All Chapters of Born Rogue: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
61 Chapters
Chapter 41
Running through the woods is difficult when you are carrying something that keeps snagging on every tree branch. Every couple of steps, I find myself having to remove the branch that got caught on Clay's clothes. At the rate I’m going, I just might make it to camp by the time the battle ends in a couple of hours. After what feels like the umpteenth millionth time, I decide to walk closer to the edge of the forest, where the branches aren't as thick. The one reason that I stayed deep within the forest was so I could avoid running into any enemies. Now, I don't care if I run into a rogue. I just don't want to have to stop anymore. Dead branches snap and crackle under my feet and leaves rustle as I brush past, pushing my way to the edge of the tree line. With a quick glance around, I ensure that no one is paying attention to me. Seeing no one approaching and hearing no one shouting at me, I launch into a sprint. My feet fly across the ground. By leaving the woods behind, I have
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Chapter 42
The flap swings shut behind me as I leave the tent. Nobody is paying much attention to me, so I have no trouble making my way to the front of the camp. Standing just inside the first row of tents, I survey the battlefield. Werewolves cover the large field, locked in a fierce battle. As I watch, many fall to the ground either dead or wounded. Knowing Tyler, he's probably near the front of that mess. He'd want to try to save me himself and thus would lead the charge. If I want to find him, I'll need to make my way to him. I break free from the line of tents and start walking towards the ongoing fight. To an outside viewer, I must look very odd as I calmly walk towards a massive, bloody battle. With each step, my heart beats a little louder in my ears as adrenaline fills me. By the time I have walked close enough to make out the difference in scents, I am on edge, anticipating when I will be attacked and join the fight. I'm only a couple of yards away when the first wolf rushe
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Chapter 43
With Tyler clinging to my back, I leap into the air. Wind rushes past as I soar over the wolves, searching. My feet thud as I land and my nose twitches. I jump to the left, still not finding the scent that I want. A couple more jumps and I finally find who I am searching for, Cole. He stands a couple of yards away from me, fighting some wolves. He, too, is wounded, but not as badly as Tyler. As I close the distance between us, Cole seems to notice my scent because he turns his head to stare at me. Seeing Cole distracted, one of the wolves tries to attack, but I catch it by a leg and toss it away. Enar, are you able to talk to Cole's wolf? I ask. Yes, what should I tell him? She replies. Please tell him to take Tyler back to the camp for medical attention. I will take care of everything here. Alright. As I wait for Enar's response, I throw away some more of the pesky wolves. They just don't know when to stop. Cole also swats away our opponents. We remain that w
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Chapter 44
Kira darts through the tents and, in no time at all, stops before Tyler's tent. I can hear the murmur of voices within, but can't distinguish what they are saying. Sliding off Kira's back, my feet hit the ground and I pause, unsure. What if I'm interrupting something or what if Tyler is angry with me for some reason? Kira must notice my hesitancy because I feel something large and warm push me. I stumble forward into the tent and the noise stops. Looking up, I see Tyler lying on the bed and Cole is standing next to it. Tyler is wearing pants, but not a shirt, exposing the bandages wrapped around his abdomen. "Arielle," Tyler breathes, as a grin spreads across his face. "You're back." I nod my head and Cole steps towards me. "I'll go call one of our doctors to take a look at you," he says. "There is a bowl of water and a rag sitting on the table for you to wash up, but I don't think it will be enough. I'll send someone with more." Cole slips past me and out of the tent.
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Chapter 45
I snuggle into Tyler's uninjured side, taking deep breaths. Remaining still, I allow his familiar scent to comfort me and the reality washes over me. I did it. We are together again and though he may have been injured, we are both alive. "Do you want to talk now or take a nap first?" Tyler asks me. I weigh both options. I could use a nap, but at the same time, I really need to tell Tyler what I learned about the mastermind. "We should talk first," I reply. "I have some important information to share with you." "Okay," Tyler agrees. "Please tell me the whole story, though. I want to know everything that happened." “I remember falling asleep next to you…,” I start. “... but the next time I woke up, I was in a dungeon cell. Then, Clay walked in. He claimed to be the mastermind behind the whole plan. He told me that he wanted me to bear his children-" "Did he touch you?!" Tyler growls, cutting me off. "He tried to. He started, but then you attacked thei
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Chapter 46
     "Arielle has already told me what she knows, so I will now give a detailed report of all the information we have. Is there anyone opposed to this?" Tyler asks. The alphas glance at each other, but no one raises their hand.      "Seeing as there are no refusals, I will start," Tyler continues. "As we all know, we were made aware of this plot when we noticed an increase in rogue attacks. Thus, we formed this alliance. The next major event was Arielle's kidnapping. As you have been made aware, Arielle is a lycan, so barely any drugs work on her, but somehow she was sedated. This means that our opponent has the resources to create a previously unknown drug that is effective on lycans." Tyler pauses as the gasps echo around the table.     "Do you know what kind of drug it is?" Alp
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Chapter 47
Tyler stands, and I follow suit. We walk out of the tent, the sound of chairs scraping the ground ringing in my ears. My hand is still firmly held by Tyler's. We say nothing as he pulls me through the maze of tents. We didn't see a single person during our trip to the tent, but we could hear numerous voices coming from further away in the maze of paths. The familiar sound of the flap follows us into the tent. I glance behind me, only to bump into Tyler when he stops halfway to the bed. "I'm glad you're back," he whispers, wrapping his arms around me. I wrap my arms around him in response and hug him tightly. "I am, too," I manage to say before a yawn renders me incapable of speech for a few moments. Tyler’s chest shakes slightly as he chuckles. "Are you tired?" he asks with another chuckle. "A little," I admit. I stare up at him and watch as he smiles. "Nap time it is then," he says. My feet leave the ground as Tyler lifts me up int
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Chapter 48
Clank. My fork clatters as I set it down on my plate. Laura prepared a delicious breakfast of waffles and berries. Healthy and filling. Next to me, Tyler's fork scrapes against the ceramic of his plate, making a horrible noise. I wince as Tyler eats the last bite of his waffle. "Time to catch up on work," he says after swallowing. "I'm sure I've got a lot of paperwork sitting on my desk." I let out a low chuckle as I lean back in my chair. "I'll have to check on Techex. Hopefully, Claire was able to step in and handle most of the important work." Our chairs squeak against the floor in unison as we push them away from the table and stand up. "At least I get to work with you," Tyler says and grasps my hand. "Speaking of Claire, you should probably call her and let her know that you are okay." "Thank you for reminding me. I thought about calling her yesterday, but obviously never found the time." Tyler nods his head in acknowledgement and leads me upstairs, stil
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Chapter 49
I look up at the towering shelves of books that surround me. The shelves have to be organized, I just need to find out how. Removing a book from the shelf closest to me, I read the title, 'Tales from World War II'. I replace the book and pull out another one from further down the shelf. This one is titled 'The History of the Roman Empire'. I must be in the history section. Exiting the row of shelves I was in, I enter a different row of shelves to my right. Seeing titles like 'Minerals and Gemstones' and 'Animals of the Sahara', I knew I was in the science section. I had to search three more sections: languages, music, and mathematics, before I finally found the section that housed the books on the supernatural. At first, all the books I see are about werewolves. Walking further down the row, the topics change from werewolves to vampires to witches. At the very end of the row, in a small section, nearly invisible unless you are looking for it, stand the books about lycans. I
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Chapter 50
...It took forever to find where the books on lycans are kept, but I finally found them," I inform Tyler before taking a bite of ziti. "Were they helpful?" he asks. I swallow before replying. "Not very. Most were about the myths that surround lycans. I did find a book about the different types of plants that affect lycans though. I think it may give me clues about what was in that sedative. I also found an interesting book. It's called 'Lycan Magic'. I've never heard of lycans being able to use magic so I am excited to read it." Tyler looks thoughtful. "I haven't heard of that either," he agrees. “Are you planning on spending tomorrow in the library as well?” “I will spend the morning reading through those books,” I reply. “What about the afternoon?” he asks. “I promised to help Laura with picking berries and making pies in the afternoon, remember?” I say, rolling my eyes. “Don’t give me that attitude,” Tyler says firmly. “I forgot that you prom
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