All Chapters of The Charmer and the Beast: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
61 Chapters
41. The Cookies and the Kiss
I stayed the entire weekend at home. It was refreshing to be there. I missed my bed so much that I couldn't get up from it. I basically just stayed at my room while I was trying to regain my strength.But going home has its cons. My sisters annoyed the hell out of me with their questions."So do you see Flint more often?""Are you not dating anyone?""Do you think I'll get in if applied at UC for my college?""Oh, do you see hot athletes like in the movies?""College athletes are hooooot.""Seriously, Jazzy. Don't you like Flint at all?"My head ached because of their non-stop questions and I was not really on the mood to entertain their queries. My head was unable to think for answers. For some questions, I also refuse to answer. Good thing Mom told the two not to bother me because I was sick and had to regain my strength so I could go back to the University. Because if not, they'll bring me to the hospital. And the hospital is the last place I want to be in that moment.Fortunately,
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42. The Unacknowledged Feelings
Our exams were given back to us with our midterm grades. I wasn't excited about it. Before, I would be. But everything's just really different here in college.I just received my midterm grade for my bio subject- a minor subject I have. I'm not a fan of science, that is why I am a creative writing major. Science and math just don't sit well with me, but I can say I always get decent grades from those subjects because even if I wasn't the best in that subject, I make sure to work my ass off to get good grades.I got a 1.5 grade. I guess that's not bad. It's just a midterm grade, I think I can work more to get a flat 1 in that subject.But on the other side of my head, I thought, what the hell. It's not a major subject so I shouldn't think so much about it. But then again, the righteous and grade-conscious in me would insist that I should mind it because it's still part of my grades. If I want a Latin honor, I should watch my grades.I tried my very best not to get it in my head so much
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43. The Dress
The journey to finding a dress to wear was never easy. From the office, I went back to the dorm and check if Taylor has something I could wear.I shouldn't be thinking so much about this. I shouldn't be exerting so much efforts. But I don't want to look out of place so this is something I need to do.This is for the weekly mirror, not for me, or anybody else."Where are you gonna use it for? Is there any fancy event you have to attend to?" Taylor asked when I reached our room. She was just there and watching netflix on her iPad. I suddenly feel jealous because she has so much time. Since I started preparing for midterms, I haven't opened a book and I really miss it. It's just that now, I have things to prioritize. For example, a cocktail dress that I can wear for tomorrow.Ugh. I hate that I didn't ask Flint about it yesterday. Now that I think of it, he should've told me about it yesterday. Then I wouldn't cram about looking for something to wear right now.I debated with myself if
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44. The Eligere
I know their family is very wealthy. I know that very well. But I didn't know his grandfather founded an organization. Hell, I didn’t even know he's an alumna. And not just an ordinary alumna, but someone who’s definitely influential. "He's pretty much one of the reasons why I chose UC. Because he graduated here and he wants me to continue the legacy of the organization he founded," I heard Flint say. After being welcomed to the venue, we were ushered to a table at the front. I was expecting to sit at the back, roam around, because that's what I should do. But instead, I am being ushered into a special table in front, with Flint. We're near the mini stage that they set up and it's making me feel small. The ballroom was so huge that I probably looked like just a dot. "You're rich and influential," I mumbled. I was just supposed to keep it in my head but my mouth's just pretty unstoppable sometimes. I'm not normally talkative but when nerves get in chaos, all the words get loose.
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45. The Founder
There was something in the way he's looking at me right now. It's melting me and making me feel things that I shouldn't be feeling. No. I've already decided to move on and I should do everything it takes to forget whatever fuzzy feelings I was feeling. Because this can't be. This just can't be. I quickly looked away as I tried my very best not to think so much of the way he's staring at me. The traffic light says go so the drive resumed and thankfully, the staring stopped. I don't know what's going on in his head at the moment. But I was sure that in mine, it's chaos and it's making me even more confused about my feelings. I shouldn't nurture it because the more I nurture it, the more it will grow. I don't want it to grow. There's no good in letting it grow. "So.. what should I expect in this event?" I asked, to fill the silence. The music was no longer helping with the atmosphere so I felt the need to talk. Also, I need to know what's in this event so I can adjust my expec
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46. The Bidding
"Why?" I quickly asked. "Why the hell would I bid for you? I don't even have money!" I glared at Flint, while he just grinned. What now? He finds my reaction amusing? The hell, I would never bid on him! God, even if I am a millionaire, I won't spend money on him. What was he thinking? "Hey, you're panicking," he murmured. "Why wouldn't I? You're giving me reasons to panic!" I almost yelled. I saw people look our way but that's the least of my concern now. "Okay, listen..." he mumbled in his calm voice. How could he stay calm right now? What is this? "You're just bidding for me. I will give the money. Just... save me from anyone who tries to bid for me." That kind of calmed me down. But I still gave it a moment to think. So I'm just going to bid for him. I don't have to spend even a coin from my own pocket. So basically, he's paying for himself, just so he could get away from whoever tries to bid on him. But as far as I remember, he was kissing someone else, according t
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47. The Man and The Confession
After the bidding event, Flint had to roam around to speak with some people in their organization, while I was left there alone at our table. Looking around, I could see how close these people are. They are already talking and laughing with each other. I’m actually the only one who is not talking to anyone. I looked out of place. But I guess I like it better that way. At least no one’s trying to disturb me and the peace that I currently have. Maybe I’ll just sort the information I have gathered today so I could start writing my piece later. As I was busy doing my stuff, I heard the chair in front of mine move. I thought it was Flint so I quickly looked up. But it wasn’t him. “How can I help you?” I asked, a little confused. He was wearing an all-black suit and was also wearing a black shades. He looked like he was on his 30s. My forehead creased upon seeing him. It’s already night time and there’s no need to wear shades. Also, I don’t know this person and I can’t think of any r
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48. The First Kiss
I was expecting to just attend an event tonight and go home feeling tired from all the social activity. But to hear Flint say he likes me? That's something I never thought would happen tonight. Hell, I didn't even think we'll be back to being kind of close again like how we used to before I break the 'we shouldn't be friends' thing. And right now, I just don't know what to do. I don't know what to say. I don't know how to react. I just don't know how to respond because I'm scared I might say the wrong things. And at this very moment, that's something I don't want to do. I don't want Flint to get the wrong idea. But does that mean I should also tell him what I really feel towards him? Why did I think we shouldn't be friends? He's right in front of me now. Should I just let it out in the open so I wouldn't have to suppress every feeling and every thought I have inside? "I didn't mean to say it as early as now. I was trying to find the right time," I heard him say. "But hiding it just
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49. The First Breakfast
I entered our room with a smile on my face and a memory to play over and over before I go to sleep. If I'm seeing myself right now, I would say I look like a fool. But whatever. At least I know I'm happy. "Hey. Something good happened?" Taylor asked. She was on her study table and is now doing some illustration sketches on her iPad. I've seen her do it every time she's not doing anything. I've seen her works and they are really good. I even thought that if in the future I'll be publishing a book, I'll let her do the cover of my book. If everything goes well. "Huh?" I murmured. I hurriedly wiped away the smile on my face and tried to look neutral. I'm not sure if I should tell Taylor right now. I'll think about that. I walked away from the door as I took off the shoes. I remember I just borrowed this from a dormmate so I carefully picked it up and looked for its box. I should be very careful with this. And then I thought, why wouldn't I share it with Taylor? She helped me look so
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50. The Official Label
I think the entire school knows already. I don't even have to tell it to anyone else. Those who have seen Flint kissing me at the cafe already did the talking. And well, it spread just like a disease.It has been days and our relationship is kind of out in the open. I mean, we're not yet official but some think we are, some think we're still dating, which we are, and some think we're just using each other. What the hell is that? How dare they assume things like that? I even heard people talking about how good it must be to be with Flint because he's hot and smart and rich. Huh, it was good! I'd like to tell them the wonders of being with Flint. But I'd rather keep it to myself. I'd rather keep him to myself.We hang out almost everyday. Sometimes, it's with Taylor and Sean, which is hilarious. The two talk to me separately just to tell me how they feel towards each other. I sometimes just laugh because they're with each other all the time but they never tell each other what they real
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