All Chapters of The Lycan King Rescued Luna: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
154 Chapters
141. Expressions
ASHER'S POV.I stood in front of the large structure, my mind racing as I tried to come up with a plan. Raya stood beside me, her arms crossed over her chest as she surveyed the structure."We've tried everything," I said, frustration lacing my voice. "We've tried brute force, we've tried magic, but nothing seems to work."Raya nodded, her expression serious. "Maybe we're not supposed to get inside," she said. "Maybe this is a sign that we need to focus on other things."I shook my head. "No, I can feel it. There's something important inside, something we need to find."As we stood there, trying to figure out our next move, a group of guards approached us. "Alpha, what can we do to help?" one of them asked.I looked at them, then back at the structure. "We need to get inside," I said. "And we can't do it alone."The guards nodded, and together we began to try to force the structure open. We tried pushing, pulling, and prying, but nothing seemed to work. We even tried using magic, but
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142. The enemies
ASHER'S POV.But this time, there was no light at the end of the tunnel. Only darkness, and the looming sense of impending danger. Raya and I stepped outside of the structure and immediately noticed that something was off. The atmosphere was heavy, charged with the energy of an impending conflict. My instincts kicked in, and I knew that we were in for a fight.As we surveyed the area, it quickly became clear what had happened. The warriors stationed outside had been attacked. There were bodies lying everywhere, blood soaking the ground. My heart sank as I realized that Lance had bought some of the warriors, turning them against us. I clenched my fists, feeling anger and betrayal bubbling inside me.Raya and I didn't waste any time. We unsheathed our weapons and rushed to the scene, ready to fight for our survival. My mind was racing as I assessed the situation, trying to come up with a strategy to defeat our enemies. I could see the same determination in Raya's eyes, and it gave me st
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143. Closer
ASHER'S POV.As we followed the signs of secret codes, we eventually stumbled upon a dirty and disgusting passageway that led us deeper into the unknown. The stench was overpowering, and the darkness was so thick that it felt like it could suffocate us at any moment. Nevertheless, we pressed on, knowing that we were getting closer to finding Lia.Finally, after what felt like hours of walking, we arrived at a large door that was guarded by several armed men. My heart raced as I prepared to engage them in battle, but Raya quickly intervened and dispatched them with incredible speed and precision. As they fell to the ground, I couldn't help but feel a sense of relief mixed with admiration for her skills.Once the guards were taken care of, we approached the door, which was heavily fortified and seemed impenetrable. However, after examining it closely, Raya discovered a hidden mechanism that allowed us to open it. As the door creaked open, a cold draft swept over us, and we braced oursel
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144. Office
RAYA'S POV.I rush out of the room, my heart racing as I try to figure out the fastest way to get to the nearest physician. I know that every second counts, and I can't waste any time.As I make my way through the halls of the pack, I can feel the eyes of everyone on me. They know that something is wrong, and I can feel their worry and concern.I finally reach the door and step out into the cool night air. The moon is high in the sky, casting an eerie glow over the trees and the ground.I run as fast as I can, my feet pounding on the ground as I try to push myself harder and harder. I know that I have to get to the physician as quickly as possible if we're going to save Lia.As I run, my mind is racing. I can't help but think about how much Lia means to Asher and to the pack. She's one of our own, and we have to do everything in our power to save her.Finally, I reach the physician's house, and I pound on the door. A moment later, he opens the door, looking confused and sleepy.As soo
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145. Preparing
ASHER'S POV.It was time to head back to my Pack. We had prepared for this day for weeks, and we were ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.As we made our way to the Pack, I couldn't help but feel a sense of nervous excitement. We had come so far, and we had fought so hard to get here. But the real battle was yet to come.I looked over at Raya, who was walking next to me. Her eyes were focused ahead, and I knew that she was just as determined as I was. We were in this together, and we weren't going to let anything stand in our way.We finally arrived at the Pack, and I could see William waiting for us at the entrance. He had a huge smile on his face as he welcomed us back."How did it go?" he asked, looking at me with concern."It went well," I replied, feeling a weight lift off my shoulders. "We took care of Lance, and we're ready to move forward."William's smile widened, and he clapped me on the back. "That's great news. I'm glad to hear it."As we made our way through the P
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146. Mine
ASHER'S POV.As I leaned in for a kiss, I could feel the passion and desire burning inside of me. My lips met hers and the world disappeared around us. Lia kissed me back with an intensity that I had never felt before. Her lips were soft and warm, and I couldn't get enough of them.Our tongues entwined, exploring each other's mouths. I pulled her closer to me, my hands roaming over her body. Lia moaned softly, her hands gripping my shoulders. I could feel the electricity sparking between us, the chemistry palpable.As we kissed, I felt like I was finally home. Lia was my mate, my soulmate, and being with her was everything I had ever wanted. We pulled away from each other, panting and breathless.As I leaned in for the kiss, I felt a surge of electricity between us. Lia's lips were soft and warm, and her tongue danced around mine. I couldn't get enough of her. My hands roamed her body, feeling the curves and contours that I knew so well.Her body was mine, and I wanted to explore ever
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147. The other side
ASHER'S POV.I wake up to the sound of Lia's breathing. Her eyes are still closed, but her lips are curled up in a small smile, making my heart skip a beat. I gently brush her hair away from her face and place a soft kiss on her forehead. She stirs slightly, but doesn't wake up. I get out of bed and walk to the bathroom.The warm water from the shower is soothing as it cascades down my body, washing away the sweat and dirt from last night's battle and lovemaking. My mind wanders to Lia and the way she moaned my name as we made love. The thought alone makes me hard again. I quickly finish my shower and wrap a towel around my waist before heading back to the bedroom.Lia is still asleep, but her breathing is more peaceful. I kiss her forehead again before getting dressed. As I walk out of the room, I feel a sense of excitement in my chest. I know what I want to do, and I'm eager to do it. I head down to the packhouse and meet with William, my beta, who greets me with a smile."Good morn
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148. Almost
ASHER'S POV.As I stood on my balcony, overlooking the courtyard below, I couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in Raya. She had just returned from a meeting with the Alpha King, and she had brought back a large group of warriors with her. They were all gathered in the courtyard, discussing their plans to destroy the lab where Alpha Lance was breeding anomalies.I watched as Raya moved among them, her hair streaming behind her in the breeze. She looked fierce and determined, and I couldn't help but feel a swell of admiration for her. She had always been strong-willed and independent, and seeing her take charge like this was a sight to behold.The last mission was not any different from this one because Lance could be restructuring and regathering new warriors. It had been a dangerous mission, but we had succeeded in getting Lia back safely.Now, we were going back to Lance's Pack to destroy the lab where Lia's gene could have been used to perfect the anomalies. It was a risky plan,
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149. Sickening
ASHER'S POV.As I walked into the quarters where the warriors Raya had brought were staying, I was immediately struck by the flurry of activity. There were people everywhere, rushing around and preparing for the mission ahead. Weapons were being sharpened and polished, gear was being packed and checked, and there was a general sense of excitement and anticipation in the air.I walked through the crowds, taking in the scenery and the way the warriors were scattered in groups, talking and laughing and preparing for battle. It was clear that these were experienced fighters, each one ready and willing to do whatever it took to ensure the success of our mission.As I made my way through the bustling crowds, I eventually found myself outside of Raya's room. I hesitated for a moment, unsure if I should interrupt her, but ultimately decided that it was important to talk to her.As I opened the door, I was surprised to see Raya engaged in a passionate embrace with a man I didn't recognize. The
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150. Result
ASHER'S POV.We were met with resistance, but we fought back with all our might. The sound of shattering glass and the smell of smoke filled the air as we made our way deeper into the facility.I saw Raya's deadly accuracy with her throwing knives as she took down an enemy guard. Raya's fighting skills were impressive as she dodged a punch and kicked her opponent in the gut. The rest of our warriors were equally skilled, and it was clear that we were a formidable force.I led the charge, taking down any guard that came in our way. We made our way to the center of the lab, where Lance had kept his most powerful anomalies. They were kept in cages, and it was clear that they had been mistreated and abused.I felt my anger and disgust boil inside of me. These creatures were innocent, and they had been used as weapons by Lance. We had to put an end to it. Without hesitation, we destroyed the cages, freeing the anomalies from their captivity.As we made our way out of the lab, I could hear
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