All Chapters of The Magnetic Alpha: Chapter 181 - Chapter 190
287 Chapters
181 Public Display of Affection
Christos. I had thought she would go for the magnificent ring that compliments the colour of her eyes. Her response got me instantly aroused and hot. I was not expecting such a confession. I never knew she wanted this marriage as much as I do. Choosing that particular ring because they are exactly the colour of my eyes is one of the best gifts she could have given a man like me who has almost everything that’s important in this world. ‘Except Love.’ A voice taunted in a whisper. ‘That does not matter now. A mate is everything and all the love a werewolf needs.’ I hushed the voice immediately. My wolf gave a yelp and I moved closer to the woman who was gazing at me as if I was all that mattered in her world. Of course I knew she did not understand it yet, the full depth of her feelings. Probably thought what she felt is the usual human feeling towards the other gender. She might even think that with time what she felt for me would lessen; obviously having no idea that the forever
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182 Public Assurance
Christos.It’s obvious she is finding it hard to comprehend the level of my craze for her.“For me?” She whispered emotionally.“For you. I don’t want you to ever have a doubt about our Union, beautiful one.” I murmured with a soft kiss on her ears and she gave a slight shiver of awareness.That’s it! Another thing that got me crazier every moment. Her awareness of what I am to her. Dammit, but it’s intoxicating.This time it was she who went up on her toes to place a soft kiss on my lips and the crazy shutters and clicks of camera went off again. She released my mouth to step back slightly and looking at her face, I could see the shyness yet a glowing pleased look was also present in her eyes.Taking her hand softly in mine, we started walking again and I could feel them at our back, following closely behind but with a safe distance between us. My wolf hearing could also pick up some murmurs as many of them wondered why I was allowing this.“Could this be a trap?” I heard one murmuri
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183 A Bitchy Journalist
Christos.I heard the clicks of the camera and after a moment, I gave them a look that said that was enough.“Now, I will give you a chance to ask two questions. Any silly question and we will walk away. So think properly and ask what is important to you.” I warned directly and I could hear their gasps at the unexpected gift.“Do you think this is okay, Boss? These people are opportunists you know and giving them this chance might make them greedy for more.” Frank’s tone was urgent and I could feel his worry.“It is okay, Frank. After evading them for more than a decade, it’s only right to give them some news now, otherwise they will only be thirsty and desperate to get what you don’t want to give them. Besides, I am now going to be a family man, I don’t want anyone to think it’s going to be an under-the-carpet thing. Becca and her kids deserve more than that.” I quickly explained my reasoning to him and he sighed.“But how will they feel when they find out the kids are not yours? Won
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184 Reaction!
Christos.Wondering how my Mate was going to react when she experienced her first shift into the wolf’s world, I felt a leaping desire in my chest but beneath all that lurks a fear that she might not handle it well.But what can I do about that? That’s how the mate bond works and she will have no choice in the matter. Not as long as she is marked to me.“Shall we take a stroll down to the waterside?” I asked the silent woman sitting beside me in the car and she nodded after a brief hesitation. After a brief word to the driver to park the car close to a convenient side curb, I sat back without saying anything.I knew she must be trying to process all that has happened and I have no issues with that. I would just like for us to discuss a few things before I take her back to the house to prepare for dinner with my mother.Few minutes later, she draped her hand around mine as we walked slowly down the green path that led to the waterside.“I am sorry if you are upset by the drama that too
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185 Candid Discussions
Christos.Standing at the riverside minutes later, we were both quiet as we gazed at the beauty of nature before us.“Shall we tell the kids together when we go back to the house?” I finally broke the silence after a while.“You don’t think it is too early?” From the little frown that pleated her forehead, it was plain to see that she was not sure if it was a good idea.“They will have to know one way or the other, Becca, and I would rather it comes from us than from outsiders. Don’t you think so?” The twins are not mere kids one can deceive for long anyways, they are too intelligent not to pick up on the closeness between me and their mum.“From outsiders?” She blinked owlishly and it was obvious she had not considered this.“Newspaper, my dear Becca. The same concern I have about my Mum finding out through the blogs also applies to them, Babes. I am sure we both don’t want them coming home upset just because they heard the news from some kids who heard their parent’s gossip about M
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186 Unwelcome Reactions
Christos.After the first excitement when the kids saw me come home with their Mum, they had been remarkably cool towards me especially after announcing that we needed to talk to them.Unlike before when all they wanted to do was sit close to me, they had immediately followed their Mother to sit on the middle sofa, leaving me with the bigger one, alone and isolated.To think I had gone straight to sit on the big one in expectation that they would join me.Really! It’s true that kids will stain your white when you least expect it.I actually cannot believe this is me though, running helter-skelter over talking to some kids. No wonder their Mum could not keep the smile off her face. Probably comparing the moment with that first time we met on her first day of work and I was all shades of fire and brimstone. If that’s the case, then I can’t blame her for finding this to be hilarious. I can only thank the goddess my men are not here to see it. It will be extremely humiliating and difficul
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187 Mischief
Christos.Truthfully, I could read their minds as they all stared at me in uniform expression. Luckily for me, that exchange with my men was just within a few minutes, so there was nothing much to suspect. Yet!“You were saying?” Erica prodded and looking deep into her ocean deep blue eyes, I could see a glint of mischief in them and it surprised me to see that she’s beginning to find this to be hilarious.Turning my head to check her brother’s reaction, I could read almost the same thing in his coffee brownish eyeball and I could not believe it. For a moment there, they reminded me of a wolf. ‘A blood seeking wolf?’ I murmured silently and my wolf gave an answering howl. Wow! I was right. But whose blood are they seeking for? Can’t be mine. Can it?“Uncle Christos?” Eric joined his sister to push amusingly and I took a deep breath.“Yesterday, your Mum and I…we agreed to…” I started again but well, luck shone on me.“What Christos is trying to say is that, this morning, he proposed
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188 Interrogations and Conditions
Christos. I didn’t have to feign my confusion. It’s obvious to see. “She is asking how important it is to you.” Eric elaborated and I took some minutes to weigh my options before saying anything. “Very important. I care so much where your Mum is concerned but above all, I am so eager for us all to be a family. It is important to me.” I replied honestly. “Why? You ain’t our father. You are not even related to us by blood.” Erica was blunt and direct and I could feel her blue deep eyes clashing hotly with mine. “I know, but I wish to be, if you will give me the chance. I wish to marry your mother and adopt you both as mine. Be there for you and do everything together as a family.” I said honestly, hoping they would appreciate my directness. And for a moment, I could glimpse an unexplainable happiness in the girl’s eyes but in the next moment, she caught her brother’s eyes and her expression went to that blankness I was beginning to hate. “Hmm, if you truly meant all these, then y
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189 Mother-In Law
Becca.‘What if she doesn't like me or approve of me?’Christos is her only son after all, what if she wants the perfect wife for him? Someone not only beautiful, but also very rich and from a wealthy and reputable family?’ All these were the thoughts running through my head as I sat tensely in the car later that evening and really I could not understand why I should be feeling this way, having this fear of rejection. But despite telling myself it’s crazy to be this in love especially with a man whom I had not known for too long, I could not help nor stop feeling exactly that way.I kept asking myself that even if his family would reject me, what was the worst that could happen? We would go our separate ways. Isn’t it? Life would also go on. Isn’t it?But telling myself all these did not work, it was more like trying to pour honey on a sleek dough, a waste of time. As far as my feeling was concerned, thinking about separating from this man alone is as close to asking for death. Unbear
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190 Mother Inlaw
Becca. Half an hour later, we stood outside the door with sweats palpitating my forehead despite what he said earlier and to my greatest surprise, his Mum and not the servant I had been expecting, opened the front door to us. And wonders of all, all it took was a glance at that beautiful welcoming face and all my fear went out the window. Even before she opened her arms to give me a good welcoming hug, I knew everything would be fine. Christos. I watched my Mum embrace my future Luna in a hug and I smiled. I could visibly see the relief in Becca’s shoulders as she finally realised the truth of my words. By the time she stepped back from my mother’s sweet fragrance, I noted the genuine smile on her face and the relaxation of her body. ‘Thank you, Mum.’ I murmured through the mind - link and my Mum sent me a brief glance from the corner of her eyes even as she bade us to come into the welcoming house. ‘What in goddess name were you thanking me for, son?’ She equally replied thro
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29 Protection Status