All Chapters of The Runaway Groom: Chapter 1221 - Chapter 1230
1260 Chapters
Chapter 1221
Erin averted her eyes and huffed. "Nope.""Doesn't look that way to me," James said with a chuckle.He knew her—despite her usual upfront and cheerful attitude, there were times she got hung up on the little things."Your brother and sister-in-law are good people," he hence assured her. "They don't mind that, so you shouldn't either. We're all family, so don't worry about immaterial things."Erin rolled her eyes. "I get it already. Focus on your driving, and don't get distracted."Tommy was blinking his large eyes adorably in confusion. "What are you talking about? I don't get it."Erin hugged him. "I'm just happy that I have such a caring nephew."Tommy leaned on her in turn. "I'm happy to have you too, Aunt Erin. I'll take care of you the way I take care of Daddy and Mommy, because I know you love me the most."Oh, Erin's heart could melt from the brat's sweet words right then!Cupping Tommy's cheeks, she jammed her lips repeatedly on his forehead."Calm down." James chuckl
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Chapter 1222
Erin pursed her lips. "You're taking care of Baby? Nah. It's fine as long as you take care of yourself and don't throw tantrums.""I'm the big brother here," Tommy retorted. "I'll take care of Baby and Star."Erin pouted jealously. "Then, is my baby not included?"Tommy patted his chest. "I'll take care of him too. I'm the big brother.""Alright, alright. Let's go in now." Irene smiled and took Baby's hand, while Tommy took the other.As James returned with the tickets, it turned out that Baby was too young to get on any rides.Irene took Baby to a touch pool with fishes while turning to Isaac. "Can you look after Tommy for a sec?"Isaac pointed, and Irene turned to find that Tommy had left with James and Erin."Tommy can hang out with them," Isaac said and turned to Baby. "We can just stay here."Irene nodded.-Stan was alone, but he did not return to the hotel.Having worked for a long time in Zidonia before moving offices to Franconia, he knew where there was fun to be
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Chapter 1223
Stan leaned in to take a sniff, and his clothes did stink."Sorry." He chuckled. "I spilled some on myself."Isaac eyed him, clearly skeptical.Stan had been working for him over a very long time, so Isaac could read him that much.Still, he could not really help Stan where his lack of a love life was concerned."It's not that bad," Isaac said, indicating that Stan should not take it to heart.Stan could read between the lines and chuckled dryly, scratching his head awkwardly."Wanna hang out?" James asked."Nah," Stan quickly said—he was at least self-conscious enough to know not to impose, not when Erin was pregnant.Tommy suddenly came and took Stan's hand. "I'll hang out with you, Uncle Stan."Stan looked downward at the boy, his tears almost falling. "You're amazing, Tommy."Tommy sighed. "Can't help it. I'm single too."Stan was left speechless.That was when Erin suddenly said, "You're not single, Tommy. You have Star, don't you?"Stan was left even more speechless
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Chapter 1224
"How kind of your missus," Stan said."I know, right?" James puffed his chest proudly."Can't you be more modest?""Sorry, can't do it." James shrugged. "Even Tommy respects me like a real uncle these days, unlike you and Zachary. I'm just different."Stan was speechless—did he come just to brag?Snatching the glass of water, he snapped, "Zachary and I will work together and cook you alive, believe it."James laughed. "Sure, but he's busy today."It was the man's wedding night after all—who would spend time with them instead?Stan sighed.He was just fine, but James had clearly come to mess with him instead of offering company."Just go back to your room and your missus," he snapped. "I don't need your company, or my lifespan would shorten further if you stay.""How so?" James asked on purpose."Shut up."Stan rolled his eyes, and unbuckled his belt. "I'm taking my bath, or are you going to watch?"James shrugged, nonchalant. "Take them all off. We're all men here, and ev
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Chapter 1225
Stan stepped out of the bath and saw James on the phone."What, is the missus demanding your return?" he asked, drying his hair.James hung up and put away his phone. "No, she's probably asleep by now. She's tired after hanging out the whole day today, so she won't have time for me.""I see." Stan nodded in understanding. "So that's why you're here? I knew it—you boys are all slaves to your wives. You'd never have time for a bachelor like me."James narrowed his eyes—he was being nice, but he felt like his kindness was just thrown on the floor and trampled all over."Tut, tut. I guess there is a reason you're single," he said, standing up. "Come on. Let's hit the bar opposite."Stan, however, throws himself on the bed. "I refuse.""What? Why?" James asked."I don't wanna." Stan waved him off. "Just go back to your room already. Don't bother me."James was speechless.What the hell? He was clearly nice, but his effort was just going to waste now?Still, he was not giving up a
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Chapter 1226
James was certainly surprised that Stan would immediately leap to the conclusion that Zachary was cheating.And yet, upon closer inspection, things did look suspicious—not only was Zachary seated at a concealed spot, but he was alone with a woman he did not recognize.What was more, he just got married today, so it really did not make sense for him to show up here!Pretending to be shocked, James exclaimed, "Yeah… Yeah!!! He's supposed to be enjoying his wedding night, but he's here with another woman instead?! Definitely cheating."Stan said, "Let's call Lulu."James quickly stopped him since that was not how it should go. "Lulu's going to divorce him if she finds out, don't you think? He went through great lengths to get her back—we can't just sell out a brother like that.""You still consider him a brother?!" Stan huffed in righteous indignation, ready to charge at Zachary and throw a punch at him if James was not stopping him. "And he should be cherishing his marriage more
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Chapter 1227
Stan was speechless, having never been scorned like that. "What's that look for?"Zachary quickly introduced James. "This is my other good friend, James Cross."Rea flashed a pretty smile at James in turn, "Hello.""Hello." James nodded."Come here, sit," Zachary said.James proved sharp as he took the seat beside Zachary, leaving just one spot so that Stan had to sit beside Rea.Seeing that, Rea snapped in disdain, "Don't sit beside me."Stan narrowed his eyes and huffed pettily. "Oh, but I'll sit here. I'll even snuggle closer to you the more you hate it. What are you gonna do about it?"Stan was still feeling moody after the other woman splashed his face with alcohol earlier, and he was not about to be a gentleman now that he met another sassy one.He could not help complaining either—what was wrong with women these days?He quickly poured himself a glass of drink to calm down, while Rea stared at him, speechless.Zachary and James simply looked on as Stan chugged the ent
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Chapter 1228
Rea wheeled on Stan and snorted coolly. "What, are you going to chase after me?"Stan was stumped but scoffed, "I've met many thick-skinned ones, but you're something else. Also, chase after you? Unless all the other women in the world are gone.""Exactly." Rea shrugged. "Why else would you agree to a blind date? You look exactly like a forty-year old virgin to me."She might be a playful free-spirit, but she was not stupid—Zachary could meet Ken any time he wanted and really did not need her as their courier.And putting that into consideration, what was this meeting if not an excuse to lure her on a blind date?She knew that all too well and was merely refraining from exposing them.Zachary raised a brow, surprised that she was sharp despite her hedonistic appearance.On the other hand, Stan had sprang to his feet in sheer frustration.Zachary and James had always been teasing him for being single, but he was fine with that since they were good friends and just joking around.
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Chapter 1229
It was a special day for Zachary, and he should be staying home.No one told him to stay, because anyone who did would be tactless.James clapped Stan on the shoulder just then."I guess my first attempt as a matchmaker fell through," he said, getting up. "Erin's alone in our hotel room, and I'm concerned, so I'm going back. You can head back whenever the hotel is closed anyway."Stan nodded. "Well, I'm picking up your slack before I go. It'd be a waste of alcohol otherwise.""Just don't drink too much," James reminded him.Stan nodded. "Yeah, now run along. Your missus is still pregnant."James strode out of the booth seating, not forgetting to endorse his good friend to Rea before he left. "My friend here is a good egg. Don't miss out now."Stan only felt embarrassment, especially with a stranger with them. "Another word, and I'm knocking on your hotel door in the dead of night so that you can't sleep.""Fine, fine, I'll stop." James chuckled and strode off.Rea glanced at
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Chapter 1230
Stan smiled then said, "Yeah."Being single, Stan never turned down any advances.The pretty face placed her hands on his shoulders, her curvaceous hips shaking to the music as she leaned ever closer.Stan did not reject her advances, even grinning openly.She smiled and asked, "Do you have a girlfriend?"Stan asked in return, "Would I have the time to mess around here if I did?" The pretty face beamed. "I like your honesty."Meanwhile, Rea was still at the booth seat, holding her glass in one hand while allowing her other hand to dangle carelessly.Taking a sip of her drink, she watched Stan at the dance floor—he was tall and had broad shoulders, making him stand out from the crowd on the dance floor.The pretty face dancing with him was pressing herself eagerly on him, whispering into his ear, "There's a hotel on the opposite side of the road. Shall we go there together?"It seemed that she was not after money and was merely interested in a fling.Stan raised a brow and s
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