All Chapters of Her Second Chance Mate: Chapter 91 - Chapter 99
99 Chapters
Chapter 90
The day was still young, and although the sun was still shining its bright light on us, I was drained and stressed out. I have been wrung out to the point that the only thing that could remedy it was quality rest. And that was what I was going to get now.I looked down at our jointed hands as we walked down the path to the pack house. I could feel curious eyes on us, but I could care less. I was happy that we didn't have to keep hiding the fact that we were mates.We had gotten up to the huge double mahogany door that stood tall and unyielding, and I was going to take another step forward when a thought flashed through my mind and I remembered that he wasn't living in this pack and may likely have somewhere to be. "Don't you have somewhere to be?" I asked, gently stroking the hairs at the back of his palm."Uh?" He raised his eyebrows, looking at me all confused."Your pack." I provided. "You can't leave the pack just like that. I am fine now, so you are free to go." It took great pai
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Chapter 91
I groaned as the loud ringing disrupted my sleep. Will there ever be a day where I get 7 hours of uninterrupted sleep? In another world, it may have been possible, but in this present world, I very much doubt that.I took a deep breath to calm myself before I lost it. "Patience, Jasmine, patience. It may just be important." Maya prodded me on, and I sighed as I picked up the device."Hello." I spoke into the receiver. Beside me, Lucas stirred as he heard my voice, and his eyelashes fluttered as he tried to open them, making me swoon because Lucas was always handsome on a regular day, but he was breathtaking when he was sleepy and a little cute."Alpha, help us." A voice whispered panic on the phone, and immediately I was up, every atom of sleep gone from my eyes. Lucas also stirred beside me and sat upright.I heard that voice; it was the woman's bratty daughter that was missing. "Suzy? Is that you?" Lucas' ears perked up as he heard the name. I had informed him of the missing person,
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Chapter 92
Maya was urging me to ask my mom about the voice recording because she felt she would have opinions about it. According to her, Kiayra told her that she would know about it. Kiayra was my mother's wolf and had been with her since she shifted.So if there was anyone who would know these things, it was definitely Kiayra. So I listened to her, and I was sending my mother the voice recording. The parents were currently out of town because they went to pay a visit to my aunt.And yeah, my dad is aware of everything that has been going on; he only called to ask me if I was okay and if I ever needed help from him. My dad is a firm believer in letting people do what they want, as long as they are not doing the wrong thing.He said I was the alpha now, and the pack was mine. It was my decision to run it however I wanted to run it, as long as I didn't ruin it. Many people may not agree with that sort of reasoning, but it has helped me grow into a strong, independent woman.But I do believe I am
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Chapter 93
I could see the silhouette of a man fast approaching where we were standing, and I was instantly on high alert. My hands reached back automatically to the back of my jeans, and I removed an object, craftily hiding it behind me. I had hidden weapons all over my body, and I was currently holding a steel blade that had been so well sharpened that it could cut through anything.I had very good throwing skills, coupled with good hand-eye coordination, so should the person pose a threat to me, I would have the blade firmly lodged in his neck before he could move further, so perfectly that he would be unable to breathe freely.The silhoutte was getting closer, and with it was the scent. That sweet, enticing scent that could only belong to one person wafted to where I was, and I was sniffing it like a dog, wanting more from where it came.The man behind the alluring scent came out of the shadow, his sharp features clearly visible in the dark, and I was holding my breath.Just his presence alo
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Chapter 94
We have been running for so long that I have lost count of the hours. The adrenaline that had been fueling me was gradually depleting, and I was already getting tired.But I still continued urging on; it also helped that Lucas was beside me, motivating me in his own way. He was running behind me, and anytime my speed was declining, I would feel his cold nose on my rump pushing me forward.That really helped because we were able to cross the border of a pack, and we were currently in another one. I had already gotten permission from the alphas of the pack we would be passing through; it was considered folly not to do so. I also beseeched them for their help, and they were happy to lend their support in their own way.I looked ahead of me and saw that the sun was glistening on a surface, which was no doubt a body of water. I gathered momentum, my legs suddenly becoming alive and kicking forward as I saw the lake.The sun had been scorching down on us in all its ferocity, barely sparing
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Chapter 95
Under the guidance of Lucas, we were able to safely scale the landmine. And it wasn't until everyone had a good metre passed it and were safe that my breathing finally went back to normal.The fact that someone close to me also had a near-death experience was enough to sober anyone, and we all moved quietly as we walked deeper into the forest.The air was getting stale as we ventured in, and at a point, the hair on my body stood stiff, as if it could tell the danger lurking behind.The sunlight filtered through the towering trees, casting eerie shadows on the forest floor. Everyone was quietly walking forward, and it added to the eerie feeling.I tightened the grip on the hilt of my dagger and took a deep breath, summoning courage. While praying for the goddess to help me.The air grew colder as we ventured further into the heart of the forest, and the sound of nature was slowly fading away, replaced by an unnerving silence.I winced as my shoe got caught on a metal piece, and Lucas t
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Chapter 96
I didn't know where the man had come from, but he had run up to me and collided with me. The impact was forceful enough to make me stumble all across the floor, and I was lucky I did.Because, just then, the man exploded into bits and pieces beside me, spraying us with his innards.Then everything was pure chaos.Someone screamed behind me, and I suspected it was one of the warriors. I could hear someone running beside me. There was a high-pitched noise ringing in my ears, and it continued, the bell refusing to stop.I could feel my body leaving me, and it was like I was floating in midair from all the chaos. The ringing began to gradually subside, and in that state, I realised that there was a girl who was also at risk of exploding."She can't be away from him; she would blow up. She can't be away from him; she would blow up." I kept murmuring the phrase like a broken toy. It was a way to keep me in touch with reality."Alpha, are you okay?" A cute face peered down at me, worry lines
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Chapter 97
I blinked my eyes, trying to get used to the bright light that was streaming from the window blind. I successfully opened my eyes after several tries and was greeted by the dull painting of my room.I groaned on the bed, feeling my head alight with pain. Something was different, but I couldn't exactly pinpoint what it was. But everything was just different.Maybe it was the way Lucas' scent was saturated in the room; it literally filled everywhere, like he had been staying here all day.I rolled across the bed till I got to the edge, and I placed my legs gingerly on the floor. I tested their strength to see if they could support me, and they could.I stood up slowly and made my way to the bathroom to relieve myself. I washed my hands after I had done my business. From there, I proceeded to wash my face, and I padded out of the room after I was through, back to my room.Someone, whom I assumed was Lucas, had changed me into shorts and a shirt. Just then, my stomach rumbled, and I looke
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Lucas was able to get me to see reasons why we should merge the pack, and I agree. I had already relayed the information to the pack. At first, they were sceptical about it, not knowing how to behave towards these new intruders. But as words passed around and the date kept drawing near, the excitement began to increase. Everyone had an individual reason for being happy. The nurses and warriors who had been previously sent to the other pack during the exchange were very excited about the news. They could finally see their families without having to get permission to go across the border. While the pack was excited about the possibilities and exposure I would bring. Imagine two powerful packs merging to become one; we would easily become the most powerful and unstoppable pack on the continent, rivaling even the best pack on the continent. I was happy for all those things, but nothing could be compared to the fact that I would get to spend every waking moment with my mate. I was ove
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