All Chapters of Maid to be his Wife: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
157 Chapters
RingingRed was distracted by a call, and as soon as he saw the notification, he picked up the phone to answer it.[Brother, I overheard that you and your wife have patched things up; is that true? This love of yours is like a green light; it's so powerful that it makes me flustered.] ]"If you're feeling envious, Nathan, let me know and I'll see what I can do for you."[Big brother, what animosity or complaints do we have? Even if I were to pass away, I wouldn't get married! If you have the audacity to go to my father and try to convince him to make me do it, I will put a curse on you that will cause you to lose your friend who lives in the basement. ]"So why did you call?"[Do not hang up! It seems as though someone is trying to catch you, but I haven't been able to determine who it is. However, it turned out that the scandals involving you and your wife were quite significant. We are still working on discovering new approaches that will allow us to defeat all of them.]"Alright, I
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The abrupt sound of Chelsea's alarm jolted her awake in the wee hours of the morning. When she checked the time, it was already 6:30 in the morning, leaving her with barely enough time to make breakfast. She looked over and saw Red dozing off next to her just as she was about to get up. She was perplexed as to the reason he was there given that he had agreed with her over the phone that he would not be returning home last night.Red mumbled something while keeping his eyes closed and asked, "What are you doing playing around so early in the morning?"Chelsea was surprised to see her friend at home and asked, "How, how, how come you're here? I thought you couldn't come home." As she was still only partially awake, Red drew her into a tight embrace and gripped her closely. I got to bed after three in the morning, darling, so please don't wake me up. I'm still exhausted..."Because Red spoke in such a juvenile manner, Chelsea couldn't help but feel amused and flushed. When he appeared to
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Chelsea"TABS Media?... How did they get in?" "What gives?" I asked, puzzled. TABS Media is recognized as a major player among the entertainment companies operating in the Philippines."TABS Media" is the moniker under which this particular media outlet operates. Google was consulted in order to obtain Red's information."Every day, the media will be backed by the mountain of strength that TABS Media wields, and there is nothing that they are afraid to report..." Red remarked."Oh... they actually have the nerve to try to provoke you?" I asked him.Red's haughty demeanor manifested itself as a response to Chelsea's inquiry. He said in a condescending manner while simultaneously raising one eyebrow "My opinion is that everyone in this world who does not have a competitor has either already passed away or is on the verge of passing away. But despite this, I am fully aware that, in your eyes, your husband possesses a great deal of authority." Red grinned.This individual has a lot of pri
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When Red and Chelsea arrived at the cemetery to pay their respects to Chelsea's mother, who had recently passed away, they were welcomed by a dreary day. They paid their respects to her grave while dressed in black from head to toe, laying flowers at their feet and reciting prayers. Because both Chelsea and her mother had a soft spot in their hearts for tulips, the two of them went out and bought some to take to her mother's grave."Why isn't there a picture?" is the question. Red questioned, having observed that there was not even a single photograph placed at the grave of Chelsea's mother."I've been looking for it since the beginning, but I never found it... It just so happened that I was sick during the time that my mum passed away. They kept the truth from me, and by the time I found out what had occurred, everything pertaining to my mother had been tidied up. There was not a single article of her clothing that was left behind in her chamber. I have no idea why they felt compelle
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Red was preoccupied with his conversation on the other line while Chelsea was working hard on the design. Chelsea was working hard on the design."I am aware of this because they have backups. We can't fail to meet their expectations. First, you'll need to collect the evidence and get it ready. You are free to ignore the rest of them for the time being... What did you say? That he caused a disruption? What on earth took place?... Okay, just make sure to keep an eye on him. Please get in touch with me whenever you can, "Red communicated this information to the person he was speaking with on the other line.Chelsea got to her feet and exited the room. "What's the matter? Is there something wrong here? "She inquired of Red. He regarded her with a menacing gaze, much like that of a demon with blazing eyes. "Nothing, just thinking about work all day. Have you completed sketching out your draft yet?" Red asked.Chelsea grinned, looking worried. "Not yet... There are still a few specifics fo
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The marketing strategy for Buena Vista's Beauty's new face cream. What is this, exactly? Surprised, Chelsea asked the question.Red responded that it was a new product from a skincare brand that Buenavista Group and Wan Beauty wanted to invest in. "It's the new product of the skincare brand," Red said. The humiliation Chelsea felt caused her to laugh "I'm sorry, but aren't we having a bit of a miscommunication here? I majored in fashion design rather than advertising or marketing..." Then Chelsea coughed to clear her throat "Anyway, why did your company decide to start producing cosmetics all of a sudden? I was caught off guard when you said you were going to work in this field.""My friend is indebted to me for this favor. In recent years, Wan Beauty has given the impression of being strong, but in reality, they have been weak. However, they do have a solid foundation. Additionally, as many people will be looking for you this afternoon, it is recommended that you remain indoors as mu
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"It's over... It's over," they said over and over again. These were the first words that came out of Mr. Garcia's mouth as he looked through the mail that had been delivered to their residence. The tears had already begun to fall from his wife, and she was having a hard time holding them back.Suddenly, their daughter Maxine emerged from her room and asked, "Mom? What appears to be the problem?""That whore is responsible for us having to appear in court..." Tears were shed by her mother in response."No, I can't do that right now because I need to come up with a solution. It is inconceivable that this is taking place. Assuming that Chelsea will overlook my transgressions, then..." The words of her father became increasingly jumbled as the conversation continued.Maxine hurriedly went up to her parents in an attempt to calm them down, but her father unexpectedly slapped her across the face. "It's all due to the fact that you did it! Because of you, our lives have been turned upside do
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"Why are you even in this place?" Red jumped up swiftly from his relaxing position on the sofa and moved away."I'm sorry, I was just looking for the restroom... My apologies, I thought this was your bathroom when I came in here..." She stutters, that's Sofia.After approaching Sofia, Red grabbed her by the arm and escorted her out of the room. "Go out. You do realize that you're looking at a bedroom, don't you? The restroom is located on the ground floor. Even more impressive is the fact that you made it thus far." The irritated tone came from Red."Ugh, I'm so sorry, Red..."Red was startled by the sudden appearance of a flash from a camera, which caused him to shield his eyes. He could be heard exclaiming, "What the fuck was that?""Hello, everyone! You got that, didn't you? I've already come up with a title for it." Christian said while cracking a grin.As soon as Red realized what was going on, he sent an angry glance in Christian's direction. They didn't have to wait long until
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"Red Cedric, Have a Nice Day! Buena Vista! You had better release your grip on me as soon as possible! "Chelsea yelled at Red as she continued to push him away in the hopes that he would let her go, but he did not budge and instead headed straight into the bedroom. As soon as he got close to the bed, he immediately tossed her down, which caused her to lose her balance and collapse.The intensity in Red's gaze caused Chelsea's heart rate to quicken and she felt her breath getting shorter. "W-what are you looking at?" "W-what are you looking at?" She gulped down her spit, at which point the perspiration that had been building up on her forehead became obvious. "What... What exactly are you planning to do? I'm warning you, Red Devil, that if you don't behave, I will smack you until you're unconscious!" She was at a loss for words when she witnessed Red disrobing himself before her very eyes as he approached her.As Red got closer to the bed, Chelsea swiftly got to her feet and started to
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After falling into a deep sleep, Chelsea was jolted awake by a noise. She opened her eyes very slowly and found Red intently engaged in conversation on his phone. As soon as he became aware of her, he immediately hung up his phone and focused all of his attention on her. "You're awake. Hence, my love, how did you feel about the performance I gave earlier? If you are content, I would appreciate it if you will complement me on..." Red remarked before planting a passionate peck on Chelsea's palm.As swiftly as she could, Chelsea removed her hand from Red's grasp. "Stop spouting crap. You make a fool out of yourself. What was it that you were looking at earlier on your phone?" She queried with a sense of wonder."Well, just a quick update on the Silvestre Family," the speaker said."Hmm... This is the reason why Sofia was hovering all over you earlier and attempting to get comfortable with you. That insane girl had something she needed from you, "A chuckle came from Chelsea as she continu
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