All Chapters of Sold As The President's Surrogate : Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
249 Chapters
Chapter 131
"Armstrong, say something. You are driving me crazy!" Seeing that Armstrong just frowned and was in deep thought without saying anything, Freya was so anxious that she quickly gave him a gentle push.Armstrong came to his senses and glanced at Freya. He pursed his lips and said, "I heard that Nicklaus has a special relationship with the new chef from the presidential mansion recently. As for whether there is an affair between them, I am not sure".Freya was impatient. Coupled with the fact that Meredith was their only daughter, all her attention was on Meredith. If he told her anything without confirming it first, he was afraid that she would kick up a fuss.After all, Nicklaus was not an ordinary person. They have to be particularly cautious over their every words and actions.Hearing Armstrong's words, Freya immediately became nervous and asked with a guarded face. "A new female chef from the presidential mansion? What's her name? What's her background?""It's not confirmed yet. Sto
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Chapter 132
"what will it impossible? Since he slept with my daughter and made her like that, and he promised to marry my daughter afterwards, he should fulfil his promise. What's more, Meredith's accident was all because of him" the more Freya said, the angrier she became. She continued with an extremely darkened face, "My daughter has been unconscious for the past six years and I didn't blame him nor the Leonardo's family. If he dares to do anything to let us down, I will not let him off the hook. He can say goodbye to being a President"."That night, was Meredith and Nicklaus really together? What if Meredith never wakes up? Could it be that you....""Shut up!" Before Armstrong finished, he was interupted by the angry Freya rudely. "As long as Meredith didn't wake up, Nicklaus will continue to wait. The person he will marry is our daughter, Meredith. He can't be with anyone else. It doesn't matter if he was the one back then, he had promised to marry Meredith himself. This will never change"A
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Chapter 133
In Meredith's ward, Meredith who was still as pale as a paper was still lying motionlessly on the bed like before, with no indication of waking up anytime soon. However, from the various medical equipment on her bed, the data's shows that of Meredith's brain and heart reaching that of a healthy person. "Doctor, how long will it take my daughter to wake up?" After looking at it for a while, Freya grabbed the doctor and repeated the question that she was most concerned about."Well..." The doctor looked at Freya with some embarrassment and repeated the previous answers. "Mrs Yard, there are indeed signs of Meredith waking up, but no one knows when she will wake up"Hearing tbe doctor's words, Freya's face became darkened and she scolded coldly, "Since you don't know anything, why should we continue to ask for your help? Fuck off! I will call other capable experts to take care of my daughter "Armstrong stood aside and listened to Freya's words, but he didn't make any sounds.For the pa
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Chapter 134
Listening to the tender voice, Samantha's eyes lit up, and her face revealed a rare joy and tenderness."What is it?" The man asked indifferently. However at the same time, he once again looked at Samantha."Dad, I heard Grandma said you would be back soon right?" On tbe phone, Noah's voice was cautious and probing."Yes, that's right" Nicklaus didn't expose him but listened patiently and agreed."Then..." On the other end of the phone, Noah smiled ingratiatingly, "Is Pretty Lady coming back with you?"A few meters away, when Samantha heard the sweet voice of Noah talking about her, she suddenly wanted to cry.Nicklaus stared at her and took in every change of emotions in her eyes. He nodded without hesitation and said, "Yes, she is with me"."Wow, really? That's great. You're not lying to me Dad, right?" Almost immediately, Noah's excited voice came from the phone."Hahaha....." Hearing his son's cheerful voice, Noah smiled and said in a low voice, "when have I ever lied to you?""Ne
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Chapter 135
Samantha looked at him and maintained an eye contact with him. She bit her lips lightly and her big clear eyes were filled with unprecedented complexity and seriousness.It seemed that she was asking Nicklaus if he was really a fool or just faking it."Mr President, don't you know people talk?" After a brief silence, Samantha expressed her corners in a round about way.Nicklaus looked at her and smiled, "So you're really not resisting?"Samantha was silent The man was really narcissist and shameless!"Okay, get off the plane yourself!" Looking at Samantha who fell into silence again, Nicklaus finally nodded and agreed. But he immediately changed the topic and said in a low and hoarse voice, "But if you dare to be careless and hurt yourself, you will have no room to bargain with me in the future"Samantha's concerns were valid. He must not put her in danger before he could ensure her full protection.Before everyone knew that she was the woman that Nicklaus wanted to marry, he had to
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Chapter 136
Standing a few meters away from Nicklaus, Nikolai seemed to noticed that his brother's attitude towards Samantha was very strange. Nicklaus had never looked at a woman like this nor talk to a woman in such a tone.The look in his eyes was affectionate, gentle and passionate.His tone, low and soft, laced with sweetness.However, how could Nicklaus like Samantha?Didn't Noah always say that Nicklaus doesn't like Samantha? Was Noah wrong?Samantha raised her head and looked at Nicklaus.She smiled and then nodded slightly."Yah, that's great, Pretty Lady. We can be together this afternoon!" Hearing Nicklaus' words, Noah was very excited and couldn't help rushing to Samantha.However, before he could get to Samantha, Nicklaus grabbed him by the collar."Dad, what are you doing?" Seeing that Nicklaus held him again, Noah immediately became upset."She is seriously injured, don't touch her" Nicklaus warned on a low voice, looking at Noah with a darkened expression.Samantha was speechless.
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Chapter 137
Looking at the stuffs put down by the servants, Nikolai laughed in a low voice. It seemed that his mother liked Samantha very much. However, he didn't know what her attitude would be if Samantha were to be her daughter-in-law."What are you laughing at? You look like a silly child" Seeing Nikolai looking at those stuffs with a giggle, Sophie mouthed."Mummy, what do you think of Samantha?" Nikolai lowered his voice and asked with a smile.Sophie gave him an affectionate look. "You don't have to ask. She is really great. A rare woman"As she spoke, Sophie looked at Noah and Samantha, who were still sleeping soundly on the hospital bed. She sighed And immediately changed the topic. "Noah had never known a mother's love since he was born. He probably regards Samantha as his mother. I wonder what will happen when Meredith wakes"Looking at Sophie and listening to her words, Nikolai could not help but to frown slightly, "Mom, do you also think that Samantha and Meredith look alike?"Sophie
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Chapter 138
Sophie looked at Nikolai and nodded. Before leaving, she went to Samantha's bed, looked at her carefully and said, "It seemed that this girls body is still very weak. She has to take care of herself"With this, she looked at the butler next to her and ordered, "From today's onward, every morning, send a bottle of bird nest drink here everyday. Pay attention to the nutrition of her food. If a woman's body is not well recovered, she will suffer it in the future"The butler who has been following Sophie nodded with a smile, "Got it""I'm leaving with Noah. Remember to come early tonight" After taking another look at Samantha, Sophie headed to the door and reminded Nikolai.Nikolai nodded and smiled, "Yes, mum"Sophie gave him an affectionate look and then left. Behind her, the butler and servants followed her with Noah in one of the servants hand.After Sophie and the other's left, Nikolai closed the door of the ward. Then he pulled out a chair and sat in front of the bed. He stared at S
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Chapter 139
-"Charmed?"Hearing this words, Sophie instantly understood.Freya must have misunderstood Samantha and ended up hating her so much."Oh, it's nothing. I just think she is not that bad. I like her a lot" Even though Sophie saw the displeasure in Freya's eyes, she still spoke truthfully."My son can't stay unmarried for the rest of his life just because of Meredith" She thought.Looking at Sophie, Freya's eyes fell. She asked again, "Sister, have you forgotten why Meredith has been lying comatose in the sanatorium for so many years?"Sophie looked back at Freya. She finally understood what she was thinking.Freya wanted Nicklaus to stay unmarried and remain loyal to her daughter for the rest of his life."It would be a good thing if Meredith would wake up soon, but of not.""Meredith will wake up soon" Before Sophie could finish her statement, Freya interupted her. Her tone was firm and rough. She said in a unhappy and threathening voice, "sister, don't worry. The doctor's said that Me
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Chapter 140
Looking at Nicklaus, Nikolai smiled and took a step back. He nodded and then said to Samantha with no other emotion on his face, "have a good night rest. I will come see you when I have time"Samantha looked at him and nodded with a bright smile, "Okay, thank you for today"Nikolai stood there with one hand in his pocket. He looked at Samantha with a smile and said lightly, "there's no need for thanks between friends"Samantha looked at him with a bright smile and did not speak."Okay, I will go first""Okay" Samantha nodded, then she said, "good-bye""Good bye" After that, Nikolai glanced at Nicklaus, turned around and left with a smile.Once Nikolai has walked ten meters away, the man behind Samantha pushed her to the ward. He stared down at Samantha without saying a word.Samantha felt so uncomfortable with him pushing her wheelchair. The relaxed atmosphere between her and Nikolai had just gone. Instead, it was replaced by a kind of inexplicable tension, just like being stared at b
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