All Chapters of The Magnetic Alpha: Chapter 201 - Chapter 210
287 Chapters
201 Mate Call
Christos.I must have crashed after we took my men who were seriously injured to the pack’s hospital because the next thing I knew was a pain that almost took my breath away.Raising myself from the bed groggily with my eyes still closed in the hope that I would be able to go back to sleep, I felt another kick to my groin and I finally realised the source.“What the hell, man?” I snarled more from pain than anger and my wolf’s response was a deep tearing at my chest that almost ripped my heart apart.‘Mate is not happy.’ Lightning growled ferociously and it was a full minute before the meaning of his word penetrated and even at that, I spent another sleepy minute processing the information.“I don’t understand, Lightning. Our mate would either be at home having a rest or at the office. So what exactly is going on?” Unfortunately, before I finished asking this, I could already feel the tingling pain in my upper chest which meant my wolf was right. My human mate was definitely not happy
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202 Untrue Facts
Christos.How annoying can he be?“Will you stop going round and round and just say what the bloody hell they said on the pages?” Really, the Alpha unit is trying my patience this afternoon.“Mmm well, the gist of it says that she is a mother of two illegitimate kids who joined your company not so long ago and though she might be considered to be a talent in the world of designs, they believe she is a cunning young woman who obviously has a better plan for her earnings. They went as far as to insinuate that she came to your company with her eyes on the gold; which means You.” I could hear the distress in Gabriel's voice as he related these supposed facts and I could not even blame him for explaining in detail. I had asked for it. Hadn't I?“Bloody hell!” I swore loudly, turning the air blue with my chosen words and my men were quiet. Even my wolf was not reacting the way I expected him to, which does not bode well for everyone.“Do you think that’s why we are getting these feelings? S
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203 Retaliation
Christos. With some of my staff covering their mouth with their palms, others gasped loudly at the horror of it, obviously aware of what my presence means but I was too angry for words or interest to spare any of them a glance. I ignored every one of them as I waited for my Mate to open her eyes and look at me.It was a long moment before she did and another long moment before she clearly noticed my presence and it greatly annoyed me when I felt the waves of her fear and pain charging at me and my wolf. Wondering if crushing the worthless female before me into pieces would be too small a price to pay for her sins, I kept my gaze on that of my woman even as I felt the presence of my men around me.Becca.I could not tear my eyes away from that of the man gazing down at me intently and it was a full minute before I noticed the waves of anger emanating from him.No, more like fury but strangely enough, something told me it was not directed at me. ‘But who?’ My numb brain murmured and n
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204 Assurance
Becca. It was a surprise to realise I was not too numb to such a move despite everything. Gritting my teeth together to stop from moving to her side to pluck her hands away from my man’s body, I told myself it would not be appreciated. Not when the said man was glaring at me coldly from the side. ‘Could this be witchery? Has the cold, evil Miss Brown jazzed him? Or how is it possible for a man to change so suddenly? Or is this just an easy way out for him? Is he already regretting everything after reading the papers in the morning, hence his reason for coming late to work?’ I kept having these horrible thoughts and questions in my head, unable to stay with one. “Can you come here, Miss Summer?” His voice was cold as he made the order and I felt my head snap up in shock as I kept my gaze on him. He motioned again impatiently with his hand and like a zombie, I trailed to stand beside him. I could feel the other woman’s excitement as she moved slightly to the side to allow me go forw
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205 Savage Reward
Becca.I turned my face again to look at the piteously crying woman on the office floor with her face all red and swollen from the harsh treatments she received and my tummy felt hollow at the whole situation. “You should not have delivered that last slap.” I heard myself murmuring softly and the cold man beside me finally turned to look at me fully. I gave a short gasp when I realised I had been foolish to think his coldness was directed at me.Looking at him now, I was shocked by the swift transformation that came over his face as he raised a trembling hand to cradle my cheek that was still hot from the slap it got from that woman. I can only imagine what her own situation will be having received all those slaps from my palm that were delivered with a man’s strength.“I did not hear you on time.” He excused as a way of apology and the whole room stared in awe, unable to believe this soft looking man and the same man they know as their boss is one and the same.“Mmmm.” I murmured, n
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206 Emotional Blackmail
Christos. There was total silence in the car as I drove us to Becca’s home, and while a part of me was glad for the reprieve, a more awakened part of me knew that it was the calm before the storm. Or should I say the peace before the disturbance? I could feel the energy emanating from the woman beside me and I knew that drama at the office was not the end of it. My wolf is definitely of the same opinion. And when she opened her mouth immediately I thought this, I knew I was not so far off. “I know what she did was wrong and I don’t even blame you for the steps you took to make her regret her actions, but Christos, it’s not…” As if my thoughts gave her the needed energy, she began slowly but heatedly and I knew allowing her to finish would be dangerous. “Please agape mou, don’t even try to speak for that disgusting woman.” I warned softly, knowing her defense of that woman would only make my wolf crazier. She gave me a deep penetrating look before lowering her eyes. “Of course n
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207 Forgiveness
Christos.What a mess!“Okay, okay. I will do it, I will call my men but first you must promise never to do this again. Cry I mean! I can’t stand it.” I warned softly and she answered with a nod and a tremulous smile.‘Mmmm, smart woman! She can now smile after getting her desires.’ I muttered to my wolf and I could see him in there, shaking his head in pity.‘She knows how to wrap us around her tiny little finger.’ He murmured but I could see the smile on his face now that everything is fine with her mood.Removing my portable black mobile from the car safe, I quickly placed a call to Frank, my second in command.“Yes Frank, Christos here.” I introduced shortly even though it was not necessary but for the woman’s sake.“Yes Boss! We are almost done preparing their letters of discharge.” My Beta’s voice came through and clear over the phone and my woman gave a little gasp.“Mmmm well, that’s why I am calling you. Hold on okay?” I found it difficult to cancel it all together even thoug
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208 Meeting Lightning
Christos.I was not surprised when I saw a curly head with blue flowery eyes peering round the door in an action that was amusing.“Hi Erica! Care to come in with your brother instead of standing there like a little mouse?” I murmured wryly, wondering why they are even hiding in the first place.Unwilling to continue the game anyways, the agile Erica promptly left her place at the door to drag her brother along with her.“How did you know we were standing there?” With a golden head tilted to the side as if trying to see into my soul, a little frown poked out in between her brows.‘Because I’m a werewolf with special hearing? Wryly, I wondered what they will do if I say that out loud. Knowing it will ruin everything, I settled for something believable.“You mean aside from the sounds from your footsteps? Well, maybe that crown of golden hair will be your answer.” I intoned wryly and she chuckled.“You are so smart, Uncle Christos. Not as much as me and my brother, mind you, but I must
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209 The Deal
Christos.But before I could think it further, I felt the sudden change of atmosphere and in a distracted air, I raised my head to look at the kids who were by now staring at me in a way that got my heart beating fast.‘Here we go!’ I thought with a silent sigh.“Out with it guys. I am sure you want to get it out before your Mum comes down the stairs.” I stated bluntly, knowing very well by now that it’s what they appreciate.Even though I could pick with my wolf’s ears that Becca was still in her room, busy with her toiletries, I knew we had just ten minutes maximum before she would walk back into the room.“We are sure you know what we want to talk about, Uncle Christos.” The outspoken little madam returned shortly and I gave another sigh. This one is audible enough for them to hear.The girl giggled. I gave a short frown and the boy covered his mouth with young chubby hands, trying to hide a smile obviously.My wolf grinned and I sighed again.“Relax bruhhh. We ain’t going to eat y
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210 Acceptance!
Christos.They gasped and then gave a little scream of excitement.“But can’t you see? It’s too good to be a coincidence.” The irrepressible Erica jumped from where she was seated to cry softly even as she glanced behind her shoulder to make sure their mother had not heard her little shout.It did not escape my notice that even the more dignified and unruffled Eric was too happy by this news to wave an admonition towards his sister as usual.“Well yes, I must admit it’s too much to be a coincidence. Still, I will advise we take it cool and not get over our heads with unhealthy excitement.” I advised softly but there was a slight grin on my face as I listened to the kids’ excitement. There is no doubt about it that their joy is always a source of happiness to me and considering the manner in which my wolf is also grinning from ear to hear right now while thumping his tail excitedly, I know I’m not the only one affected by them.For the life of me, I find it hard to keep my hard stone
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29 Protection Status