All Chapters of Her Second Chance Mate: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
99 Chapters
Chapter 50
That was a strange request, Lucas asking that he wanted to see Vincent's grave. I mean, others would have wanted nothing to do with their partner's ex. But Vincent wasn't my ex. No ex was too insignificant to describe him; he was my mate.Well, Lucas is Lucas, so of course he would be different, and since he had asked nicely, I see no need to deny him. I was going to go there, so all the better."Would you give me a moment? Let me change into something more appropriate." I told him as I moved closer to the edge of the bed."Sure." He replied, and I came down and went into my closet. I looked around my full closet, which was almost overflowing with clothes, shoes, bags, and every other accessory.It wasn't colour-coded or anything, but it was practical. I ran my hands through the clothes that were on the hanger, looking for something to wear. My hands stopped at a blue dress, hiding behind my other clothes. I removed it and held it in front of my body.It has been a while since I have
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Chapter 51
"Lucas, meet Vincent." I said, gesturing to the tombstone."And Vincent, this is Lucas, my mate." I said to the grave, finishing off the introduction. I bent down and placed the flowers on the stone, and Lucas also did the same, placing his flower beside mine."It is nice to meet you, Vincent." He whispered to the stone.I sighed as I looked at the inscription on the stone, the guilt overtaking me. "I am sorry for not coming to see you all this while. I still can’t shake off the guilt that I feel whenever I come here." I whispered to the cold stone. "I’ve missed you so much, Vincent. There are no moments when I am not reminded of you. I miss you so much." Lucas was standing by the side, watching me as I poured my heart out to the man who once owned my heart. I didn't care that he was seeing me as vulnerable."But I think I am finally learning to move on without you; it also helped that I have Lucas here." I mean, it is obvious that after two years, I should have learned how to surviv
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Chapter 52
I head back home, going straight to my room since I am still on free time. I wanted nothing more than to lie in bed. It was as if all the energy had been sucked out of me. I dumped my body unceremoniously on the bed, feeling all the weight of my day come crashing down on me. From today on, I was single and free, although technically not free since I still had a mate. But Lucas had said to wait until we found a way, and that is what I will do. But it wasn't every day that I would be strong, and today was one of those days. I discarded the "strong" image. I removed my dress and changed into something comfortable. I grabbed my iPad and went to the recliner. I was wearing an airpod, and indie blues was playing. I curled myself up on the recliner and picked up my iPad, replying to all the numerous emails I had left unread. A new email came from Jake asking me to check out something, and I quickly got to work on it. I passed my time that way. Occasionally, I would see teardrops on the sc
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Chapter 53
When you are alone, the days seem to drag slowly, as if they would never end. But somehow, the heart begins to get used to it. Yes, I was a bit annoyed, but I wasn't mad, due to the fact that I knew the situation surrounding it. It had been a month since Lucas and I parted ways, and it was better than the last, only because I knew it was going to be temporary. I had tried to avoid hearing any news about him or trying to find out his whereabouts. It is better that we keep it this way; it is easier. During the course of the month, I had managed to build myself back up, both physically and mentally, and I had tried to busy myself with work so as to make the pain less. And it has been working; now, whenever I think of him, it is more of a wish than a burning desire. My parents decided to embark on another trip since, according to them, the pack wasn't in trouble and they were in need of a break. Although I didn't see what they were taking the break for. Since they could, all they had
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Chapter 54
"Wait up." He yelled at my retreating figure, and I heard him stand up in a hurry, carrying his surfboard with him, and run to get to me. I increased my pace, throwing my long legs as far as possible. He caught up to me, panting; his whole face was red from the running, and his mouth was open, trying to catch his breath."You sure do walk fast; why did you leave so suddenly? We weren't through with talking." I looked at him, studying his features well. He was still young, probably fresh out of the hostel. It is a shame that humans are unable to resist our seduction. It is an innate behaviour in werewolves; they are generally more attractive than their human counterparts."I have somewhere to be, and I am running late." I replied, glancing at my wristwatch."Alright, I also have somewhere to be. Why don't I drop you off wherever you are going?" "A pretty lady like you shouldn't be walking.""I came with my car, so there will be no need for that." I gestured to my white Cadillac, letti
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Chapter 55
Womb sharer: Hey, sis, we just arrived at the place we would be staying, and it is pretty sick. Mom and dad went all the way, and now I know where all the pack money has been going to. Attached to the text were pictures of the palace where they will be staying before they begin their tour, and I was wowed. The room and bathroom were impeccable; everything was so immaculate that one could literally smell money all over it. It includes a pool, a Jacuzzi, and literally everything you would need to be comfortable. I was seething with jealousy. This was where they were going to spend about two weeks, in the heart of Sydney, before they began their journey. Me: It looks really good; I am jealous. Try not to forget that you have an older sister who is in need of some spoiling. I teased him and closed the phone, placing it face down. A ping came from my phone almost immediately, and I was rushing to open it. Womb sharer: Just by five fucking minutes. It isn't a big deal. Then he sent a g
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Chapter 56
I laid on the bed, face down, as the tears were dripping from my eyes. My throat was so clogged that I couldn't swallow properly, and my chest felt heavy as if there were a weight on it. "Jaz?" Liam called from the sitting room, his voice shaking. He hadn't expected me to react like that, and he had always hated making people cry. "Did I do something wrong?" His voice was getting closer, until his scent finally filled the room. "I am sorry?" He apologised, the confusion heavily laced in his voice.He stood beside me, and I could imagine he was running his hands through his hair in frustration; he didn't know what he had done or how he could remedy it. I sniffed, trying to clean my eyes as much as I could before I answered him."It is fine; I am fine; I just want to be left alone." I explained, sitting up on the bed."I don't think so; you are clearly not fine. Did I do something wrong?" He asked, trying to thread carefully so as not to upset me. His weight pressed the bed down as he
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Chapter 57
"What will you do about the distance?" I asked her, as she said he wasn't in the pack."We talked about it, and we decided that I would stay here. I have a duty here to my pack, and I love my job too much to leave it behind." She explained."That is nice, but what about him? Where would he be?" I just had to ask. He wasn't in our pack, so I doubt they will be able to see each other often, and I hope to God it isn't like my situation.Her eyes widened as we both got what I was saying, and she shook her head, waving her hands about. "Oh no, it isn't like your case." A shadow cast over my face, and I frowned. "I apologise; I shouldn't have said that." She quickly apologised when she realised what she had just said."It is okay; just be mindful of your words next time." I cautioned her, and her smile returned."Well, basically he doesn't have a pack since he is a huge explorer. He hops from one pack to another, but he said he was going to settle down because of me, and he chose to settle
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Chapter 58
And so we did. We had a good time talking about constellations, astrology, and other space related things. It was exhilarating to have a conversation with him; the tension that came with waiting for his message and the smile that grazed my face when he sent them were just everything. It wasn't hard to see the reasons why teenagers love wasting their time on idle chats. It was fun. These were things I never got to experience as a youth, and doing them now was fun. We have both discovered a mutual interest now, and it seems we were on the same page for the first time in my life. I woke up with groggy eyes, having spent most of the night with Lucas arguing about astronomy, but it was well worth the time. I lay on my bed for a moment, trying to compose myself, when my phone lit up with a notification as a ping went off, and on checking, it was a text from Jason. Womb sharer: I just arrived in Chicago, and I am with Liam. Everything seems okay for now. I think I made the right choice
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Chapter 59
It had been a week now since Lucas and I had started "dating," as I would like to call it. We talk to each other every day on the phone, chatting like high school lovers. It was exhilarating, and it was like entering new territory. Little by little, I could feel our bond getting closer, and my heart yearned for him more.We found common ground in astronomy, and we spent a good deal of time debating on it. It was fun, you know, getting to know each other in that way. But in getting to know each other, we never ventured into personal situations.It was like an unspoken rule. Never meddle in a person's life.We were living in pretence, pretending like we weren't the alphas of two great packs, that we weren't mates, and that I didn't already bear his mark. It was easier that way to pretend we were strangers just getting to know each other and that we didn't have the weight of the world hanging on our necks. And it has been working for us.Lucas, without the alpha title, was a bit of a
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