All Chapters of The Magnetic Alpha: Chapter 231 - Chapter 240
287 Chapters
231 Insights
Becca.Waking up from my nap, I felt revitalised, energized and happy. I have a man who dotes on me and my kids; loves them and pampers them and what is more? He gives me everything I want. Especially satisfaction in the bedroom. Considering my demanding appetite which I had never thought possible, it’s amazing how the man is the perfect handler for it.A true giver, he always makes sure he gives before taking and I love it. I love him for that.‘But you have never really told him how you felt. Have you?’ That constant voice that’s always needling me asked quietly and I stood still beside the bed as I pondered on this.‘But even if it’s true, I am sure the man knows it already without me having to spell it out. It’s obvious in every of my looks and actions.’ I shrugged defensively.‘Well, not really. It’s not a confession and fact until it’s spoken out.’ The voice pointed out and I was a bit miffed about being put on the spot this way.‘Why? If your feeling is true and right, why shou
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232 Enlightenment
Becca.Amazing! Really amazing what this man has done for himself and the people he said are his family. But considering his Mum and Dad only had him, I can’t help but wonder how he got all these people as family. I’m not even sure he knows them all judging from the set of people I see going and coming every hour every time I glance through the big window. And according to him, not everyone is allowed at the main building, others have their own houses scattered around. Which means there are still more people I’m yet to meet, even though by now, it seems I have met more than a thousand of them.Which brought me back to that book. ‘The lives of Wolves outside the human world.’ What exactly is that supposed to mean? I found myself wondering again but at the last minute when my mind was almost taking me to where I didn’t know, I quickly snapped back my attention. Like I said earlier, I would wait till I can understand the situation clearly, without jumping to conclusions.Finished with t
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233 Worse Nightmares
Christos.I did not wait for my Beta to put the car into Park before I ran out of the car and into the house. It was when I was almost at the stairs that I remembered to mind-link him to be in charge of the kids and not let them come close to the suite until I gave the order.From the moment we entered the pack’s land, I could feel the wave of sadness and tension in the air and I did not need my wolf’s prowling to know that something was indeed wrong and it had to do with my mate. I would not want the kids to be a part of it if it’s something serious. They might not be of my blood but I love them just as if they are mine and I will do anything to protect them from harm.I could perceive my mate’s scent around the pack house, so, I knew it was not the case of the enemy coming in to kidnap her. From what I could feel, she’s physically fine. Emotionally was what I couldn’t ascertain and even as I wondered what was going on, I could feel my heart beating painfully in its place.‘Somethin
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234 Denouncement
Christos. The hoarse laugh that came from her lungs was the last thing I was expecting. “Oh yes, explain Christos. Explain how I got to be raped by you, despite my pleading for you to stop. I want to know how everything happened, especially the part where my parents disowned me just because of your loathsome lack of control.” Her voice was hard as she uttered those words and each word sent a pin to my heart Before I could put in a word, she interrupted again and I crumpled totally. “And oh yes, lastly, don’t forget to explain how I suddenly found myself pregnant with kids whom I never thought I would know their father. How I carried their pregnancy with shame and constant pains in my heart and soul knowing I was a disgrace to my parents and community. How I couldn’t even deliver them through normal delivery and had to endure caesarean section at my age. Explain, oh please explain it all okay?” She dropped coldly into the silence and I suddenly found my feet unable to hold my weight
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235 Evidential Beasts
Becca.Grabbing my kids and rushing out of the big palatial mansion in a run that almost broke my ankles, I ran towards the sports car that was parked regally by the side and when I saw the key sitting idly at the ignition, I almost slumped from relief.May heaven bless whoever it is that left the key at the mouth. Just what I needed!Luckily for me, though I could feel the tension, confusion and fear coming from them, my kids followed my sense of urgency without arguments, despite the questions that must be brewing in their hearts.Unfortunately, they ain’t the only ones with questions, I have a whole book of it but now isn’t the time to think of anything but safety and escape.Escape from this nightmare and the beast that until a few hours ago, I had entrusted my life and that of my kids to thinking I’m married to a Gem. Whereas he is nothing but a beast. He isn’t just a rapist but a beast for goodness sake. How low could he have gotten?Wishing I could crawl into a hole and hide f
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236 The Revelation
Christos.Prowling around in the wilds, looking for a prey to take my pain and frustration on, but unable to find any, my wolf and I howled and howled into the sky until we got hoarse.‘Why? Why? Why?’ Is all I kept saying with no answer from anyone. Even my wolf that could probably supply an answer is busy nursing the pain of being deserted from his Mate and he is like a lion on a prowl.Now that my brain is suddenly opened and I can remember a little of what transpired that night, I could now see clearly the familiarity between that mysterious girl and Becca. But why? Why now?All these could have been avoided if I had known earlier. If I had known this reality from when we met I would have taken my time to explain the situation to her and seek an apology.While I understand how it’s possible for her not to recognise me that day or any other day after, I’m nevertheless confused till now about that night.Werewolves are known to be able to pick up sounds from far away and also see cl
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237 Betraying Companion
Christos.‘How could my own wolf betray me this way?’ I asked myself repeatedly and I did not need him to talk to feel his restlessness. This shit of wolf is not a companion as I thought, he is a bloody betrayal.‘You knew. You knew about that night and you definitely knew about her. You recognised her that first day we met. That was why you were not happy I scolded the kids and later, their mother. You knew what they meant to us.’ This time, I did not bother posing it as a question. I would not give him the chance to fucking lie to my face again.‘I never lied to you. Omission, yes, but there was no time I lied.’ He finally spoke up defensively and I can’t believe my ears. Does he think that will make it alright?‘I can’t believe you have the effrontery to say this to me and still have the nerve to rant and roar a few hours ago when our Mate left. Has it occurred to you that you brought all these on us?’ I murmured coldly and he threw up his height in rage.‘What the hell! I was not
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238 Twist of Fate
Christos.‘What the hell are you saying, Lightning? You think you might be responsible for what exactly?’ I asked my wolf with an unbelievable tone because truth be told, I could not say exactly where this is heading to.‘You see, for a while, before we met the twins and their mother, you had been having some dreams unconsciously or should I say it’s me who had been having some dreams since the following morning I’m the only one who can remember the dreams vividly. Well, I have been seeing some things which seemed more like a premonition and after months of pondering on their meaning, I finally realised the meaning.’ Lightning whispered.‘Dreams? Things? What premonitions and meaning?’ I murmured with confusion.‘I did not know their meaning until the Goddess opened my eyes and I realised the dreams were about our pups. We have pups outside and since I know with whom you have slept and not slept with, I could easily guess with whom you had them with. The mysterious girl who had been t
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239 Missing Treasure
Christos.That night, I was not even surprised by the tormenting dreams I had, as they changed from one scenario to the other.From dreaming about that mysterious night and the night I marked my mate, it’s obvious she’s determined to deal with me and make my life miserable and what makes it worse is the fact that I lacked even the capacity to make her stop by waking up.I allowed it to all to play out knowing I deserve every form of torture, and to even make sure my wolf suffers it as much as I do, I refused to use the shower despite the rigid painful throbbing in my pant. ‘Suffering from agonising arousal is too small a price to pay for our sins.’ I told myself coldly without any form of mercy and even though I could hear him grumbling somewhere in there, I ignored him totally.Erica.I felt a soft hand on my small shoulders and even though I knew to whom it belonged, I refused to answer or turn around as I kept my head buried in the pillow.“Erica, please don’t do this.” A soft voi
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240 Erica's Confession
EricHere we go!“So what is it you think is your fault?” I asked with an interested look. I would really love to hear what that overworking brain has come up with again.“The reason Mum suddenly walked out on Uncle Christos.” She murmured softly and I must admit she got me real good. That was the last thing I was expecting her to say.“Your fault? How the hell is that possible?” I muttered furiously and she blinked.“Don’t cuss, Ric, Mum does not like it.” She corrected urgently and I could not believe she had the effrontery to say that. I was always the properly behaved twin for goodness sake.“I will say what I like. It’s you who should stop your rubbish.” I returned shortly and she gave me a pitying look before sighing softly.“It’s not rubbish, Ric. I know what I am talking about.” She murmured solemnly and that more than anything actually made me give her a penetrating look.Erica being solemn is not a thing to be taken casually else there shall be disasters.And is it possible
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29 Protection Status