All Chapters of The Runaway Groom: Chapter 941 - Chapter 950
1265 Chapters
Chapter 941
Thomas could not care less if Isaac could actually help him just then, and he told Isaac everything."They have my son Michael," Thomas explained. "My wife and I were forced to work for them, and they'll find the bodies soon. I need to go back and save my wife, so you contact your family and ask them to save you."Thomas was quite sharp too—worried that Isaac could not see and tap on the right numbers, he redialed the number Isaac called the last time."Be safe," he said and left with the gun.As soon as he was gone, Irene was calling out urgently from the other end, "Isaac? Isaac?"Isaac raised the phone to his ear and spoke with composure, "Calm down and listen to me, Irene. Ask James to track the location of this phone before coming. Don't come alone—things might get dangerous around here, so be very prepared.""There's no need to worry, though. I'm fine," he added to assure Irene.-Irene grabbed Stan, who was sitting right next to her, and relayed Isaac's message."Hurry!
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Chapter 942
Once James answered, Stan told him everything and said, "We're heading there right now, but it might be dangerous, so bring more people if you can. I'm giving you the location now—hurry!""Got it," James replied.Once he hung up, Stan started to search the web for details about that location, but it turned out to be an isolated location without anyone around."Could Mr. Jefferson be captured by bandits?" he mused. Zachary rolled his eyes. "What year is it? Also, Dunesia is a safe country. There won't be any bandits.""Why don't you take a look?" Stan scoffed. "Mr. Jefferson was calling from up in the mountains, and the phone wasn't his either. Who do you think those people would be? Savages?'Zachary ignored him, realizing just then why Isaac kept James around while leaving Stan in Franconia for some time.The man's head was empty! Stan had no idea what Zachary was thinking, and he actually clapped Zachary on the shoulder, saying, "Why are you being quiet?"Zachary kept his
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Chapter 943
"Sh*t!" Stan cursed. "Let's get out of the car!"Their jeep was too conspicuous here, and they might be in trouble if they were noticed.As such, they alighted, and they quietly and slowly moved onward through the bushes.They did not make a sound in fear that there were others nearby. Irene grabbed Zachary's arm and asked softly, "The gunshots sounded very close. Do you think Isaac's alright?"Zachary patted the back of her hand. "Don't worry—we're already here. We'll be able to find him soon."Even so, Irene could not help worrying and had to repress her unease.However, the mountains were quiet after those gunshots, and it felt like there was no one else there at all.Stan got up and checked their surroundings, but there were only trees and more trees, with no one to be found.If they crouched, they would never be seen under the tall grass. Finding anyone here would be too difficult, and this was hardly the best way."I'll go alone, while you two maintain a distance fro
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Chapter 944
As Isaac blinked, Irene noticed the scarring on his face from his fall, which had since recovered.She gently touched his face and eyelids, murmuring, "It was so difficult for us to find you. How could I leave you?"Isaac held her wrist and said quietly, "There's this couple who saved me. I can't leave them.""We'll come with you," Irene said—from her perspective, a savior of Isaac's was her savior too."Why don't we leave together and strategize instead?" Zachary then suggested. "We don't know who our enemies are, and going in recklessly would make us passive."Isaac thought about it, but Zachary was definitely making sense.Moreover, he was blind, while James had yet to arrive.This was not the time to go back to the vineyard!"Yeah," he said. "Let's go somewhere safe and decide how we can help them."They returned to the jeep which was parked nearby, and while Irene had her arms around Isaac's, she noticed that Isaac was being hesitant as he walked, even shambling.And as
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Chapter 945
Irene panicked.Fearing that Isaac was shot, she checked the back of his neck.Frowning slightly, he said, "I'm fine."Irene also noticed where he was bleeding from soon enough—the sharp end of a triangular glass shrapnel was digging into his flesh. He must have been hit by the glass when the rear windshield shattered, and it hurt to look at.As a doctor, Irene had seen all sorts of injuries and sickness, and she could handle it with composure.However, she was not that calm when it was a person she cared about.While her heart ached for him and was stricken by worry, Isaac quietly assured her, "It won't kill me. Don't worry."Irene said nothing but firmly wiped away her tears—she knew very well that this was not the time to be emotional.She took a deep breath and looked around inside the jeep.There was nothing that could be used, but if she did not remove the shrapnel, it would hurt a lot. It might even cut further into Isaac's flesh since they were in a jeep.She hesi
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Chapter 946
Zachary did not want to see Isaac like this—Isaac had always been such a proud man, carrying such profound insight and acumen for business. And now, Isaac could not even take Zachary's phone because he could not see.Zachary did not dare to ask what happened to Isaac's eyes in front of Irene either, worried that he would get uncomfortable because of that.Zachary gave Irene a look so that she got out of the car.Hence, while Isaac was talking to James over the phone, Irene excused herself for a toilet break and alighted.Zachary pulled her aside. "Why don't you head back with Isaac first? I can arrange for a chauffeur."Irene shook her head—she knew Isaac too well. "He's worried. He won't rest easy until James gives an update.""But his eyes… Can that really wait?" Zachary asked. They had no idea what had caused Isaac's blindness and were worried it would get more serious the longer they waited. Even so, Irene believed they had to wait instead of rushing things along. "I'
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Chapter 947
Irene said solemnly, "Yes, I missed you so much."Leaning gently over Isaac's chest, she asked. "What about you? Did you miss me?""Every waking moment," he replied.Irene smiled and reared her head to kiss his Adams's apple and his chest, while her soft hands slid down his abdomen to undo his belt.Isaac stiffened, probably because she was being too flirtatious. "Irene…" His voice was deep and hoarse."Yeah?" Irene replied mildly."I can't stop myself if you keep doing this," he said. Irene smiled. "I know."She certainly would not want to mess around, not while he was hurt!"Let's get you bathed," she said.However, Isaac felt uncomfortable because he felt like he was stripped naked in public, to be gawked at."I can do this myself," he said.Irene refused right then. "No, your neck is hurt and shouldn't get wet. Moreover, you can't see, so I have to be here to help."Isaac could say nothing to that, and he heard the bathroom door close while the tap was turned on, wi
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Chapter 948
James asked, "Where are you right now?""In a small town called Vos," Isaac replied."You need to leave right away," James urged him and hung up before Isaac could say a word.Isaac frowned and said, "We have to go.""We haven't eaten yet," Zachary pointed out."No time," Isaac said, knowing that the gang were after them.There was no other reason James would sound so urgent, and Isaac was concerned if James would be fine, especially since James hung up so suddenly.Irene in turn told Stan right away, "Get the car."Stan began, "But it isn't fixed…" "It's fine. Just go," Irene urged nonetheless. It was fine since it was just the rear windshield—the jeep could still move.With that, Stan started running to the garage, while Irene helped Isaac to his feet as they left.Zachary was looking around as he asked, 'Who are those people? They're relentless."All Isaac knew was that they found out about the gang's secret. It was serious enough that once it was exposed, they would
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Chapter 949
"Okay."Irene nodded—she would do her best to go with the plan.Still, Zachary was considerably relieved to know that their allies were outside. At the very least, they might escape this yet.Rat-tat-tat-tat-tat…They could not tell whose side one particular gunman was on, but they were shooting as if bullets cost nothing. Still, they thought it might be the enemy since James would not have been able to gather so much firepower in an instant. However, Zachary felt worried again at the thought of James and his men being outgunned and that James might be beaten.They would not have any way to escape!This was the first time he was so close to a firefight, and this was supposed to be an era of peace!Still, even if there was order in Zidonia, they were now abroad!Nonetheless, it was obvious that the gang were retreating, to the alley on the edge of the street. And once the gang was forced there, Stan drove up to the restaurant. Zachary dashed outside to open the door, while
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Chapter 950
Irene was starting to see double and her vision was starting to blur over all.She muttered, "I'm so sleepy, Isaac…" Isaac leaned down to kiss her cheek. "Nope. Don't sleep.""Yeah," she said ever so softly."Find the nearest hospital, Zachary!" Isaac barked right then.Zachary searched the map, but there were none nearby, and he said, "I'll take a look at her!"He was a doctor too—he could at least help her with first aid.With that, Stan stopped the car by the road, while Zachary alighted and jumped in the backseat. Once he was in, Stan continued driving while Zachary checked on Irene's injury. The bullet that hit her on the shoulder was embedded deeply, and she was still bleeding endlessly.He took off his clothes and held it down with his teeth to tear a chunk out, and then tore off the sleeve as well.He then raised Irene's arm and fashioned the sleeve into a tourniquet, tying it from her underarm up to her shoulder, just an inch away from the bullet wound. He then t
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