All Chapters of ONLY YOU: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
133 Chapters
Cindy shook her head in refusal. "You already implied that I am a distraction Jack. If I stay in your office, you won't be able to get any work done. We wouldn't want that now, would we?"Let me worry about that" Jack said and held Cindy's hand before dragging her with him into his office.Cindy smiled happily. Jack could really be sweet when he wanted to and she always felt helpless whenever he became like this.She sat in front of him and placed her hands on her cheeks while she watched him try to work on the many files he had on his table.Jack kept staring at Cindy as he was obviously distracted. He had thought it wasn't possible for him to love Cindy any more than he already did but it seemed like after last night, his love for her had increased tremendously.She was all he could see and think about and the best part of it was that this feeling made him happy.Cindy felt bored just sitting idly as she wasn't used to not doing anything. She decided to assist Jack with his work sin
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As Jack stared at Cindy, she asked him if he knew the owner of the number or if he had any suspect in mind but he shook his head, much to Cindy's disappointment. Cindy said to him, "Jack, whoever sent me this message is someone who hates me and wants to see me cry but more than that, that person doesn't want us to be together.It has to be someone close to us otherwise, how did the person know that you received a call from Maya and drove to her house? How did the person know that Maya would be hanging from the ceiling and you wouldn't be able to answer my call because of that?How did the person also know that I would act on the message and go to Maya's house? Jack this is someone close to you because I don't have any friends and the only person other than you, who I communicate with often is little Tim.And of course, we both know it is not him." Cindy kept staring at Jack, wondering if he had taken her hint. In the end, he told her to forward the number to him and he would investi
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Jack felt that the situation was really awkward. He knew that Maya was going through a lot at the moment but he had only just gotten in Cindy's good books and she already wasn't feeling too happy because he had earlier brought up the topic of what happened yesterday.The last time Maya joined him and Cindy to have lunch, he ended up having a fight with Cindy. He looked at Maya apologetically and said, "I'm sorry Maya, Cindy and I have a few things to do before going to eat our lunch so it wouldn't be convenient for you.""But I don't mind Jack" Maya replied with a pitiful face. Jack turned to look at Cindy. He couldn't read her expression but he suspected she wasn't happy."Let it be some other time Maya" Jack said and tapped Maya lightly on the shoulders. "Let's go Cindy" he said as he held Cindy's hand once more and led her to where he parked his car.Maya stood and watched the both of them get into Jack's car and drive off. She couldn't believe what had just happened. Jack had almos
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Cindy wished she could reveal Maya's true face to Jack but she had discovered first-hand that without convincing evidence, she was only going to sound like the jealous girlfriend.Her relationship with Jack hadn't gotten to a point where he would trust her words explicitly. Whereas Spencer had been right when he said Jack trusted Maya blindly and would always believe her words and fake tears.She didn't want to make an issue about his lack of trust for her because she believed that trust is something that is not forced but earned. Maya had obviously earned Jack's trust from their childhood days and so she had to do the same if she wanted to unmask Maya.Her only other solution was to get evidence against her but that was going to be difficult because Maya was very sly. So for now, she would let them enjoy their friendship and try her best to stay out of it. If Maya tried to come after her again, she would try her best to get whatever evidence she could and once she was sure that they
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Despite not wanting to associate with Jack because he was poor, Maya had found herself still liking him because he was very cute.In the end, she decided to just be friends with him and he later opened up to her that in a few years, his family was going to become very rich because of the project his father was working on.She had been so happy and decided from that moment that if Jack's family later became rich, she was definitely going to get married to him when she grew up.Jack really liked her then and she believed that she was a princess so she had expected that it would be easy for Jack to marry her when the time came. What she didn't bargain on was the fact that Jack would grow up to become a philanderer and later end up falling head over heels in love with Cindy.Despite being by him all those years, Jack had never fallen for her but that was all going to change. She was going to change Jack's heart and she believed that she had the capacity to do so.Cindy didn't want to expo
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Jack didn't think it was a good idea for Maya to get close to Cindy, considering the fact that Cindy had a temper. He knew that Maya was desperate because she didn't want to be alone at a time like this. He also knew that he owed her because she would have done more for him if their situations were reversed.Maya valued her friendship with him so much and that was something that was apparent to everyone but would Cindy be willing to become friends with Maya?There was a time he had also wished that Cindy and Maya could become friends so that he wouldn't have problems with fulfilling his duties to them. However, when he thought about the events that had occured in the past few days, he was tempted to believe that it wasn't a wise decision.On their way to have lunch, Cindy had assured him that he could do whatever nice thing he wanted to do for Maya if it made him feel better. He wished that Maya could ask for something else.He had already turned her down in the morning and he knew th
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Cindy smiled and opened the door while Jack picked up the bags he had dropped on the floor before entering inside.He knew that Cindy was pleasantly surprised to see him and it made him happy. When he had spoken to her on the phone, he had sensed that she wanted to be with him but wasn't willing to say it.He knew that she was someone who had gotten used to not having the things she wanted and experiencing difficulties but he was going to make her so happy that she would forget about her past difficulties.He would make life as easy for her as he possibly could and he would fulfil her unspoken wishes because she was the only one who was able to make him experience what it felt like to be in love."What do you have in the bags?" Cindy asked."Well I sensed that you wanted me around but couldn't say it because you probably felt I was exhausted from today's activities. So instead of waiting for you to say no to my question, I did the loving thing and came right away.I stopped by a super
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Cindy continued, "I went to a very good school because my parents were well to do so these friends of mine came from families that were also financially well off. The three of us were very much inseparable.They would come to my house and I would go to their houses. I had a driver that took me everywhere and they did too so visiting was never an issue for us. These same friends who claimed to love me began to change after my parent's death. When things became harder for me, they stopped coming to visit me and pretended not to see me at school.Eventually, I had to change and go to a cheaper school so I couldn't get to see them again. I didn't understand why they were no longer talking to me so I went to Lily's house to pay her a visit and incidentally, Daisy was there as well.When they came out to see me, they didn't invite me to come inside and soon it began to rain. I told them that I wanted to go inside because of the rain but they said I was too dirty and that my clothes were sm
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Cindy sighed unhappily. Jack was putting her in a tight spot and she didn't know how to get out of it. She knew that Jack was gullible where Maya was concerned but asking her to become friends with Maya was preposterous.He knew how she felt about Maya and she had also made concessions just to ensure that she limited her contact with Maya but now Jack was trying to draw her in.If Maya was asking to be her friend, then she was up to no good. Cindy could already sense that as usual, Maya definitely had something evil up her sleeves but she had been with Jack long enough to know that when he got like this, it was impossible to turn him down.She knew that he was going to spend the rest of the night pleading with her to give Maya a chance and she wasn't about to allow herself to be deprived of sleep over Maya."Let's talk about this tomorrow Jack," she said and quickly kissed him goodnight before going under the covers. Jack stared at her for a while. He knew Cindy was stubborn but he wa
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Jack walked to the bed and placed the food before Cindy. He finally caught her attention and she smiled at him. Jack however placed his hands on the sides of her face and said, "I didn't know that asking you for this favor would make you so sad. I'm sorry about it, just forget that I ever asked you to be friends with Maya.Your happiness would always be my priority because in this big world you are the one I love the most.""It's fine Jack" Cindy replied. "I might not want to do this but I can see it means a lot to you. I am willing to try for your sake. All I ask is that you trust me. No matter what happens between Maya and me, always hear my side of the story before coming to any conclusions. That is all I ask.""I will do that my love. Thank you very much." After speaking, Jack served the food and they both ate it before showering together. After bathing, Jack received a call from Maya. She asked him if he had been able to convince Cindy to become friends with her and he said yes.
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