All Chapters of The Magnetic Alpha: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
287 Chapters
51 Intense Moments
Christos.Adjoining to the other room thirty minutes later, it was obvious no one could really say what they had had for dinner.The back and forth words had been so intense, nobody was paying much attention to food. Of course the waves of animosity coming from my host had not helped and everyone seemed to be aware of it.Not that I can really call her the host, from all evidence, she had not even known I was coming. Which means the kids had played a smart one on her. On both of us as a matter of fact.I had been so surprised by their call and invite to dinner that I immediately accepted after realising within a minute of hearing their voices that my wolf and I had indeed missed having them around. In fact, after weeks of having them around in my office daily, it had taken a lot of control and objectivity to get used to their absence again.So yea, getting a call from them this morning about coming to dinner had left me feeling so overwhelmed, it never occurred to me to ask about the
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52 The Plan
ChristosFinding that telling action to be totally annoying without knowing exactly why, I changed the plan. Instead of trying to talk to her as I had earlier planned, I took hold of her shoulders and with a body twist, I had her almost bending backward as I crushed my lips on hers.Without giving her the chance to do much but utter a few protests, I sucked on her lips like a man in the desert would suck on a fruity juice and when she moaned deeply like a cat, I allowed my mouth to swallow the sound.Knowing her kids and her friend were somewhere close by, I knew I had to put a tight rein on my desires, but I still could not help it, I just had to have a taste of her.Luckily for me, I knew she was not having a bra under that skinny top of hers. The thought of which had been driving me crazy all evening while sitting across the table from her. Now, I can only appreciate what she did, it makes the job easier.Without ceremony, I flipped the top to her chest and her golden boobs were gl
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53 A True Hero
BeccaIt’s a shame that at that moment, I found it hard to look away. I felt the power of his eyes pulling me to take a good look at him and for the life of me, I could not resist even when I wanted with all my might to give a dismissive glance that was disdainful.“So he was a Hero in Canada then?” I heard from far away the voice of my son asking quietly of the man and without taking his eyes off me, he gave a terse nod of his head.“Yes, that soldier right there is a Hero. A Canadian hero that’s celebrated yearly by the people of Alberta.” He supplied the answer still with that hot gaze flaring passionately at me.I felt drenched in ice and fire simultaneously as I returned his look with one of my own.“Hmmm, I wish he is still alive so I can meet him. I love Heroes and I wish to meet one in my lifetime.” My daughter said pensively, and the man spared her a brief smile of understanding before returning his gaze hotly to mine.“I will not be worried on that front, girl. There are mor
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54 A Liberation
Becca.On the face of my daughter were emotional silent tears that is slowly rolling down and I saw my usually controlled son carefully wiping away his own tears too.‘Oh Christos Fernandez, what have you done to us? We really don’t need this understanding and kindness from you.’ It’s dangerous. I thought to myself shakily.“I love you, Eric, thanks for being my brother and my hero.” My daughter rushed to embrace her brother emotionally and I finally could not stop that tears as I watched my children embrace each other warmly in comfort.Knowing there is no way I can stop the dam, I moved a few steps away to stare blankly at the wall as the tears poured rapidly down my face.I felt the silent figure behind me even before he said a word.“A hero is a woman who will do anything to love and protect her kids, but a much better hero is a responsible, loyal man who will love and cherish his woman and their kids. And above all, protect and possess his woman in every sense of the word.” He en
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55 Lecherous CEO
Christos How the hell did she come here telling me what she can or cannot do? Is that what I paid her for? To be selective of jobs? Does she even know how big that project is for our company? It is a plus to our company that we got the contract to construct and design the new Amigos headquarters. Or maybe she knows and she does not care. After all, as a professional, she should have a pretty guess of what the contract will cost. Which means there is only one reason she is doing this. Knowing that I am hot for her, this silly witch has gotten it into her head to take advantage of my lust and act as if she is more important than she is around here. What the hell does she think of me? That I am the type that allows an about–to–be-mistress do as she likes? She must be a fool to believe such then. Not even my doting precious mother is allowed to mess with my business. Will I be where I am now if I am that daft? Well, time to let her know. Moving back to take my seat behind my desk,
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56 A punishment
Christos Henceforth, she is my woman whether she likes it or not and no motherfuckin ass hole lecherous CEO can mess with mine. “Are you telling me that the only reason you are quitting this project is because the boss of Amigos is a lecherous bastard?” I wanted to be sure I understood her clearly. “Yes and after several warnings to him to desist with no positive result, I am no longer sure I can tolerate his company without doing bodily harm to a part of his body. To avoid them suing the company, I decided to tell you. I don’t mind working backstage but you will have to designate the supervision to someone else, preferably a male.” She retorted vexingly and I had to close my eyes to stop myself from lifting the table in a show of extreme provocation. “How long has this been going on?” I finally asked in a moderate tone after bringing myself under control. “Almost from the first day I met the man alone which is almost two weeks now.” Becca confessed in an embarrassing tone and I
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57 Right to Choose!
Becca.“What are you doing?” I screamed in a low voice as I pushed roughly at his immovable chest.I am certain moving a rock would have been much easier compared to this man’s solid chest. Not even a twitch despite my push. Hmmm!“You want to make this difficult or easy for yourself? Choose!” He said it as if I really had a choice here. “Please, let me go, I have apologised already.” I said lamely even though a part of me knew I was not helping matters by gazing hotly into his eyes in this manner.“Let you go? In case you have forgotten, I just canceled a multimillion dollar project with one of our old clients and part of it is your fault.” The man reminded me softly and I closed my eyes tightly against his anger.“But I never asked you to do that. I only asked for permission to drop the supervision, so how is this my fault? As far as I know, I am the victim here.” I finished defiantly, unable to accept the blame for this.“You are a victim because you allowed it. It is your fault b
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58 The Information
Christos.“Aside from what the press usually prints about him? Nothing much really but I am sure any information you need can be gotten out in a few minutes.” It is obvious my Beta does not know what is going on, but as usual, he will go for action rather than waste time on asking questions.He knew his Alpha well enough to know he would say more if he felt like it.“Then get at it please. I need every bit of information about him. His favourite meal, pastimes, fun games, movements, families, and most especially his dirtiest secrets.” I ordered with frost in my voice to let them know it was not a joking matter.“And how soon do you want this information, Alpha?” Gabriel asked to know and I gave my branded wrist a quick glance.“Preferably in thirty minutes.” I said softly and I watched the slight grimace they could not hide.They did not argue with me though, my Beta just turned to my Gamma for a brief and silent discussion before turning to my assistant to give some terse instruction
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59 Annoying Deputies
Christos.Two different deputies with different ways of thinking, yet both can frustrate me in their own ways.“So when are we seeing you?” Erica went straight to the point that was important and I chuckled.“This evening? I am thinking we can take a ride around the city, show you a bit of the place.” I prompted after taking a quick look at my wrist watch. Then as an afterthought knowing their mother might have planned something else for their evening, I asked slowly. “Unless you are busy?”“Busy? Busy doing what?” Eric wanted to know, confused that I could even think of such maybe.“Okay, I get the point. You are as free as a bird.” I confirmed softly.“Uncle Christos?” Erica called softly before I could ring off.“Yes?” I asked gently, knowing my deputies were attentive to my part of the convo.“Don’t bother to disappoint, else we will never forgive you.” Always a principled little girl, she warned in advance and I gave a short nod of my head even though they could not see it.“Per
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60 Get a Luna
Christos. If there is one thing my wolf and I dread, it’s that time. The time of the goddess! As a disobedient Alpha, she never misses the opportunity to make her celebration period a hell for me and while most are outside in the wild celebrating and sacrificing to her existence, I can be found indoors with my wolf, wailing in pain. “Alpha? Are you alright?” I heard the concerned voice of my deputies and I refocused my face on them. “I am fine. And yes, I am aware the date is drawing closer.” I murmured softly “Is there anything we can do?” Gabriel suggested hesitatingly and I must admit I felt touched. By their show of concern! “You mean aside from taking any woman as a mate to appease the goddess?” I asked pointedly and they both exchanged glances, looking anywhere but at me. “You will admit that aside from the goddess, Alpha, the pack also needs a Luna. People are murmuring already and they fear for the fate of the pack in future.” Frank said bluntly. Well, it is imperative
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29 Protection Status