All Chapters of ONLY YOU: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
133 Chapters
Maya stood just outside Jack's door, waiting for Cindy to arrive. Cindy ignored Maya the moment she saw her and wanted to proceed further but Maya stretched her arms wide and blocked Cindy's way.Cindy stared at her haggard look and shook her head before pushing her arm out of the way. However, as she took another step, Maya stretched out her leg and blocked Cindy, causing her to lose her balance and almost fall.She lightly hit her head on the wall as well as her palms which she used to lessen the impact. She turned angrily and stared at Maya while Maya smiled evily at her.Cindy slapped Maya so hard that she fell on the floor while Maya cried and said, "I'm sorry but it wasn't Jack's fault." Before Cindy could comprehend what Maya was saying, she was held by the shoulders and her body was shaken violently.Jack was in his office wondering about what Maya wanted to tell Cindy when he heard someone slap the wall fiercely with their palm. He stood up from his chair and went out to see
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Jack searched around the company but could not find Cindy and eventually realized that she had gone. He went back to his office and decided that he was going to see her after closing from work.However, the memory of tears dropping from Cindy's eyes kept haunting him. He knew he wasn't going to be able to focus so he left his office at once and drove straight to Cindy's house.When he got there, he was surprised to see that her house was locked and she wasn't around.Where could she have gone to? She didn't keep friends and rarely went out so where could she be at? After a while, he decided to call her, even though he knew that judging by her personality, she wouldn't pick up.Cindy saw Jack's call but refused to answer it. He kept calling repeatedly until Cindy couldn't take it anymore and switched off her phone. There was no need speaking to him because nothing was going to change by doing that.Jack was about to enter his car when he saw Cindy drop from a taxi. He stood and waited
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Jack drove back to his office defeatedly. He thought about what Cindy had said about the bump on her forehead. Could Maya have really done that? Cindy wouldn't be so upset if she was lying to him. He had clearly heard the sound of her palms on the wall and Maya had said she deliberately did that. But just like she said, Cindy wasn't deranged. There was no way she would hurt herself just to discredit Maya. He suddenly recalled the recording Maya had played for him and realized that he couldn't really predict what Cindy was capable of.He couldn't help but agree though that his problems with Cindy all began when Maya came back into his life. If he could send Maya away from his side, his relationship with Cindy would blossom beautiful but that would be utterly selfish of him.He wanted to do the honourable thing and stand by Maya at a time like this but why did his relationship with Cindy have to suffer due to that?He decided to bury himself into his work to ease the tightness he was
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Cindy took out a book from her shelf and began to read in an effort to keep herself busy and forget about her problems.Her phone suddenly beeped from a text message she received. She initially thought it was Jack because each time he called repeatedly and she ignored, he would send her a text message.She was surprised when she saw that it was a message from a strange number. She opened the text message and it read, "your boyfriend Jack is having sex with his supposed best friend at her place." Cindy looked at the message in surprise. The address had been dropped and she initially believed that someone was trying to play a prank on her but she recalled the address.The night she was supposed to go to the Cinema with Jack and Maya, Jack had told her that he was going to pick Maya up first and had mentioned her address.Cindy decided to ignore the message however, she couldn't read a word anymore in the book she was holding. She knew that she was already planning to give up on fightin
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Cindy decided to knock on the door and find out the truth. She realized the door was open just before she knocked. Jack had actually closed the door when he entered the house but Maya had quickly opened it when he went to the kitchen to get the cup for her.Cindy pushed open the door and went inside. The first thing that caught her eyes was the rope that hung from the ceiling. She ignored it and looked at the couple in each other's arms.She opened her eyes in shock when she saw that it was Jack and Maya. Jack raised his head almost immediately and saw Cindy standing by the door with tears falling from her eyes. He jumped up immediately and tried to reach her but Cindy closed the door and walked away.When Cindy had closed the door, Maya exclaimed, "oh my God! Was that Cindy? But how did she know you were here? Was she following you around. I'm afraid now she will draw the wrong conclusions.Jack ignored Maya completely. He looked around for his phone and picked it up, ran to the mac
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Jack refused to let go of the door and said, "go ahead and scream Cindy. Let them all come, perhaps, they will help me in convincing you to hear what I want to say."Seeing that Jack wasn't going to back down, Cindy left the door and ran inside the house. Jack went inside as well and locked the door but before he could get to Cindy, she ran into her bedroom and locked herself inside.Jack began to bang on the door relentlessly. "Please, I'm begging you Cindy, open up let's talk. It's not what you are thinking. Nothing happened between Maya and I and nothing can ever happen because I'm not in love with her. You are my world Cindy and I can't imagine my life without you in it. Please just hear me out. I'm sorry for any and every pain I have caused you one way or another but I promise you that nothing happened between Maya and I."Cindy sat on her bed and closed her eyes. She was not going to open the door for Jack because what she saw was very clear.Meanwhile, Jack suddenly recalled s
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Cindy sat back sadly on the bed when she recalled what happened in the morning. Even though Jack was being set up just now, it didn't change the fact that he had disrespected her and broken his promise to her.Seeing that Cindy was still silent, Jack continued to beg, "please baby. I am on my knees and I will spend the whole night here begging you, if I have to. Please open the door Cindy."Cindy thought about Maya. She must be jubilating right now because her plans finally became successful. Jack kept pleading for her to open the door and when she heard him say he was on his knees, Cindy's heart broke even more.Jack went on his knees and leaned his head on the door. He felt really exhausted especially due to the wet underwear he still had on. He already knew that Cindy was a very stubborn girl yet he went ahead and fell in love with her. This was the price he was paying for that decision.Jack was so engrossed in his thoughts that he didn't hear Cindy unlock the door. She pulled the
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Maya laid on her bed thinking about her next plan. Since Jack and Cindy's relationship has been completely ruined by her. She knew that Cindy would not forgive Jack considering her kind of person.This meant that Jack was going to be completely heart-broken. Well this was the opportunity she had been waiting for. She would offer him a shoulder to cry on and help him forget about that stupid Cindy and she was going to begin right away.She took out her phone and began to call Jack. However, Jack had left his phone in the pocket of his shorts and was now in the bathroom with Cindy.He smiled at Cindy and said, "I'm sorry my love. I know that I've not really lived up to your expectations but I want to assure you that I do not take you for granted. I feel very fortunate to have you in my life and I promise never to raise my voice at you again or hurt you physically."Cindy also smiled at Jack and said, "your promises will bear more weight if you keep them Jack.""I know that Cindy. I will
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Cindy took one of the pillows and threw it at Jack. I'm not ready for that yet so you had better not try it besides, I don't subscribe to having children outside wedlock.Jack enveloped Cindy in a hug, "of course my love, everything will take place at the right time. Don't be too serious, I'm just messing with you."Jack noticed that Cindy was now staring at her books on the floor and stood up immediately to pick them up but Cindy stopped him. "It's fine Jack, leave it to me."Cindy bent down and began picking up the books while Jack's stomach made a grumbling sound. Cindy turned to look at him and he kept a pitiful face.She smiled and said, "okay, I will whip up dinner for us right away because I'm also hungry.They both went to the kitchen together and Jack leaned on one side of the counter as he watched Cindy make their dinner. As he stared at her, he felt really happy. He couldn't believe he had almost lost her because of his foolishness.Even while he was consoling Maya, he had
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Jack was about to return Maya's call when he saw that she had sent him a text which read, "I know you are going through a lot right now just as I am. No one else understands your pain better than I do. I'm so sorry and I will surely be there for you. Good night my beloved friend."At first Jack wondered if Maya had meant to send the message to someone else but when he read till the end, he realized that Maya is under the misconception that his relationship with Cindy had broken off.He decided that since Maya was okay, there was no need for him to call her because he might end up waking Cindy in the process and he didn't want to upset her again in any way.He put the phone back in his pocket and went back to the bed. After a while, he drifted off to sleep.When it was morning, Jack woke up very early and kissed Cindy goodbye. He drove back to his house, took his bath and got ready for work.Meanwhile, Maya went shopping because she had planned on making a very delicious meal for Jack.
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