All Chapters of The Runaway Groom: Chapter 1041 - Chapter 1050
1215 Chapters
Chapter 1041
Isaac frowned slightly as he replied, "We're outside.""Where?" James pressed—there was no helping it, since Erin was complaining about being bored when they were supposed to spend the day together. She then suggested visiting Irene and taking Tommy outside to play, only to arrive at their lodgings to find it empty.Isaac asked in return, "You have a lot of free time today, huh?"James was a little speechless—he should indeed be spending time together with his new bride.He could not help sighed feebly as he glanced at Erin as she drove beside him, since she really preferred it lively."Pretty much," he chuckled.Isaac gave him the address. "Come over. I happen to have something to tell you.""Okay," James replied cheerfully.As soon as he lowered his phone, Erin asked impatiently, "Where did they go? They should stay at home…"James turned toward her. "What, are they supposed to wait there for you?"Erin smiled—it was just bad phrasing.Still, James told her where they we
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Chapter 1042
Irene's gaze was tender as she watched Erin being lively again.Erin had become quiet and withdrawn after what happened, and she was more or less comforted to see Erin's personality reverting to how it was before.Meanwhile, Isaac was speaking with James, probably discussing going back to Franconia.Things were fine for them since there was nothing stopping them, mainly because James and Erin were just married and could stay here for a while.Isaac was giving him a head's up, but James said, "I can go back to Franconia with you."James got married quickly so that he could go back to work, and his leg was more or less better even though it was not fully healed. Most importantly, he was bored out of his mind here, while he and Erin had already agreed to go back to Franconia once they were married—even if they might stay another couple days."I'll arrange for the return flight," James said, since he was always the one who arranged it. Isaac simply clapped him on the shoulder. "D
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Chapter 1043
When Isaac did not respond, Irene messed with him by reaching underneath his collar, but he put a hand over hers, stopping her.Glancing behind at her, he said, "In two days, ideally."With that, he hung up, and turned around to wrap his arms around her waist, holding her tightly against himself.They could feel each other's warmth through the fabric.Irene looked up then, her hair still a little wet and bearing the lingering freshness of shampoo as she asked, "What would be ideal in a couple days?""Weren't you planning on going back to Zidonia? I'm asking someone to arrange for it in two days," Isaac replied.She was indeed in a hurry to visit Lulu. In fact, remembering Lulu left her a little unsettled, especially since the officer who called Irene had been stammering but did not tell her how Lulu was. It was certainly weighing down on her mind, and she was intending to get comfortable with Isaac, only to lose interest just then. "Take a bath. I'm going to bed…"Isaac was
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Chapter 1044
Zachary's eyes caught the hickey on her neck, and he raised a brow.He understood everything but feigned ignorance. "Then why are you getting so nervous about nothing? You're stammering too, like you were caught in the act for doing something naughty."Irene feigned composure and retorted, "What are you talking about?""You know exactly what I'm talking about," Zachary replied. "Just look at your face. It's as red as a beet.""You really have a lot of time on your hands, don't you?" Isaac walked over to them and gave Zachary a stare. "Could you shut it?"Zachary was speechless for a moment, but he cleared his throat. "I'm just jealous."It was first Irene and Isaac, and then James and Erin—everyone got to find their better halves and happy endings.Only he never got what he wanted…It was not quite right since he has a daughter now, but it was still a shame that his daughter was motherless."Stan's worse off than you are," Isaac suddenly said.Zachary laughed right then, "Tru
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Chapter 1045
Then, everyone burst into laughter!Tommy was confused—why was everyone laughing? Did he say something wrong? Why did he feel like he was being mocked and why?Blinking his round, large eyes, he asked, "Why is everyone laughing?"Irene simply picked him up to her seat. "You just stick with me, okay?""Why?" Tommy asked.Irene had no idea how to explain, when Zachary butted in. "Because you're a bother."Tommy frowned. "How did I bother you?"Zachary was speechless, since Tommy was bothering James and not him. Still, he said, "James just got married and you're bothering his bride. How is that not a bother?""Aunt Erin is his wife, but she's my aunt! And she said she loves me more."Zachary grinned. "Well, James can really love your aunt—""Shut it." He was cut short as everyone was glaring at him coolly, his poor choice of words incurring their wrath.He gave in immediately. "Okay, my bad."Irene in turn coaxed Tommy to sleep, saying that the plane would land once he w
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Chapter 1046
Irene's heart skipped a beat even as she stood outside the ward, and she could not hide the quiver in her voice. "It's that serious?"She was afraid to imagine how bad things were for Lulu that the officer would say something like that.Nonetheless, he said, "Go inside. You'll see."With that, Irene opened the door into the single-person ward.There was a person laying in the bed placed next to the window, and Irene strode over when she saw that person. However, Irene's pace was somber and she was afraid that something terrible had really happened to Lulu… until she stopped in her tracks suddenly.She could not recognize if the person was Lulu, since the person's face was bandaged.Irene turned, and the officer at the door nodded. "It's her."Irene gasped, her legs suddenly feeling like they were made of lead and weighing a ton.She was so close… yet the distance between her and Lulu felt so far!In truth, she was just afraid of moving closer.Nonetheless, she worked hard t
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Chapter 1047
Lulu's gaze was evasive but calm in an instant, her voice frail. "I asked them not to call you, but they did anyway."Irene was calm and did not show any misery at all.Lulu was already in this state—she would not be able to calm down and focus on getting better if Irene showed her misery too.Irene took Lulu's hand, noticing the many punctures over the skin which were definitely left from needles, leaving bruising everywhere.She was afraid to hold Lulu too firmly, in fear that it would hurt Lulu.Lowering her gaze to stop Lulu from seeing the pain in her eyes, she asked, "If they never called me, were you going to keep suffering like this alone?"Lulu pursed her lips. "I just don't want to upset you!"Irene could not hold back then. "You're still concerned that I'd worry after this happened to you?" Before Lulu could say anything, Irene continued, "I've already told them that I'm taking you away. I'll get you a good doctor, and I know many of them. They'll definitely make yo
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Chapter 1048
Lulu closed her eyes in exhaustion, and Irene tucked her in. "Rest well."However, Irene refused to abandon Lulu here and would make Lulu better no matter how hard it was.She stayed for a long while in Lulu's ward, many thoughts crossing her mind.Lulu would never get over Martin if she stayed here, and she might be able to leave her dark past if she started over in a new place and started anew.She spoke to the officers, who agreed to her request considering Lulu's condition—the only condition was to get Lulu's consent.Irene insisted that she would, and one of them said, "If you can convince Lulu to accept treatment and live well, you can ask us for anything you need."In fact, they would have done everything they could for Lulu given what happened to her.Irene did not need anything, however. "Just arrange for a vehicle for when I take her away.""Leave that to us. Don't worry."Since the officers were not arguing, Irene just had to work Lulu patiently.She knew that word
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Chapter 1049
Lulu asked, "Why do you insist on taking me away?""Or what, am I supposed to not care while you get yourself killed?" Irene snapped, not abiding with her self-destructive tendencies just then. "Has anyone lived their lives without facing setbacks and rough patches? Is that worth getting killed for? There wouldn't be that many people alive if that were the case.""Did they suffer like I do?" Lulu countered.Irene was stumped, but there definitely had not been many who suffered like Lulu did.Even so, Irene pushed on. "It's always darkest before the dawn.""I'm tired," Lulu replied, shaking her head and reluctant to speak further.Irene knew that Lulu was refusing to see reason and pressed, "If you're not going to do it for anyone, do it for Jean. Just think about it—what if Zachary marries someone and Jean has to live with a stepmother? You should know very well that the stepmother would definitely abuse Jean and put her through all the pain in the world. In fact, you weren't all
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Chapter 1050
Lulu felt uncomfortable along the journey to Minerva.Even if she decided to go with it, she had no idea if she could really be properly treated there."You'll definitely get better," Irene assured her. "And don't worry—no one will find out."Lulu nodded as the plane began in descent.Medical staff from the hospital were on hand to receive them, with Irene making the arrangements. Although her social circle was not exactly huge, most of her acquaintances were involved in the medical field.And with Isaac, Irene did not have to worry about money to get Lucas the best care.Naturally, all the doctors and the treatment were first-class, and the plastic surgeon she got was incredibly accomplished. Irene certainly had to make an effort to reach out to him, and he was supposed to be on leave.At the airport, they moved Lulu into an ambulance that took her straight to the hospital, with Irene keeping her company.Before the surgeries, Lulu had a series of medical examinations, and I
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