All Chapters of Sold As The President's Surrogate : Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
249 Chapters
Chapter 151
He knew that eavesdropping was not right, but he was really curious about whether Nicklaus liked Samantha and if he would break off the engagement with Meredith for Samantha."No!" This time, Nicklaus' answer was quiet straightforward without hesitation."Then why do you want to break off the engagement with Meredith?" Ryan asked with a frown.Nicklaus put the documents down,looked up at Ryan and said with a serious expression, "With or without Samantha, I will never marry Meredith""Because she's already a vegetable? She can't satisfy your needs?" Ryan asked as he frowned at Nicklaus.Sophie stood there and glared at Ryan with a sullen face, but she didn't say anything.Looking at the old man who seemed to he dissatisfied with his decision, Nicklaus also frowned slightly. Then he sat down in his chair, opened his document and replied lightly, "Dad, I didn't decide to break off the engagement today. Even if Meredith was still conscious six years ago, I already made my decision""Six y
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Chapter 152
Nicklaus raised his eyes to look at Sophie, then he said with a gloomy face, "When did I say that I like Meredith?""But you had a relationship with her eight years ago and even agreed to marry her?" Sophie continued to ask.Looking at Sophie, Nicklaus frowned slightly. A dark light suddenly flashed in his eyes. However, he did not address Sophie's doubt. Instead, he lowered his head to read his document.Staring at Nicklaus, Ryan asked, "Nicklaus, what happened eight years ago?"He had sent someone to investigate the incidence but it seems someone had gotten rid of all the evidence, so he has failed to find the evidence.He didn't know who erased the evidence, but he believed that Nicklaus must know about the evidence. Otherwise, he wouldn't have agreed to marry Meredith so easily."Dad, I don't want to talk about what happened eight years ago. You don't have to ask it anymore " Nicklaus refused to answer again."Nicklaus....""Enough, stop begging him. When has he ever talked about
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Chapter 153
Since five o'clock in the morning, Nicole had stayed in the hospital to accompany Samantha. Even at nine o'clock at night, she still had no intention of leaving."You're not planning on staying overnight, are you?"With the help of the nurses and staffs, Samantha had taken a shower. After drying her hair and coming out of the bathroom, she found out that Nicole was still in her ward, so she couldn't help but teasing her.Seeing Samantha come in, Nicole got up and made the bed for her. She placed two more pillows on the bed, then she helped Samantha sit on the bed with a smile on her face, "What's wrong? Do you have any objections to me keeping you here?"Samantha look at her and pursed her lips. She raised her eyebrows and said, "look, I am fine, I can move freely. I really don't need anyone to stay with me overnight. What's more, there are doctors and nurses here"Nicole smiled and said, "well, since I'm not wanted here, I would better go "Sitting on the hospital bed, Samantha took N
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Chapter 154
Nicklaus exited the house and walked towards downstairs. Seeing this, Sophie hurriedly chased after him and asked, "Nicklaus, it's almost ten o'clock, where are you going?""Back to the presidential mansion" Nicklaus said without looking back as he walked downstairs."You haven't been home for half a month. Can't you stay home for just one night more? Spend time with Noah too" Sophie asked as she stood on the second floor landing, craning her neck to look at Nicklaus."No!"Sophie was speechless.As she watched Nicklaus leave, Sophie felt as if her heart had received a critical hit.... ..."To the hospital!"After getting into the car, Nicklaus ordered the driver coldly."Mr President, aren't we going to the Presidential mansion?" The driver turned to ask Nicklaus confusedly."To the hospital! Would you like me to introduce myself for the third time?" Looking up at the driver in front of him, Nicklaus' eyes darkened.The driver was so scared that he felt a chill in his heart. He said
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Chapter 155
Thinking it was a doctor or a nurse, she turned her head to look at the door. However, when she saw the man at the door, she stopped breathing and her heart started beating wildly for some reasons.Although she had a very intimate relationship with Nicklaus, everytime her eyes unexpectedly landed on him, her heart would beat wildly and her breathing would quicken for some reasons. As if there was an electric current running through her body, a tingling sensation would rapidly spread from her heart to her entire body.Despite that, there was no change in her expression. She continued to drink the water as if she did not see the man come in.Nicklaus came in, closed the door behind him, and locked it. Then he strode towards the woman who was ten meters away from him.Although she pretended to be calm, but her slightly reddened cheeks revealed everything.Feeling the man getting closer and closer to her, coupled with the sound of the door being locked. Samantha's heart became faster and f
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Chapter 156
However, as soon as Samantha raised her hand, her wrist was caught in the air by the man and she could not move.Looking at the man in front of her, Samantha's eyes suddenly turned red. She asked angrily, "Nicklaus, in your eyes, what am I?""Why? Why do I have to bend to his whimps? No matter what I do, it is useless!" She thought."Why did you hand up on me and turn off your phone? Hmmm...." Nicklaus asked in a hoarse voice as he looked at the woman in front of him. In his deep black eyes, sparks were flying, as if they were about to overflow."I didn't...." Samantha firmly denied it, "When did I hang up on you?""I don't even know when you called me" She thought."An hour ago. When I called you, you not only hung up, but you immediately switched off your phone. Do you hate me that much?" Nicklaus asked, holding Samantha's wrist tightly as he looked at her with a heavy gaze.Samantha looked at him. She found his question both funny And explicable. However, when she thought of how he
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Chapter 157
In the deep night, the private VIP ward suddenly became quiet. Samantha laid on the bed. Besides her own heart beat, all she could hear was the clear running water from the bsthroom.Nicklaus was actually taking a shower with the bathroom door opened. He had only slightly pushed the door shut, leaving a huge gap there.Samantha was depressed. The man had done it on purpose.It was so that she shouldn't falk asleep and stay awake until he came out of shower.How sinister!Thinking of this, Samantha bit her lips and hurried her face in the pillow, trying to calm herself down and go to sleep. Since she had promised to ignore him, she could not give up like this, she wouldn't know how to handle it.She would just become more and more immersed in Nicklaus' affection, unable to extricate herself.As her imagination ran wild, the sound of water in the bathroom stopped. The man has already exited the bathroom. With a soft click, the light in the ward was turned off instantly.Samantha suddenl
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Chapter 158
"Heh .." Hearing Samantha's soft and gentle voice, Nicklaus laughed humorlessly, "The president is also a human being. It's one thing to put on an act in front of outsiders,but is there a need for me to hide my feelings in front of the woman I like and care about?".Upon hearing these words, Samantha's heart beat and breathing became even more erratic. The throbbing in her heart even became more bigger, causing her body to tingle."If you take a cold shower and don't dry your hair, you will catch a cold""Are you worried about me? Hmm.." Nicklaus' thin lips were pressed against Samantha's temple. He gently rubbed against her face, and his deep and mellow voice grew even hoarser."If you catch a cold, then I'm to be blamed"."Then help me blow my hair""Alright..." Unexpectedly, Samantha nodded in agreement without the slightest hesitation. Nicklaus smiled happily and let go of Samantha. He got up and turned the light back on. Then he went to the bathroom to get the hairdryer.Samantha
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Chapter 159
"God, if you're giving me a taste if sweetness today so that you can severely punish me in the future, I accept it. Please let this happy time last longer, just a little longer " she thought.The man sat on the arm chair AA warm air blew through his hair, feeling Samantha's incredible soft fingers brush through his scalp. He had never enjoyed this type of enjoyment and comfort before. In his body, something was shouting and boiling, but he tried his best to control it. .After about five minutes, his hair was dry. Seeing that Samantha had no intention of stopping, Nicklaus raised his hand and grabbed her wrist. Samantha was stunned for a moment before she came to her senses and turn off the hairdryer..Holding Samantha's hand, Nicklaus' stood up, walked around and threw the hairdryer unto the chair. Then he grabbed her soft waist and held her in his arms. He stared at her with Gus burning black eyes and spoke in a hoarse voice. "what are you thinking about? Hmmm "Samantha smiled and
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Chapter 160
Being held tightly in Nicklaus arms, Samantha could feel his fast heart beat. Looking at his handsome face and gearing his words, she instantly froze up. "What did he just say?" She thought. He said that from now onwards, no one can control him except her. Her heart beat faster and faster as if it was about to jump out of her chest. What did he mean? Was he just confessing or making promises? Making promises to only love her and be with her from now on? What about Meredith? Who is Meredith to him? She thought. The moment she regained her senses, she lowered her head. She didn't dare to ask or believe his words, nor did she let him to say anything more. She just said quietly, "It's getting late, you should go" Looking at her lowered head, Nicklaus used his finger to raise her chin up, making her look at him him. He asked in a hoarse and sexy voice, "You really want me to leave hmmm?" Samantha looked at him and said, "Even if you stay a little longer, I will be in the bathroom,
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