All Chapters of A Deal With Pierce Verlice: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
158 Chapters
How Bold Of You
Velon fell to the floor in pain. When he saw Lawrence approaching him, his mind went blank and he called out to him in fright. "They came to me. They said they could help me continue leading the luxurious life your brother had ruined for me!" Velon yelled but Lawrence didn't stop walking. "Why didn't you say that when I asked you the first time? You really think I don't dare to kill you?" Lawrence scoffed and Velon shook his head in fright. "Please forgive me! Please forgive me!" Lawrence sighed at the sight of the man and bent over to his level. "I don't want to kill you but that can only happen when you do exactly as I say." "I will do whatever you ask me to do." Velon swore. "Whether you live up to your word is your business because you'll be dead the moment you think you can mess with me and get away with it. Do you understand?" Lawrence asked and the other man nodded again."Fair enough." Lawrence said after a moment of silence, "Stand up, we have somewhere to be right now.
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You're Not The First And You Won't Be The Last
Marcus straightened up and frowned when he saw Leonard Verlice. The three children also ran to him when they saw him. Marcus glanced up at Leonard again. His informant had told him Leonard didn't really tolerate Pierce. So what was the man trying to prove by doing this? "Oh, come on, man. Your grudge with their parents has nothing to do with them. Be the bigger one and don't try to involve such innocent children." Leonard said, narrowing his eyes at Marcus trying to see if he knew the man from somewhere. His eyes trailed to the unconscious teacher who lay just a little farther from Marcus. "Did you do that to her? Pierce and Queenie always have a solid reason for despising someone greatly, don't they?" Leonard scoffed again. Although he was a privileged bastard, he held a certain amount of respect for teachers. "Man, you're not really cool with their parents. Stop the cool heroic act before you regret it." Marcus replied, rolling up his sleeves. "Sure, you can go ahead and hit
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Get Rid Of Them
Unlike how Jessica expected the man to react, Raphael turned to look at her and raised the gun above his head where he was sure she would see it. "Are you crazy? Do you have any idea what Queenie will do to you for killing someone in her territory?" Jessica asked, afraid for him. To her surprise, the man smiled and shrugged. "Queenie and I are no longer at odds. She said to do what I want as long as it doesn't inconvenience her. And I really needed to take care of him before I lose him again." Once again, Jessica was dumbfounded. When did Queenie become so generous? She didn't let the matter bug her anymore. She walked back to his hotel room and swiped the room card Queenie had given her. Seeing this, the man's lips spasmed. Queenie really had no idea what privacy is! Nevertheless, he walked in right after her. As soon as they were gone, two people appeared; one with a mop and bucket and the other pushing a trolley. The dead man was skillfully placed inside the trolley and wheel
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His Name Is Pierce Verlice
Maile Behind a car, two figures made out for several minutes. "Queenie will kill us if she discovers we haven't really done anything." Roxanne groaned, pushing the clingy man aside. Lucas refused to part with her as he held her tightly by the waist. "It's not like she'll find out unless you tell her."Roxanne managed to wriggle out of his grip. When the man intended to hold her again, she raised her leg and targeted his crotch but missed as he caught it on time. "Nah nah nah, that part is the most important part of my body at the moment." He said and grabbed her. His grip only loosened when he caught sight of something and poked out his head. Roxanne tried to do the same but the man pressed her head back. She was about to struggle when her ears turned red upon hearing some ungodly sounds. "Next time, you don't have to visit me in my office. I'll call you when I need you." A man's voice came up. "You never actually call me. It seems as though you often forget about my existence
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I'm Not Lying
Velon felt the back of his head go numb as Queenie's gaze at him soon transformed into a glare. "Are you trying to turn me against my husband?" She suddenly asked. Velon shook his head hurriedly. "I was confused when I found out he was the one. You don't really think I'm lying, do you?" Velon scoffed. Deborah walked behind Velon and stared right into Queenie's eyes. "I hate to ask this, Queenie but I have to. How well do you know your husband?" "To the extent of having a child for him." "Spare me the details. Anyone can have a child for any man. In your case, he had even inseminated you with his sperm when you went for your daily check ups. Which brings me to the question, is Velon Aspen infertile because Pierce had to do it once and he got you pregnant." As she asked that question, she pressed down firmly on Velon's shoulder. So much that he cried out in pain. "This talk isn't about your fertility. I don't care if you are. But I want you to be truthful to me or you won't get t
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Your Corpse Would've Been In This Room
The Verlice's VillaLeonard walked into the house carrying Aster who draped her hands over his neck and buried her face in his neck. The two elders stared at him in surprise wondering what he was up to. It was no surprise that Leonard hardly did anything because he wanted to. There was always a price attached to it. After their grandmother handed them over to their nannies, Leonard's grandfather turned to him. "We were surprised when we received a call from the school saying a relative had dropped by to pick them up. When their description matched you, we thought you had something terrible on your mind." The old man said, breathing out a relieved sigh. "I have a problem with their parents, not them. Why would I want to harm them?" Leonard asked in disbelief. "Just after you left, we were told you were right on time because an unknown man dropped to pick them up. He even gave proof he was one of the Verlice and had been sent by me." Only one name came up in Leonard's mind and alt
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Someone Has Been Here
Raphael's breath hitched. He needed no one to tell him he just happened to be lucky. Thankfully, he had acted fast or she would've really killed him. "Most times you give people the illusion you're their friend but you won't hesitate to kill them when they disobey you." He said hesitantly. "What? Do you expect me to thank them for trying to kill me?" She sneered, looking up at him. "Besides, as the friend they claim to be, they shouldn't always be forced into thinking they can attempt to kill me just because they had been threatened and I wouldn't do anything about it. I want to live as well, so why not." "So, who was that woman who asked you to kill me and my friends?" Queenie asked, diverting to the matter that brought her. "She's my superior in the office." Replied Raphael. "And she suddenly asked you to kill me. Do you know her name?" Queenie asked and Raphael nodded but didn't make a move to say anything. She understood he was sworn to be silent by an oath. "Let me get this
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Finding A Location
"Someone was here." Pierce sighed, quickly taking a seat. He watched Queenie's subtle expression before asking, "Who do you think must've done this?" "According to Floral, no one other than my parents knew the code to this office. Even my brothers and I didn't know." She said, putting on a confused look. "Then have you ever thought that the organization might've planted someone in the Knight's family or your mother's family? The sole reason why she had to make an office in your father's office." Pierce asked, tiling his head back a little. Queenie thought that his words made sense but she couldn't really prove it. She walked to a corner of the room where she had found odd and knocked slightly on it. The empty sound it threw back at her assured her there was something behind the walls. "Interesting." Pierce mumbled and walked towards her. Ever since he agreed to come with her, he made her promise to leave the hardwork for him while she focused on meager things such as questioning
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Dispute Over The Medicine
Pierce and Queenie stayed in their tinted car as they watched the security guards patrolling around Keystone Bank. "You won't believe what I found out." Queenie said, taking her phone away from her ear. She had called Lucian to enquire about the bank. "Tell me." "This bank was set up by my mother and a few of her associates. I'm reckoning that organization has something to do with it. But in order not to get the citizens to suspect them, they acted like a normal bank." "Your mother had probably hidden something in here because she didn't think they'll search here. I mean, they'll term it stupid to search closeby since she really tried her best to hide it from them." Pierce nodded, his respect for Queenie's mother heightening. "And the Knight's is its major shareholder. No doubt, mother really played her card well." Queenie added. Being the major Investor, the company listened to her. Hiding something for her wasn't a big deal for them given her status. The duo glanced at each o
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Tell Me All You Know About Your Mother
The next morning, Pierce dropped Queenie in front of a hospital. Before she left the car, he said, "Are you sure you don't want me in there with you? What if they come again?" "If they come again, they'll take it and if they die from its adverse effect, then so be it." Queenie retorted with a small smile. "They'll also be solving the issue about them being around. They are a danger to the community at large." Pierce nodded lightly and stared at Queenie for a long time that the woman even got embarrassed because of it. Over the past few months, the duo had unconsciously gotten really close that even Queenie felt the tension between. "Alright. I'll see whenever you're done." Pierce said and Queenie nodded. She hastily reached for the doorknob, turned it and alighted from the car. Pierce stared at her for a couple more seconds before stepping on the accelerator. "That was intense." Queenie mumbled and walked into the hospital. She walked straight to Dr. Saltzman's office who she ex
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