All Chapters of Born Rogue: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
61 Chapters
Chapter 21
As I turn the corner, my house comes into view. The car bumps slightly as I pull over the curb and into my driveway. I press a button on the dashboard and my garage door rattles up. I press my foot to the gas pedal and slide my car forward into the garage. The engine falls silent as the garage door rattles its way shut. Tyler and I step out of the car, doors slamming shut in tandem. Metal clinks against metal as I pull my key ring from my purse and unlock the door leading into the house. Tyler follows me through the hallways to my office. I enter the room and proceed to sit in the chair behind my desk. “What are we doing in here?” Tyler asks, sitting down on the couch in the center of the room. “I’m going to write a list of what I need to pack, so I don’t forget anything,” I reply, pulling open the top drawer to my right and rummaging around for a pen and notebook. “Oh. Are you not going to sell this house when you move in with me?” he questions. “Are you ke
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Chapter 22
Time flies by as Tyler and I pack box after box. My office items were packed first. Then we moved on to my bathroom and bedroom. My bathroom supplies are currently stacked in boxes next to the bedroom door. There are only a few piles of clothes left to put in boxes. I fold a shirt and set it in the box to my left when I hear the sound of tape being pulled from the roll. I look behind me and see Tyler taping up his box. “That’s the last of my boxes. I’m going to take the finished ones down the hall to the front door. I told Cole to send over some warriors to help move the boxes to the packhouse. They should be here soon,” Tyler informs me. “Okay,” I say. “I’m going to finish the rest of my packing and then I will join you.” I pick up another shirt, fold it, and set it in the box. I can hear Tyler walking back and forth through the house as I continue folding clothes and placing them in boxes. The doorbell rings as I am taping the last box shut. I don’t bother to rush to
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Chapter 23
“What are you going to do now?” Tyler asks me as we are finishing our meal. “I was planning on unpacking. I’m not sure what I will do after that,” I reply. “Okay. Why don’t you get started on that while I take these trays back down to the kitchen,” he offers. “The boxes with your things in them should be in your room.” “Alright,” I say. I stand up from the couch I was seated on and walk over to the door that leads to my room. I turn the handle and the door swings open. I cast a precursory glance over the room. The walls are dark blue, to match the accents of Tyler’s room. The bed had a light gray comforter. The small side couch and window curtains were also gray. The furniture was made of a dark reddish brown wood. Sitting at the end of my new bed are the boxes. One by one, I cut the tape that secures the flaps down. I check the contents of each box and sort them into piles. When I finish, there are four piles. One is bedroom items, another is bathroom
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Chapter 24
I open my eyes and find myself sitting in a flower field. Green grass and little purple wildflowers wave around me. I stare up at the blue sky and blink away the tears in my eyes. I know where this is. I know what is going to happen. “Arielle,” a female voice calls. A man and woman walk out of the trees surrounding the meadow. They are carrying picnic supplies. I start to cry harder. “Don’t come over here!” I shout at them. My warning falls on deaf ears. Just like every time this happens. My nightmare. I am forced to watch as my parents set up and enjoy the picnic lunch with me. The wolves show up right when they are supposed to. Five rogues rush towards my parents who shift to fight them. “Stop!” I yell. “Don’t fight them! Just run!” I cry as my parents don’t respond. I can’t even move to fight with them. I am helpless. My mother is killed before my eyes once more. I watch, sobbing, as my dad kills the last of the rogues only to die shortly after. “Arielle,
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Chapter 25
As days passed, Tyler and I found ourselves sleeping together every night. Some nights, I couldn’t fall asleep. Other nights, he couldn’t fall asleep. Two weeks after I moved into the pack house, Tyler suggested that I move into his room with him. I informed him that I would move in with him when I was officially declared Luna to the pack. Tyler thought that was agreeable and began to prepare for the ceremony. Throughout my stay at the pack, I gradually met more of the pack members so the ceremony was more for show than an actual introduction. Tyler set the date for a month after I moved in. That morning I woke up in Tyler’s arms, as per usual. He had joined me in my bed last night, having been unable to fall asleep on his own. I start to wiggle my way down and out of his arms. I am only able to move a couple of inches before Tyler’s arms tighten around me, forcing me to stop moving. I peer up at him and catch him grinning down at me. “This is the last time we will be
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Chapter 26
A loud growl rings in my ears as Tyler expresses his displeasure at the she-wolf’s disrespect towards me. “Warriors–” Tyler begins to shout, but falls silent when I raise my hand. I watch as the men who responded to his call stop moving and look at me. I wait until the crowd falls silent before responding. I stare straight into the she-wolf’s eyes as I speak. “I accept your challenge.” Chaos erupts as I finish my statement. All of the pack members are talking loudly amongst themselves. I feel a hand grab my arm and swing me around until I am face to face with Tyler, who looks angry. “What are you doing?” he growls in a whisper. “You can’t fight. You could get hurt and then I will lose you.” I study his face and notice his eyes growing glassy. “It’s alright,” I tell him, pulling him into a hug. “I can’t lose you again,” he mumbles as he cries into my shoulder. “You won’t lose me,” I reassure him as I gently rub his back. “Besides, I couldn’t turn down her
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Chapter 27
My paws pound against the concrete underneath me as I run to the center of the cage. I notice Kira running towards me and halt my approach about ten feet from her. She does the same. For a few tense minutes we circle each other, trying to judge what the other’s weakness was. Kira breaks the tension and makes the first move. She dashes straight at me. Upon reaching my snout, she begins to drop lower. Noticing her intentions of sliding underneath me, I jump over her. I land several feet away from her and growl furiously. That move is very dangerous. The attacker slides underneath their opponent and slices open their stomach. While this move can be used to simply threaten your opponent, a careless swipe of your claws can easily kill them. Why that little-, Enar begins. Enough. I’m angry, too. That move is not meant to be used to test someone’s skill, but that doesn’t mean you get to kill her for it, I tell Enar. I will win this fight and show Kira her mistake. F
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Chapter 28
I step out of the bathroom and spot Tyler sitting on the edge of his bed with his elbows on his thighs. The party ended an hour ago. Tyler left to get ready for bed shortly after it finished. I decided to stay a little longer to wrap up my conversation with Kira and Stella. Tyler was ready for bed by the time I made it up to his room. Sorry. Our room. As of this morning, I am officially sharing a room with Tyler. “We need to talk,” Tyler says as I walk closer to him. “Why is your wolf so big and how are you so good at fighting?” I sigh and take a seat on the bed next to him. “My wolf is actually standard size for a lycan,” I remark. “A lycan?” Tyler asks. “I thought lycans were just legends.” “I certainly hope I am not a legend,” I joke before growing serious. I flop back onto the bed as I explain. “Both of my parents were lycans. The last two of their kind, as far as I know. They were searching for an acceptable werewolf pack to join, but couldn’t find one.
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Chapter 29
The gym falls silent as Tyler and I walk in. On our way here, Tyler explained to me what they do for training. All wolves meet in the same gym where I fought Kira before training starts. The lead trainers and alpha give them instructions as to what they will be doing. Then the wolves are split into groups and sent to train. Tyler leads me over to an older man, probably in his late thirties or early forties. “This is Eric. He is the lead trainer and is in charge of creating training plans,” Tyler explains. “Nice to meet you, Luna,” Eric says, bowing his head slightly. “It’s nice to meet you as well,” I respectfully reply. “I came to see Moonfang’s training regimen, and to train with a sparring partner.” “I don’t think you will have any trouble completing the workouts,” Eric replies. “Especially if you perform as well as you did during your welcoming ceremony. Now if you will excuse me, I need to get today’s training started.” Eric walks away from us and towa
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Chapter 30
I hold my pace steady as I run around the track. Even though I finished my twenty laps, I don’t stop. I keep running, feeling each movement of my muscles. I notice Tyler walk over to the sidelines and sit down. He seems to be done. I can feel him watching me as I run. One by one, the other runners finish their twenty laps. I wait until the last runner is seated before joining the group. “Did you enjoy your run?” Tyler asks. “Yeah. I usually run twice that far, but it was a nice warmup,” I reply. Tyler looks surprised. He opens his mouth to speak, but closes it when the instructor starts talking first. “Your next station is core. Meet your core instructor in the smallest weight room within the next fifteen minutes,” he instructs. Our group gathers together before walking there. It looks like we will be staying with the two groups that joined ours. The smallest weight room is located along the far side of the training facility. In order to get there, we had to
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