All Chapters of Revenge Of The Returning Wife: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
219 Chapters
Zayn slapped the application form on Gael's body and ordered, "Send someone to give her this. Let her choose the models and hand it up." "Yes!" Gael grabbed the form frantically and wondered why Zayn did not send someone and insisted on bringing it over. However, when he was here, he did not take it over to Bethany. Gael held onto the form until they were back at the office. He looked for his assistant and told her to send the form to Bethany. Bethany had driven Bent off just before she received the form. She increasingly felt that Bent was insane. Not only did he lay a hand on her, but he even said that he liked her and wanted to court her. “I thought I only had to deal with Zayn. Never had I imagined that I would have to deal with the entire crazy family. She thought. She would be a fool to believe him. She was not blind and could see his coldness. It was obvious that he only used the excuse that he liked her to get close to her. Though she did not know his purpose for getting close
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Bethany's heart sank and she shuddered when she heard his reply. She could sense that he was serious. If he knew that all of his shares were hers, he would try to take them back and she could do nothing about it. away from him! Bethany used his words to emphasize. She then closed her eyes, leaned back into her seat, and fell asleep. Zayn heard her heavy breathing and was surprised that she was asleep. He looked at Bethany. She was curled up and grabbing her arm. He rubbed his temples and pressed the button to call the stewardess. The stewardess came over and asked, "Sir, can I help you?” "Get me a blanket," Zayn said. “Yes, immediately," The stewardess replied tenderly. Zayn undid his seatbelt and walked over to Bethany's seat. He looked at her for a couple of seconds and then bent down to lower the back of her seat. She naturally stretched out and laid flat. Zayn then took the blanket and covered her with it. He even flicked the hair which was covering her face. He looked at her pale
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She was pretty sure that she had never told her size to anyone. Could he have estimated her size just by looking at her? This was a weird thing to her. In the past, he never did anything to put a smile on her face nor did he try to get clothes for her as he did for Danica. Suddenly, he became so sweet to a stranger. Bethany blushed at this thought and felt rather embarrassed. After all, any woman would feel awkward if her size was known by another man. She did not dwell too much on it as she knew that she did not have much time to prepare. She quickly placed down the evening gown and took a shower to prepare herself for the evening. It was already dark when she dressed up and put on her makeup. Bethany picked up her clutch bag, put on her high heels, and walked out of the suite. She was about to knock on Zayn's door when it suddenly opened. Zayn wore a more formal suit than he normally wore. "Mr. Meyer." Bethany greeted him. Zayn looked at Bethany from head to toe and his eyes
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Zayn raised his free hand and rubbed his temple and said, "I save her because she is a staff of the Blue Ridge group and not because she is Bent's woman. As their boss, I am responsible for their safety. More importantly, previously she saved me twice!" On hearing, Gael was shocked, remained silent, and thought, ''Oh yeah, if it wasn't for Bethany who saved Mr. Meyer when he was injured, he would have been dead!' Zayn lowered his head and asked solemnly, "Did news of my injury leak out?” If Bent knew that he was injured, he would try all means to prevent his return. Bent would then use the reason that Zayn was hospitalized overseas and unable to return to manage the company he would then convince the elders who were discontented with Zayn to give him their shares of the company. Gael knew what Zayn was worried about and shook his head, "Rest assured, Mr. Meyer, I've controlled the information. Bent doesn't know about it but Miss Medina had checked on your travel details." Zayn's eyes
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“Don't worry about it for now. Just listen to mommy.”Bethany did not want to elaborate. Vella saw that her expression was very stern and did not pester. She just nodded and said, "Okay, mommy” “Good girl!" Bethany smiled at her with a warm expression on her face. The video call ended thereafter. After that, she then contacted the kindergarten to apply for a leave of absence for Jenna. Just then, she turned around to see Zayn glaring at her with a serious gaze, her heart skipped a beat at this. “Are you worried that someone will harm your kid?” He asked balancing his weight on the pillow as he tried to sit upright. "Mr. Meyer, you're awake?" Bethany quickly looked in zayn's direction and did not know when zayn woke up and listened to her conversation. Zayn raised his chin and said, “Just.......” “Did I disturb you and made it hard for you to have a good rest?” Bethany quickly interrupted him as she pointed at herself. Zayn shook his head and replied solemnly, “No, I woke up on my own. H
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Bethany went into the kitchen at the condominium to keep the items she brought from the supermarket. Then, she brought out her phone and put a video call to Erica.The children were overjoyed to see Bethany on the other side of the phone as soon as the phone was connected and their faces appeared on the screen."Mommy, why did you buy so many ribs?" Jenna asked curiously when she saw Bethany taking out the ribs from the shopping bags.Bethany smiled as she replied, "I'm going to cook some soup for Mr. Meyer. He was injured when he saved mommy. I need to express my gratitude.”“Mr. Meyer? Who is that?” Jenna furrowed her brows as she asked with jealousy written all over her.“He's my boss, did you forget? ”“oh, oh!” Jenna nodded and said that she understood.Bethany clapped her hands and looked into the phone and said, "Go and play with your sister. Mommy needs to cook now."“Can I stay here and watch you cook? I want to learn something new as well” Jenna whined as she was unwilling to
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Bethany looked at Jenna and said, “You should be off to bed now. I'll make arrangements for you,” she said with an assuring tone. Jenna didn't say anything else as she simply walked away, heading toward her bedroom, while Erica fixed her eyes on her, departing back until she was finally out of sight. When she was totally out of the scene, Erica picked up the phone and looked directly into the screen as she prepared to scold Bethany. “I told you right from the beginning, didn't I? Whatever you do is going to have a bad effect on the little girl, but you wouldn't listen to me. “Have you seen what I was afraid of? Jenna is traumatized. ” Erica said as tears seemed to well up in her eyes, and she tried to fight them off. However, Bethany remained unfazed. Instead, she said,“ I want you to connect with Mr. Alcantara and make her sign all of the agreements before the end of the month.”. Hearing this, Erica was stunned. “What are you even saying? I'm talking about your daughter, and yo
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Bent stood in front of the door and knocked loudly. Zayn, who was still busy discussing with Bethany, was instantly pissed off when he heard the loud knock on the door. He thought that Danica had still not left even after he asked her to go.“What are you still doing here? Didn't I —”Zayn yelled before flinging the door open; however, he was shocked by the appearance of the person standing before him. It wasn't Danica at all."Woah! Watch out, man!" Bent shouted as he tried to dodge in a dramatic turn. "Were you expecting me, perhaps? You should have told me earlier,” Bent said as he straightened up his suit. His tone was filled with mockery.“How could you target your innocent brother like that? I simply came around to visit you, and you have other malicious codes waiting for me? I'm so hurt by this!” Bent pretended to be sad.While mincing on his words, he silently pushed Zayn aside and sneaked into the room before Zayn could think of shutting him out.“You.....” He was about to say
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Erica felt her mood getting soiled when she heard that Zayn was going to pick up Danica. What a bad day it was about to be! Why did Bethany even think of bringing me here? Erica thought. She was so lost in thought that she didn't realize that Zayn had taken Jenna to the car. Upon getting close to the car, he suddenly noticed that Erica was still fixed at the spot. He looked back and called out for her, “Miss Burnett, are you alright?”. Erica quickly came out of her daze when she heard him calling out for her. “Yes, I'm alright Mr. Meyer. I'll be right there” With that, she hurried over and got into the car. When she got into the car, she noticed Jenna sitting in the front seat along with Zayn. That's not even the issue but how close and intimate they were with each other at this moment. They were like an inseparable father and daughter bonded by love. Seeing this, Erica felt her heart racing very fast and she couldn't do anything to control it; she was afraid of what Bethany migh
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He walked into the kindergarten together with the children. He attracted a lot of attention. Zayn was handsome, Bethany was pretty and the two children were cute. They attracted a lot of attention for being such a good-looking family.A few minutes later, the kindergarten teacher finished taking attendance and everyone arrived. They then told everyone to head to the amusement park.The children had never been to an amusement park before, especially Jordan. They were curious about everything they saw. It was crowded in the amusement park. Bethany was worried that they would lose the children and hence she held Jordan's hand while Zayn held Jenna's.They followed the teacher's instructions and brought them rides that were suitable for children and families. They were at it for many hours. Soon, Bethany was tired and she didn't want to move anymore. Zayn was fine. Due to his injury, he didn't join in the fun too much. He was taking pictures the whole time and hence he wasn't tired But t
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