All Chapters of The Rejected Full Moon: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
147 Chapters
Leaving Again
We stay in the penthouse for two days, shutting ourselves off from the cruel outside world.Jasper handles a few phone calls, returns to bed for another round of great sex, or we order food and enjoy it at the dinner table. And then I realized that my bag with personal items and also my phone were left behind at work. I made a phone call to Natali and she promised to put it away for me in my office. She briefs me that Ralph has come to my office several times to see if I have signed in to work yet. She also promised to report to the human resources department that I would be absent for a few days.I had to promise that when I returned to work, I would tell her why I ran off with our client so suddenly. According to her, I am the talk of the town, especially now that Ralph's mood is terrible, everyone is avoiding him. After this call with Natali, I understood that I owe Ralph an explanation about my behavior. Of course, I will tell him the truth and leave it up to him w
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Become My Wife
There is silence between us in Ralph's office for at least a minute.I don't quite know how to begin to apologize for what happened two days ago after the presentation to our new clients and my absence without contacting him. Ralph truly loves me, but he knew I had a mate, I had told him beforehand, so it's no surprise to him. "Where were you, Rain?" Ralph's voice breaks the silence between us. He stands with his back to me, looking out over the city through the glass wall. His shoulders are tensed, a vein in his neck twitching out of stress. "We're in a relationship, but you leave with an unknown man, remain unreachable for two days and don't even bother to call me," he states briefly, the disappointment clearly heard in his voice. "Jasper is my fated mate," I whisper.With a jerk, Ralph turns around, his eyes big with dismay. "Your mate?!" he exclaims. "Then did you know he would come here and we would be in the meeting with him?" I sha
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Change Will Come
'Jasper, these two days will always remain in my memory. You are the best mate a woman can have, your love for me is honest and genuine and I thank you for that. I know you want me and as incredible as it sounds, my heart belongs to you. But I cannot be selfish. You are the Alpha of the largest pack in the world. You are the future president of the Werewolf Council. You are a great leader. And next to such a perfect Alpha as you belong a perfect Luna. And that can't be me. I'm only human. And on top of that, I cannot offer you an heir. Forgive me, I cannot do this to you. Not let you alienate your family and pack to be with me. So I set you free for the second and last time. Know that your pain is mine too. All the best to you, my mate. My wish is for the Moon Goddess to bless you with a house full of pups and for you to have the happiest life. Forever yours. Rain'.I'm sitting on the terrace of Ralph's fantastic penthouse.It is the most luxurious I have ever come across. It has the
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I banish Jasper from my mind and decide to enjoy how my life proceeds.That's for the best, there is no going back to my mate. Ralph and I chat cozily on the lounger on the terrace until late and then go into the sitting room to watch a late-night television program. Finally, we each head to our bedroom after a hot kiss. Relaxed I get out of bed the following day and take an extensive perfume bath.I notice a large assortment of fragrances displayed next to the bathtub and I choose my favorite lemon. After applying some perfume lotion I brought here myself, I step back into the bedroom. For today I chose a sexy jumpsuit that shows off my curves fantastically. It is cut deep in the front and tight at my waist while the fabric goes wide over my legs. I know I look great. This improved my mood. I don't want to think about my failed past anymore. As I step into the sitting room, a wonderful smell hits me.I see Ralph demonstratively setting th
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Another Kind
Ralph didn't lie.The yacht is impressive, it's like a floating penthouse. We dive in the open sea, snorkel the reefs and run carefree on the beaches we come across. We had romantic dinners in high-end restaurants on the islands, not to mention those hours of shopping sprees. Ralph insists that I use his credit cards. He believes it's a mate's job to care for his woman. And of course, what woman doesn't like to be spoiled! I am all in for that. Wherever we go, Ralph attracts the attention of the most beautiful women. He is drop-down gorgeous, his confidence, damn, attracts women like honey to the bees. Come on, a hunk of nearly three feet, athletically built, masculine and handsome face with dimples, and also without a ring on his finger! No sane woman will leave such a specimen undisturbed. Nah!But he holds my hand firmly in his, sends out a statement to everyone that he is taken. Proudly I then step beside him, my face brimming with joy. And whenever I can, I give him
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At Sea
It's so cozy in the club, Esis is a great company.A few more of Ralph's friends with their mates join us, adding to a splendid atmosphere. They are all friendly and sociable and accept me straight into their circle. Everyone was surprised when Ralph once again introduced me as his fiancé, I guess my boyfriend was a real loose cannon and no one really thought he would settle down once. But now that he indicates he has entered into a steady relationship with me, everyone seems relieved. But things are getting stranger each time around Ralph.The bodyguards, a car always waiting for us at the right moment and an extra vehicle that follows us everywhere we go, the insignia I catch more often in and on the cars, make me frown. And then there are the slips from his friends. When they address Ralph, I often hear them pronounce a K, which is soon replaced by the formal Sir, only to call him by his name Ralph anyway. All a strange development. Another point is
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I Am Dead
Lupercalia or the Full Moon.Both are the same to me. For me, there is no Full Moon without Lupercalia. I stare at it, my eyes blurry with fatigue and fear. "Ralph, where are you? Please, find me," I whisper now. The wind rages on, tossing the waves high and delivering me to their mercy. All I can do is stare at Lupercalia. I dare not beg her to spare my life, for years, she has only caused me grief and pain. Why would she choose to let me live today? My death suits her better, she would rather see me leave this world as soon as possible. I'm nothing worth, just human, worthless for the werewolf species. Perhaps it was she herself who orchestrated this disaster to get even with me. Making sure I disappear from this globe altogether, even my remains won't soil the earth. As if harassing me, she occasionally slides behind a dark cloud making the sky a lurid image before my eyes. And then she hides almost completely, further obscuring the world around me. It is as if she i
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Dumped In Sea
The sun on my face drives me to consciousness.Slowly I open my eyes, looking straight ahead at first. In front of me, I see sand and stones, and the sound of rushing water hits my hearing. Once I raise my head with a jerk, I am forced to lower it back onto the sand. A bursting headache almost makes me dizzy; I feel my stomach acting up. I close my eyes again and try to suppress the pain.Carefully I roll onto my back and protect my eyes with my hand against the sun. How did I end up here? I try hard to remember exactly where and who I am. Whether I have friends and who my parents are. All went blank. My head is empty. Slowly I sit up now. I notice that I am on a beach with a vast sea before me. In the distance, a flat lifeboat lying ashore. I stare at it. Did I sail in this to this beach or am I just living here and came here to fish in the shallow water? After fifteen minutes, I know what this is all about.My memory is wiped out, there
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A Mystery
Having been discovered, I rose from my hiding place ultimately."Come with us. We were just about to start dinner. Are you hungry?" the young man asks as his eyes pass over me approvingly. I nod eagerly, only at the word hungry, my stomach growls once more. The three in front of me chuckle as the sound has not escaped them. We walk to the house where the pots are still on fire.The smell of cooking meat only makes me more hungry. "Come, there is a table here where we all sit," the young man tells me and directs me by the elbow to the side of the house. There, under a canopy, I see a long wide table. The two girls I saw earlier are already sitting there, looking at me curiously. "These are my sisters, Elena and Magda. Magda is the oldest," he introduces them. "By the way, my name is Peter and my parents are Esau and Perpetua. Welcome to our home," he continues hospitably. I smile at the girls, but only Elena responds to it. Magda just stares
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After Magda's outburst, I don't see her for the rest of the day.I help Perpetua in the kitchen and around the house. And in the afternoon, we head to her plot to tend the vegetables. It becomes more evident that I am a city person. Perpetua and Elena poke fun at my clumsiness and tease me with my soft, groomed hands. "You come from a rich family, Saray, sure you do," Elena smiles at me. "When you get your memory back and are in your beautiful home, will you still think back to us?" she questions childishly. I smile at her."I can't do otherwise. You saved me. What would I've done if you hadn't found me? Obviously, I can't grow vegetables or take care of chickens," I say, ashamed. The two women won't recover with laughter, clutching a tree to stay upright. "I think you work with the computer and in a posh office with air conditioning. Watch you sweat when the sun is now at its lowest point," Elena points to my wet sweater. I sigh as I reme
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