All Chapters of The Magnetic Alpha: Chapter 211 - Chapter 220
287 Chapters
211 Future Thoughts
Christos.Of course I know the twins can be initiated later into the wolf’s world but only if their mother consents and even that will take years to achieve.’ I surmised quietly to myself while deciding it was best not to provoke my wolf further with the statement.Besides, I know he loves the children but once I impregnate our human mate and she gives birth to a pup or pups, pups that are directly from my blood, then he will have access to them all he wants because they will be of Alpha’s blood, knowing what it means to be a wolf.“I’m not angry, Erica. I was just thinking of how your plan will work.” I excused my silence smoothly, unwilling to let them see I had been distracted again from our conversation.“But it will work. We have everything planned already, relax. All we need is the correct address of these people and we will find out if they are connected to Mum.” Erica said conversationally and I nodded.“And what if they ain’t related to your Mum in any way?” I asked one of th
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212 Done Deal
Christos.“It is sealed, Mum. No argument.” Her daughter confirmed with another chuckle and I had to pretend a cough to save my life.My wolf gave no care as he rolled around in palpitating joy at the news.Well, the twins and I did not win parse as the woman vehemently refused to get married in less than twenty four hours notice, but between my mother, the kids and I, we finally convinced her to get married to me on the Saturday I earlier proposed.The preceding hours after that was one that was mad and crazy though as everyone got busy to make sure nothing ruined the day.What was harder was having to repress my wolf from going all crazy in his excitement and expectations. One would think there was something more huge happening aside from our wedding.But knowing what our marriage means for him, I tried to be patient and accommodating with his joyful rampage. A marriage with my human mate means an unbreakable bond between my mate and I and of course my powerful wolf.Becca.Walking
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213 Mating Ceremony
Becca.Now, watching as my beautiful, energetic daughter walked down in front of us with bridal petals dropping from her light fingers to decorate our path, I smiled. So beautifully perfect and restlessly excited. Lmao, even now, she has vibrant impatient vibes around her despite the solemn expression in her eyes. ‘She is happy to be doing this, yet it’s as if she wants everything to happen at once.’ I surmised even as I watched her get to the front where she gave a bubbly curtsy before placing a soft kiss on the cheek of the tall man who will soon be their legal guardian. To everyone’s surprise, that man not only bent low to return the soft kisses to her cheek, he also tapped her nose lovingly with a kiss to her head and the little girl who is trying to act all big and composed gave him a warning look to behave himself.I chuckled and I was not surprised to see that the whole audience joined me in laughing at the moment. ‘Really! My daughter is a drama queen.’ I thought to myself j
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214 The Surprise
Becca.The twins jumped so high on the laughing man I was amazed he was able to grab them without even a stagger from him. But what was more amazing was the fact that the twins knew who was behind it all without a word from me. They had not even sought to ask me, neither had they had any doubt about the person who gifted them.‘Shows how much they have bonded with the man in so short a time.’ A voice prompted and I could not argue. What was the point?The whole room sang so beautifully for the twins and by the time they came to a wonderful, amazing halt, I felt the pull of tears behind my eyes. Never had I seen so much love for two little kids who until a few hours ago, was a stranger to them.“Happy Birthday to the most amazing, intelligent super kids I have ever seen in my life. It’s a great pleasure to have these little souls in my life and today seems good enough to pledge my loyalty and love to them in front of you all.” Christos Fernandez raised his voice to announce proudly to
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215 Birthday Gifts
Becca.He sighed!“Since you refused to make a poor man happy, shall we go unwrap the twins’ gifts so they can stop straining their tiny little necks in the hope they would see through the wrapping papers?” He murmured wryly, making it obvious he could read the twins mood perfectly and I gave a musical laugh.“You are so right about that.” I acknowledged wryly with a shake of my head as we walked slowly to join the twins and the crowd who had gathered to speculate on what the gifts could be.“Thanks for thinking about the twins even though today is meant to be for us.” Really, how many men will be that thoughtful to not only remember their step kids on their wedding day but also make plans for their celebration? It takes a special man!Although I am so blessed with kids who are so kind and understanding, they had not minded that their special day would not be so special because their Mum was getting married on the same day. While they had not expected anything from me aside what I gav
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216 Ravishing Bride
Becca. “Congratulations Mrs. Fernandez, you make a beautiful ravishing bride.” A voice murmured somewhere behind me and I turned distractedly towards it, even as I painted a genial smile on my face. When I noticed the person standing behind me, the smile became full blown as I grinned radiantly at my Office Assistant. Though this ceremony is a private one for close friends and family, I had made sure my Assistant was included in the invite. And judging from the smile on her face right now, she is sure glad to be here. “Hello Tracy! Thank you so much for coming.” I murmured softly and that pretty young soul laughed gaily in fun. “Thanks for coming? Are you for real? My dear Miss Summer, oops sorry, I mean Mrs. Fernandez, it is a pleasure to be here.” She admitted with two elaborate hands that were trying to encompass the whole hall and atmosphere and I chuckled softly. “I am glad you are having fun.” Actually, seeing a familiar face from work makes the whole thing more real and b
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217 Twins Love
Becca. “It’s so super cute, Ric.” Even though she’s yet to know what her own gift beholds, everyone could see Rica is happy for her brother as she gave him a warm congratulatory hug.“Thank you Uncle Christos, I love my gift.” Eric blushed warmly as he glanced all the way up to look at the man who had arranged everything so perfectly and Christos Fernandez dropped his head to place a soft kiss on his rosy young cheek.“Believe me, darling, the pleasure is all mine.” He assured him before raising himself to his full height after a gentle pat on the boy's back.“Happy Birthday Celebration once again big brother.” Erica warmly celebrated her twin brother again in front of all and I knew I was not the only one who had a few tears in my eyes by now. The kids sure know how to pull at one’s emotional strings. Yet, they do it all innocently with love and not for attention: which makes it all the more cute and touching.“Thank you, baby sister. Now let’s see what you have as your gift.” The b
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218 Husband of the Century
Becca.As if pulled on a string, the two kids walked slowly to each bike that’s obviously meant for them and with shaky fingers, they removed the little note that had been stuck on the front pedal.“This is a little gift to appreciate you both for saying yes to my marriage to your beautiful Mum. I promise never to make you regret it and I hope going forward, you will see me as your family also.” The twins both read aloud the notes in their hands and I could not believe what I was hearing. He actually wrote and did all these? To appreciate my kid’s acceptance of him? Will it ever stop? These amazements?“Oh my goodness, you are super amazing, Uncle Christos.” They cried emotionally as they ran to him for another hug.“Thank you for this unforgettable moment.” I moved closer to appreciate his kindness by placing a soft kiss on his lips and the whole guests gave a little shout of encouragement when he almost did not want the kiss to end.Hot and fired up, I broke the kiss with a little
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219 New Home
Becca.As explained earlier by him, our honeymoon would not be immediate.Having moved most of our stuff to Christos home yesterday prior to the wedding, it’s certain it’s a matter of time before I have to put my house on the market. Not that it’s going to be a hardship, I love him so much to care about immaterial things.I was mildly surprised when he said we would be living in this big mansion that until yesterday, I never knew existed. But well, since I love what I see already, even though it’s surprising to learn it’s more like a city on its own with a lot of people living on the land, I had quickly adjusted my thoughts from thinking we were moving to the other big house I had gone to meet him several times. He had of course assured me there is no cause to worry about privacy, we will have enough of that in our private suite, but we will be spending three days at our new home before the trip so the kids can get used to their change of environment with us beside them. Fortunately
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220 Marital Bliss
Becca. Jeez! “Damn right woman, I am hard. Very hard right now and I need some relief.” With a feverish hand, he drew away the whitish sheet covering my nakedness and even though the room was almost totally dark, safe for the little light coming through the big windows, something told me he could see every inch of my body from those eyes that’s glowing and burning with emerald. “Ain’t you tired?” I heard myself asking, shocked to know he was almost insatiable. “Not for this. Not for you.” He muttered before lashing his mouth on a nipple and I winced with the pleasurable pain. I know my nipples must be sore and tender from his arduous ministrations since we came to our room yet they stood at attention for him now and despite the pain when he first closed his mouth around them, I found myself enjoying the moment. Every time his teeth grazed them, I found myself wincing even as it turned me madly on. “I want to suck and eat every part of you right now.” He muttered in feverish tones
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29 Protection Status