All Chapters of The Runaway Groom: Chapter 1231 - Chapter 1240
1265 Chapters
Chapter 1231
Erin was bathing comfortably in the bathtub while James gave her a massage. "Are you going to sleep later?"Erin closed her eyes. "Nope, but you're keeping me company."James chuckled, at once in love and exasperated. "I'm yours to abuse."Erin opened her eyes and turned toward him. "Then why don't you get pregnant, and I'll be a baby mommy instead?"James chuckled and pinched her cheek with a drenched hand. "How are you a mommy if I get pregnant? Why don't you be a baby daddy instead?"As Erin laughed, a phone rang outside."I'll get it," James said.Erin nodded, since a call at this hour might be about something urgent.Still, as James stepped outside, he frowned when he saw who it was but answered. "It's a dud. They can't see eye-to-eye.""How'd you know?" Ken asked."It was hate at first sight. They almost fought too."James nodded—it was just as he thought.An heiress like Rea Fowler would not change in a split second to get along with Stan, especially not when she had
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Chapter 1232
Lulu moved her fingers, gently brushing them against Zachary's cheek.Zachary's eyes creased as he smiled, and Lulu asked, "What?"Zachary had no idea why he was smiling, but it seemed to be a reflex that came from his heart.Their eyes met in silence, but Zachary felt bliss just watching each other like this."Wahhh!!!"Star was suddenly crying, and Lulu quickly got up.Still, Zachary caught her, pressed her back in bed and tucked her in. "You sleep. I'll check on her.""I should be up too," Lulu said."You'd have nothing to do anyway. Just sleep in," Zachary said. "Be good."Lulu smiled, at once exasperated and happy.She never expected that she would be together with Zachary once more, living a stable, peaceful life just like a dream.She turned to watch as Zachary left the room and touched her own face as the door closed.Her mood darkened as she remembered past nightmares, but she soon composed herself.She would live well from now on, get a fresh start, and do her be
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Chapter 1233
"Nah, I'm cool," Rea suddenly said. "I'm going now."Someone as proud as her was not about to let Ken find out that she was interested in a man.And with that, she left, though Ken was used to her whimsical attitude by now.He sighed, wondering what man could take her for the sake of the greater good, so that it was just one man suffering and not all of mankind.-Meanwhile, at the hotel, Tommy and Baby wanted to sleep with Irene, so Isaac was squeezed to the edge, far away from Irene with the two boys between.And Tommy still could not sleep.One moment, it was his leg on Isaac's body, and his head was on Isaac's chest the next, waking Isaac up repeatedly.As such, Isaac woke up early, and Irene opened her eyes to find him standing by the window in his pajamas.Walking over quietly to wrap her arms around him from behind, she asked, "What's on your mind?"When he turned, she looked up and beamed. "Didn't sleep well?"She was naturally aware that it was Tommy's fault, as he
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Chapter 1234
Rea smiled. "Is it alright, being this narcissistic?"Stan pursed his lips. "Why be a gentleman since neither of us are interested? Being alive is tiring, and putting up a facade every day is even more so, don't you think?"Rea folded her arms before her chest, watching him with interest. "So you've uncovered the meaning of life?""I won't go that far as to say that," Stan replied, putting down his phone. "I just don't care since I don't consider you a woman."Rea raised a brow.The cheek of this man! He was really not afraid to scare her off!Still, that was something about Stan which interested her—it was certainly more ideal than the gentlemanly facade playboys would put up.At least the man in front of her now was keeping it real.Holding her chin, Rea leaned in to get a closer look at Stan, and he got very uncomfortable with her fixated stare. "What are you looking at?"Rea shrugged. "Just reviewing your looks. The bar was too dark for me to see clearly."Stan chuckled i
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Chapter 1235
Stan replied, "Okay, got it."However, he sighed as he lowered his phone and stared at it, feeling lonely for the first time with the lack of company.Though he did not have to work, he also did not have a wife, so work was preferable.Idling like this was really… boring.He stood outside the elevator, not feeling like returning to his room.However, it was inappropriate to go looking for James. It was even more so if he called Zachary, who was newly married and must be getting all sweet with his missus.With nowhere else to go, he gave up and decided to go back to his room and sleep.However, as he strode toward his room, James and Erin stepped out and saw him. "Have you had breakfast? You could join us.""I have," Stan replied, swiping his keycard to unlock the room door. "You guys enjoy yourselves."James stopped him before he could go in. "Do you have something to do? We could go out together if you don't.""Where to?" Stan asked."Well…" James did not have a plan, and t
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Chapter 1236
Rea frowned. "Wait, is a grown man like you afraid of me or something?""Nope. I'm just here with friends." Stan gestured at Erin with his chin.Rea turned to see Erin standing nearby.Erin had an adorable appearance and looked especially charming in the loose clothes she wore for her pregnancy.Rea's face fell right then—had Stan rejected her because he came with another woman?She studied Erin from head to toe and decided that she was pretty, but otherwise unattractive. "Do you prefer such unfeminine types?"Stan rolled his eyes—how was this woman so consistent with insults?Still, he gestured. "Your friends are calling for you. Go join them already."Rea pursed her lips.She wanted to argue, but nothing came to mind.She hence grumpily strode to her yacht, where her friends were waiting and waving. "Come on, Rea!" As Rea got onboard, she turned to level an impassive look at Stan…-Back at the port, Stan had come to an agreement with a lessor and got the keys.He retu
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Chapter 1237
James explained, "The doctor said that seafood is cold food, and you shouldn't eat too much while you're pregnant."He always remembered the doctor's orders and was always meticulous to every tiny detail of Erin's lifestyle.As Erin happily leaned into James arms, Stan turned away, allowing the wind to blow on his hair. "You're really putting me on the spot here."James and Erin shared a smile, with Erin teasing him cheekily, "Does it upset you? Then get a girl soon. You can still make it.""What's that supposed to mean?" Stan asked."I'm pregnant, my brother has two sons, and Zachary has a daughter." Erin shrugged. "Start looking soon, or you won't stand a chance."Stan blinked. What chance?"Well, if Star marries Tommy, their families would be even closer. That's why you should get married and have a kid soon—preferably a daughter, so you could have her marry your boss' second son."Stan was speechless, and he stared at Erin's belly. "What if you have a daughter? You can have
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Chapter 1238
Rea's buddies were pulling her into the cabin again and mobbing her."Hey, it's your birthday, but you're skipping out?""What's with you today?""You're usually the life of the party, but you just look so distracted today." "Something on your mind? Don't tell me that your parents arranged another blind date for you?"Rea's friends did know her well.Still, Rea raised her glass and tried to change the subject. "Let's drink!""Nah, that's boring when there are so many hunks all around!" A buddy whooped and beckoned at one of the good-looking muscleheads. Taking Rea's hand and pressing it on the man's abs, the buddy giggled. "Just feel it. Isn't it nice? I've really splurged on this one, so why the long face?""Quit it," Rea snapped as she pulled her hand away. "I'm not interested."Her buddy clicked her tongue—Rea was always a free-spirit, which was why they had prepared this for her.In reality, she would have fun and cause trouble however she liked, but she was not that i
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Chapter 1239
Was it really just a coincidence?At the same time, Rea tucked her hair behind her ear.She would definitely be upset if another man said that and would even snap at him for being narcissistic.With Stan, however, she merely smiled.While she was not following him, she happened to see Stan's yacht returning to the port and followed suit.Still, she would not deny that she had gone to his hotel on her own volition this morning…"Who's that man and that woman outside?" she asked.Stan returned the keys to the lessor and replied, "They're both my friends.""Oh. So who's the woman?" she asked tentatively.Stan looked outside and then back at Rea. "What? Is there something you'd like to know?"Rea laughed dryly. "No, I'm just curious…"Stan stared at her warily nonetheless. "Don't tell me that you're interested in James Cross?""What are you saying?" Rea huffed. "It's just that they look so close.""Why wouldn't they be? They're married.""Oh, they are?" Rea pointed at James a
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Chapter 1240
"Got it," Stan said."Okay," Zachary replied.Stan waited until he hung up before telling Rea, "You can hang up now."Rea held on to his phone, which screen was locked as soon as the call ended. "What's your password?"Stan's eyes widened so much his eyeballs could fall out.She was actually asking for her phone's password? Did they even know each other that well? Wasn't that something only known to those closest to you, aside from yourself?Hell, even Stan's buddies James and Zachary didn't know."That's overstepping," Stan told Rea.Rea smiled. "What secrets are you hiding here?"Stan remained silent.That was when Rea held his phone right in front of his face, and the screen unlocked automatically."I knew it—you're using facial recognition."As Stan remained speechless, Rea went on, "Well, everyone's using that or fingerprint recognition for convenience these days, since it spares the hassle of typing passwords. Just a guess, since I know you're the busy type."That me
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