All Chapters of Revenge Of The Returning Wife: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
219 Chapters
A car suddenly stopped in front of an old warehouse. It was already dark at night, so the environment could not be seen clearly. Bethany came out of the car. She was dressed in a black dress with a hoodie and a mask covering her face; her fair skin was hidden underneath the black clothes. Jacob came down as well and walked over to meet Bethany, as he wanted her to take the next step. In the next split second, Bethany raised her head to look at the warehouse building in front of her before she started walking. Then, Jacob trailed after her with AirPods fixed in his ears as he waited for any information that might come in. After walking into the building, a man soon appeared from one of the rooms as he sped up to meet up with Bethany. “This way, ma'am, he's in the center hall,” Darin said as he beckoned Bethany to walk in the direction that he was pointing. “What did he say? Did he reveal the identity of the person who sent them already?” Bethany asked with her eyes fixed on the r
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Her boyfriend! Danica felt a thorn in her heart. When she met her at the KFC, she remembered she was wearing a ring on her ring finger. Was she engaged? Danica was extremely upset about this because she had spent her entire life attempting to get Zayn's attention, but an unattractive, deformed woman who appeared out of nowhere could. She couldn't accept this fact as it was placed in front of her. She clenched her fists tightly, and her teeth gritted involuntarily. After a while, she stood up and left the cafe in rage. She got back to the house and went straight to her room since Jordan was still staying at the Meyers. However, Zayn was supposed to bring him over later tonight. Upon getting to her room, she dropped her bag on the bed and sat beside it with an aggrieved expression. She was disheartened by the fact that she couldn't find anything tangible about the woman who had dared to double-cross and humiliate her. She took a cigarette from the bedside and lit it up. Soon aft
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They sat at the center table at the cafe as they ate their lunch in silence.Zayn didn't bother about the scary glares from all the people around, as he simply buried his head in the conversation he was having with Bethany."I wanted to talk to you about this." Just as Bethany was about to say something, the waiter soon arrived with the bills.She picked up the little piece of paper and pretended to be tense upon seeing the huge amount on the paper.The expression on her face was quickly replaced by a warm smile. Suddenly, Joanna appeared from the other side of the corner of the restaurant.As soon as she was about to enter the cafe, her eyes suddenly fell on the figure of two people sitting across from her at the center table.She recognized them immediately.Upon laying her eyes on them, she quickly dodged aside to avoid being seen. After successfully hiding away, she turned back to confirm if what she saw was real or if she was imagining things.After looking at them for a few seco
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Bethany had not recovered yet. If she fought with Joanna now, she would be at a loss.Bethany stood there and did not move. She looked at her coldly and said with a cold smile, “Dare you to touch me? Don't forget what's in my hand. If you hit me, I promise you will be punished. You should be satisfied to be a puppet for others now. Otherwise, you will spend the rest of your life in jail."When Joanna thought about the recordings, she immediately turned away.She could not go to jail, and putting her hand down was her last resort. Joanna did not dare to hit Bethany anymore.While she was angry, an idea suddenly came to her, and she laughed. She narrowed her eyes and said meaningfully, "Bethany, don't be complacent. As I told you, your chances haven't been confirmed yet. Would you not want to know the truth?"After she finished speaking, Joanna left.Bethany looked at her disappearing silhouette meaningfully. She would find out what she meant by herself in the future.Then she went back,
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A few days later, At the Blue Ridge company..... Joanna's assistant ran into the big office. As soon as she entered the main office, she started shouting, “Quickly, quickly everyone, put away all the unnecessary things on your tables, especially all the snacks and cosmetics. Put it all away at once. Someone's going to come around later” She said with a tone filled with hyperventilation. “Who is it?” Ella asked from amid the crowd. The assistant put on an arrogant expression, “The president, of course. who else would it be?” “What!?” The crowd in the big office all gasped in shock. “How come the President suddenly nursed the idea of inspecting our department?”“Who knows about that? Anyway, you all should hurry up and clean your spaces. If you fail to do so and the President gets offended by this, just want to be scolded afterward” After giving out the warning, the assistant turned around and left in a hurry. Soon after, the atmosphere in the main office got busy as everyone got
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Joanna's face was void of color after being berated like this. How could she have forgotten? Zayn had always been a man of his word. When it's about his work, it was always a big no that he could not tolerate anyone questioning his authority or decisions. She had just made a big mistake now by breaking his rules just to make things difficult for Bethany. Zayn simply ignored Joanna and went ahead to introduce the investors to Bethany, “These are the partners of our clothing line and investors of the Oceania project. I brought them here to finally meet you. Their assessment is also required for you to fully become the chief designer of the Oceania project”. ‘Are they really that important?’ Bethany was a little taken aback but she quickly calmed down. Then , she put on a warm smile and greeted them graciously, “Hello ,I'm Bethany Quest, the candidate designer for the ocean project. I would really appreciate your guidance ” Even though she was seated, the tone of her voice a
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The next day,Bethany was lost in thought, thinking about how Ella was doing, when, at that very moment, she heard a loud knock on the door of the main office.“Is Miss Bethany here?"Hearing someone call out her name, Bethany quickly came out of her daze and stood up from her workstation. “I'm here"Gael held up his glasses and said in a warm voice, “The high-level meeting has begun, and Mr. Meyer asked me to take you there.” "Alright"Bethany quickly packed up her things with all due seriousness, then she took hold of her briefcase as she walked toward him with her computer in hand.Bethany pretended to stagger as she walked.Looking at her at this moment, it felt as if she was going to fall if care was not taken.Gael was disheartened by this, but in the end, he didn't want to see her fall right when he was around, so he decided to offer her his help.“Let me help you out with the computer,” he said."Thanks for your help.” Bethany didn't notice anything wrong with his attitude, so
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Could Joanna not have done it? As she was lost in a daze, thinking about this, Zayn nodded his head slightly and answered, “Go ahead.”“Okay, thank you, Mr. Meyer." Bethany immediately suppressed her suspicion and left the conference room.After she left, Zayn narrowed his eyes and looked at Joanna. “Tell me, do you do this?”Joanna had an incredulous expression on her face as she spoke. "Zayn, do you suspect me as well?”“It's not that I'm suspecting you. I'm only asking because you have targeted her in the past,” Zayn said in a cold, emotionless tone.Joanna clobbered her feet against the floor lightly at his trust; she looked seemingly angry as well. “I admit that I have targeted her before, but it wasn't me who did this. If it was me, why didn't I stop her from going to the surveillance room?”Upon hearing what she said, Zayn lowered his head and was lost in thought for a few seconds.Joanna knew that he was a little swayed by her words. A sinister smile soon broke out on her thin
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"Yes.” Bethany hesitated before replying. “That's why I need your help with this, Jenna." Bethany looked at her cute face through the screen. However, as she looked at her, her eyes became more complicated at this point. She had the intention of involving the little girl, but she is the only one who can find out who was responsible for everything within a short time. "Alright, I'll find the person who bullied you, Miss Burnett. I won't let them get away with this." Jenna clenched her fists and gritted her teeth as she spoke with a look of determination in her eyes. Hearing this, Bethany blew her a flying kiss. Jenna simply looked at her with a solemn gaze. Just as silence ensued between them, Erica walked into the room carrying a glass of milk and snacks. “Jenna, here are your snacks. Have a bite,” Erica said as she walked into the room. Jenna looked in her direction without saying a word. She stared back at the phone. Then, she kept the phone on the bed and went to the closet to
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The two fell into the elevator together, and the elevator door closed at the same time.With a thud, the elevator wobbled vigorously. Bethany fell to the ground of the elevator, and Zayn fell onto her.Both of them looked into each other's eyes, and they were immediately stunned for a while.Bethany looked dumbly at the man in front of her; her mind was clouded with confusion.Zayn was also surprised by the current situation they are in. He lowered his head to look at her red face and her slightly parted lips. His eyes slowly darkened at this.Soon after, Zayn came back to his senses and quickly moved away as he tried to get up from on top of Bethany.After standing up, he settled himself before saying in a deep voice, “I'm sorry. I was rude to you just now."“It's... it's okay." Bethany also heaved herself up from the floor.Then she replied to him in a weak, low voice and didn't dare to look at him.She could feel that her heartbeat was pounding particularly fast at this point, and h
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