All Chapters of The Runaway Groom: Chapter 961 - Chapter 970
1265 Chapters
Chapter 961
Zachary was speechless. He wondered if Stan could stop scaring him—his heart was not strong enough for such a thrill! Stan was literally killing him here!"W-Well, whose is it?!" Zachary exclaimed."Ian Jefferson's," Stan replied, his voice flat just then.Zachary almost breathed an expletive right then. "Him?! How?!"It was absolutely unexpected. He would never have thought it possible!"I don't know the details either." Stan sighed."Oh, never mind. It's fine as long as it's not James. F*ck me, I almost had a heart attack!" Zachary exclaimed cheerfully. "Alright, I'm hanging up now. I have to tell Isaac about this.""Yeah," Stan replied and hung up.Zachary then slid his phone into his pocket but jumped in surprise when he turned to find Erin standing behind him!"W-What are you doing here?!" he exclaimed.Erin simply stared at him in silence while Zachary felt guilty from the stare. Did she overhear something?He searched his memory but did not find anything suspicious
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Chapter 962
Irene was helping Sheryl with arranging their belongings, but she could only use one hand since the bullet wound on her shoulder still hurt.Hearing Zachary's call, Irene looked up to find him dashing toward her in panic.She frowned. "What?"Zachary quickly hid behind her, saying, "It's Erin. She was interrogating me about James. I have no idea, but she keeps pestering me anyway."Erin arrived after Zachary did and snapped, "You were talking about him on the phone!"Zachary's reluctance to tell Erin left her really uneasy, and she turned to Irene. "Irene?"Irene simply looked away to help Sheryl, pretending as if she never heard a thing.Zachary tactlessly pulled Irene aside and said, "I'll do it."While Irene was speechless, Erin kept pestering her, "Just tell me what it is, Irene!"Irene was silent for a moment and started toward a room. "Come with me!"Erin followed, and after she closed the door, Irene admitted everything, knowing that there was no hiding it now."After
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Chapter 963
"Well, since Hector killed Ian, he spared James the trouble!" Zachary exclaimed, suddenly finding Hector a pushover. "That's one concern less on our list! And that means it's Hector who knows about the castle, not that gang who's after us."That gang was definitely the worst of the two!"Find out where he is now," Isaac told Zachary—Hector remained a time bomb that could inflict serious damage unless they removed him from the equation. Who knew when he would jump out at them, catching them off guard?Zachary nodded."He's in hiding—even James had trouble tracking him down earlier," he said, though his tone soon changed. "But that doesn't mean he's gone without a chase, especially now that he made a move. There must be clues somewhere.""Yeah," Isaac said. "Make it fast!" "Right away," Zachary replied, and he turned to see Irene walking toward them."The leg wasn't James's?" she asked—she heard them talking about it but just wanted to confirm it.Zachary nodded. "It's Ian's."
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Chapter 964
Isaac turned around, while Erin turned toward Irene too. "What's wrong, Irene?""Nothing," Irene replied. "Just wanted you all to be careful.""Oh, we will," Erin assured her. "Don't worry, Irene."Irene nodded, watching them as they left.She scowled a little, feeling like she could not be of help.Eagle approached her just then. "Is there anything I can help with, ma'am?"Irene shook her head. "Let's go back inside—thanks for keeping an eye on things while I wasn't around.""It's what I should do," Eagle replied, nodding. Tommy ran up to Irene then, hugging her leg. "Mommy, carry me."Irene arched her back and tried to pull him up—the move tugged at her shoulder wound, and it was only then that she remembered that she was still hurt. "Why don't we just hold hands?" she asked mildly.Tommy shook his head. "Carry me."Eagle walked up to them. "I can carry you."Tommy spaced out for a moment and snapped, "Nope!" With that, he ran away. After all, Eagle had kept him on
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Chapter 965
Martin quickly averted his eyes. "Nothing."Lulu certainly doubted that and reached out to turn his face so that he faced her directly. "Tell me. What was that about?"Martin came clean right then. "Well, you know who the father is. I won't mind if you want Jean to be named after him…"Lulu glowered right then and turned to leave the room.For some reason, her heart hurt. Martin followed her outside. "Are you upset?"Lulu kept her back to him. "No.""You are," Martin said, exposing her right then.Lulu said nothing to that and kept her gaze lowered.Martin walked up in turn and wrapped his arms tightly around her waist from behind, and he brushed his cheek against hers. "I misspoke. Please don't get angry, alright?"Lulu pursed her lips and turned to face him. "I'm not that cold, Martin. I know you've been good to me, so why would you mention him?""I was just trying to say that I'd respect whatever you decide on. I wasn't deliberately mentioning it to upset you," Martin ex
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Chapter 966
As Martin's hands reached underneath her blouse, Lulu clearly felt the coarse skin on his fingers. There were thick calluses growing over his right index finger from frequently wielding a gun. And with every inch his fingers moved upward, she seemed to shudder more.Soon, her clothes were off, baring her fair, delicate skin.She retained her figure and remained slim despite her recent pregnancy, although her belly was still a little flabby. It has been little over a month since she gave birth, and she would not recover that quickly.Not wanting Martin to see it, she rested her hands over it.Martin sensed her intention but for him, loving someone meant loving every part of her—be it her strengths or shortcomings. They were all things he liked about her from his perspective. He touched her cheek gently and rasped, "I don't mind."Lulu refused to let go, however. "I…"Martin pulled her hands off then and leaned in to kiss her belly.Lulu bit her lip, and the rest was history
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Chapter 967
Lulu felt her head clearing right then and asked with a hoarse voice, "What time is it?""Ten," Martin replied. That late?!Lulu promptly got up to check on her daughter. But when she did so, her blanket slipped off and bore her naked form, leaving her taken aback.It was only then that she remembered what happened last night, and she blushed slightly.Martin draped her pajamas over her shoulders. "Get washed up. We'll eat together."Lulu nodded, and he got out of bed.His body was muscular. His chiseled pectorals and abdominals gave the sense of firmness and strength.And Lulu certainly experienced that it did not just look that way—he really was strong!Her cheeks burned even as scenes of last night played in her head. Never did she expect that she would unleash herself like this! She got out of bed and headed to the bathroom.She stood under the shower sprinkler and turned it on. Water gushed and started splashing over her, wetting her hair like seaweed over her fair sh
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Chapter 968
Martin said, "I'm fine with anything. You order what you like."Lulu smiled and lowered her gaze. "It seems that I have to pay more attention or I'd still know nothing of your preferences.""You have all the time in the world you need to learn about me." Martin grinned."Yeah," Lulu murmured, pursing her lips. In fact, she was both hopeful and expectant of the future. The peaceful life she wanted was right in front of her, and it was both worth remembering and cherished!As they waited for their food, Lulu rested her chin on her hand and stared at Martin as he sat opposite.She was staring so intently that a big man like him got embarrassed and averted his gaze."You actually can get shy, Martin?" she asked, smiling when Martin said nothing. Their food soon arrived, but Martin's phone rang while they ate. He picked it up, responded a couple times to what the other end said, and hung up.Lulu put a shrimp on this plate while asking, "Who was that?""I have to stop by the p
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Chapter 969
Lulu said nothing and simply held her glass as she stared at Martin. "When did you start liking guessing games? And I'd never guess it.""I was not given a case at the precinct," Martin said then. "I was given a reward for my brave actions."He waved an envelope at her and handed it to her. "For you."Lulu opened it to find three grand sitting inside. But for men like Martin, money mattered less than carrying their honors. And Lulu knew all too well that Martin earned his with his life."How could you give this to me?" she asked.Martin checked on Jean who lay in bed and reached out to stroke her tender cheeks. "All that I have is yours."Lulu smiled."By the way, shouldn't you call Irene?" Martin told her then. "Ricky will be sentenced in a few days. Even if he had committed many crimes, they might reduce his jail time since he helped us apprehend a major ringleader."As Lulu's smile faded slightly, Martin looked up. "Just enjoy your own life. Worry less about others."
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Chapter 970
Irene cleared her throat, uncomfortable from Zachary's stare. She brushed past him, asking, "What's with that look?""What did she call to say?" Zachary asked in return, his gaze still sharp as if to read something from her face!"It's about Ricky," Irene simply admitted. Zachary pursed his lips. "You visited him already, didn't you? He's your stepbrother. How could you be so cold?"Irene remained unmoved. "I won't change a thing even if I went, and I'm needed here."With Isaac away, she had to keep watch of their children!Moreover, she just saw a reply on her forum about a Minervan optometrist. It was alleged that he was the best in the world, and she wanted to make further inquiries and make an appointment."If you're not going, I will," Zachary said and turned immediately, striding out of the room.Irene promptly caught him, asking sternly, "What is this? What are you doing?""I did the math," he replied. "Lulu's baby would be at least two months old, and she should be
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