All Chapters of The Magnetic Alpha: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
287 Chapters
151 A Request
Christos. My control wavered when I got to her high pointy breasts though and I did not hesitate to feed myself and my wolf what we wanted. Opening my mouth softly, I grabbed an attention seeking nipple into my mouth and the woman that was in control earlier, lost it as she wove her fingers into my hair to give it a painful but equally pleasurable yank that spoke to me about her yearnings and wishes. I did not disappoint as I attended to her needs. Not only sucking on her breasts but suckling greedily on them like a new born baby dying of thirst, I took us both to great heights of pleasures while my strongly veined German machine pulsed heavily below for a touch. Wishing there was a way to push my dick heavily into her mouth while still having access to her boobs, I gave her nipples tiny bites of pleasure and pain and she cried loudly, asking for more. “Oh Christos, please. Do that again!” She moaned and begged and that got me more aroused. Moving my teeth in a circle around her l
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152 Throbbing Desire
Christos. “I am sure you know the answer to that, you devil.” She snorted angrily but it was a failure. It is difficult to pull off anger when you are still throbbing from a strong orgasm. “Tell me what you want right now, Sweetheart.” I encouraged, determined to make her acknowledge how much she needed me. “I—I—want you—inside me, Christos.” She gave the answer promptly with no sign of hesitation and Lightning almost somersaulted from the joy of hearing her speak her need so clearly. It’s amazing how she has shed her shyness and hesitation with me. “You want me to fu>ck you and thrust deeply into you?” Knowing how important conversation is duing moments like this, I made her spell it out. A man should never be selfish enough to assume he understands a woman’s need completely. “Yes. To thrust powerfully into me and fu>ck me deeply till I feel weak in the knees and then you continue till I beg for more of you. But before then, I want to have you in my mouth and suck greedily on you
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153 Mystery
Christos.Everything in me stood at attention to see what the mystery girl looks like. But when she finally turned to face me, I could not believe my eyes.I honestly do not know what I had expected to see but it definitely was not my woman’s face, Becca’s face when the mysterious figure turned fully to look at me.I was visibly stunned. I was not expecting this person to impersonate my woman. Even though the mystery lady has been a tormenting puzzle all these years, I wasn’t expecting whoever it is to be that mean and wicked by playing such game now. But didn’t they say dreams are stupid?Suddenly, Becca, no, it’s not Becca, the impersonator threw her head backward and gave a shrilling laughter that got me cold in my shoes as everywhere trembled. She laughed and laughed until she went blue in the face and the more she laughs, the more I find myself crumbling until I fell to my knees before her. It was only when I was on my knees and whimpering in agony that she suddenly stopped laugh
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154 Investigations
Eric.“Did you notice anything about Mum, Erica?” I finally asked softly of my sister after twenty four hours of pondering on it.“Notice anything about Mum? Is there anything different about her?” My sister replied to me with another question and I sighed wearily.She is definitely in those moods. Deep in thought, I wondered if I should just forget having this conversation with her. But my mind would not let me and after I had started the talk anyways, I knew my sister would not allow me to make a retreat without a detailed explanation despite the disinterest she is showing presently.I need to talk to her even if she will make this a difficult task to do. She is the only one that can read my mind and share my thoughts with me.“Stop playing dumb, Erica. I am sure you have also observed her mood ever since we came back from that mall.” I snapped despite my good intention to maintain my calm.“Okay! Now that you are ready to talk, let’s talk about the mall.” She finally dropped her b
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155 Reality
Eric.I turned fully to look at my twin sister.“So tell me, of what use is knowing Mum has some relatives somewhere when it’s plain she does not want to have anything with them?” I asked with a little frown and she gave me an intense look that was worrisome.“And what if that is not the case?” Erica murmured softly and I was more confused.“I don’t understand where you are going with this.” It is a good thing our Mum is spending a good lot on our education, at this rate, with the constant way I keep having a deep conversation with my twin sister, I am worried I will soon exhaust all the English words I know and start looking for more.“What if Mum doesn’t know? Have you thought of this? What if she was not lying and she genuinely has amnesia? What then?” My sister suggested blandly and I could not look away, I froze dramatically.“Holy cow! What the hell?” It was my turn to utter some unacceptable words but my sister was neither worried nor shocked, she chuckled instead. Probably bec
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156 Acceptance!
Erica.Putting up an innocent look on my face, I slanted my eyes to him to gauge if my effort was working and I could see the guilt coming up already.Feeling elated, I smiled wryly but then…“We promised to always be honest with each other yes. Unless we feel it will hurt the other person and it is for their own good not to say anything to them.” He finally clarified with a murmur, revealing that he remembered our vow clearly but he also felt he’s justified in keeping some things from me.“Definitely right. But in this instance, whatever you are hiding from me cannot hurt me bruh. As a matter of fact, keeping me away from reality is what might hurt me.” I assured him in a low tone.He groaned and then sighed loudly after a few moments again and I almost thought there was an adult in the room with us. It’s amazing how we both can behave like big adults sometimes especially when we are alone together, having a serious conversation.“Tell me, what are you curious about exactly?” He fina
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157 Regret
Anne Summer. Sweating hard from the cold dream, I knew I was not going to sleep again. As usual! Taking my robe from the chair close to the bed, I left the room quietly without waking the sleeping man on the other side. Though I wish I can always blame him for my present predicament, a sense of fairness will not let me, knowing full well I was a willing participant in the topic that has now become a nightmare in our lives. Seven good years! Seven good years since I last saw and embraced my child to my bosom and even now, till now I cannot believe I allowed myself and my husband to do that to her. To our only child! Just because of one mistake. Walking to her room as I usually did, I pressed the switch on the wall and the darkness vanished into brightness as I moved slowly to stand at the centre of the room. A room that’s still as neat and girly as the day she left it. Moving to the full set of mirrors that was a gift on her sixteenth birthday, a nostalgic smile flitted across m
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158 A Disappointment
Anne Summer.Coming out from the other side of the mall aisle, I searched everywhere rapidly with my eyes even though if asked I could not honestly say what I was expecting to see. But that curious twitch would not leave me and I don’t intend to ignore it. Although I have not associated myself with little kids in years, those voices kept bringing forth memories I can’t explain.It was not until my eyes landed on the group of people on the other side that I stopped searching, with an instinct telling me they were the owner of those voices.And it was not until the woman beside them turned to look at me that I knew what had been pushing me.Motherly instinct. Because right there, over there is Becca! My long lost daughter!Though another person might be confused with the long pass of years and the noticeable changes in her face and look and even her hair seemed slightly different if my eyes were correct. Despite the tight bun, I could see her golden hair is not a complete shade of gold
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159 Wishing for the Past
Anne Summer.I heard a door opening quietly behind me and I allowed my mind to come back to the present as I kept my eyes on the picture in my hand without turning to look at the man I knew would be watching my actions silently from the doorway.“Thinking of our daughter again. Ain’t you?” He finally asked gently and I sighed softly before turning to look at him.“It has been seven years, Josh. Seven good years since we sent our daughter away from her home.” I whispered with shame.“Stop thinking of it that way, Anne. You are only going to hurt yourself more with the guilt of it. Can’t you see what the pain and guilt is doing to my body? I am barely surviving.” My husband called my attention to his body that is now frail and weak and it reminded me again that I am not the only one suffering. My pain might be more visible because I am a female and I am very emotional, but that he does not cry around like I do does not mean he is not feeling the heat of fire also. Both of us had never
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160 A Deep Pain!
Anne Summer.Worried, the man had immediately called on every soul around the area to search for his daughter but none of them came back with any positive response. Frantic, he had almost upturned the whole place in his panic, searching for her everywhere before some people suddenly rushed in with a terrified look in their eyes. Without waiting to hear it, he had turned on his heels to rush out and by the time they got to the back of the court, it was the naked and lifeless body of his daughter they found on the dirty pavement.Battered and tortured, it was equally obvious she was brutally raped and molested before they snuffed life out of her, leaving behind a harsh note to the talented lawyer. Just like that, she was gone and the world of her parents became shattered.That night, leaving the house of the bereaved, our car had been so quiet, a drop of pin would be heard as we drove back home, each of us lost in our thoughts.All I kept thinking of was how that child would have been s
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29 Protection Status