All Chapters of That Problematic Ring: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
81 Chapters
49| Freya
All my presumptions proved to be correct about why Rafe disappeared in an instant after kissing me. I comprehended it through his behavior. He is regretting it. He didn't like kissing me. He's probably ashamed of cheating on his girlfriend with me. He plainly ignored me the entire next week. He barely came home at nights. He didn't talk to me in the office. He treated me like I don't exist as if he couldn't hear me or see me, as if I had become invisible. I tried a few times to talk to him, to find out what's wrong with him, but he made excuses, showed reluctance, and pretended that he's too busy to talk about anything, but work. It made me angry. It made me hurt. His cold attitude and the way he has been avoiding me. It made me think that he's giving me hints that he doesn't want himself around me, that he suddenly became allergic to me. I'm surprised by his sudden change of behavior with me. He was being so friendly, so understanding before the kiss and now this. . . He's making
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50| Freya
I paint my lips with cherry red lips. The color is contrasting with my shimmery, sleeveless red dress. "Woah, you're looking fab, Freya."I see through my dresser's mirror that Mia enters my room then stares at me from head to toe with an opened mouth. I move to my eye-make. Mom and Dad have already left for their designated hotel leaving Mia behind. "But isn't this too sparkly for family dinner?" "This is not for dinner." I move a mascara brush on my lashes, "I'm going out. The food is in the fridge. If you feel hungry, just microwave it. Stay comfortably at home, watch a movie on TV or do a live streaming. And do not stay awake till late. It's not healthy.""But what about dinner? Mom and Dad invited you and Rafe."I turn to her, "It is cancelled. I just talked to Mom and cancelled it." I've changed my plan.I decide to skip the family dinner and go somewhere else. I knew if I would not do something to distract myself, my stress would kill me. "Did they agree?" She asks."Yes."
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51| Rafe
Around ten o'clock in the evening, I hesitantly enter the villa with my coat hanging on my arm. I intend not to come face to face with Freya. It will be difficult again to avoid her and her eyes filled with questions.Locking the main door, I walk inside and notice empty cups and plates scattered on the dinner table. I feel strange. Someone was here at the villa?I walk further and then I hear the faint sound of music coming from the room which usually remains vacant.After a few seconds, I see a familiar woman step out of that room. She stops midway when she catches me. A young girl with short hair and a petite figure. I instantly recognize her."Mia." A smile plays on my lips, "What a pleasant surprise!"She darts to me, "Rafe, you're finally here. We all were waiting for you."She hugs me and I hug her back, "Yes, I now remember you were going to come today." I groan at my lost memory. I forgot that Freya's parents were going to land here today. I also remember that I got to know f
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52| Freya
I am sitting at the bar counter with Luke, observing people dancing and eating. The atmosphere is vibrant and animated. It is animated enough to put some life into a spiritless body like me. The music and dancing is lifting up my mood a little if I ignore the part of me that is feeling lonely and wishing Rafe would be here.Luke and I did attend the musical event but midway I got bored so I asked him to go to the dance bar. The event was formal and I wanted to be in some non-formal and relaxed environment. I even dressed for a non-formal place. So I changed his plan and he thankfully agreed. "The ring is still not in your finger. Did it sort out with your husband?" Luke questions. I give a brief glance to my finger then grab my glass of drink, "What sort out? It's near the end." I murmured, but he still heard me, "Really? That's awful. Rafe can't be this imprudent to let go of a woman like you. I mean you have a great personality and flawless looks. There can't be anything in you t
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53| Rafe
Anxiously, I dance my eyes everywhere as soon as I enter the dance lounge Luke Salvatore has told me about. I see heads all around, flashy dresses and colorful strobe lights. The loud rock music is hammering the ground and the entire place. I stop and think that I can't find Freya in this massive crowd.I'm going crazy with anger and acute worry. I hope I'm not late and she is okay. My paranoid brain gave me all kinds of weird thoughts about her on my way to here. I walk further and keep my eyes engaged in an impatient search for Freya. With continuous walking I reach the bar counter and there I see a familiar face. He sees me too and raises his arm up in air and waves at me.I rush to him at a supersonic speed and grab his collar, "Where's my wife? What did you do to her?" "What are you saying?" He gets surprised and tries to push away my hands from his collar, "Why would I do anything to her? She's my project partner." "Cut your crap and tell me where she is?" My impatience is rea
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54| Rafe
I get baffled at her sudden rude tone. She sits on the backless chair, but does not touch the lemonade glass, placed across her on the counter. "You're making me mad." Her hair falls on her sides, making it hard for me to see her face.Did she mind that I didn't go along with her?I go beside her and tilt my posture to see her, "I'm making you mad? You're making me mad. Do you have any idea how worried I got when Luke called me? I was--""Wait, Luke called you?" She interrupts me, turning her head to me. Her eye lids are heavy."Where is he?" She looks around.Should this be important right now? "He has left." I grit my teeth. She grumbles. Then again ease herself on the stool. "That fool." She mutters lowly, but I hear her. She's so concerned about him.She's making me frustrated. "Drink this." I pick up the lemonade glass and offer her, "It will reduce the effect of alcohol." She takes it from my hand with a jerk and drinks half of the glass in one sip."What were you doing here
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55| Rafe
During the whole car ride, Freya didn't utter a word. She stayed silent and kept her head rested on the headrest of the car. Her quiet state gave me the impression that she had fallen asleep so I glanced in her direction after every few minutes just to confirm. But I saw her eyes were opened the entire time. I got a hint that she's for sure angry with me. I stop the car once we arrive in front of the villa. I pull up the handbrake and turn off the car's AC. I turn my head and see Freya doesn't move. She stays in the same position. I wait for some seconds so that she would sit up on her own and get to know that we are at home. But she doesn't.Her eyes are fixated on a windshield as if she's boring holes into it. "Hey, we are home." I say in a low voice. She moves her hands when she hears me. She slowly sits up, runs her fingers in her hair, then quietly goes out of the car.She walks slowly towards the entrance door. I observe her steps are wobbly. She's unable to walk straight in
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56| Rafe
"Rafe, you're here. Everything's okay?" Freya's sister stops me. "I saw Freya, but she didn't talk to me.""Oh. Because she's not herself. She's drunk." I answer, "But don't worry she's fine." I smile in assurance.She nods. "Why are you still awake? I told you to go to bed.""I was a bit worried." "Okay. But now we're here. You saw your sister so now sleep in peace." I advise her. "Okay." She turns towards her room.I continue walking in the direction of my room, but then I stop in the middle and remember that I'm supposed to go to Freya's room. I have shifted some of my luggage into her room in order to pretend in front of her parents that we live as a married couple and share a single room. I turn towards her room.I made preparations beforehand. If I didn't plan on meeting Freya's parents why would I have shifted my stuff into her room? Freya shouldn't have doubted me. I open the door of her bedroom and open my mouth to call her name out loud, but I close my mouth immediately
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57| Freya
Stretching my arms and legs, I wake up and observe sunlight flickering through the windows of my room.I lazily rise to a sitting position and that's when I feel excruciating pain in my head. It makes me mewl. I rub my temples with both hands and sigh aloud. Why is my head so heavy? I muse. I look at myself and notice I'm wearing the same last night's clothes. The dress is sticking to my body for some reason, increasing my irritation. I don't know how I fell asleep in this tight piece of cloth. I put pressure on my head and think about last night. I was out with Luke then I saw Rafe My eyes widen at the thought. Yes, I remember he came and he saw me in the dress. My head is heavy because I drank at the club. I also remember my conversations with him and that he brought me home. I restlessly look around, everywhere in the room just to search for him. He's nowhere. I'm alone in the room.Muttering swear words to myself, I try to rise from the bed and see the time. I can't tell wha
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58| Freya
I went back home when Mia told me Mom and Dad had left. I didn't ask further like where they were headed; did they leave for New York or are they still staying at their hotel. I'm not interested. They can go and stay anywhere. I don't care as long as I don't get to see them. When I came back home, I was home alone. Mia wasn't around either. I'm happy because I'm hating that brainless woman. She could have kept her mouth shut. I was successful in hiding my relationship with Ben until now, but she blasted everything in just a few minutes.I was never planning to tell Mom and Dad about Ben and how it all started with Rafe and this marriage. I decided I would only tell them that I'm breaking up with Rafe. But my foolish sister. No one can really understand my internal battles that I'm fighting within me. It was already so difficult to take this step and now it has gone worse. I called the lawyer later and scolded her as well for not waiting for my response and sending the courier. I kno
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