The Runaway Groom의 모든 챕터: 챕터 71 - 챕터 80
1215 챕터
Chapter 71
Isaac did not return home that night, but Irene thought nothing of it. Without a job, she lounged around in the mansion, taking her time to nurture her body while working part-time as an online medical consultant.Though she never left the house, she took no notice of the scandal Samantha fabricated, let alone find out how far things had gone.When Isaac did not return over the next few days, Irene decided that this was the best chance to run away, and so told Mrs. Watson, "Can you give me the check for the cleaners? I'll pick up the laundry.""Oh, I can get it for you!" Mrs. Watson suggested. "Actually, I want to leave the house for a while too." Irene smiled. "Picking up the laundry afterward is just convenient."In reality, she would leave once she picked up her laundry. As Mrs. Watson passed her the check, she looked at Mrs. Watson for a while before reaching out to give her a hug, saying, "I'm going to miss you, Mrs. Watson."Mrs. Watson laughed. "What are you on about,
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Chapter 72
Isaac had initially been indifferent toward the entire event, but looked upstage when Mark prompted him. Beneath the chandelier, a gorgeous figure sat elegantly before the piano.He raised his brow in surprise.To think that Irene would show up at a place like this… and to think that she could play the piano!"Ms. Spencer is really multi-talented," Mark added. "My wife's been telling me that she is a fine dancer too."At the same time, Isaac's gaze was glued to the stage. As Irene placed her long, thin fingers gently atop the piano keys, she seemed to relax her entire body. Her fingertips pressed down ever so slightly, and with the ring of the first key, a comforting rhythm quickly followed with perfect harmony…Mark was not well-versed with the piano, but he was eager to share his delight with Isaac. "I've really worked so hard to develop the medicine, and things would not have been done so quickly if not for the huge investment you put into the later phases!"Naturally, Isa
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Chapter 73
It was only then that Irene suddenly remembered that Isaac was an investor in Mark's business, and it was natural that he would be present today. She massaged her temples. How could she have forgotten about that?"Get over here!" Isaac barked over the phone."Got it," she said, and put away the phone while telling the man with glasses, "I'm sorry, but I have something else to do—I have to go."With that, she hurried to the car waiting by the road, but just as she reached the handle for the rear door, Isaac snapped, "Ride shotgun."Irene reluctantly got in the front passenger seat, and she barely sat down when Isaac asked impatiently, "Can't you quit messing around, Irene Spencer?"Irene frowned, thinking once again that he was crazy.How was she messing around? How did she manage to upset him again?Putting on her seatbelt, she simply said, "Please don't create an argument out of nothing."In truth, Isaac himself did not know what was happening just then—he was quick to anger
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Chapter 74
Isaac was perfectly aware of how fair Irene's skin was, but it was only now that he realized how tender and smooth it was to the touch.It felt as if a feather brushed against his heart—he craved that sensation. He became obsessed with that sensation.At the same time, Irene's eyes widened in astonishment, her pupils dilating.… What was he doing?No.No way!She could not do this with him given her physical condition, but Isaac was going further and further… Unable to free herself from his restraint, she steeled herself and bit his lips! Isaac's grip loosened from the pain, and she seized the moment to push him away. Glaring at him, she snapped, "What are you doing, Isaac Jefferson?! What do you take me for, some whore who spreads her legs for every man she meets?" Isaac held her gaze with a distant look. "Isn't that exactly what you are?"Irene almost slapped him across the face right then, but she stopped herself.After all, she could not afford to do it now, just
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Chapter 75
At the same time, Irene turned away from him, keeping her head down even as a certain emotion briefly flashed in her eyes. She was done cooking half an hour later—simple dishes with nothing elaborate.When Isaac sat down by the dining table, he realized that there was only one person's portion and asked, "Aren't you eating?""I'm not hungry," Irene replied and sat down with him, accompanying him although she was not eating. They were more or less married, weren’t they? Even though the only evidence for that was their marriage certificate and nothing else.One way or another, they were getting along unusually well today.-They had breakfast together the next morning, and Isaac said, "I can give you a ride to the hospital before going to work."Irene had not told him that she would not be working there anymore.Keeping her head down, she replied, "I won't be going today."Isaac simply presumed that she was still under the weather, and as such did not say anything. "I can h
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Chapter 76
It was Isaac's secretary, and she had finished checking Irene's bank records."I found nothing, sir. There are no records of ticket purchases."In reality, Irene had sent Sheryl away before herself. Naturally, she would never board a transport that required ID or bank records to run away. Instead, she arranged for the purchase of a small pre-owned car and kept it in Gostir Mall's basement parking lot. Everything down to her route was planned so that she would avoid any cameras to make a stealthy escape. Naturally, she had picked a mall since it would always be crowded, and she could put on a disguise to elude prying eyes. There was no way anyone could track her down—they would not even know where to start! -Be that as it may, Isaac checked through all security footage at the mall, though he did not find any trace of her.Both his secretary and chauffeur kept their heads down, afraid to speak at all while his expression turned icy. Despite his silence, the air around him
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Chapter 77
Pursing her lips, Irene eventually said, "I'm pregnant."Sheryl did a double take, and it took her a while to regain her senses."You're pregnant?" she exclaimed in slight disbelief.Irene nodded. "Is the child Isaac's?" Sheryl asked—to her knowledge, her daughter had never been involved in any relationship, something which Lionel was particularly strict about. Irene herself also always maintained firm moral integrity. The only man she came in close proximity with was Isaac, so he was the only person Sheryl could think of. On the other hand, Irene did not know how she should explain everything that had happened, and she could not bear to tell her mother the truth.What would her mother think if she said that she had no idea who the father was?Since Sheryl believed that the child was Isaac's, so be it—that was at least a better option than saying she had no idea."Yeah," she said, even though she hung her head and avoided Sheryl's gaze.Sheryl kept putting more food on her
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Chapter 78
"Lulu," Irene greeted the other woman and gave her a hug. "Sorry for imposing this time."One of the reasons Irene had decided to come to Sunny City was because Lulu Adams was here, with the other being an artist's studio located here, which she had found online—she was interested in taking over.After Lionel pushed her to learn so much, she developed an interest in painting aside from medicine. She was more or less coming to an agreement with the seller online, and she would be going there to finalize everything after her meeting with Lulu."You're never imposing," Lulu said politely, patting Irene on the back. "I just showed your mom around when she arrived."Then, her tone shifted and she asked, "Why are you suddenly moving here? Your family seemed rooted in Cloud City before."Irene smiled bitterly. "It's a long story.""Well, anything on the menu catches your eye? Order away—it's my treat." Lulu did not press Irene for details and even changed the subject—everyone had th
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Chapter 79
Right now, all Isaac wanted to do was to find Irene—no matter what it would take.After that, it would be her death by a thousand cuts!To him, leaving him with nothing but a divorce agreement and running away was a betrayal! Even if there was no sentiment involved, they were still married! How could she run away without a word?Furious was far from enough to describe his emotion just then.However, two more weeks passed, and Stan still did not manage to get anything.They had been searching everything they could about Irene, but could not find any record of her having liaisons with a man."Nothing?" Isaac asked as he stood in front of a window wall at his mansion.His towering figure seemed to project coldness as he turned around. "Nothing," Stan admitted. "Be it med school or work, she never had a boyfriend."Isaac raised a brow, and simply presumed that Stan had slipped up. He had personally seen the morning after pills in that woman's bag. Why would she need that if
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Chapter 80
Irene never expected Isaac to be crazy enough to post such an enormous bounty just to find her!Yes, she had managed to escape him without leaving any trace that he could use to track her down, but he simply decided to appeal to human greed!With networking being as advanced as it was, it would not be difficult to drag anyone out into the open with money and publicity!"What should we do now? Should we leave?" Sheryl asked anxiously.Even as she forced herself to stay cool, Irene looked up at her and said, "Calm down, Mom.""Why is he looking for you? Didn't you part ways with him amicably?" Sheryl asked in confusion then.Rubbing her cheeks, Irene admitted, "Actually, I ran away."Sheryl was left speechless. Still, she understood her daughter enough and soon realized that Irene just wanted to get away from the marriage that was never hers.After taking a moment to calm down, Sheryl said, "No, the world is big. There will always be a refuge for us."Irene, however, was not t
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