All Chapters of The Lycan King Rescued Luna: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
154 Chapters
121. Pyre
ALPHA ASHER'S POVAs we searched every inch of the boundary, my anger and frustration grew. Who could have done this? And why? It made no sense to me. My warriors were dead, and I had no answers. It was like a puzzle, and I couldn't find any pieces to fit together.We searched every nook and cranny of the boundary, but we couldn't find anything. No traces of the killer or killers. It was as if they had vanished into thin air. I growled in frustration and slammed my fist into a nearby tree. The bark peeled off the wood, but I didn't care. I needed to release my anger.William approached me with a somber expression. "Alpha, we need to get back to the pack. Our warriors deserve a proper burial."I nodded, trying to control my rage. "You're right, William. We need to honor their sacrifice." I looked around one last time, scanning the area for any clues. But there was nothing.We made our way back to the pack, the journey back was silent. My mind was racing, trying to figure out who was be
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122. Choice
LIA'S POVI was lying on my bed, staring at the ceiling when I heard the shouts outside. I frowned, wondering what was going on. I got up from my bed and walked to the window aide. I peeked outside and saw the guards running up and down the Packhouse. My heart started racing as I wondered what was happening.I wanted to leave my room to find out what was going on, but I knew it wasn't a good idea. Some guards were stationed outside my room, and Asher had asked me not to come out of my room for any reason. I sighed and leaned against the window, watching as the chaos outside continued.I could feel frustration building up inside me as I wondered when all this would end. It felt like we were constantly under attack, and I didn't know how much longer I could take it. I closed my eyes, taking deep breaths to calm myself down.But the shouts and screams outside only grew louder, and my anxiety grew. I couldn't just stay in my room and wait for it all to end. I needed to know what was happe
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123. Settle
Lia's POV.I sat on my bed, my heart racing as I watched the chaos outside my window. The guards were running around, trying to contain the situation. I knew what it meant, the Pack had been attacked by rogues. The thought alone was enough to make me shiver with fear.I heard shouting coming from the passageway, and I knew that the situation had escalated. The guards were being killed, and I could hear their screams. My mind raced with thoughts of what was happening outside. Were the rogues going to make their way to my room? Was Alpha Lance and Alpha Ryan coming to abduct me again? I couldn't take it anymore. I had to do something.I paced in my room, my thoughts running wild. Fear engulfed me, and I couldn't help but wonder if I would survive the night. I had to stay strong. I had to be brave. I had to fight.But how could I fight? I was just a human, and these were werewolves. They were faster and stronger than me. They could kill me in seconds. I had to think of a plan, and I had
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124. Ground
LIA'S POVThe Alphas roughly pulled me out of the underbrush and dragged me into the woods. The night air was cold and damp, and the sound of rustling leaves and snapping twigs filled my ears as we ran deeper into the darkness.I stumbled and tripped, my feet tangled in roots and fallen branches, but the Alphas didn't slow down. They pulled me roughly to my feet and dragged me onward, their grip unyielding and relentless.I could hear the sound of footsteps crunching on the forest floor, and I knew that we were not alone. My heart pounded in my chest as I scanned the darkness, searching for any sign of help.But before I could call out, we were surrounded by a group of guards, their weapons at the ready. "Let her go!" one of them shouted, his voice filled with determination.But the Alphas merely laughed, their grip on me tightening as they prepared to fight. I screamed for help, my voice raw with terror, but the guards were no match for the Alphas and their brute strength.In a ma
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125. Lead
LIA'S POVWith renewed determination, I kicked out at Ryan with all my strength, hitting him squarely in the face. He staggered backwards, clutching his bleeding nose, and I scrambled to my feet and took off running again.But this time, I was out of breath and my legs felt like lead. I stumbled over fallen branches and tree roots, my chest heaving with exertion. I could hear Ryan's heavy footsteps behind me, getting closer with every passing second.I didn't know how much longer I could keep going, how much longer I could fight. But I refused to give up, to let them win. I would keep fighting, keep running, for as long as I could. Because that was all I had left.I kicked and punched with all the strength I had left, determined to keep fighting. Ryan was strong, but I was fast and agile. I dodged his punches and countered with my own. I could feel the exhaustion taking over my body, but I refused to let it get the best of me.With a swift kick to the stomach, I managed to knock Ryan
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126. Wrong situation
ALPHA ASHER'S POV.I gritted my teeth as I continued on, my senses on high alert as I searched for any sign of Lia or her captors. The thought of her being in the hands of these ruthless rogues made my blood boil, and I vowed to stop at nothing to bring her back safely.As I emerged from the passageway and into the woods, I could feel the weight of the situation bearing down on me. The chaos and destruction around me were overwhelming, and I knew that we had a long and difficult road ahead if we were going to defeat these rogues and rescue Lia.LIA'S POVI felt the throbbing pain as I slowly opened my eyes. Every muscle in my body felt sore, and a pounding headache was pulsing through my head. My eyes struggled to focus as I tried to make sense of my surroundings. It took me a few moments to realize that I was lying on a hard, cold surface. I struggled to sit up, but the pain in my body was too much to bear.I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, trying to calm my racing thoughts. T
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127. Search
ALPHA ASHER'S POVI trudged through the thick underbrush, my eyes scanning the ground for any sign of Lia. My heart was pounding in my chest as I called out her name, hoping to hear her voice in response. But there was only the sound of the wind and the rustling of leaves.I couldn't believe that she was gone, that someone could have taken her from right under our noses. As the Alpha of the pack, it was my responsibility to protect every member of the pack, especially my mate. But I had failed her.The warriors around me were also searching, their eyes darting back and forth as they searched for any clues. We checked every corner of the woods, every nook and cranny, but there was no sign of her.I couldn't help but think of all the worst-case scenarios. What if she was hurt or injured? What if she was being held captive by rogues? The thought of losing her made my chest tighten with anxiety.We searched until the sun began to set, but we still couldn't find her.The rain started as a
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128. Mind
ALPHA ASHER'S POVI tossed and turned in my bed all night, unable to find a comfortable position. My mind was filled with thoughts of Lia and the danger she was in. I knew I had to come up with a plan to rescue her, but my mind was blank.Before I knew it, the sun had begun to rise, and I realized that I had only gotten an hour of sleep. I dragged myself out of bed, feeling exhausted and drained. I knew I had a long day ahead of me, and I needed to be alert and focused if I was going to find Lia.I took a deep breath and tried to clear my mind. I couldn't afford to let my emotions cloud my judgment. I needed to be strategic and level-headed if I was going to lead my warriors into battle.The first light of dawn slowly crept over the horizon, casting long shadows across the ground. The sky was painted in beautiful shades of orange, pink, and purple, and the air was still and peaceful. As I looked out over the horizon, I felt a sense of hope and determination wash over me.The birds beg
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129. Sanctity
ALPHA ASHER'S POVMy blood boiled as I realized that the perpetrators behind Lia's abduction were none other than Alpha Lance and Ryan. The same two men who had kidnapped her before and now they had the audacity to do it again. My lifelong enemies had not only violated the sanctity of our Pack, but they had taken the most important person in my life.My fists clenched and my body shook with rage. I felt an overwhelming sense of powerlessness and frustration at not being able to protect the one person who mattered most to me. My mind raced with thoughts of revenge and justice.How could they do this to us? What had we ever done to deserve this? I swore to myself that I would make them pay for what they had done. They had crossed a line that could never be uncrossed.I felt a deep ache in my heart as I thought of Lia's pain and suffering. The thought of her being at the mercy of my enemies made me feel sick to my stomach. I wanted to wrap her in my arms and protect her from the world.B
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130. Cabin
ALPHA ASHER'S POVI arrived at the cabin, but to my disappointment, there was nobody there. The cabin was empty, and the only sound that filled the air was the howling of the wind. I felt a pang of disappointment in my chest, as if my hope had been dashed into a million pieces.I slowly walked towards the door, and as I put my hand on the doorknob, I felt a shiver run down my spine. I pushed the door open and stepped inside, and the cold air hit me like a slap in the face. The cabin was completely barren, and it looked like it hadn't been occupied for years.My heart sank as I scanned the room, hoping to find some clue that could lead me to Lia. But there was nothing, just an empty room with a few old chairs and a wooden table.I felt a sudden urge to scream, to let out all the anger and frustration that was bubbling inside me. I fell on my knees and let out a loud cry, my head hung low as perspiration streamed down my face. I felt lost and helpless, like I had failed Lia.The cabin w
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