All Chapters of The Runaway Groom: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
1250 Chapters
Chapter 101
Harvey had made the arrangement to force Isaac into making a higher bid.Whatever happened, he would make sure to slice a fat chunk of money from that man, because it took one to know one!It did not even matter if Isaac loved Irene—given the man's usual style, he would never allow a portrait of his own wife to fall into a stranger's hands.Moreover, it was proof that he was cucked, since Irene was pregnant with another man's child. The portrait was simply a reminder to Isaac that she had been with another man, even bearing her child!He had a hunch that once Isaac brought it home, he would tear it into pieces!Meanwhile, the crowd was in utter chaos.Everyone present was rich, but it was not as if their money was made out of thin air!Was that simple portrait worth over 41 million? They just could not understand!Moreover, Isaac was a champion who would never suffer losses when it comes to business, and the fact that he would spend that much money to buy that painting made eve
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Chapter 102
At that moment, Harvey realized that he had actually forgotten about that little fact. Back when the painting was done, he had promised to give it to Irene for free.Still, under the impression that she was on his side, he asked, "Shall we speak in private?"After all, Isaac had pushed her off a building, leaving her with a broken foot. Reasonably speaking, she must hate him, and the fact that he was conning so much money from Isaac should please him."We can talk here," Irene said, but she certainly did not protest that Harvey was tricking Isaac for his money. However, she felt as if Harvey was using her, and she should get a cut. She never valued money that much before, but circumstances were different now—she had no income, and she needed a lot of money for Tommy and her mother's living expenses. She must think for their sake.Harvey could see what she was getting at, and simply said right in Isaac's face, "30 percent. How about that?"He had lost too much money becau
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Chapter 103
Irene Spencer was a great doctor, a dancer, and a pianist. And now, a painter?Isaac actually doubted it—those other talents already made her plenty impressive. In fact, it was already impressive for the average individual to have two expertise. On the other hand, Harvey was getting smug because he could tell that Isaac missed his point. He laughed out loud, because he knew something Isaac did not. "I heard that some artists only draw their beloved. Do you think that this artist loves me, Mr. Jefferson?"Irene scowled. "You forced me to do it. I don't…"She paused mid-sentence—why should she even explain herself? In fact, she needed Isaac to hate her and divorce her right now!Hence, switching gears, she said, "I mean, you were pushy, but I definitely wanted to draw you."It was basically acknowledging that she was in love with Harvey. Despite it being a complete lie, those who hear that might not agree. Harvey actually did a double take, but glee soon appeared on hi
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Chapter 104
"I'm hurting worse than you," Isaac finished.In fact, his heart was broken!Tenderly brushing a finger against the corner of Irene's eye while he was aflame with emotion, he told her, "You're married to me and you're therefore mine. It's our destiny, and you should play the part of a wife too."In the past, he never believed in destiny—but he found belief because of her, and he was convinced that fate tied them together. On the first night of their wedding, they had somehow consummated their marriage even though he was insistent on not meeting her at the mansion. What was that, if not destiny?On the other hand, Irene gulped. She would have been willing to follow her agreement with Henry to uphold her marriage with Isaac—regardless if he loved her or was nice to her. The only thing that stood between that was the fact that she had a son who was not Isaac's.There was no telling what would happen once Isaac found out, what with his breathtaking anger management issues!Th
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Chapter 105
"I have something to ask her, or I'll die." Zachary cut Isaac short.Isaac stared at him for a while, and stayed silent. Considering that to be his silent approval, Zachary stood at the doorway without getting near Irene, staring at her as he asked, "Tell me—did Lulu leave me because she fell for someone else?"Irene thought to herself that she had never asked Lulu that, and Lulu never mentioned it."I don't know," she admitted.Zachary, however, believed that she was lying—how could she not know, when she had constantly been in touch with Lulu?"I'm sure I've never wronged you in any way. Why did you hide this from me?"Irene replied, "I didn't."Zachary doubted that, and simply sat down, leaning against the doorway. Irene had never seen him so despondent—the sun seemed to shine whenever he went, and it hurt her to see him like this.Zachary was a good man who had always been good to her, just as he had been kind and caring to Lulu when they were in a relationship. He rej
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Chapter 106
Naturally, there was no way Isaac would listen.Walking up to Irene's bed, he sat on it and lay down beside her. Irene had to slide away to make enough room for him, or he would be on top of her again."This bed is too small for two," she whispered. Isaac pulled her into his arms, nestling his nose against her neck. "We're married. We would be sleeping together.Irene was speechless, but her whole body had stiffened and she was afraid to move!Isaac was so close that her skin seemed to burn and flush where there was contact. His hot breath was spraying over a sensitive spot just behind her ear, leaving her on edge."Could you let me go?" she asked drily.Isaac growled, "No."With that, he did nothing else, and his breathing was soon rhythmic. Irene was speechless. Did he fall asleep already? But there was no way she could!The bed was too small for her to get away from him, and so she sighed in resignation and started at the ceiling, planning various ways to calm hersel
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Chapter 107
Lulu had no idea where to start, just as she had trouble spilling her guts.Nonetheless, Irene was very patient and did not rush Lulu—she knew that Lulu needed time, and afforded her silence even as the clock on the wall ticked away."Irene… I'm sure you know that Zachary comes from riches, and there is a clear gap in our statuses. His mother actually approached me when she found out about our relationship—""And she told you to break up with him?" Irene asked. "Using money to coerce you, like they do on TV?"She was naturally aware that Zachary's family was a dynasty of its own."What are you talking about? Of course not!"Lulu had been downtrodden at first, but Irene's urging somehow made her relieved. "Look," she explained, "all she said was that she hopes for Zachary's future wife to be someone who can actually help him. She favors the daughter of Centric United's CEO, and that woman is definitely an ideal support for Zachary with her family influence." "She told me in co
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Chapter 108
"It's the amount Mr. Jefferson told us to prepare," Stan said.Harvey was fuming. How did 70 million dollars end up as 21 million dollars?! Isaac was clearly reneging!He stormed off to look for Isaac to argue his case, and Isaac just happened to finish his discussion with Mr. Layton. Mr. Layton flashed an awkward smile when he saw Harvey, and left without even a greeting. Still, he was clearly set on a partnership with Isaac than Harvey anyway. Harvey did not leave him with any harsh remarks, since no agreement was actually signed and calling it off beforehand was not reneging. They were all business people, and making things awkward for one another was unnecessary.And Harvey was a man who could see the bigger picture.After Mr. Layton was out of earshot, he finally spoke, "Are you breaking the deal, Mr. Jefferson?"Isaac simply turned and headed back to his office, so Harvey followed him, snapping relentlessly, "You made the bid yourself! So why are you paying me only 21 mi
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Chapter 109
Isaac finally looked straight at Harvey then. So he was upset about the painting… But Isaac did not mind that at all!"Burn it," he told Stan nonchalantly. Irene painted him? Fine. He just had to burn it into ashes!Harvey was at a loss for words from sheer frustration. Isaac had gone too far!At the same time, Stan promptly called someone to get the job done, before telling Harvey, "Please leave, Mr. Gooding!"Harvey's chest was heaving with a fiery rage, but he had nowhere to rant!To add insult to injury—it might even have been Stan's plan—the instant he stepped out of the building, he found the painting being burnt! Rage could hardly describe how he felt just then. "Stan, is your boss actually in love with Irene Spencer?"He had no idea why Isaac was calm despite everything he said, but there was one plausible explanation: Isaac was in love with Irene. But if he was, why would he throw her off a building?Naturally, Stan knew that for a fact, but there was no way h
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Chapter 110
Irene was stunned. Surely it was not Isaac? More importantly, did he overhear what Harvey just said?Still, she relaxed as she looked toward the door and saw that it was Mrs. Watson.Naturally, Harvey saw the way she reacted. Was she that afraid of Isaac? Still, her fear made sense—Harvey himself could not beat Isaac at all, and it was only imaginable how much abuse Irene suffered in his hands!While Harvey quietly mused to himself, Mrs. Watson looked at him warily and put the food she brought on the table. "You should be resting, Mrs. Jefferson."Irene could see that Mrs. Watson did not like Harvey, and smiled. "I know."Even after all that had happened, she cared for Mrs. Watson because she had really been nice to her."I'm having lunch now, Harvey, and I'm afraid I don't have anything to spare. You should go."Harvey pursed his lips—why did it feel like he was being shown the door the entire day? Be it maids or Stan, every single employee Isaac had were disgustingly p
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