All Chapters of The Magnetic Alpha: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
287 Chapters
61 War front
Christos. Sending my Gamma out to the far away battlefield means he would not be back in time to celebrate with the wolf pack. A great punishment indeed and one that’s extreme for a charming playboy wolf like my Gamma. No wonder he became pale and apologetic instantly. Sending a wink to my Beta, we both pretended not to care about his apologies. “Don’t bug the Alpha, Gabriel, he gave the order already.” My Beta continued the joke with a serious face. “Please Frank, stay the hell out of this.” He turned to order imperiously with a finger before turning back to me. I could see the dancing mischief in my Beta’s eyes and I know if only my Gamma would look closely, he would see the same glint in my eyes also. “Stop adding fuel into the fire, Gabriel. Beta Frank is still your superior you know.” I reminded him softly and he froze, before turning his head slightly to look at Frank. “I apologise.” He said to the Beta. Aside from being his immediate superior, I am sure he suddenly remem
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62 Overdue Conversation
ChristosJust before I drove fully out of the big garage, I saw my Beta coming towards me and I accelerated the car noisily. I knew he was coming for one purpose only, to make me change my mind about going out with me.I know he is one of those that are fearful I might meet a mishap one day that may be too much for me to handle alone. I quite understand and appreciate their concern but if only they know how relaxed I am with the thought of death.‘I will never try to take away from the duties of my Beta or make him feel unworthy and unneeded. No, that has never been my intention but my movements and his need to want to be everywhere with me is obviously something we will never agree on.’ I concluded within me with a wry grimace, knowing it is impossible to change who I am, just to please others.“Maybe if you had not been so adamant about not having an escort, the seven year old incident would not have happened.” My wolf said through the mind - link and I almost hit my face on the whe
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63 Chit chat
Becca.No longer comfortable lying on the bed with my stomach, I rolled to a sitting position before reading.“Hi girl! Miss me? Sorry I have not been around lately, I have been so busy with work, I am howling right now. Girl, my iron boss lady is killing me, I feel like resigning.” She typed and reading the message in her voice got me laughing out loud because I could picture her face as she typed.With quick fingers, I typed my response.“Oops, I can imagine. Sorry babes, and yup, we miss you, especially the twins. They keep asking when you are coming around and even wanted to call but I stopped them. I know it is only work that can make you shut up for that long.” I quipped teasingly and she sent an emoticon of a ‘tongue out.’ I gave a shout of laughter in the privacy of my room before responding with my own emoticon.Chatting time is always fun with Cindy and I always look forward to it. Gladly, she did not disappoint again today, even though I could imagine how tired she is.“Goo
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64 Understanding Mum
Becca. Just as I should have guessed, a few minutes later, a direct call came in on my phone and with a brief glance, I saw it was from my friend. With a swift move of my hand, I ended the call and this continued for a few more minutes as she persisted in calling me. Unable to bear it again, I flipped my phone to the switch button and with a finger it went off. Pulling the pillow to my back, I closed my eyes, trying to breathe easier. Just then I heard the phone ringing downstairs and I knew it would be no other person but Cindy. ‘Damn friendship and nosey girls.’ I cursed wildly knowing my anger is more of a deploying tactic to keep her at bay from trying to convince me to do what I did not want to do. I knew deep down that I must not allow myself to speak with her or even see her face to face, else my anger might dissipate and I fear for what she would make me do. I heard a knock on my door and after a brief response, Mary, my elderly maid poked her head around the door. “
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65 Invitation
Becca.They both sighed dramatically and my daughter gave me a pitying look while accompanying it with a shake of her little head.“Calm down, Mum, it is not that serious. We just want you to know we invited a guest over to the house.” My son finally revealed casually.It’s after I had my own kids I knew what it means to say the bottom dropped out of one’s stomach and today is another evidence of it because that’s how I’m feeling again right now; so scared and excited at the same time. “What have you done? Which guest did you invite again without telling me?” I demanded shrilly and my kids dropped my hand to scramble backward.Total nonsense! They sure knew I would not raise my hands at them. At least, not for scolding.“We did nothing Mum. I mean, nothing that is considered to be crazy.” Erica corrected slowly.“Okay, so who did you invite to the house?” I asked again slowly, while trying and hoping for calm.“Uncle Christos, Mum. It was only Uncle Christos we invited.” My son suppl
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66 Sightseeing
Christos.I was having a small talk with Eric downstairs at the front hall while we waited for Erica whom I was told was getting dressed when I heard light footsteps. Glancing up slowly, I was confounded when I saw Erica walking down the stairs with her mother following more sedately behind.Her beautiful hot looking mother! Whom I had thought might not show up to even wave a goodbye.Raising my head higher to look directly at her, metallic blue eyes crash passionately into coffee brown and I finally realised why the thought of the mystery girl had become almost nonexistent.It is because another different witch is taking over my thoughts. This particular woman whom I never knew had such power and so I underestimated her.I don't know how she did it but it’s apparent she has been busy threading her way to my head and thoughts without my permission.“Mum will be going with us, Uncle Christos.” Erica Summer broke the lengthening silence in the room and I felt waves upon waves of excitem
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67 Concession
Christos.Sending a swift glance to the counter, I saw the telling twitch on the corner of the attendant’s mouth and I knew she had heard the words too.Slowly, I brought my face downward to look at that little human and she had nothing on her face but pure innocence.Balderdash! I was not deceived.“Did you say something?” With a little frown and stern voice that was meant to discourage, I asked softly.“Yes, Uncle Christos. I said you like my Mummy. Don’t you?” The girl had enough audacity to repeat herself, obviously not scared of me.Unsure of how to respond, I pretended to take an imaginary flint of my impeccable black suit.“Everything is fine with your dressing, Uncle Christos.” Really! The girl would not even allow me to pretend or breathe in peace.Unsure of what to say, I decided to push the question to her.“Why did you say this, Erica?” I sure hoped she would say anything but the words I did not want to hear.It would not help our friendship at all if they said they did no
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68 Intense Desire
Christos Fighting an intense arousal in front of little kids is not the best way to spend an evening, I must tell you. “What will you do if I dare slide my fingers all the way in?” I murmured softly, making sure only she could hear my words. “You would not dare.” She murmured back with a glare and I smiled. “What if I do?” I retorted wolfishly and I saw the flare of fear and awareness in her eyes. “Then you will force me to slap you in front of all these people.” She lashed out in a saccharine voice. “Is that all you can do to discourage me? You think I am scared of a little slap?” I felt disappointed; I had been hoping she would say something more effective. “You might not be scared of a little slap but I know you are scared of the media.” She affirmed and I laughed softly. “Scared of the media? My girl, I ain’t scared of no shit.” I informed her with a snort. “Not scared maybe, but I know for a fact that you, Christos Fernandez, will not love to be in the news with your fac
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69 Crazy Moment
Christos I took a few minutes to compose myself before raising myself to my full height. I could feel the eyes of their Mother on me as we both stood silently in that room. “Hmm—aha—shall we go downstairs?” I finally volunteered reluctantly with a cough. “Aha—yea, sure.” She murmured in a self awareness startle. Watching the swaying of her hips under that little red thing she probably called a dress, I felt the excitement in my groin and I knew it would not just be easy to walk away as I planned. She definitely had another thing in mind as she walked briskly towards the door. To throw my ass out maybe. “Thank you so much for the outing, the kids really enjoyed the attention from you.” And despite my good intentions just now, I felt a devil’s desire to tease mercilessly. Her making this seem as if it’s all about the kids alone got me provoked. “We hope we can do this again.” I prodded and she gave me an askance look. “What?” She asked in confusion. “You were supposed to say
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70 Unexpected Surrender
Christos.With no mercy or consideration for her dress, I took the advantage of her momentary silence to pull it down to her waist to reveal her highly pointed breasts and with a flick of my finger, I drew the cup of her bra downward before lashing unto a nipple with my hungry mouth.‘You beast!” She suddenly found the strength to insult me even as she moaned and my answer was to keep loving her with my lips, hands and mouth.I never knew it was possible for a woman to be so vocal in her passion. She kept moaning and shivering with the power of the emotion I was invoking in her.Determined to make her see and accept what was happening between us, I drew my hand below and even through her pants I could see she was all wet and ready for me.Trailing my tongue slowly from her breast to her tummy and waist, I licked every damn skin in my path and with a flick of my fingers, I had her panties down to her knees before she could process my moves.“What are you doing?” She finally became cons
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29 Protection Status