All Chapters of The Magnetic Alpha: Chapter 161 - Chapter 170
287 Chapters
161 Childhood Nightmare
Becca.I woke up with sweat all over my body and I could not stop the shiver that took over my skin in big prickles.That dream had felt so real I could not stop myself from taking a wild look around my room. It was only when I saw nothing but the usual shadows of my room that I allowed myself to take a slow breather.Turning to the bed clock by the side, I saw that it was past midnight, too early to be awake in Canada anyways and I would not be surprised if every other person was having its beauty sleep except me.Allowing myself to look at the source of my wakefulness properly, maybe then I might be able to view it objectively and go back to sleep, I closed my eyes tightly against the pain of memory.Though I had been having some dreams about the past, this time is so different. Ever since that strange meeting at the mall, dreams about my childhood which although was not unusual, had been so real and scary this time around. It’s the first time I will be seeing my Mum’s face in my dr
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162 Wishful Thinking?
Becca.Closing my eyes tightly, I forced to the front the memory of the dream before it could leave me.Yea, it was after the Disney dream, I had been so happy and content I had thought the dream would continue in that way until suddenly, the pattern changed and the bright colorful place became dark and I was thrown into chaos looking for my parents.I searched and searched everywhere, calling for them but there was no response. Giving up hope, I had turned my back to walk away when I suddenly heard a tiny sound of footsteps and a whisper behind me.In that dream I remember turning slowly with a bloody eyes which till now I don’t understand the meaning, maybe it stood for my pain, pain of betrayal I don’t know but I had turned at that moment with bloodshot eyes only to see my mother, not looking much older, standing a few feet away and calling to me softly with agony and tears in her eyes.But even in that dream, despite how long she called to me, my leg could not move and I found mys
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163 A Mate's Call
Christos. I found myself jumping out of the bed before I could even process the full meaning of his word or what he meant by it. “Is she in danger? Can you sense where she is?” I found myself asking even as I picked my shorts from the chair to wear. It’s no news that wolves like sleeping naked unless they are forced to apply decorum by their environment. “No, there is no danger. Just mood.” He answered softly and I stopped with one of my legs raised in the air. “Mood? What mood?” I was not certain I heard correctly. “She needs us. Mate is horny. I want to suck her deeply and give her some fucks.” Lightning murmured with determined stubbornness and I froze in my action. I honestly do not know if I should laugh or cry. To think my wolf woke me up because he could hear our mate calling to us was so emotional I could only sigh at last. Now that the edge of sleep is gone from my tired eyes, I could definitely feel her need all the way to this place. The aura was so strong it was as
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164 Surprise!
Christos.I went back to my car and after taking the time to make sure I hid the car where none could see it should they happen to glance out of their windows, I walked back to the front of the house.Ten minutes and some hard work later, we found a window and It’s ironic that the first window we peeped through belonged to Erica and though I was moving already to continue the search, my wolf stopped me in my tracks and we spent a few minutes I don’t totally understand staring at the sleeping little princess.“Our Pup.” My wolf breathed with emotional pride and I didn’t bother to correct him. Ever since we recognized their mother as our mate, he had kept calling them pups and no matter how much I tried to make him know that they are little humans who ain’t related to us by blood, he would not listen.Every time he set his eyes on them, he would jump and bark in excitement and I could always feel his fierce protectiveness towards them.I finally put it down to the fact that he knew they
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165 Recognition
Christos.“Christos?” Becca finally murmured through the glass but I felt the word loudly in my chest. My wolf jumped excitedly with a murmur and I nodded softly, hoping she could see my actions clearly.As if by magic, she suddenly ran to the window to peer out at me. I gave a short laugh before raising my head properly for her to see. She blinked and my wolf chortled.‘She surely was not expecting us.’ Lightning chortled again.‘Yea, we surprised her.’ I answered but with my gaze on my mate.“Christos?” She called and this time it was with more confidence.“Yes Babes, open up.” I murmured with a wry grin.Still with those owlish coffee eyes, she moved to the side and soon the window was opened and I could walk into the room.“Hi Babes.” I greeted as if it was a normal routine and there was nothing strange about me coming to her house in that way, at that hour and through the window for that matter.“Hey! What happened? It is late for goodness sake, what are you doing here?” She aske
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166 A Night Call
Christos.After a long penetrating look at my face, she gave her head a hard shake.“I told you, I will not do that with you when my kids can come in.” She repeated and it sounded funny to hear her say it when not long ago I was the one that was bothered about that.“You don’t have to worry about that yineka mou.” I told her softly.“I don’t?” She murmured.“Yes, you don’t.” I assured gently.“Why?” Defiant but I guess she didn't know she was talking to her life mate. I could practically scent out her excitement and the hint of hope she could not hide from her heart.“Because I have got you covered.” And with this, I moved to her bedroom door so fast and I know she wondered how that was possible.In seconds, I flipped the lock into place and just like that, our privacy was secured.“Really? That’s the solution you have? You think locking the door is enough? That I could afford not to answer my kids should they come to the door?” She inserted sarcastically and I could read the disappoi
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167 Little Gist
Christos.I continued with the intense administrations.“Oh my goodness, Christos. Please! Please! I need to let go.” She suddenly cried passionately and I realised she was about to cum into my mouth.I did not mind. I wanted it all. Encouraging her to indeed let go and pour it all out, I dipped my tongue into her juicy pot to suckle more and lick it all up. She is a sweet petal.“Oh mine. Oh mine. Oh mine!” She kept crying as she came mightily in my arms. Holding tightly to her body so she did not escape, I kept my mouth on her pussy as I licked and drank from her juiciness.It was only when I got satisfied that I left her pussy to move upward. Covering her mouth in a deep kiss so she could taste herself from my lips, I opened her thighs more widely and rasing my head up in preparation for the pleasure, I thrust deeply into her welcoming vjay and she screamed.Luckily for me, I anticipated the move and quickly muffled the sound with my mouth.Knowing what she loves, I engaged her mou
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168 Pleasurable Agony
Christos.Just when I thought she would ignore me.“I am doing what is fun for me, so shut up, will you?” She said distractingly without taking her gaze off my body. A body that’s now burning with heat.Just when I thought I would have to just end this by pushing her back to the bed and having my way with her, while I apologise after, she moved and before I could guess at her intent, she lashed her mouth on my nipple and all thoughts flew out of my head.“Oh goodness forever.” In all my thirty something years on earth, I never knew my nipples were this sensitive but judging from the electric vibration I could feel all over my body? It’s obvious they can also feel as much as the females’.After a while, she released the nipples to trail her tongue down my belly and with no hesitation from her, she dipped her tongue into my belly button and I shook with the force of my emotion.“Oh dammit. This pleasure is gonna kill me.” Already my voice was thick from passion and I knew it would soon
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169 Revelation
Christos.But again, she surprised me.“I don’t know him, you know? None of us know who he was.” She finally breathed out and even now, I could detect the pain she could not hide.I did not understand what she was talking about, but already I could feel chills and permutations coming all over my skin and my wolf retreated to the furthest part of my mind.******Becca.A part of me is busy wondering if I really wish to do it but after realising the truth of my heart, I know I want to. I don’t know if it’s the best decision I can make right now but I want to. I wish to finally unburden myself to someone. To fully share the horror of the past in a way I had never done with anyone. Not even my best friend, Cindy.So I found myself opening my mouth and I could not stop what followed.“Pardon my sluggishness in catching up with you but can you be more specific here agape mou? Who is he that you don’t know?” He finally asked after the heavy silence that followed my sentence and I breathed i
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170 Tainted Soul
Becca.Despite how I wished to deceive myself that I didn't not care, I felt an ache in my chest region and I knew even the thought of it alone hurt. How much more would his words and actions be by the time he rejected me and all I stood for?‘Snap out of it, Becca. You can’t judge the man this way when you have not revealed anything yet.’ That tiny irritating voice prodded impatiently in my head and even though i found it to be an annoying busybody, I knew she was right this time around.No point beating myself against it now. Besides, isn’t it better to reveal all and see for myself the kind of man he really is? Definitely a man who will judge and blame a twenty year old girl for such a thing is not deserving of my love and that of my kids. With a heart that was at the moment hardened from all emotions, I continued again and even I was surprised at how flat my voice had become.“When I was twenty years and a college graduate, my best friend threw a party for her twentieth birthday
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29 Protection Status