult.“Here to keep your company. What do you think?” I injected a sardonic inflection into my voice.“But I don’t want you here. I am the one on punishment. It has nothing to do with you.” She rejected my offering and if I did not understand her better, I would think she meant it.“I am sure you don’t mean that.” I waved away her words as I walked towards the bed.“I actually mean it.” She returned defiantly, with arms folded across her chest and I gave her a surprising look.“You mean, you would have ignored me if I were to be in your shoes?” I watched for her expression and I was not really surprised to see the flickers of indecision.She probably knew any
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246 Eye Opening
Becca.Getting to my room, I sat on the bed and that was when an idea came to my mind. But the idea was not a surprise. What surprised me was that in all of these, it’s just now occurring to me. I would think it should be one of those things I would think of after leaving that place.Feeling slightly energised, I ran to the side of the bed drawer to pick my mobile phone. A phone I had abandoned days ago after snatching it away from Erica and switching it off.Now praying the battery would still be strong enough for the call I desperately wished to make, I pressed the switched on button and when it came on in a brightening light, I almost wailed in relief.Quickly I dialed the memorized number and after the second ring, a voice came over the phone.“Hello?” I whispered softly almost in a cry.“What the hell, Becca? I know it’s unforgivable to miss your wedding but girl, you should be more forgiving than that. I had been trying to reach you for days all to no avail. Are you avoiding me?
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247 Restitution
Christos.Staring at the glass of brandy in my hand while my wolf stared rebelliously in there, daring me to just as much as take a sip of the drink, I contemplated on risking it all.But knowing that all my troubles started in the first place as a result of alcohol not to talk of the fact that I had not so much tasted it in the last seven years, I could not bring myself to raise the glass to my lips even though an angry part of me really wished to do it, if for nothing else but to irritate my wolf, whom I was still not talking to.“Is this another game we are practicing?” A voice murmured and I raised my head lazily to glare at the idiot who just asked the question. If only look can kill, he would be dead right there and he knew it.“Hmmm sorryBoss. But I thought you were trying to break the glass into pieces with your eyes, seeing how you were staring at it.” My Gamma explained softly as he walked fully into the room with the others.“What the hell are you all doing here?” I mutter
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248 Troubled Ric
Eric.“You haven’t been eating well, Ric. Do you want to be sick?” I heard Erica asking somewhere behind my shoulder but I could only sigh softly.“You know you can’t ignore me, so just tell me, okay? Why are you moody? She persisted and it’s not as if I wished to ignore her. As a matter of fact I wished to express my feelings but where would I start from? “I don’t know, Erica.” I answered softly and she came closer to place her hand on my forehead.“Are you coming down with something? Feeling sick?” She inquired again with wide eyes as she peered into my eyes in those intense eyes of hers and I wondered briefly if she was trying to see into my soul.“I will not be surprised. If I’m coming down with something I mean.” I muttered in return and she sent me a worried glance.“Okay, I think it’s time to be serious. Now come with me and explain what is happening.” She ordered in an adult fashion, it was a few minutes before I remembered I was actually still talking to my sister as she dra
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249 A Friend In Need
Becca. Jumping slightly from the bed, I gazed around widely, wondering what exactly woke me up. It was then I heard the sound, the peeling of the bell. Remembering suddenly that I had dozed off while waiting for my friend to arrive from the airport as agreed, I left my bed in a race to the door. Throwing open the door without a pause to check who it was, it was a minute before my eyes could focus on the silent figure gazing at me softly from the other side. And then, too emotional to say anything, I jumped into the waiting arms. I didn’t know until now how much I needed those arms until I felt their warmth around me. Just realising how much I have missed her presence. “Let’s go inside, girl, before the management will think we are stuck together, standing still in the hallway in this manner.” Cindy finally murmured after a long moment and it was when I disentangled my arms from around her neck that I realised we had both been crying. Wiping the tears from my face with a trembl
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250 Nightmare
Becca.Staring at my friend with horror filled eyes, we both turned at the same time with our breath suspended to see my son and daughter standing close to each other with wide horror filled eyes.In that moment, I realised my marriage and trust was not the only thing Christos Fernandez would be costing me, there’s a risk of losing my kids to anger and distrust. Arghhh! Will it ever stop? This unending horror?“Hey cuties, been awhile I saw your angelic little faces. How are my favourite beings doing?” It’s obvious Cindy was in the hope that the kids had not heard that last telling statement of mine and she’s now trying to salvage the situation.But for the glance they barely spared their favourite aunt, it’s not a challenge to see she’s not succeeding. Not in this case that has always been important to my children.Seeing that the kids were almost ignoring her presence after a long time of seeing her, her face became crestfallen and I had to swallow my saliva.In my selfishness, I h
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29 Protection Status