All Chapters of A Deal With Pierce Verlice: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
158 Chapters
Three People Closest To Her Heart
Queenie got home to see Pierce in the living room playing soccer all by himself. It was a football game and the man quietly played with computer. "Someone's losing." She said and the man paused his game and looked behind him. He got up immediately and walked towards her. "I got a call from the school. Did you really threaten to throw that woman down?" He chuckled lightly and she gave him a knowing smile. "I was planning to. But when I recalled my son was right in the room, I couldn't do it. She should be thankful for his presence." Queenie replied, walking towards the sofa. "So, do you plan to pursue this matter further or you're just going to lay low for a while?" He asked, taking his seat beside her as well. "Whether they live or die depends on them. There's a price to be paid regardless." She replied and picked up the second gamepad on the table. "Can I join you?" "Sure." The man replied and went ahead to connect his to the TV. During the course of the game, Queenie glanced
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You're Threatening Me
Queenie stopped her car at a suitable place in the central park and looked around. Although it was bustling with people, Deborah was nowhere to be found. She heard her phone beep with a new message and picked up her phone to see who it was. It was a message from Deborah and it had the words, "You're too far. Drive into the park," sprawled across her phone's screen. Queenie scoffed and glanced around the park but once again, she caught no sight of Deborah. If she didn't know the importance of the medicine to her, she'd have said the woman was trying to mess with her. So she started the car again and drove into the park. She kept driving as the text which blew up her phone kept urging her to move forward. She stopped the car when Deborah said so and got off as requested. Then she walked to the back of the park. But there was still no sign of Deborah. Queenie found a place to sit and dialed Deborah's number. However, the ringing of the phone was right next to her. Deborah appeared
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More Secret Agents...?
When Queenie walked into the house, she wasn't surprised to see Pierce waiting for her on the sofa. "How did it go?" He asked as soon as she walked in and she smiled and walked closer to him. "She agreed." She added, "But she suspected I was trying to threaten her. I mean, why would I? I simply made a request. She should've rejected it if she thought it sounded like a threat." A smile graced Pierce's handsome face as he had only one word to describe Queenie with at the moment; Shameless! But as the supportive and doting husband which he was, he gave her thumbs up and sat up. "We should start planning then." However, Queenie shook her head. "I'd have suggested the same too but I need to see them before that. For now, I'll go up to my room and have a good rest." Pierce nodded without a word. When she got to the stairs, she stopped and glanced back at him, "Are the children back from school?"Pierce nodded. "Lucas offered to bring them back. They should be back any moment from now
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That's For Me To Worry About, Natasha
"That's a whole troupe you brought in." Natasha commented the moment Queenie sat in front of her, causing the latter to chuckle softly. Although inconspicuous, Natasha could still make out the dozen guards Queenie had brought with her. It was weird for such to be noticed, so she guessed Queenie asked them to reveal themselves on purpose. "All my life, my elder sister has tried to kill me. It's normal that I'm wary around her." Queenie replied and reached out to take the menu. Natasha had a surprised look as soon as she heard those words. She had to glance behind her to see if there was someone else listening to their conversation. When she saw no one, she turned back to Queenie who had her eyes buried on the menu. "If there's anyone who should be scared of being hurt, that should be me." Queenie laughed lightly but didn't look up at her. A waiter walked up to them and Queenie pointed to a few dishes. After she was done, the waiter turned to Natasha. "What do I get you, ma'am?"
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Is She Out Of Her Mind?
Secret Agents' Base In Hiltonia The serious atmosphere in the office could be felt. Different people in black either had their eyes lowered into their monitor as they typed a long line of code, or they could be walking around with files. In one of the officers, three personnels stood arguing within each other. "We need to withdraw him and send more people to capture Queenie Knight and the rest." One of the men, a busty man who had a name 'Finn Lewis' attached to his name, spoke up with a frown. The second man in the room couldn't help but concur with him leaving the only woman in their midst helpless. "Raphael has committed his entire time to this case. Suddenly withdrawing him from it won't be a good thing. Please reconsider." The woman, Jecinta Nevins, pleaded. However, the men weren't planning on being merciful. They had come with a purpose and that was to thwart the progress of Raphael. After getting the order to investigate Hiltonia as it was suspected of being a home to f
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Getting Busy
"Is she crazy?" Jessica scoffed in anger. "She must have her reasons." Audrey suddenly said, before adding, "In fact, I can't help thinking of all the terrible things she plans to do. Like assemble them all and have them killed.""That's callous of me, don't you think?" Queenie who had gotten in without their knowledge suddenly said from the balcony, drawing their attention to herself. "When did you get up there?" Pierce asked with a light smile, quickly putting the game away before he walked up to her."I passed the back door." Queenie replied, pointing somewhere. "I had no idea that door was still in existence. But why did you pass through the back door?" He asked "I intended to check up on my kids." Queenie answered before pinning her eyes on the three pairs of eyes staring up at her. "Don't look at me like that. I had no idea there was someone called Deborah." "No one blames you." Liam said after a moment of silence, "We're just surprised you were able to get us out safely. W
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Alicia's Whereabouts
After 11 hours in a plane, it came to a stop in Texas. Queenie and Pierce hadn't gone with their jet since they wanted to maintain a low profile. Hence, a journey which should've taken 6 hours at most, took 11 because of all the waiting and interruptions which happened along the way. When they got into a tab, Queenie shared the photo on her phone with Pierce. "I was expecting the child to look a little like Velon. I guess he's not the type to pass down his genes." Pierce merely smiled. Maybe his gene wasn't passed because of something else. "And they are living quite comfortably." Queenie commented again and showed him a picture of the house the mother and son lived in. "He's proving to be a good husband and father. I bet his son and wife are so happy to have him." Pierce finally said and looked out of the car's window. Queenie nodded slightly and looked up to see the driver looking at them from his front view mirror. Most importantly, he hadn't driven off. When she realized wh
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Let's Do This The Way You Want It
Alicia tried to slam the door the very next second but it got blocked by Pierce. Queenie revealed an even wider smile as she stepped into the house. Pierce did the same and made sure to lock the door when he walked in. "What are you doing here, Queenie?" Alicia asked, grabbing something with her front turned to her guests. "You have a nice house, Alicia. Must've cost a fortune." Queenie complimented the house, ignoring the woman's question. "Mommy?" A small voice called, causing the three adults to look towards the direction it came from. There was a little boy with blue eyes staring at them curiously. Queenie smiled when she noticed his eyes. She had seen pictures of Velon's parents and none of them had blue eyes nor did Alicia. "Is this your son?" Queenie asked, turning to look at Alicia. However, Alicia beckoned to the boy, "Matt, go to your room. Lock your door and don't come out until I say so. Go now!" The boy nodded and ran up the stairs. Then the sound of the door slam
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Alicia's Tale
"I don't know anything, Queenie!" Alicia shouted anxiously realizing there was no way to escape Queenie's grip. After so many years she finally realized Queenie was way above her league. And wasn't someone she wanted to mess with. It was one of the reasons she came here. Her words gave Queenie ideas and the woman leaned towards her and asked calmly, "You don't know anything. How do you know I came here with the intent of questioning you?" Alicia fell silent. The words had slipped before she knew it. She smiled bitterly and made a resolution not to say anything. "I'm waiting, Alicia. Don't waste my time, I have people to kill." Queenie said, disrupting her thought. A cold blade also touched Alicia's neck and the woman lost it. "I don't know much, Queenie. Velon is the one who deals mainly with them." She replied, the sound of her breathing heard clearly by the other two in the room. "Well, since you know a little thing, I can consider keeping you alive." Queenie said in contempla
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The Entire Knights Will Come For You
"Hey, stop giving me that look." Queenie sighed when she saw Pierce looking at her blankly. After watching Alicia get taken away, her son also got taken away by child support. Pierced and Queenie decided to lodge in an inn with a manageable internet connection. For security purposes, the duo stayed together in one room and she couldn't help but notice the man's strange gaze at her. "I don't know. I just think getting her arrested shouldn't have happened." Pierce replied with a smile. "You do know she phoned someone when she left to her room, don't you?" She asked and he nodded. "You also know there's nothing on the laptop she brought because she hid the original one, don't you?" "I know that as well." "Why then do you think it wasn't a good idea that I got her arrested?" The woman asked and Pierce shrugged. However, he leaned forward and said, "Killing her would've been a very good option. That reminds me, were you the one who killed the security man they accused her of?" "Yes
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