All Chapters of The Runaway Groom: Chapter 1241 - Chapter 1250
1260 Chapters
Chapter 1241
Stan tried his best to hide his embarrassment. "D-Don't listen to her."However, the harder he tried, the more he was exposing himself in Rea's eyes."Tut, tut… I wouldn't have been able to tell," she giggled. "Wait, are you a virgin too?"Erin couldn't help laughing out loud, while James was staring at Rea in shock.She was certainly… direct!Still, Stan's fingers tightened around the steering wheel just then. "Keep yapping and you're out of my car. We're not close friends anyway."Rea pouted. "Do you have to be so petty?"Stan snorted coolly. "Am I supposed to fawn over you when you're mocking me here?"Rea reclined nonchalantly against her seat. "I'm just kidding. Don't be so serious."She smiled as Stan turned to glare at her.Stan blinked—the way she smiled was simply gorgeous.He quickly turned away, afraid to keep looking.Nonetheless, be it tired or drunk, Rea dozed off, leaving Stan speechless—he really had never met a girl like her before!"I think she drank a lo
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Chapter 1242
Stan smiled in wry amusement. "Should I thank you for being interested too?"Rea straightened herself and waved his hand off. "That's unnecessary."Zachary chuckled and said, "You can stay and eat with us."Rea refused. "Nope. I'd rather not have a certain man get the wrong idea that I'm interested in him. He's a blockhead and extremely boring."Stan was speechless, since she was clearly talking about him.Zachary chuckled. "Nah, he's not that narcissistic. And I'm inviting you to stay because you're Ken's cousin, and it's not safe traveling alone when you're drunk. We can send you home after dinner.""Exactly. It's already dinner time," Erin agreed.Seeing that things were quite lively, Rea nodded. "Then I shall impose.""Alright, let's go in," Zachary smiled.They had a reservation in the best private room, and as they took their seats, the manager walked up to Zachary, arching his back and asking under his breath, "Shall I tell the kitchen to start cooking?""Wait, not eve
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Chapter 1243
Isaac was a busy man, and with everyone here, it wouldn't do with no one at the office.Zachary knew that very well.Still, Stan said, "They could stay a few more days if they like. I'm heading back tomorrow, and I've booked my flight already.""What's the rush?" Zachary asked."I have nothing to do here," Stan shrugged. "And you're all just hanging out with your better halves, messing with me whenever you can. I should just go back to work—work shall be my better half for the rest of my life.""Isaac appreciates that," Zahcary nodded. "He hasn't squeezed you enough, and you're now squeezing yourself, even offering the rest of your life… Man, why can't I have someone like you? If I did, life would be so easy, and I can take Lulu and Star to travel around the world, enjoying life.""Isn't having a wife and child enough?" James chuckled. "You're asking for too much."Zachry retorted, "All work and no play and all that. Also, as long as there's enough money.""But we can walk away
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Chapter 1244
Rea felt at once awkward and envious.She felt awkward because she couldn't really click with them, since they weren't that close.She felt envious because they were close, getting along so well whether they were colleagues or friends.And the women had good skin, a sign of leading happy lives.Errin saw Rea's troubled look just then, and went over to chat her up."Let's have a toast," she said, raising her glass of milk. "Sorry, can't drink alcohol at the moment.""Pleasure to meet you." Rea nodded, pouring herself a drink and turning to glance at the others. "Pleasure to meet all of you.""It's a pleasure to meet you too," Lulu said, and turned towards Irene, "Let's have a toast."She was referring to just the ladies, and Irene nodded in agreement.As she picked up her glass, Baby held out his hand too.Irene smiled and passed him a glass of milk instead. "You can't drink that. Here, have some milk."Baby refused, stubbornly reaching for Irene's glass of wine.Isaac pic
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Chapter 1245
Irene said, "Good idea. I was thinking about visiting Star."Tommy tugged on her hand. "I want to see Star too, Mommy."Erin patted his head and smiled, but said nothing."Let's go."Their driver soon arrived, and they all got in, heading to Zachary's house.-Stan was driving in silence, and Rea was not bothered to talk when he was being cold.She folded her arms before her chest, keeping her eyes closed and pretending to nap.She was tired anyway from running away for an entire day.When Stan turned to find her eyes closed, he asked, "Are you sleepy?""Yeah," she replied, still keeping her eyes closed."Don't fall asleep," he warned. "We'll reach your home soon."Rea opened her eyes and turned to stare at him. "What, you think I'd stay in your car and refuse to leave?""What makes you think that?" Stan exclaimed in surprise.He certainly did not think that, as he thought that she would feel comfortable if she actually fell asleep, and he had to wake her.It would be fa
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Chapter 1246
With that, Rea slid the cake to her father. "It's my birthday. You eat."Mr. Fowler sighed, knowing what she was up to. "You really want to shut me up, huh?"Rea smiled, and leaned on her father's shoulder.Her parents had spoiled her as a child, and she could always get away with anything with a little endearing tantrum.Today, however, it was clear she had underestimated her parents' resolve to have her marry.After finishing her cake, Rea went upstairs in a daze, and collapsed on her bed without bathing.After Mrs. Fowler had the servants clean up the table, she turned to her husband, "Call Ken. Ask if she chased off her blind date.""Aren't we pushing her too far?" Mr. Fowler asked.Mrs. Fowler shot him a look. "What choice do we have? We can't wait considering your health."Mr. Fowler scowled, but he picked up his phone and headed to his room.Mrs. Fowler followed, closing the door behind her while her husband sat on the bed and called Ken Dawson.Ken soon answered, and
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Chapter 1247
Ken was left gaping.Wasn't that… a little too much?But since Ken felt awkward to turn Mr. Fowler down, he said, "I'll ask…"When Ken hung up, however, he quickly called Rea to tell her that her parents would take action if she still refused to find a man.And when that happened, she would be caught on the backfoot.Nonetheless, Rea didn't answer when Ken called since she was sleeping soundly, unbothered despite her phone vibrating violently.After trying three times, Ken gave up and decided to do it the next morning.-Be that as it may, Mrs. Fowler opened Rea's door just past 6am, calling out, "Wake up, Rea.""Urgh…"Rea tossed around in bed, opening her muddled eyes. "What?""Wake up already. Stan Hill is going back to Franconia today, isn't he? You should go see him."Rea was suddenly wide awake. "W-Wait, how did you know his name?"It turned out that Mr. Fowler had spent the night doing a background check on Stan Hill. And satisfied with what he had found, he was e
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Chapter 1248
Thud, thud, thud!Mrs. Fowler's knocking became even more urgent, "Come on, Rea. Just listen for once, okay? Or it'd be too late, since your dad might follow him abroad if he leaves…"Rea opened the bathroom door and stared at her in shock. "Do you have to go that far? Are men going extinct or something?!""There are plenty of fish in the sea, but how many actually suit you?" Mrs. Fowler argued. "And you've scared off the few that looked right before, haven't you? We have no choice here—you brought this on yourself.""Fine, but on one condition," Rea said."What is it?" Mrs. Fowler asked. "You know dad's not going to be swayed this time. You best consider carefully what you want.""No one gets to meddle. If I'm to get married, it definitely has to be someone I like."Mrs. Fowler knew how good her daughter was at debating, and that she'd never win. Sighing, she said, "Your dad's not going to be so easily persuaded this time. We've been spoiling you for over two decades—we're ge
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Chapter 1249
Stan continued, "Say something nice and I'll help, but I'm walking away if you're going to keep up that attitude.""Stop."Rea promptly caught him—she would be really embarrassed if she let him go, only for her dad to go looking for him."So what should I say?" She asked, batting her eyelashes. "Please?""Not nice enough," Stan smiled in slight amusement. "If you need to ask for a favor, you should at least look the part. Get it?"Rea had certainly not been harassed like this, and she was left heaving, almost exploding right then."Am I not being nice enough?" She asked, as she had bent herself backwards.Stan leaned in to whisper into her ear, "Which part of you, exactly?"Rea was nonplussed, but her cheeks flushed beet red in realization, since she was frustrated too. "You little…""Tut, tut," Stan clicked his tongue. "You're actually blushing? Are you that innocent? Never noticed that myself… but since you're blushing that hard, I'll help you out."Rea was going to snap at
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Chapter 1250
Rea told him, "Just keep your mouth shut and try not to talk.""Be mute—got it," Stan nodded, but leaned forward, "Your parents wouldn't be interested if I'm mute, huh?"Rea snorted coolly, meeting his eyes up close. "What? Are you really trying to get my parents to like you?"Stan cleared his throat awkwardly. "Nope. Just asking."Rea rolled her eyes. "And you're the first man I've ever lost to."She suddenly jammed her foot on the pedal, and her car suddenly lurched forward, catching Stan off guard.As he was pressed into his seat from inertia, his eyes widened in shock as he looked at Rea, "Why are you driving so fast?"Rea completely ignored him, but she wasn't slowing down either.Stan had to catch the car grab handle, "And how did you lose to me? I never did anything to you. Are you trying to get me killed?"Rea huffed. "Shut up."Stan blinked. "I came to help, but I guess I was wrong—stop!!!"There was a SUV dead ahead, and Rea missed it by inches.Stan was so petrif
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