All Chapters of The Rejected Full Moon: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
147 Chapters
Come Over
In The Royal Yacht She is human! My mate is human! And she is breathtaking.For years I waited for her, thinking she was no longer coming, had become the chosen mate of another Alpha. And now it turns out she is human. Of course, that makes no difference to me as long as she is willing to be with me and accept me for who I am. That is all I desire, and the rest I will fix myself. For years I have worked to expand my empire.I have always kept the business of my pack and my personal one separate. The pack's income is in shares in large companies that yield more than the pack can consume in a hundred years. My private income I earn by investing my personal capital in the hospitality industry. That's where my passion lies. I gave my all to it. All my time and money I invested in my businesses to ease the wait for my mate. And yes, I have had occasional short-lived relationships like any healthy man. And as an Alpha, my desires are stronger than the average werewolf, I coul
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A True Queen
Still Alpha Esis Rain steps into the sitting room on Ralph's arm. Her beauty is once again striking; this woman is clearly Queen material. Ralph has made a great choice in her, although I worry about this relationship. My friend is a Lycan and the Moon Goddess sporadically awards Lycans a fated mate. But it is very possible that Ralph may have a mate somewhere who could suddenly appear on the scene. And then I fear the worst will happen, the Kingdom will have to decide in this triangle relationship, for they only accept one Queen. Although Lycans are very animalistic, their solution is often not very humane. Two centuries ago, such a fact had already occurred. One of Ralph's ancestors was smitten with a breathtaking she-wolf, took her as his chosen mate and installed her as the Queen. When the destined mate signed up, total chaos ensued in the Kingdom. The royals had beheaded the Queen in broad daylight, just some men had shifted into their fierce Lycan and ripped off her head.
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Promises To Keep
The efficiency with which Rain handles everything is outstanding.After I called my own yacht to join the Royal one, she took the phone from me. Of course, I cannot accommodate my in-laws of four in the Royal yacht, can't I?! I also want to impress them, convince my father-in-law that I'm capable of taking care of his daughter. Rain called and spoke to Esau and Perpetua on speakerphone so we could all listen to the arrangements she agreed with them. They had just come home from the beach where they had a campfire. The Moon Goddess alone knows how this woman was able to gain people's trust in such a short time. The parents had little resistance to packing right away. They just wanted the assurance that Rain would be with them when they arrived at Human Town. Obviously, the family does not spend much time outside the island. So now it's waiting for my yacht to show up so we can pick up my mate.Out of sheer joy, I pulled out one of Ralph's best wines and made a toast to my
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Everything is going beyond expectations.My in-laws settle easily into their new environment, Magda is growing closer to me. I spoil her with romantic dinners, early morning jogs in the nearby park and yesterday I went shopping with her. She was very uncomfortable with choosing the style of clothing that suited her, but fortunately, the staff at the fashion house was very professional. In no time they had accentuated her unique features with creations of the most prestigious designers. Not only were they able to choose the clothes perfect for her, but they also found the right make up. Magda's beauty is underscored by this total makeover, I even see some men turning around to study her with interest. But I always make sure to let everyone knows that she belongs to only me. Elena is enrolled in a prominent school and her enthusiasm and dedication to her studies endear everyone.My mother-in-law is proud of her, she keeps repeating that there is not one mom
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Move On
Now that I know how sensitive her breasts are, I start nibbling the nipples.Soon I hear how she holds her breath sharply until she moans out of lust. Her hips rub against my crotch, I don't dare take off my pants. Because then nothing will be able to stop me from actually taking her. But for that I need more time than we have at hand now, Magda seems to be the woman who will keep me in bed for hours. Of course, I will take into account that she is human and does not have the stamina of a she-wolf. I will build that with her over time, I really need more than one-hour sex. She moans out my name, her head thrown back.Her body tightens under my caresses. Slowly I remove the rest of the lingerie from her divine body. The hard work and open sun on the island have developed her muscles and nicely tanned her skin. The Moon Goddess now has to help me control myself. My mouth moves from her breasts over her stomach to her triangle. The room reigns the smell of h
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Change of Plans
Brooding, I stare at Ralph.He may be the King, but his power is limited here among so many humans. And I'm going to make good use of that. I shift my attention to my mate, who looks at me dreamily. She is still in the haze of the bliss I gave her a few minutes ago. And this is the moment when I get everything done, as long as I keep her happy, there will be no resistance from her side to the plans I have with her. Marking her is on top of my list, she is a gorgeous woman and some men are starting to demand her attention. And I have to reassure Ink as well. Once the servant has placed everything on the table, my mother-in-law takes the plates to scoop up for everyone. A family tradition she insisted on continuing. The oldest woman in the house always makes sure everyone is fed. I let her have her way, wanting to also keep her happy. But I was firm in my refusal that she would cook for everyone, given her age I didn't want her standing by the hot fire st
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Erase The Past
The days that follow are hectic.I hardly get to see Magda, even at the dinner table she is absent. So is Rain, for that matter. And I notice that Ralph is really stressed now; he still looks pretty unsure of his mate. There is something between the two that is indefinable. They don't sleep in one room, and obviously don't have sex. For a Lycan, that is incomprehensible, they are known to be impatient and dominant when it comes to mating. And Ralph has definitely changed in his male role, I know him as a man who takes from women what he needs, compensates them richly for their services and then is unreachable, mentally as well as in person. But with Rain, I see him having a bunch of tolerance, he spoils her boundlessly and if she is not within eye reach, he is quite restless. For a man with a chosen mate, this is highly odd. He can at least be in love with her like humans, but the mate bond can only work when he has marked her. And even he hasn't gotten that far.
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Ralph and I walk past the rings in the display case.Diamond is actually the engagement ring of general choice, but I see my friend looking at the Rubies. For Magda, I bought a nice one that she picked out herself. But I think Ralph wants his marriage proposal to be unexpected and top-of-the-line. In the end, he chooses a breathtaking one that I'm sure will fit Rain perfectly but is unusual for an engagement ring. But who am I to stop him, besides it is the occasion that gives the gift value. If Rain agrees to become his wife, I suspect much of his uncertainty will disappear. He probably just doubts her fidelity and level of commitment. Full of pride, he walks to the car with his ring in his possession.He looks relieved. I really hope it works out between the two, although I have to admit they are an odd couple. Rain doesn't really seem to be much into Ralph, she is impressed by him but not really in love. Never have I seen her stare adoringly at her man
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I Am A Werewolf
Magda takes the decision out of my hands.She rips the lingerie off her breast and presses it into my mouth. My lips go their own way and close over the nipple, licking and sucking on it. A cry of pleasure hushes in my hair and her nails claw into my shoulder. The scent of her arousal hangs around and I know I must withdraw now before it is too late. "Magda," I moan, pained. "We must wait. Tomorrow night I'll give you everything you want. Just a few more hours, baby". But instead of letting go of me, she pushes the breast back into my mouth and clamps my head. "No, Esis, I want you now. I don't want to wait any longer. Take me now. I am your wife, you said that yourself".And I'm done.I lift her up and hold her body tight against me. With her in my arms, I turn around and walk to my bedroom. I kick the door shut behind me, still in the middle of a heated kiss.When I lay her on the bed I see she is drunk with desire. This woman is going
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A Proposal
Again Rain's POVAll's well that ends well.Magda and Esis' wedding was the bonb. The couple is clearly madly in love with each other. They are so connected, the Moon Goddess has done a masterful job with their pairing. They have become my best friends in the short time I have known them. I didn't recognize the same Magda from our first meeting, she was so hostile to me back then. All werewolves in the room knew that the newlywed took an advance on their wedding night the day before. We could all sense it because that's one of our main instinct. That was actually inevitable, Esis is a hot-blooded Alpha, in fact, I expected him to claim his mate much earlier. But his respect for her father held him back for long, but by the looks of it, last night he had reached his limits or Magda was successful in seducing her mate. When I went to wake Magda up this morning, she was still in a haze from the sex she had the night before and thought she was still lying next to Esis. I t
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