All Chapters of Maid to be his Wife: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
157 Chapters
At Red and Chelsea's house, people were getting ready even though it was the middle of the afternoon. Because it was Chelsea's birthday, everyone in the house had conspired to throw her a surprise party. Chelsea was completely oblivious to the fact, and it appeared that she had even forgotten that today was her special day."Love... Just what is going on here? Why do you feel the need to dress us in such elegant attire? Have you made travel arrangements for us?" While Chelsea examined the dress that Red was putting on her, she inquisitively asked the question."Celebration of the organization's birthday... Because I really want all of you to be there, even Manang Fe is going to accompany us on this trip." Red is lying. "Put on the dress, and get ready to go! It's possible that we'll be late for the party.""Wait just a second, let me first take a bath or a shower. You did not tell me earlier, which would have given me the opportunity to get ready earlier. Now you're trying to rush me.
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Red leaned in close to Chelsea and murmured, "We're here, you can open your eyes now," as he assisted Chelsea in removing the blindfold that had been covering her eyes."Surprise!"In the midst of Manang Fe's shouting and the explosion of confetti, Chelsea was greeted by a long table laden with delectable food, including a massive cake that appeared to have ten layers at its center. In addition to being breathtaking, the view featured crystal clear water in front of them, which glistened with the light of a full moon reflecting off of it."May you have a wonderful birthday! I hope you have a wonderful birthday!During those times, Chelsea experienced a wide range of feelings. Because she was so stunned, she was completely oblivious to the fact that Red had already walked up to her and was presenting her with a bouquet of pink tulips. "For you, my love. Have a wonderful birthday!" Red greeted Chelsea with a grin on his face as he presented her with the bouquet.As she held Red in a clo
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"Are you quite certain that going is what you want to do?" Red inquired to Chelsea while she fiddled with Chelsea's hair with her fingers. Even though it was already past midnight, the two were unable to fall or stay asleep. A little earlier on in the evening, Chelsea was contacted by her father, who was incarcerated at the time and was calling from the local police station.Since that phone call, Chelsea's mind had been racing nonstop. The last words her father had said to her were, "I need...," and they continued to torment her. If he is not going to provide me with anything of value, I will just let him to remain there. In response, Chelsea said, "I see. Simply bring Kuya Roy along with you, and that other man won't have the guts to do anything to you."What if my trip there turns out to be nothing more than a huge letdown?" Chelsea was startled and stood immediately, looking at Red. "Then you should not come. Surely, all they want from you is something specific, which is why they'
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"Miss Chelsea, I ask that you please be careful as you make your way home. There were two homicides in this general area, and all of the victims were male. Also, there is road work in the vicinity, which makes it more difficult to locate transit in this area. Please do not travel any roads that are particularly narrow if you are not being picked up by someone." Chelsea was led out of the police station under the protection of the officer.Then, with a grin, Chelsea responded "I see; please accept my thanks, sir. I'm going to think about that. Goodbye." She bade everyone farewell and then left immediately after.She was leaving, and as she did so, she went into her pocket for her phone to call Red. When she spotted a someone she recognized, she jumped in surprise."Hello, ate!" the other person said to her in greeting.The eyebrow of Chelsea was lifted, "Maxine... If you have something to say, don't be afraid to voice your opinion."A broad grin spread across Maxine's face as she addre
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After taking a few of steps back, Chelsea accidentally collided with a table. She grabbed onto it for support in order to prevent herself from going down. It appeared as though someone or something had suddenly sucked all of her power out of her body, and her body was progressively becoming more frail as a result."Why...""Isn't it just so blatantly obvious? Just because of financial constraints. Your mother had the intention of stealing multiple hundreds of millions of dollars from the Garcia family. You remained a part of the Garcia family even after she passed away because of this reason." Maxine's face was completely expressionless, and she just stared in Chelsea's direction without breaking eye contact."What exactly are you getting at?" Despite her obvious physical discomfort, Chelsea made an effort to communicate.Maxine drew a chair from the back of the room and sat down in front of Chelsea. The remaining real estate, which is estimated to be worth more than seventy million d
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The phone was taken from Maxine's grasp almost immediately by Chelsea. When she finally understood it, the first thing she did was hunt for the delete button and then click it. It appeared as though Maxine was uninterested in what Chelsea was doing. "Did you really believe that I don't have any backups? It wouldn't be very smart of me to demonstrate to you that I don't have any additional copies. Ate, I'll give you a minute to contemplate. You will comply with my request, or I will publish that photo on the internet so that everyone can see how slutty your mother is. Your option, "said Maxine.The wrath that Chelsea felt started to well up in her eyes. "What camera did you use to take this picture with?!""Really? You didn't already know the answer to your idiotic question, did you? Who else is there besides dad? It was all part of her father's master plan to gradually strip her of all of her assets. Then you need to set her up as a cheater. All of this was done so that he could ratio
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"Good morning, Manang!" When Chelsea came into Manang Fe in the kitchen, she made sure to give her a friendly greeting. "Have you eaten yet? Which of the following morning meals would you like me to prepare for you?"Chelsea retorted, "Just coffee, Manang. Please deliver it to the garden," before turning around and headed directly into the garden while carrying her sketchbook. As soon as she arrived, she found a place to sit that was sheltered from the sun's rays. She gave Blaze's dog house a quick check and was amazed to see that he was blissfully sleeping without making any noise or causing any disruption. He wanted to be allowed to leave the house because he was typically up to no good at this hour of the day.She started mulling over several concepts that she could incorporate into her design. Her attention was drawn to a butterfly, and she followed it with her gaze as it flew away. She was at a loss to explain why it had chosen the water in the pool rather than a flower to settle
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....This Mokong is genuinely one of a kind in the way that he inspires others. Should I begin to be concerned that I might fail?Oh, hold for just a second, I really do have somewhere to go later, and I really need you to be there with me. After hearing what had been said, Chelsea was immediately taken aback. Her eyes expanded, and she gave off the impression that she was becoming flustered. She immediately kicked her head into high gear and endeavored to come up with an explanation for Red."What, you don't have time today? I had the impression that you wanted to party. Is it no longer happening?" Red gave a response. The situation at Chelsea got even more precarious, and the players were at a loss for what to say to Red. Red was perplexed by the fact that she avoided his gaze."...I'm sorry, but, um, would it be all right if I waited for you? It won't take that much time... I need to get there since I have a really important appointment." "I'm nervous," Chelsea stated.Before she s
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"Hold on a second, Buena Vista... I will respond to you as soon as I can "Mark murmured as he watched Chelsea depart the cafe while keeping an eye on her. As he stood up, he supported himself by grasping the table for balance.Someone came up to him and offered their assistance. He did not look the individual in the eye when he received the assistance. He was taken aback when he got up and saw that it was Maxine standing there."Hey babe! After such a long absence, "The remark was made by Maxine with a grin."Maxine, what are you looking for?" Mark inquired with all seriousness, attempting to conceal the discomfort that he was still experiencing as a result of Red's hit.Maxine smiled as she responded and told her to "chill babe," explaining that she was only there to talk."We're done. What else do you wish to discuss at this time? Is it not obvious that I have no interest in continuing this relationship with you?" Mark muttered under his breath in disgust as he grabbed his phone and
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"What? Are you going to ride, or are you going to pass?" As Chelsea got inside the car, Red asked her in a solemn tone, "Are you serious?" After Chelsea had left, she stood outside staring at her as though she had no intention of departing. Before opting to get inside Red's car, Chelsea swished her spit about her mouth and then swallowed it.As soon as Red started the car and headed for home, there was complete silence throughout the entire vehicle. Even though it was chilly inside the automobile, Chelsea's forehead began to gradually perspire despite the temperature. She was unable to remain seated and had been clenching her hands throughout the entire conversation."The thing you saw earlier, which is that you misunderstood everything, love —" The conversation between Chelsea and Red was cut short when Red abruptly turned the car, which caused Chelsea to smash her head on the window. She moaned in agony and grabbed her head in her hands as she clenched her fists.Red didn't even loo
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