All Chapters of Forced to marry the Cold CEO: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
88 Chapters
The reveal
****As the three of them were seated in the living room, tension hung in the air as Gabriella confronted Anita. Her words were tinged with a mix of annoyance and curiosity. "What do you want with us now?" Gabriella began, her voice steady but firm. "At least you have your long-lost simon back to yourself. And, by the way, how were you able to know our location?" Anita met Gabriella's gaze, and took a moment to gather her thoughts, fully aware of the doubt in Gabriella's question. She knew that her arrival was unexpected, and she had to provide a convincing explanation."I understand this might be surprising," Anita began, her voice softening. "I didn't mean to intrude, but I came here because there are things I need to clarify, and I wanted to talk to both of you. As for finding you, I... I got some assistance from a few people I know and eventually obtained the information I needed." Anita's apology hung in the air, and Gabriella and Emily exchanged another glance, this time sof
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The end of us
****Alex seized a moment, his gaze fixed on Gabriella, as if assessing her readiness to hear what he was about to unravel. "Gabriella," he started, his voice measured and earnest, "our past goes beyond what you might remember. Simon Grey, my university years, and even Rachel. Everything is connected in ways you can't fathom." Gabriella leaned in, spellbound by his words, her curiosity burning brighter by the second. She couldn't help but wonder how their bond could be so intertwined with Simon and the turns her life had taken.Alex took a deep breath as his expression revealed the gravity of what he was about to disclose. "Simon and I were more than just university buddies," Alex reiterated, emphasizing the significance of their connection. "We were involved in a business venture together, and it was during those years that I met Rachel. But our business dealings took a sinister turn, and Simon's involvement became increasingly questionable."Gabriella's mind raced as she process
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Gabriella's success
****As the days passed, Gabriella gradually found a sense of stability in her daily life. She focused on nurturing her unborn child and rebuilding her emotional well-being with the unwavering support of Emily by her side. The drama and turmoil of her past with Simon began to fade into the background as she concentrated on her own future.Meanwhile, Simon settled into the mansion with Anita, as a result of the responsibility he had taken on by agreeing to her request and the complicated circumstances surrounding his relationship with Gabriella and his absent presence in his unborn child's life.Despite the physical separation and the emotional ties between Simon and Gabriella still lingered, casting a shadow over both of their lives.One morning, Simon awoke with a sense of longing for his mother, but he hesitated to call her, knowing that she had chosen to stand by Gabriella's side since she left the house.Anita, perceptive to his melancholy, noticed his phone screen displaying Emi
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Anita's true motive
****A month passed, after Gabriella's successful encounter, Anita's secret meetings with a mysterious man and this act of hers began to raise questions in Simon's mind. He couldn't help but notice her growing secrecy and the times she would slip away for hours without explanation.One evening, as they sat in the living room, Simon couldn't contain his curiosity any longer. "Anita, you've been meeting someone regularly, and I can't help but wonder who it is.""Simon, I have not been meeting with anyone, it's all just work taking up my time and space," Anita lied.With a scoff, Simon said " work is it, okay,"Then he left as he didn't have any evidence to back his utterances.Simon's growing suspicion had led him to hire a spy to keep tabs on Anita's secret meetings. As Anita continued with her clandestine activities, the hired spy remained vigilant, documenting her every move.On this particular day, Anita's actions took an unexpected turn as she entered a fancy restaurant and met wit
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What do you want from me?
****With Simon's mind in chaotic despair, Tion began searching for Gabriella and Emily's location for days he gathered information and one day as luck smiled at him as Tion's tireless efforts had finally paid off when he located Gabriella and Emily's exact residence.As delight shadowed upon his heart then he placed a call to his boss Simon. Upon him waiting for the call to get connected. He saw Gabriella walking into her house with her baby bump and as he watched Gabriella, her baby bump more pronounced than ever, his heart swelled with a mixture of relief and anticipation.The excitement became evident in Tion's voice as when the call connected."Hello Tion, any information on Gabriella," Simon asked. And with happiness evident in Tion's voice "I found her Mr. Grey and presently I saw her walking into her house," he said.The moment Simon heard his words, he felt exhilaration inside of him as he found her. "Send me her location and her precise residential address," he instructed.
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He is back in my life.....
****After numerous findings from Simon's path, he was able to find out Anita's real intentions with her connection to the operator and Alex, he then confronted her with evidence.Amidst the swirling tension in the room, Simon's voice trembled as he confronted Anita, "Is your plan truly to take Gabriella's life just to bring sorrow into mine?"Anita responded with a chilling, hysterical laughter, her eyes gleaming with a sinister light. "Oh, Simon, you've finally unraveled the enormity of my puzzle," she taunted."Everything that happened between you, me and Alex, it's in the past and buried, do not seek revenge on those who didn't do anything, at least think about your son," Simon implored."Michael is not my son," she confessed, revealing her heartless intentions. "He's but a pawn in my intricate game, and those social workers? They're my pawns too."Shock coursed through Simon's veins, prompting an impulsive slap. But Anita's defiant response only fueled the growing dread in Simon'
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Anita's death
****As days had passed, Simon had been headstrong on not giving up on defeating Anita's sinister's plan. And one day, she stormed into Simon's study room in a furious state.The tension in Simon's study room was palpable as Anita confronted him, her anger simmering on the edge of violence. "Simon," She started, "I told you not to get in my way and my plans, now where is Gabriella," She demanded, her voice seething with fury."Where is Gabriella, is that even a question you should ask me, how would I know that," Simon responded."Do not test me patience Simon grey, for the last time where is Gabriella," she said once again butSimon remained resolute, refusing to yield to her threats. "I don't know where Gabriella is," he asserted firmly.Anita's patience wore thin, and she brandished a gun, firing it into the air as a chilling warning. "Now, you see how serious I am. Where is Gabriella Hart?""And like I said early, I do not know," Simon didn't waver and he said in a firm and deter
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Gabriella, please forgive me
****As Emily entered Gabriella's room, Emily found her in the midst of tears, her pain was palpable and heart-wrenching. And then she approached Gabriella with the utmost tenderness in her heart, understanding the depth of her suffering."Oh, my darling," Emily spoke softly as she moved closer to offer comfort. "Please Gabriella, do not cry, you should at least consider how it would affect the baby negatively," She gently urged Gabriella."Emily, Simon gave me so much hurt, always fueling my pain and you think, I should forgive him just like that," she said as her reluctance was evident in her voice, still overwhelmed by anger and hurt.With a scoff, Gabriella uttered as she acknowledged her shortcomings, "No matter what I do or say, he is always your son, and I am sorry for keeping you away from him all these while, I just got to know how selfish I am,"Emily, however, took responsibility for her choices. "Gabriella, don't be stupid," she began firmly. "I chose to be with you and s
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The family vacation
****The next morning, Simon woke up earlier than usual, his mind filled with arrangements for their upcoming departure. With the help of the household helpers, he began packing for their trip. As he was in the midst of preparations, Emily made her way downstairs and was surprised by what she saw."Are you moving?" she inquired, puzzled by the sight of luggage.Simon chuckled at her question. "No, Mom, I'm only packing for our trip.""Our trip?" Emily questioned, still a bit confused.Simon explained, "I suggested a getaway vacation yesterday, and after some reluctance, Gabriella agreed."Emily's initial confusion gave way to a warm smile as she grasped the significance of the moment. "A family vacation? That's wonderful, Simon!"Simon nodded with enthusiasm. "Yes, Mom. It's a step toward rebuilding our family, and I want to make it a special experience for both Gabriella and the baby."Emily was touched by her son's sincerity and determination to mend their family bonds. "I'm proud
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Rediscovering love
****Upon arriving at the hotel, Gabriella was taken aback to discover that she and Simon were assigned to share the same suite. She couldn't hide her surprise and immediately confronted him about it."Why are we sharing a room?" she questioned him, her tone filled with astonishment.Simon, realizing the mix-up, quickly responded, "I didn't plan this, Gabriella. It seems Tion made a mistake with the booking. But it's a luxurious suite, and we can manage for one night. Tomorrow, we can book a separate suite for you."Gabriella, however, was clearly agitated by the situation. She shook her head and said, "Just leave it."Without waiting for a response, she walked away from Simon and sought assistance from one of the hotel attendant.As Gabriella walked away to speak with the hotel escort, Simon watched her retreating figure, a mix of emotions swirled within him with the understanding of her frustration and the discomfort of sharing a suite with him after all that had transpired."Thank
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