All Chapters of The Charmer and the Beast: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
61 Chapters
51. The Intimate Night
Flint stared at me. He just stared at me and let his eyes do the talking.I can see the sincerity and the happiness.I am happy. To be with him. To be his girlfriend.As Flint was leaning closer to me, I took that moment to close my eyes and expect his lips. First, I felt it on my forehead, then on my nose. I didn't realize I was waiting for it so when his lips finally touched mine, it's like 'ah, finally, there it is'.His kiss was slow at first but as seconds passed by, it turned aggressive. His hands were now snaked around my waist while mine were holding the side of his head. I felt the force in my hips when he pulled me, making me sit on his lap, straddling.We continued to kiss, his tongue now playing with mine. We kissed like it was our last, until we had to part to breathe."I want you so much, JV," he whispered. Our foreheads are leaning on each other so I felt his minty breath on me.It was like electricity ran down my spine hearing what he just said.Because I want him too.
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52. The Shower
I can't remember what time we fell asleep last night. All I remember was the fun talk I had with Flint after the mind-blowing sex.After the deed, he cleaned me up and even carried me to the bathroom. He showered with me. Really just showered. I told him my body was sore and he was considerate about it. He did all the moves for me.After the shower, we went to bed together, just talking about random stuff. We talked about our plans after graduation. Although we already shared those plans before, I thought at this time, we had modified plans. In his case, he was planning to travel around Europe first before he would decide to work for his grandfather.We talked about his father and how dedicated he is in bringing money, and helping the poor. They're not just wealthy and influential, but apparently, his family was known for organizing various charities to help the community.How lucky was I?We also talked about how he would establish a publishing company in the future and that the very
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53. The Day After
We were eating at his dining table. We didn't have the energy to cook so we just ordered takeouts again. I think we've exhausted all our energy in the bathroom. God. Flint was just eating his tacos while talking about his plans for his thesis; while I just stayed silent, listening to him talk about it, and thinking about what he said to me earlier. He just said 'I love you'. He loves me. But I don't know if I should believe him because for all I know, he might have just said it because we were having sex and because he was in that magical moment and it was making his mind cloudy. Because at that moment, my mind was cloudy. So how would I know if he's telling the truth? 'I love you's' these days has become empty phrases to some. For me, it's not something you can just tell anyone without actually feeling it. If I ever say I love someone, that's because I love that someone. Not because that someone was giving me pleasure. Not because someone made my legs shake. "I'm sorry for grumb
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54. The Accident
Taylor and I have a lot to share with each other. But before that, we decided to order some food and have it delivered to the dorm. Food tastes even better when you're talking about stuff... interesting stuff.We ordered pizza and cola. We even wanted to drink some beer but we couldn't because it's not allowed. Maybe when we transfer to a different apartment, then we'll even stock some.Like usual, we set our carpet in the middle of our open area and sat there like we're having a picnic. I was trying so hard not to ask or say anything else before the food came. We need to stuff our mouths with food first before anything else.When we were informed the delivery was already outside, we went downstairs together. I really can't wait for our talk to begin. Until now, I can't believe she and Sean finally hooked up. Although I was itching to ask if they're together now, or if they have confessed to each other that they like each other. I haven't told her yet what's going on between Flint and
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55. The Secret
For a moment, I thought my body stopped functioning. I didn't know what to do, didn't know what's going on. I just know that Dad's in the hospital and it's not fine. He got into an accident and that will never be fine."Jas? What happened?" Taylor asked. She stood up and went to me to inspect my face. "Oh my god, what happened?" She asked again when she saw me crying."Dad's in the hospital," I managed to say, but it was almost a whisper. I heard Taylor gasp.Telling it to people and seeing their reaction just confirmed my thought that this is real, that this is happening."Oh my god, I'm so sorry," I heard her say. She hugged me and I let her as I continued to cry. "Do you want to go? I can drive.""Is it okay?" I asked. I feel bad that I have to trouble her to drive for me, but I guess I don't have any choice. I could call Flint but I don't think it's okay for him to drive me to the hospital. I'm not yet ready to tell it to my family, especially at a time like this."Of course. Let
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56. The Busy Days
"Hey," I said as I answered Flint's call. I'm outside our room, yet I'm still whispering. I was just being cautious. I feel like Mom's reading something into this when she saw that Flint's calling me. Dad's still unconscious so I don't think it was the right time to break it to her."I thought you're already sleeping. I just called to check," he replied. I could feel him moving around his apartment. He's probably doing some late-night tasks."No, I'm not," I said. I saw a bench a few meters away from me so I started walking towards it so I could take a seat. "I'm at the hospital.""What? Why? Are you okay? Something happened?" He asked. There was a rush in his tone and I liked hearing his concern. Now I'm just too tired, from the drive here and the rush that I was feeling from hearing the horrible news."It's Dad," I answered. "He got into an accident," I added."Oh. I'm sorry, JV. How is he?""He's fine. He's still sleeping. Mom said there was not much impact. He got a broken arm and
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57. The Jealousy
It isn't time for hell week just yet. Finals is still a month away. But right now, it feels like it was hell week for me. I have a lot to do- an article for the weekly report, reaction paper on a film we watched in my history class, a report paper for an experiment we did in my bio class, and a poem I have to write (in Japanese!) in my Foreign Language class, and all are due on Friday. It's already Tuesday and I'm starting to panic. It was like all of them agreed to make me suffer this week.I know it isn't just me. Life in college is pretty much like this but god, this is making me crazy."Did you sleep at all?" Taylor asked. It's 7 in the morning and she just woke up. While me, well, I was awake since 3 am. After class yesterday, I did my article for the weekly report, which serves as my attendance for the meeting since I didn't go to the office. I still wasn't able to finish it so I thought I'd finish it later after class.After it, I ate my dinner (which was bought by Taylor) and
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58. The Make Up
I don't think I am a jealous person. I grew up being the eldest child in the family, which somehow made me feel like I should be independent. As the eldest, I learned to do things on my own and not to rely on others. Growing up, I've seen my parents give extra care to our youngest- Hyacinth. I don't really mind because I thought I was old enough so it was about time my parents should give their attention to our youngest. But then I saw how Dahlia got jealous most of the time when we were kids. I remember her crying and demanding my parents to give the same attention to her. My eldest ass could never.With that, I figured that Dahlia is indeed the jealous type. Then I thought, I didn't demand anything from my parents even if I know I want the same attention and I don't feel upset over it. I thought maybe I was just mature for my age. But then it hit me. Maybe I'm just not the jealous type."You were clearly jealous, Jas," Taylor said. I told her what happened at the pathway earlier. I
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59. The Night Out
I promised myself that before the semester ends, I'll tell my parents about me and Flint. I feel awful for hiding something from them. Maybe I was just a coward. But I really dreaded telling it to them because I don't know if they'll be supportive or not. Of course I want them to be supportive because I really like Flint. Sure, I still don't know if we love each other, but we'll get there. I know we'll get there. It's just that right now, we're just enjoying each other's company.The finals are almost over. I have two remaining exams. I've already submitted all my final requirements and I was glad I started those early. I haven't gotten enough sleep lately because I was quite paranoid because of the exams. I don't even have enough time to hang out with Flint. Most of the time, I just stayed in our room to do stuff. Also, Flint's so busy too so it's really not an issue.Now that I only have two exams left, I feel like I'm starting to have more time to think about things. For the last
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60. The Three Words
The first taste of alcohol was awful. Upon taking a sip from the glass, the bitter taste hits my tongue. I tried my best to swallow it all at once and I felt like it burnt my throat.I made a face after one sip and I heard Flint chuckle while looking at me."This is fun for you, huh?" I mumbled. He already drank a glass but it doesn't seem to affect him. Me, I feel like I'm about to puke right now."I think it is," Flint said with a grin.I took the glass and drank it in one go. My co-members cheered on me."Woah. Slow down," Flint mumbled."I think it's about time we witness drunk Jasmine," I said, giving him a smile. He shook his head, but there was a smile on his lips.We drank more. Well, except for Flint. He didn't really drink much because he said he still has to drive so he needs to stay sober. Also, someone needs to take care of me when I get drunk.The team was having fun and most of my co-members were already drunk. I could feel my face heating up and my head spinning a litt
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