All Chapters of The Magnetic Alpha: Chapter 171 - Chapter 180
287 Chapters
171 Strange Realisation
Becca.‘I am not trying to say I preferred the unknown rapist to James, my old boyfriend am I?’ Really, I can’t understand myself and my thoughts these days.“I would not have let you go on your own if I were to be your boyfriend. I would have noticed you were not yourself hundred percent and I would have made sure I convinced you to let me go with you. Wherever it was you were going.” Christos’s voice was coldly confident and I turned briefly to look at him, unsure if I heard what he said correctly or it was my imagination.But when I saw the glint in his eyes, I knew I had heard correctly. A brief lonely smile came to my lips and I gave a short nod.Of course I can believe him. Christos Fernandez is not anything like James. He is hard whereas James was soft and he is possessively protective whereas James was a placid boyfriend.I could imagine guys staying away from his Babe because they knew he would not tolerate any shit from anyone.I frowned slightly at the thought of that.‘Wai
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172 Proposal
Becca.I could not hold back the shock of laughter that came out of my throat. Behind it, I heard relief, hope and faith.An assurance that all would be well.“So what do you say?” He finally asked when it seemed I was not going to say anything. I could hear the fear and tension behind the short spoken words.“Say to what?” I replied with a little frown, unwilling to let him have his way that easily.I could see the shock behind his blue eye balls. “To my proposal, Becca Summer.” He growled and I gave a musical laugh that was genuine and light. Who would have thought I could be this happy in the space of some minutes?“Did you pop a question? I thought you were only telling me your intention?” I murmured gently and he blinked.“Holy cow!” He muttered and I could see his expression changed as he gave me a calculating look. “You are indeed a dangerous woman.” He chuckled in appreciation.“Well, I am waiting.” I urged softly.“Oh my goddess. Okay here it goes. Becca Summer, will you do m
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173 Assurance!
Becca.Few minutes later, he dropped loudly beside me on the bed and I sighed in contentment. Of course he heard it and he interpreted it appropriately.“We have a lot going for us more than some couples had in their years of marriage yineka mou and they still had a successful marriage. The most important thing is appreciating what we have now between us and enjoying it to the fullest.” He indicated our naked sweating bodies and I blushed.“Every other thing can be worked out. Say yes to my proposal, else I will remain in this bed, doing this to you till you accept or give up; whichever comes first.” He threatened arrogantly and I gave him a pointed look. Not with my kids around, mister.“Marry me yineka mou. Let me be the father to your children and the husband of your youth.” He whispered softly and I could see the anticipation hiding somewhere in his eyes.And because it’s what I also wanted more than anything, I gave the assurance I knew we both needed to have.“Yes, yes to everyt
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174 Unusual Appetites
Becca.Putting a hand on his tight ass, I pushed him a little bit forward to me before putting my hand in his inner shorts to bring out his rod. His heavily huge rod that was already pulsing with life and veins. Never would I have thought I could take such hugeness into my tight pussy. But the interesting thing about him is not just about how big he is, but how good he is at using it. He sure knows how to drive a woman crazy.Looking at the master shaft in my hand, I wet my lips hungrily, anticipating the moment of enjoyment.“You are huge. Very huge and I am glad you are all mine.” I murmured in a worshipping tone to the rod in my hand and the man growled from within his soul, I felt the power of it.“I wish we can fuck again, hotly right now but if I can’t have that, then I will settle for licking and sucking you. Won’t I?” I murmured again to his rod before placing my mouth softly on the tip. The man shivered slightly and I smiled against his rod.“Dios.” I heard him mutter almost
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175 Strange Feeling!
Christos.After a brief companionable silence between us.“Her energy is amazing though.” I found myself musing out loud, still unable to believe a human could have as much energy as a werewolf. If a part of me had been in doubt, wondering how she was going to endure my strength and appetite, all that flew out of the window within the last few hours with her. What? I think I should be the one wondering if I will be able to satisfy all that appetite and more.“What a thing for a werewolf to say! I wonder what the pack will think should they hear that their Alpha is scared of a human mate.” Lightning teased mercilessly and I rolled my eyes.“They will think their Luna is well deserving of their Alpha if she can keep him satiated and full.” I returned pointedly and my wolf chuckled.“She is a good little human that will make a worthy Luna, buddy. The Moon Goddess has been kind.” Lightning admitted and I felt proud and grateful.“Now, if only she would show up and take me out of my pain.”
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176 Little Discussion!
Christos. I frowned. “Miss Becca Summer, do you realise that you are talking to your Boss?” My voice was stern and the shade of my eyeball would have sent any man running for cover. But not this woman it seems, she only clapped her hands before going into full throated laughter. I feel hurt. I feel stupid but above all, I feel happy. ‘Pathetic. Plainly pathetic.’ My wolf mourned but I ignored him. She smirked at me before replying. “My boss? You mean Christos Fernandez? Yea, I know.” She even had the audacity to confirm this after reducing the tempo of her humour. “Right! Isn’t it strange that aside from being considered a fearsome man, I am also a man that’s revered across the world, yet it is plain to see that I am none of this but a puppy in the eyes of my wife–to-be?” I moaned aloud with a grimace and she only gave another laugh that was light and musical. “Not a puppy, darling. A big cat, harmless to its lovers but still a big cat nonetheless.” She corrected this with a w
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177 Strange Reaction
Christos. It was my turn to give a stare down as I glowered at her. “Talking from experience. Ain’t you? At that moment, I remembered what the twins told me about a fiancé and her amnesia and a picture of an unknown foggy man came to my mind. Which only increased my frown. “No, dammit. We ain’t talking from experience, Christos. It was just a damn thing that popped into my head.” She returned hotly and I felt the rope around my neck loosening slightly. What I will do if I ever find out a man is in the picture that might suddenly pop up in the future I don’t know but one thing is sure, should the man tries to win back this family from me, blood will flow. Police will carry everybody! “So why are we fighting?” I finally murmured and she stared at me with that big coffee eyes. “I don’t know. Why are we?” She returned softly, as if confused to realise it and I chuckled. “I should ask you. You are the one that’s angry because you don’t want to meet my Mother.” My voice was a matter
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178 Expectations!
Christos.It’s obvious my wolf wasn’t so pleased with her.“They might be small Becca, but those kids are humans, with feelings. They deserve to be treated with respect and sincerity. They were first my friends before I became your friend and they deserve to hear the news properly from us.” Why she would think I would have it another way, I don’t know, but it cut deep that she thought I would be selfish enough to ignore their feelings.“I know you are a good and kind man Christos, and this should not have surprised me. I have always known you have a genuine heart that’s not selfish in any way. Thank you!” And she moved forward to place a kiss on my mouth. Short but heartfelt.Wow! Could she really begin to read my mind?‘Her thoughts are beginning to align with yours.’ Lightning murmured and I could also hear the awe in his voice.“The pleasure is all mine agape mou.” And I returned the honor by taking her lips in a kiss that was not only hard but long. Long enough to erase the pain h
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179 Impressions!
Becca.Staring at the most expensive, biggest diamonds I have ever seen in my life some minutes later, all thought of the press and every other person flew out of my head and all I could think of was how everything was about to change.According to Christos, he wants a fast engagement and an equally fast wedding. Which means what exactly? In a few months time I will no longer be known as Miss Becca Summer but Mrs. Fernandez?“I think this goes with the colour of your eyes, agape mou.” The man beside me murmured and I allowed myself to blink back to the present moment.“Yes, but it’s too eye-catching, Christos. I want something unique, yes, but equally simple.” I murmured softly but it was not a surprise that the ears of the proprietor picked up on these words, judging from the way he had been hovering around us since we came in.“Unique but simple? For Mr. Fernandez’s life partner? Oh that will not do, Miss. It will not do at all.” The man murmured with a tsk tsk sound as if he could
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180 Gossips!
Becca. Looking round in shock, i saw that different groups of people, media houses I guess, are upon us. Although it’s obvious they were not allowed into the shop, some of them had been brave enough to come to the door just to quickly capture some pictures of their favorite business mogul. And how unfortunate that it was when Christos was showing his affection! ‘He must be angry.’ I thought to myself with dismay as I turned my head to take a glance at him, but I could not ascertain anything. If he was, then it’s not apparent on his face, his expression was polite, almost wry as a matter of fact. As if he did not really care one way or the other. “Ignore them agape mou. They ain’t the reason we are here.” He murmured softly into my ears and I shivered slightly from the tingle. Another click of the camera sounded again and I sighed. It was obvious these people would not stop. “Reading my mind again. Aren’t you?” I murmured wryly to the man beside me, not even angry or surprised aga
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29 Protection Status