All Chapters of The Magnetic Alpha: Chapter 191 - Chapter 200
287 Chapters
191 Acceptance!
Christos. Watching my mother as she walked across the room to the bar set in a corner, I marveled. Who would have known she’s a little schemer? Judging from the way Becca was now looking at her with a soft gentle glow in her eyes, it’s obvious she wished she could give her what she wanted. I was not slightly surprised when she finally opened her rosebud mouth in that sexy way I loved. “I would love to address you as Mum, if that’s what you want, Mrs. Fernandez.” She breathed out and when my Mum turned to her with a surprised but happy expression, I almost clapped my hands together. ‘Bingo! Score one for you, Mum!’ I applauded mockingly to myself. ‘The old Luna is still as crafty as ever. Isn’t she?’ Lightning whispered, as if scared the woman in question might hear him and take it up. I chuckled. “Obviously, my dear wolf and may the goddess help us should she ever decide to use it on us.’ I answered in return, knowing despite being an Alpha, I’m not above her manipulations and L
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192 Breeding Plan
Christos.Becca nodded!“I believe everything will be fine, yes. Probably Mum refused your invite because she felt you needed space as a young man. But now that you are getting married and she knows there will be grandchildren to pamper, she will be more interested and tempted to come and stay with us.” Her voice was soft and angelic and I knew the thought of getting pregnant again with my child is what changed her brown coffee eyes to a deep ocean-less grey.“Delicious thoughts, my dear Becca.” I breathed softly, making my anticipation obvious and she giggled so girlishly, she reminded me of her daughter, Erica. Though no one could love her kids more than I do right now, thinking of what it means to have my mate pregnant with my seed, with my own pups that will be full blooded wolves and not humans got me stumped and emotional and I almost ran us into a pole, if not for the quick intervention of my wolf.‘If you get us killed, there will be no pregnancy or pups to love, you idiot.’
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193 Active Needs
Christos.Maybe it was half a minute later, or an hour that I was ready to talk but I really didn’t care, not after that satisfactory intense bomb of release. “What next agape mou? Want me to drop you at home?” It’s the last thing I wanted actually but it’s the least I could do after what I had put her through just within a day.It seems like a long time ago when we were picking the rings and facing the crazy media. And of course the tension with the kids had not helped and I knew the fear of the kids rejecting our union had greatly bothered her even if she had not shown it at the time.Surely she must be feeling tired? Not only have I cajoled her to meet my mother for dinner despite all these, here I was again banging the pleasure out of her without any thought for her strength.‘She wanted it. She asked for it.’ My wolf reminded me but that did not lessen my guilt.‘That doesn’t mean I should take advantage of her needs. I should have known better and just take her home.’ I murmure
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194 The Nerve
Becca. An intense two hours later, I raised my head tiredly to look at the man beside me with satisfied and passionate eyes. “You will be the end of me, you know?” I breathed softly, unable to believe the numerous styles and activities we had indulged in ever since we got back home. If I had thought the quickie in the car was a time well spent, then this past hours proved that I don’t know anything yet. Not where this man is concerned at least. “I can’t believe you have the nerve to say this to me. Not after using me as you liked and sapping my strength that I can barely stand now. “Why stand when your present position is much better and accessible?” I winked salaciously and the unbelievable stare he gave me was so amusing to see, I raised my head to laugh boisterously. “Is this what I have turned you into? Make you shameless?” He asked with a dramatic askance and that got me rolling again. I fell to the bed to show my excitement. Unbothered with my nakedness. Not where this man
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195 Unexpected Revelation
Becca.With a soft swearing, he flipped himself on the bed with his back. “Spoilt sport.” He accused wryly.I waited patiently and after a minute, I heard a deep sigh that signaled surrender.“I was never against marriage if you must know yineka mou. My mother and father enjoyed a good union before his death and even though I was young, I knew they were very much in love until my father was betrayed and killed; which before you ask, will be another story for another day.” He quickly put in before I could ask for details. Smart devil!“Okay!” I allowed calmly, knowing it’s not something I could force him on.“As for marriage, I had always thought it’s something that would come to me at the right time and which I would gladly embrace. But well, things happened and I was unlucky to experience one of those things, which of course turned me off not just against the thought of marriage but also a relationship as a matter of fact.” I could hear the pain of memory behind the words he was not
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196 Mad House
Becca. The next day at the office was crazy. Christos was right, the news of our engagement came out with the opening of dawn and by the time the office was opened for work, the news had circulated all over the town and the companies about the Magnetic CEO Boss getting married to his Head of Designs. My phone beeped for the hundredth times in just two hours since coming to work and I could not prevent a groan from coming out of my clenched teeth. My personal assistant who was with me chuckled sympathetically. Although it’s plain to see that she thought it was all sweet and romantic. She had been bursting with energy ever since the office grapevine spread the news to them all. I found her outside my office almost bouncing on the balls of her feet. Totally forgetting about the previous day, I had arched my eyebrow in silent enquiry and to my surprise, the girl had almost jumped on me in her excitement. “Oh Miss Summer, is it true? The news about you and the CEO?” Holding my hand wi
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197 Unexpected Attacks
Becca. In my excitement of telling the kids about the coming wedding this morning, I had forgotten to pack a lunch box and now I can feel the heavy pangs of hunger. Reluctant to risk exposure and the staff’s poking, I nevertheless know I have to step out and now seems to be the time. Inhaling deeply as if that would help, I stood up from my desk and keeping my eyes straight and my expression cool and blank, I left the safety of my office as I walked down the hallway that led to the staff kitchen to make some sandwich for myself from the grocery that’s always supplied by the company for staff’s daily use. Immediately I opened the door, I did not need a soothsayer to tell me a discussion or was it gossip, had been ongoing and guess what or who they were talking about? You guessed right! Yours sincerely, judging from the way they all went quiet with guilt apparent on their faces. Well, one particular face did not believe in such sentiment in any case. Instead of guilt, it had animosit
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198 Office Chaos
Becca.Really!“I’m not done talking, young lady. You will not walk out on me just because you have been lucky to have the CEO in your panties.” She said temperamentally while a hand on my arm yanked me back, hard.“What the hell are you doing, Miss Brown? Do you realise this can be considered as bullying?” I gave the hand that was still on my arm a pointed glance, ignoring the pain I was feeling from her fingers.“Bullying? I simply don’t care what you call it, my dear young lady. As the elder here, I will make my point and you will not walk out on me.” She threatened with a determined step forward and I realised she indeed had other ideas and plans.At that point, almost the entire staff on the second floor was now assembled and they were no longer pretending to be busy. Most of them stood a good distance away while they watched the show.“And what point is that, Miss Brown?” I arched my brows insultingly, no longer interested in standing for her bullshits. How will I teach my kids
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199 Surprise Visit
Christos.Usually, I would take the absence of my wolf to mean there was no cause for worries, at least nothing life threatening but judging from the goosebumps I kept getting over my skin and the urgency coming from my men, I knew whatever was about to take place was nothing we would be forgetting in a while.Knowing any of the werewolves on parole would see the car and drive it properly to the garage, I was out of my car on a run even before it stopped properly. Even though my wolf was not present at the moment, the run into the pack house was powerfully noted by every werewolf around.With wolf or without wolf, I’m considered to be the strongest in the pack and only few can survive a fight from me even without my wolf.It’s a must for every werewolf to train from a young age and keep fit even before discovering their wolves. Hardly will you see a werewolf that’s not fit and in control. I ran up the stairs that led to the main house and I saw not only Frank but the others now stand
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200 Rogues
Christos. The fact that they had almost succeeded in doing this filled my heart with so much pain and I would have doubled over from the guilt but for the knowledge that we had a fight on our hands. Thanks to the moon goddess that unfortunately for them, they underestimated my wolf and those of my men. They forgot why we are considered to be the most powerful soldiers in the world of werewolves. ‘Bloody animals!’ Lightning cried with a blood curling scream and in moments, everywhere became crazy and blood thirsty as we charged into the midst of the fight. Charging at every bloody rogue I could see, I tore into them without mercy, making sure none of them would be alive for long to tell the story. Not even their wolves could heal them from the manner in which I did justice to their bodies and souls. I did not have to turn back to know my men were now charging into the fray with me, ready to kill and destroy. For two hours, no one had a break as we took the enemies down. By the ti
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29 Protection Status